G-20: Confrontations Flare as Obama’s Traveling Party Reaches China


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Nov 1, 2013
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Confrontations Flare as Obama’s Traveling Party Reaches China

HANGZHOU, China — Air Force One had a bumpy landing in Hangzhou on Saturday, but it was nothing compared with what happened after the plane rolled to a stop.

As the reporters who traveled to the Group of 20 summit meeting withPresident Obama from Hawaii piled out and walked under the wing to record his arrival, we were abruptly met by a line of bright blue tape, held taut by security guards. In six years of covering the White House, I had never seen a foreign host prevent the news media from watching Mr. Obama disembark.

When a White House staff member protested to a Chinese security official that this was not normal protocol, the official shouted, “This is our country.”

In another departure from protocol, there was no rolling staircase for Mr. Obama to descend in view of the television cameras. Instead, he emerged from a door in the belly of the plane that he usually uses only on high-security trips, like those to Afghanistan.

Witnessing the scene, Susan E. Rice, the national security adviser, looked baffled and annoyed. Joined by her deputy, Benjamin J. Rhodes, she ducked under the rope to make her way closer to the president. The two were immediately stopped by the same Chinese official, who angrily challenged them. Asked later what happened, a diplomatic Ms. Rice replied, “They did things that weren’t anticipated.”

There were further surprises. At the West Lake State House, where Mr. Obama met President Xi Jinping, White House aides, protocol officers and Secret Service agents got into a series of shouting matches over how many Americans should be allowed into the building before Mr. Obama’s arrival. There were fears the confrontation would become physical.
“Calm down, please,” an American official said, according to a pool report. A Chinese foreign ministry official said, “Stop, please,” adding, “There are reporters there.”

To some in Mr. Obama’s delegation, it was reminiscent of the rough treatment he received on his first trip to China, in 2009. Then the Chinese refused to broadcast on state television a town-hall-style meeting; packed the hall with Communist Party loyalists; and censored an interview he gave to a Chinese publication. At the time, many viewed the treatment as a metaphor for a rising power flexing its muscles with a young president from a superpower in decline.

In later visits, the White House has pushed the Chinese for better news media access — with some success. In November 2014, the Chinese agreed to have Mr. Xi take questions at a news conference with Mr. Obama in the Great Hall of the People. When I asked Mr. Xi about the Chinese government’s refusal to renew visas for foreign correspondents, including some from The New York Times, he offered a curt lecture. When one’s car breaks down, he said, “perhaps we need to get off the car and see where the problem lies.”

On this trip, there was little threat of reporters making trouble. China has placed tight restrictions on foreign news media coverage of the entire summit meeting. When Mr. Xi took Mr. Obama on a leisurely stroll after dinner on Saturday, Chinese security cut the number of American journalists allowed to witness it to three from the original six, then ultimately to a single reporter.

“This is our arrangement,” a Chinese official explained to his American counterpart, according to a pool report.

“Your arrangement keeps changing,” the American replied.

Asked on Sunday about the conflict, Mr. Obama noted that it was not the first time there had been tension with the Chinese over security and news media access during his travels here. This time, he said, “the seams are showing a little more than usual.”

But Mr. Obama said it had no bearing on the broader relationship. “I wouldn’t over-crank the significance of it,” he said.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Chinese government has spent good money to organize this event, presentation and optics are worth praising.

But Chinese Idiots at different forums are showing their usual small nation mentality; classless, lack of humility and grace is making it bitter for people watching them trolling.

In Punjabi we say 'Kha ke Afaar gya' Sudden prosperity is hard to handle by a small man.

Chinese stop your lose motions , this is not the first or last G-20. Nations will use their discretion being host and return the favor.
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Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Chinese government has spent good money to organize this event, presentation and optics are worth praising.

But Chinese Idiots at different forums are showing their usual developing nation mentality; classless, lack of humility and grace is making it bitter for people watching them trolling.

In Punjabi we say 'Kha ke Afaar gya' Sudden prosperity is hard to handle by a small man.

Chinese stop your lose motions , this is not the first or last G-20. Nations will use their discretion being host and return the favor.
there is a similar saying in Bengali too... people find very difficult to handle sudden wealth and prosperity... they behave uncivilized way ...

Those Chinese troll now know very well their growth story is over... moreover they are losing sleep over their encirclement from all side... now with India getting into a high growth rate also giving them less sleep now days...

China have to come out of their scar from Japanese experiences in the past... still Chinese are suffering from it...


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
there is a similar saying in Bengali too... people find very difficult to handle sudden wealth and prosperity... they behave uncivilized way ...

Those Chinese troll now know very well their growth story is over... moreover they are losing sleep over their encirclement from all side... now with India getting into a high growth rate also giving them less sleep now days...

China have to come out of their scar from Japanese experiences in the past... still Chinese are suffering from it...
Like late @Ray Sir said. Chinese are scared of their own shadows. And its is a cultural anomaly they will keep suffering even if they start living in houses made of Titanium.


I am digressing a bit because I think we should read China correctly for our own better. Chinese economy is far from being doomed. They are strengthening their domestic market and from manufacturing low end products they are shifting towards making high end products. I see this so called slowing down part of that transition that requires more investment in costly R&D and long gestational period.

Also Chinese will soon touch the glass ceiling of investing more in infrastructure as it has already over done it in many regions.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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That Chinese guy who shouted and said “This is our country.” Can that rascal shout and express his feeling to their communist leader in China ?

Chinese losers !!
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Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Like late @Ray Sir said. Chinese are scared of their own shadows. And its is a cultural anomaly they will keep suffering even if they start living in houses made of Titanium.
I am fortunate to read Late @Ray sir observations, those should be compiled and read as reference for all of us to understand the Chinese mentality ...

I am digressing a bit because I think we should read China correctly for our own better. Chinese economy is far from being doomed. They are strengthening their domestic market and from manufacturing low end products they are shifting towards making high end products. I see this so called slowing down part of that transition that requires more investment in costly R&D and long gestational period.

Also Chinese will soon touch the glass ceiling of investing more in infrastructure as it has already over done it in many regions.
I am not saying Chinese economy is or getting doomed, nor I want that to happen ... any Chinese economic big shake up will also affect India ..

But still couple or years back the Chinese was systematic in their propaganda as it is their century ... blah blah ... their over confidence is gone now... with India with massive young population can match equally high potential for growth in economy and business...

I am afraid China will lose out from Indian economic growth story... China will pay for hostility with India...
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Senior Member
Nov 9, 2009
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LOL... why always the same batch of losers...

now you knew "this is our country ,this is our airport"...BUT

you don't know this is the answer to the white house crew's word--

"this is our plane , this is our president"



hohoho...so called stated controlled media is so tiny against the western discourse power..

come on, the Propaganda Department guys...
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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That Chinese guy who shouted and said “This is our country.” Can that rascal shout and express his feeling to their communist leader in China ?

Chinese losers !!
Why would he do that?
The "communist leader" is Chinese, while the American is a foreigner.
A "foreign devil" is not same as a "central-state" renmin.

The Chinese are not the "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" type of dudes, nor are they too keen on "athithi devo bhava."
For eg: did you know that one of the original protests that eventually became the "Tiananmen Square protests" was an anti-African student protest in Nanjing, with posters like "Don't take advantage of Chinese women" (paraphrasing)
Maybe they've got it right, considering what happened to India.

Anyway, the Chinese are telling World cop America that the Chines can police around East Asia and America better get used to it or something to that effect.
What will america do?? What can obama do other than pretend nothing happened and blurt out something like "I wouldn’t over-crank the significance of it."


Looks like the old "Great game" rivalry between Rus and Anglo-Saxons (Brits, USA) which continued as cold war (part 1 & now 2) just got a bit more interesting with potential third player batting on Rus side but with their own Chinese agenda.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Why would he do that?
The "communist leader" is Chinese, while the American is a foreigner.
A "foreign devil" is not same as a "central-state" renmin.
Chinese are taught not to speak against their government even if they are wrong... violation will invite serious punishment...

The Chinese are not the "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" type of dudes, nor are they too keen on "athithi devo bhava."
For eg: did you know that one of the original protests that eventually became the "Tiananmen Square protests" was an anti-African student protest in Nanjing, with posters like "Don't take advantage of Chinese women" (paraphrasing)
Maybe they've got it right, considering what happened to India.
Chinese women and Nanjing !! there must be something special about Chinese women from Nanjing...

I have worked with Chinese and I have spend sometime in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Taiwan... I can tell they are worst of all in the South East Asian... Chinese are most racist and stingy people...

Anyway, the Chinese are telling World cop America that the Chines can police around East Asia and America better get used to it or something to that effect.
What will america do?? What can obama do other than pretend nothing happened and blurt out something like "I wouldn’t over-crank the significance of it."


Looks like the old "Great game" rivalry between Rus and Anglo-Saxons (Brits, USA) which continued as cold war (part 1 & now 2) just got a bit more interesting with potential third player batting on Rus side but with their own Chinese agenda.
Americans will not let loose their control so easily... over zealous China has also made things easier for USA in SCS region and it I clear that China does not stand by any international norms or rulings ... typical of a banana third grade republic...

Russia is on a economic down slide, I do not see much except occasional poking and destabilizing acts similar to Ukraine ... these will pin down Russia for sometime to come... and probably moving more closure to their another enemy China [this may not be a good scenario from India point of view] ... If Putin is gone pre maturely that will hurt Russia badly ... may lead to more dis integration...

The real game will be China + Pakistan vs USA + Japan, + Australia + Korea + Philippines + India + Vietnam ...

There is already thinking of splitting the IOR & Pacific region between the sphere of influence and interoperability ... I see very interesting time ahead ...

India's under the present government know very well that how to deal with China... they have started talking and starring back to Chinese the same way much to Chinese dis comfort ...


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Chinese are taught not to speak against their government even if they are wrong... violation will invite serious punishment...

Chinese women and Nanjing !! there must be something special about Chinese women from Nanjing...

I have worked with Chinese and I have spend sometime in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Taiwan... I can tell they are worst of all in the South East Asian... Chinese are most racist and stingy people...

Americans will not let loose their control so easily... over zealous China has also made things easier for USA in SCS region and it I clear that China does not stand by any international norms or rulings ... typical of a banana third grade republic...

Russia is on a economic down slide, I do not see much except occasional poking and destabilizing acts similar to Ukraine ... these will pin down Russia for sometime to come... and probably moving more closure to their another enemy China [this may not be a good scenario from India point of view] ... If Putin is gone pre maturely that will hurt Russia badly ... may lead to more dis integration...

The real game will be China + Pakistan vs USA + Japan, + Australia + Korea + Philippines + India + Vietnam ...

There is already thinking of splitting the IOR & Pacific region between the sphere of influence and interoperability ... I see very interesting time ahead ...

India's under the present government know very well that how to deal with China... they have started talking and starring back to Chinese the same way much to Chinese dis comfort ...
Interesting points & observations @bose sir.
I agree with the general direction of your observations.

Anyway this is probably Obama's last summit.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Looks like everybody including Modi, Putin, May and so on, got a redcarpet welcome except the POTUS.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Ah, so looks like Obama got a taste of his own medicine.

I remember how last time Obama got his minions, the Canadian PM Stephen Harper (“I guess I'll shake your hand . . .”) and Australian PM Tony Abbott (“I'm going to shirtfront Mr Putin . . .”), to humiliate Vladimir Putin during the G-20 Summit in Australia.

Now, Obama got a taste of his own medicine.

I am not saying this was done by the Chinese at the insistence of the Russians, but boy, I'd be lying if I said that I am not pleased to see a bunch of ill-mannered brats receiving some ill-mannered treatment.

This is the way to teach people, treat others the way you want to be treated.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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Ah, so looks like Obama got a taste of his own medicine.

I remember how last time Obama got his minions, the Canadian PM Stephen Harper (“I guess I'll shake your hand . . .”) and Australian PM Tony Abbott (“I'm going to shirtfront Mr Putin . . .”), to humiliate Vladimir Putin during the G-20 Summit in Australia.

Now, Obama got a taste of his own medicine.

I am not saying this was done by the Chinese at the insistence of the Russians, but boy, I'd be lying if I said that I am not pleased to see a bunch of ill-mannered brats receiving some ill-mannered treatment.

This is the way to teach people, treat others the way you want to be treated.
Canadians and Australians kind of live in their own "perfect" worlds. They are nothing like the USA when it comes to diplomacy and symbolism.

Despite all it's shortcomings the US is not only a Military power but also a Cultural power. Even the biggest haters of the US would chase the big American Dream if granted a chance. That is because deep down under we appreciate the American values and relate to them.

The arrogance showed by the Chinese officials may not have been preplanned or motivated but mostly reactionary, this may very well be a symptom of the disease named "Autocracy".


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Canadians and Australians kind of live in their own "perfect" worlds. They are nothing like the USA when it comes to diplomacy and symbolism.

Despite all it's shortcomings the US is not only a Military power but also a Cultural power. Even the biggest haters of the US would chase the big American Dream if granted a chance. That is because deep down under we appreciate the American values and relate to them.

The arrogance showed by the Chinese officials may not have been preplanned or motivated but mostly reactionary, this may very well be a symptom of the disease named "Autocracy".
I am fine as long as Modi gets proper treatment.

P.S.: I agree with the points you made.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Ah, so looks like Obama got a taste of his own medicine.

I remember how last time Obama got his minions, the Canadian PM Stephen Harper (“I guess I'll shake your hand . . .”) and Australian PM Tony Abbott (“I'm going to shirtfront Mr Putin . . .”), to humiliate Vladimir Putin during the G-20 Summit in Australia.

Now, Obama got a taste of his own medicine.

I am not saying this was done by the Chinese at the insistence of the Russians, but boy, I'd be lying if I said that I am not pleased to see a bunch of ill-mannered brats receiving some ill-mannered treatment.

This is the way to teach people, treat others the way you want to be treated.
But my good sir, did you not get the memo, "America is exceptional" or something to that effect. :aww:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
But my good sir, did you not get the memo, "America is exceptional" or something to that effect. :aww:
Well, looks like all leaders except Obama will get good treatment. That would make America truly exceptional. :cool1:


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Canadians and Australians kind of live in their own "perfect" worlds. They are nothing like the USA when it comes to diplomacy and symbolism.

Despite all it's shortcomings the US is not only a Military power but also a Cultural power. Even the biggest haters of the US would chase the big American Dream if granted a chance. That is because deep down under we appreciate the American values and relate to them.

The arrogance showed by the Chinese officials may not have been preplanned or motivated but mostly reactionary, this may very well be a symptom of the disease named "Autocracy".
Not really, several people have returned to India and China, esp. in last decade, after studying/working in the US, including yours truly.

And american "values"?
What is that? No such thing.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Not really, several people have returned to India and China, esp. in last decade, after studying/working in the US, including yours truly.
You are correct. I do have to accept that the American values are indeed praiseworthy. There is nothing wrong with what @DingDong said. You see, I have high regards for the American values, which I draw directly from the founding fathers, the revolutionaries, and the writers of the US Constitution. The same regard, unfortunately, cannot be extended to modern US foreign policy. Therein lies the difference.

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