Chinese think tank slams US' overtly pro-India stance

Feb 16, 2009
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Chinese think tank slams US' overtly pro-India stance |

New Delhi/Beijing: China has taken careful note of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech pitching for a larger global role for India in East Asia, with an official Chinese think tank saying Washington's "overtly pro-India stance" will hurt its larger goal of fighting militancy in Pakistan.

"Not surprisingly, counter-terrorism is one of the top issues on Clinton's agenda during her (recent) visit to India," says an article titled "US-South Asia policy", published in the state-run China Daily.

Both the US and India are doing the "opposite of what they should have done to help Pakistan fight terrorists", said the article written by Fu Xiaoqiang, Director of the Centre for Counter-terrorism Studies at the state-owned China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.

"Their hard stance could provoke Pakistanis and help Islamic extremists strengthen their base in Pakistan," argues the article.

The article by the Chinese analyst also conveys concern over the burgeoning US-India cooperation in fields of civil nuclear technology and counter-terrorism, initiatives seen in Beijing as aimed at China's close strategic ally Pakistan.

During their second strategic dialogue held in New Delhi Tuesday, Clinton held wide-ranging talks with India's External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna. After the talks, India and the US asked Pakistan to dismantle safe sanctuaries for terror in its territory. Asking Pakistan to prosecute 26/11 terrorists "urgently and swiftly", Clinton expressed the US' growing frustration with Pakistan, saying there was a limit to what the US could do to crack down on terror.

Beijing has been keeping a close watch on Clinton's three-day visit to India that ended with the US top diplomat making a spirited speech in Chennai asking India to take a leadership role in the world, specially in East Asia, a region which Beijing sees as its extended sphere of influence.

Asking New Delhi "think and act East", Clinton said India could build a leadership role in the Asia-Pacific in forums like the East Asia Summit and the Asian Regional Forum.

She exhorted India to contribute more to maritime security, democracy promotion and "explore a new Silk Route" into Central Asia, support rebuilding Afghanistan and even help stabilise Pakistan.

"Clinton said the US has made it clear to Pakistan that confronting terrorism in all forms is in Islamabad's interest. Indian External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna responded by saying that terror sanctuaries in Pakistan need to be eliminated for regional peace and stability. And Krishna welcomed Washington's decision to suspend the USD 800-million aid to Islamabad," it said.

"The US may have its reasons for the overtly pro-India stance in its South Asia strategy. But that could harm Pakistan's national security and the sustainability of US-Pakistan relations," says the article.

"Over the past 10 years, the US has treated India as Pakistan's arch-rival, as a global strategic partner - providing it with civilian nuclear fuel and technology - and has let India spread its influence in Afghanistan," said the article.

The article contends that the US was moving away from Pakistan after the killing of Al Qaeda's founder Osama bin Laden who was found hiding in Abbotabad.

It goes on to argue that "if the US is really serious about fighting terrorism in South Asia, it should treat India and Pakistan more equally, instead of standing closer to New Delhi and putting extra pressure on Islamabad. This will promote peace in the region and eventually help the US achieve its anti-terrorism goal. Or else, it could yield the opposite result," it said.


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2009
Chinese think tank slams US' overtly pro-India stance |

New Delhi/Beijing: China has taken careful note of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech pitching for a larger global role for India in East Asia, with an official Chinese think tank saying Washington's "overtly pro-India stance" will hurt its larger goal of fighting militancy in Pakistan.

"Not surprisingly, counter-terrorism is one of the top issues on Clinton's agenda during her (recent) visit to India," says an article titled "US-South Asia policy", published in the state-run China Daily.

Both the US and India are doing the "opposite of what they should have done to help Pakistan fight terrorists", said the article written by Fu Xiaoqiang, Director of the Centre for Counter-terrorism Studies at the state-owned China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.

"Their hard stance could provoke Pakistanis and help Islamic extremists strengthen their base in Pakistan," argues the article.

The article by the Chinese analyst also conveys concern over the burgeoning US-India cooperation in fields of civil nuclear technology and counter-terrorism, initiatives seen in Beijing as aimed at China's close strategic ally Pakistan.

During their second strategic dialogue held in New Delhi Tuesday, Clinton held wide-ranging talks with India's External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna. After the talks, India and the US asked Pakistan to dismantle safe sanctuaries for terror in its territory. Asking Pakistan to prosecute 26/11 terrorists "urgently and swiftly", Clinton expressed the US' growing frustration with Pakistan, saying there was a limit to what the US could do to crack down on terror.

Beijing has been keeping a close watch on Clinton's three-day visit to India that ended with the US top diplomat making a spirited speech in Chennai asking India to take a leadership role in the world, specially in East Asia, a region which Beijing sees as its extended sphere of influence.

Asking New Delhi "think and act East", Clinton said India could build a leadership role in the Asia-Pacific in forums like the East Asia Summit and the Asian Regional Forum.

She exhorted India to contribute more to maritime security, democracy promotion and "explore a new Silk Route" into Central Asia, support rebuilding Afghanistan and even help stabilise Pakistan.

"Clinton said the US has made it clear to Pakistan that confronting terrorism in all forms is in Islamabad's interest. Indian External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna responded by saying that terror sanctuaries in Pakistan need to be eliminated for regional peace and stability. And Krishna welcomed Washington's decision to suspend the USD 800-million aid to Islamabad," it said.

"The US may have its reasons for the overtly pro-India stance in its South Asia strategy. But that could harm Pakistan's national security and the sustainability of US-Pakistan relations," says the article.

"Over the past 10 years, the US has treated India as Pakistan's arch-rival, as a global strategic partner - providing it with civilian nuclear fuel and technology - and has let India spread its influence in Afghanistan," said the article.

The article contends that the US was moving away from Pakistan after the killing of Al Qaeda's founder Osama bin Laden who was found hiding in Abbotabad.

It goes on to argue that "if the US is really serious about fighting terrorism in South Asia, it should treat India and Pakistan more equally, instead of standing closer to New Delhi and putting extra pressure on Islamabad. This will promote peace in the region and eventually help the US achieve its anti-terrorism goal. Or else, it could yield the opposite result," it said.
I think they are shit scared with India U.S alliance.


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2010
I think they are shit scared with India U.S alliance.
No they are scared with India and US alone.

The idea of a proper alliance has just begun to invade their consciousness now, and you can see the results.


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2011
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hee he ...................he i am happy to see chinas response.


Oct 8, 2009
The original article that this report is referring to

US' South Asia policy faulty
By Fu Xiaoqiang (China Daily)
The US and Pakistan have failed to fix the priorities in their cooperation. The US pays little or no attention to the complexity in Pakistan's domestic politics. It does not think much about Pakistan's national interests while handling the Afghan issue either. After Obama entered the White House, his administration expanded the "war on terror" in Afghanistan to tribal areas in Pakistan with serious consequences to Islamabad. In comparison, Pakistan's anti-terrorism strategy is based on its internal stability and aimed at resolving the Afghan issue in a way that would better serve its national interests.

The US may have its reasons for the overtly pro-India stance in its South Asia strategy. But that could harm Pakistan's national security and the sustainability of US-Pakistan relations.

Over the past 10 years, the US has treated India as Pakistan's arch rival, as a global strategic partner - providing it with civilian nuclear fuel and technology - and has let India spread its influence in Afghanistan. Clinton's visit to India will consolidate that cooperation. In contrast, the US has treated Pakistan only as a regional partner in its fight against terrorism and its aid to Islamabad have always come with a set of conditions, some of which have harmed Pakistan's sovereignty and security. Also, the US has thwarted Pakistan's efforts to develop nuclear energy for civilian use and build oil pipelines.

Inequity and distrust are rooted deeply in US-Pakistan ties. The covert US raid on bin Laden's hideout enraged Pakistan because it was carried out on Pakistani territory without Islamabad's prior knowledge. The raid intensified anti-US sentiments in Pakistan, too. Besides, while lauding the US raid that killed bin Laden, the West has questioned Pakistan's trustworthiness as an anti-terrorism ally.

The killing of bin Laden has made Washington reduce its anti-terrorism front and prompted a change in US-Pakistan ties. Washington's new anti-terrorism strategy is explicitly aimed at ensuring security within the US and strengthening special operations, rather than traditional military means, against terrorists. This strategic change means Pakistan's role as an anti-terrorism ally is becoming less important to the US.

In more ways than one, bin Laden's killing has been a turning point in the US' anti-terrorism strategy and has created uncertainties for the US-Pakistan anti-terrorism alliance as well as bilateral ties.

But if the US is really serious about fighting terrorism in South Asia, it should treat India and Pakistan more equally, instead of standing closer to New Delhi and putting extra pressure on Islamabad. This will promote peace in the region and eventually help the US achieve its anti-terrorism goal. Or else, it could yield the opposite result.

The author is the director of the Center for Counterterrorism Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.


Regular Member
Apr 6, 2009
All these days Pakistan was alone black mailing uncle!!! Now China too joined the band wagon!!!


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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If I was PM i would have called "Whu" and asked him "Who the hell do you think you are"! He would have said Whu and i would have repeated the Question several times before i understood that his name is.. "Whu"!! :becky:


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2009
In other words We Chinese cannot allow you relieve pressure on India.While we a powder keg on the domestic front due tp our own lust for power


Regular Member
Apr 6, 2009
GK. thats good.? i am HU...who? i am HU jintao...damn it ..who are you I say......i am saying again I am HU!!!!
Feb 16, 2009
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why are the Chinese upset now, when they are the ones who pushed India toward this alliance.


Regular Member
Apr 1, 2011
Wonder why China is worried.. We'r playing the same game that China played with America against Soviet in Cold war..
Two can play the game, China.

huaxia rox

Senior Member
Apr 4, 2011
No they are scared with India and US alone.

The idea of a proper alliance has just begun to invade their consciousness now, and you can see the results.
did u people actually read the article posted by ejazr??? which word or sentence mentions 'china india' in this article??? this article is saying the relation between india US and pakistan. and the author simply made some comments about it....then whats wrong with that??

we r scared??actually india alone can scare us.........with u hindus and muslims killing each others in indias own land all the day while u blaming all ur neigbouring countries for this..........what else can be more scaring than that is indeed beyound me.

the US troops may really be leaving from afghanstan this time.......before crusaders gone better ask more helps from ur yankee alliance.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
For china pak- land is the biggest democracy,economy,military, human rights, etc etc etc. Pak -chin -gasti ohh dosti zindabad:becky::becky::becky:
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The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Ms Clinton's visit to India and her proclamations has put China into a tizzy since the events of recent recall indicates that the US is meaning business to not let China have a unhindered path to hegemonic triumph in Asia and in the Asia Pacific Rim.

Many may mistake Ms Clinton's statement of "India should exert herself in Asia" (or words to that effect) to be Indian subcontinent centric. However, a closer analysis of the events would indicate that that is not so. It is a wakeup call to keep China caged within the limits of decency in the territorial grab hunt being pursued by China of late.

These statements and articles are the angry reactions to the US pulling the reins of a wayward and runaway horse called China.

It will be recalled that China, in her usual style, had lulled the world with her pious platitudes like the 'Peaceful Rise' of China. Apparently, having quietly within the ambit of this Peaceful Rise, China has mustered and completed her military rise, at least to exert her muscle within the neighbourhood. And it is for this reason that China released her military might (in a controlled manner) in the South China Sea, which she has been lasciviously eyeing for quite some time. Of course, China is trotting out historical antecedents, but then China forgets that Chinese claims are based on 'unequal treaties', the very defence she takes on all territorial matters when she is at the wrong end of the stick!

China has miscalculated the the US had become a 'paper tiger' and was under the financial blackmail of China because of the debt that the US has run up with China. China gambled that the US would not reassert herself anywhere in the world where it could hurt Chinese interests.

Apparently, the US has called China's bluff. The US has dared China to call in the US debt because if the US fails, it will lead to a massive international economic recession which will hurt the whole world including China. And to top it, if the West and its global allies and partners have a tacit understanding of not buying Chinese, China will be up shit-creek and decline, and kiss all her modernisation and catching up with the US dreams goodbye!

And the Chinese can hardly afford that since while other countries can absorb the political and social turmoil being a democracy, China's Communist regime greatest fear is political and social instability and that is why she goes hammer and tongs in controlling rebellions and dissent. The Chinese communist thus are a reluctant ally of the US in this case.

Ms Clinton's statement is to challenge the perfidy China is attempting to perpetuate.

To this end, to end China's victimisation and bullying of weaker neighbours, namely Philippines and Vietnam, the US, to China's surprise came to their rescue and is carrying out naval exercises with Philippines (with which the US has a Mutual Defence Treaty) and with Vietnam too! While having a naval exercise with the Philippines is understandable, to do the same with Vietnam, which has a Communist regime and is hardly a 'natural ally' has jolted China immensely because it is a clear indication of the US exerting her presence and which was reiterated by Adm Mike Mullen at the Renim University in China where he reminded China that the US was a Pacific power and was alive and kicking!

China has been so unnerved that their Chief of the Armed Forces, Gen Chen Bingde furiously condemned the exercises as 'totally inappropriate' and even went to the ridiculous extent to advise the US 'not to waste money and instead use it for the American people', totally forgetting that the same is applicable for China too of not wasting money in modernising her military and instead using the money to control China's alarmingly spiralling food prices, its desertification, its famine, it floods and such disasters, which Chinese economists blame on the ill thought out monstrosity in the form of the Three Gorges Dam.

There is no doubt that India alone can pose a counter balance and therefore, isn't it obvious that it will be India which will be nudged and not Christmas Island?

It maybe noted that the Vietnam Naval Chief had visited India and had expressed a desire that India help Vietnam to modernise her Navy.

Obviously, new alignments are taking shape in the Asia Pacific Rim and China has good reasons to be spooked and be jittery.
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Regular Member
Apr 1, 2011
huaxia rox; said:
we r scared??actually india alone can scare us.........with u hindus and muslims killing each others in indias own land all the day while u blaming all ur neigbouring countries for this..........what else can be more scaring than that is indeed beyound me.
well more scarier thing is China continuing a genocide of Tibetans and Uighur muslims while denying even basic human rights to them.. Forget non chinese people, even people of mainland china are denied their basic freedom of speech and to protest and religion.. Man its a scary scenario if ever China would erupt in civil war.

the US troops may really be leaving from afghanstan this time.......before crusaders gone better ask more helps from ur yankee alliance.
well some one's surely wetting their pants thinking of a Indo American Alliance. Lol


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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did u people actually read the article posted by ejazr??? which word or sentence mentions 'china india' in this article??? this article is saying the relation between india US and pakistan. and the author simply made some comments about it....then whats wrong with that??
But the whole point of the article is that Chinese think tank has slammed the whole emerging friendship, isn't it? That is why your name is mentioned. I don't think there would be many authors that CCP doesn't know about or keep a track of. We're not talking about against you: You've constantly been a pain in the rump for us whenever we are dealing with Pakistan. The only thing you both share is the common hatred against us. Something that wasn't present for the last 2,000 years. You've chosen to play your cards by needling us, we've chosen a similar plan in case you get to cocky.

we r scared??actually india alone can scare us.........with u hindus and muslims killing each others in indias own land all the day while u blaming all ur neigbouring countries for this..........what else can be more scaring than that is indeed beyound me.
Oh yea.. and you lot, Tibetans and Uyighur Muslims are always celebrating "flower flowery bloom" isn't it?:bounce: Just because 90% of your news is doctored, doesn't mean we don't know what's going: especially us people of northeast.

the US troops may really be leaving from afghanstan this time.......before crusaders gone better ask more helps from ur yankee alliance.
You should be worried about your new sidekick breaking into 6 pieces and ruining your "new silk route" plans through Pakistan rather than telling us about what to worry about. :pound:


Regular Member
Sep 26, 2010
we r scared??actually india alone can scare us.........with u hindus and muslims killing each others in indias own land all the day while u blaming all ur neigbouring countries for this..........what else can be more scaring than that is indeed beyound me.

the US troops may really be leaving from afghanstan this time.......before crusaders gone better ask more helps from ur yankee alliance.
Look at the treatment of minorities in China, hell, all aspects of culture including religion is controlled by the CCP - that's what scares me!!

Thank the US they managed to defeat the Japanese, or the China of today would not be here.

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