Declaration papers of Sweden-Poland strategic -co-operation


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
1,157 PAPER FINAL 29 4 2011.pdf

The Polish and Swedish foreign ministers signed a declaration on political cooperation in areas of strategic importance at a May 4 ceremony in Warsaw. The declaration outlines cooperation between Sweden and Poland — EU and NATO allies that are both outside the eurozone — on topics ranging from the coordination of policies toward the EU single market to the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region and the EU Eastern Partnership program, which was originally a Polish-Swedish EU initiative. As NATO and the European Union both fray without a shared assessment of external threats, exemplified by strengthening ties between Germany and Russia, the Polish-Swedish relationship is one of the budding regional strategic partnerships in Europe. The signing of the strategic partnership document is a culmination of more than a year's worth of close foreign policy coordination. However, the declaration itself does not introduce any new concepts into the relationship and, aside from a token mention of promoting democracy in Belarus, is rather ambiguous as to how Warsaw and Stockholm specifically intend to counter growing Russian influence in the region.

Global Defence

