Can India achieve Great Power Status ?


Devil's Advocate
Senior Member
Apr 21, 2009
India should submit to the superiority of the Chinese and concede to their domination in the border issue. Unlike China, India is not a great power and will never be one. Instead of indulging in a ruinous arms race which will bankrupt India even while providing not a modicum of security, just giving up to China's demands will at least prevent India's humiliation if war breaks out.

If India really seeks to carve a place for itself, be secure and prosper, then she should enter China's camp and happily play 2nd fiddle. This alone will guarantee peace in Asia and Asian global domination in the 21st century.


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2011
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India should submit to the superiority of the Chinese and concede to their domination in the border issue. Unlike China, India is not a great power and will never be one. Instead of indulging in a ruinous arms race which will bankrupt India even while providing not a modicum of security, just giving up to China's demands will at least prevent India's humiliation if war breaks out.

If India really seeks to carve a place for itself, be secure and prosper, then she should enter China's camp and happily play 2nd fiddle. This alone will guarantee peace in Asia and Asian global domination in the 21st century.
Do u even know what u are saying?? If India falls or gives to chinese, it will be the end of freedom in entire asia and yes.. u can expect a third world war sooner!!! Forget abt all this stuff, do u think indians can live under chinese?? Don't even mistake india for another sidekick. It never bowed to Hitler, never bowed to US, UK or Russia and never will bow to China. If any country considers India as an equal and treat with respect, they will get the better deal from us. Case in point russia and france.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
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As has been pointed out that they are testing the GOI reaction therefore the question arises what can we expect after NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan by 2014? Are we going to face these kind of incursions from both sides of the border? If so what are we doing today to counter the future tensions from both GOT
(Government of Thugs)?

As far as the suggestion from Known_Unknown is concerned it is not going to happen as long as individuals like me are alive.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
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India should submit to the superiority of the Chinese and concede to their domination in the border issue. Unlike China, India is not a great power and will never be one. Instead of indulging in a ruinous arms race which will bankrupt India even while providing not a modicum of security, just giving up to China's demands will at least prevent India's humiliation if war breaks out.

If India really seeks to carve a place for itself, be secure and prosper, then she should enter China's camp and happily play 2nd fiddle. This alone will guarantee peace in Asia and Asian global domination in the 21st century.
However you got this idea to suggest us that India should submit to China's superiority to maintain peace in Asia. India is not the aggressor in any case and if war breaks out it will be China who will have to save her face. If you go back in to the history of the wars, when the aggressor nation face the defeat at the hands of defending nation as Germany did during 1st and 2nd world wars they have to get on their knees as Germany and face the humiliation which eventually led to occupation by foreign forces and continues to this day.

The fact is Germany is playing to the tunes of USA to this day.


Devil's Advocate
Senior Member
Apr 21, 2009
Do u even know what u are saying?? If India falls or gives to chinese, it will be the end of freedom in entire asia and yes.. u can expect a third world war sooner!!! Forget abt all this stuff, do u think indians can live under chinese?? Don't even mistake india for another sidekick. It never bowed to Hitler, never bowed to US, UK or Russia and never will bow to China. If any country considers India as an equal and treat with respect, they will get the better deal from us. Case in point russia and france.
You can continue living in lalaland if you wish, but in reality, India was ruled for 200 years by a tiny European country. Even India's independence was an accident, which happened because after WWII, Britain no longer had the military might or the financial muscle to run her colonies.

As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. So stop living in lalaland and face up to reality.As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. India would not last even a single month in a war with either country. A country which after 60 years is still the world's largest weapons importer....who's only achievement is having the largest number of poor people in the in this state because its people and its leaders are devoid of vision, pride, willpower and patriotism.

Indians should realize this reality, and only dream of achieving things which are within their capability (aukat) instead of comparing themselves to great powers like China, Russia or the US.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
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China upping the ante: Violation of airspace

This is serious issue!!
MMS along with Madam S is busy in looting the country with Coal scam, Adarsh scam, 2G scam i really doubt if they ever think about about our borders & international politics.
Also why is oppositions party not raising this issue.
What would opposition do about it? Have you ever heard from them any concrete proposal on foreign policy before the election? You get what you wish for.
The solution is in the hands of Indians when next time they campaign for votes force them to have national live television debate between the candidates and ask them hard hitting question before casting your precious votes. If they do not have answer than start your own party from the grounds up and take the bull by horn.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2010
You can continue living in lalaland if you wish, but in reality, India was ruled for 200 years by a tiny European country. Even India's independence was an accident, which happened because after WWII, Britain no longer had the military might or the financial muscle to run her colonies.

As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. So stop living in lalaland and face up to reality.As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. India would not last even a single month in a war with either country. A country which after 60 years is still the world's largest weapons importer....who's only achievement is having the largest number of poor people in the in this state because its people and its leaders are devoid of vision, pride, willpower and patriotism.

Indians should realize this reality, and only dream of achieving things which are within their capability (aukat) instead of comparing themselves to great powers like China, Russia or the US.
I am sure you are a Pakistani or chine nationalist
Feb 16, 2009
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India should submit to the superiority of the Chinese and concede to their domination in the border issue. Unlike China, India is not a great power and will never be one. Instead of indulging in a ruinous arms race which will bankrupt India even while providing not a modicum of security, just giving up to China's demands will at least prevent India's humiliation if war breaks out.

If India really seeks to carve a place for itself, be secure and prosper, then she should enter China's camp and happily play 2nd fiddle. This alone will guarantee peace in Asia and Asian global domination in the 21st century.
This great power you bow to called china became one by being nothing more than an opportunist during the
Cold War why not do the same and be an opportunist in the new cold war between USA and China?If we are
Going to play second fiddle like you want might as well do it with USA a real superpower rather than with another
Second rate third world power china.


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2011
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You can continue living in lalaland if you wish, but in reality, India was ruled for 200 years by a tiny European country. Even India's independence was an accident, which happened because after WWII, Britain no longer had the military might or the financial muscle to run her colonies.

As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. . So stop living in lalaland and face up to reality. As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. India would not last even a single month in a war with either country.A country which after 60 years is still the world's largest weapons importer....who's only achievement is having the largest number of poor people in the in this state because its people and its leaders are devoid of vision, pride, willpower and patriotism.

Indians should realize this reality, and only dream of achieving things which are within their capability (aukat) instead of comparing themselves to great powers like China, Russia or the US.
U haven't understood a single word of what i said. It seems u don't know anything abt india either. I don't blame u for that (assuming u are a german). I always sympathise with the germans because they have lost the self respect after the defeat in world wars and systemically brainwashed by the victors.

Nobody can control others for long. Same goes for Britain or any other country. Eventually they have to leave one way or the other. Those who think like a slave will be the first to be enslaved. If it hurts u that i'm not anywhere in the list, it's your problem..not mine. Having self respect and not bowing to anyone doesn't mean fighting with others. It means live and let live (not enslave who doesn't agree with u). France and russia understood that part w.r.t india. There is no reason to go to war with friends like france or russia. Even if they consider us customers, i don't care as long as they respect our soverignity and does not view us as puppets which they can play with.

How long do u think china will last in case of war?? decades? years? months? make a best guess. they may last a bit longer than us but it will drain them of the progress made in several decades. We may not be self sufficient as of now. But we will. If that is your criteria of submitting to another country, i have to disagree here my friend. A "superpower" china couldn't even contain vietnam. U think it can contain india fully for a long time?? get out of your lalaland. at best it can become a "superbully". We have our problems to deal with but we are not interested in becoming doormats to some arrogant nation.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. India would not last even a single month in a war with either country.
I am afraid it is YOU who is living in la la land.

You are sounding like a Lala!

And you are no Deutscher either!

No self respecting German would have Hitler as an avatar!

Such people are known as Selbstbeschmutzer (the closest translation is 'someone disgusting who soils his own nest).
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Senior Member
May 25, 2009
You can continue living in lalaland if you wish, but in reality, India was ruled for 200 years by a tiny European country. Even India's independence was an accident, which happened because after WWII, Britain no longer had the military might or the financial muscle to run her colonies.
Perhaps. But all that was in history. The people who perpetrated it and the people who faced it are all more or less dead.

As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. So stop living in lalaland and face up to reality.As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. India would not last even a single month in a war with either country.
India has the capacity to take on both countries together and still last longer than a month. Just because we buy weapons from outside means nothing. What matters is how we are able to use our strategic resources. According to CIA, we are currently the 4th greatest military power on the planet.

A country which after 60 years is still the world's largest weapons importer....who's only achievement is having the largest number of poor people in the world....
During independence, in a population of 300-400million, more than 90% were below poverty line with a life expectancy of 30-40 years. Today the figure is hovering at around 30% in a population of 1.2Billion with a life expectancy of 65 years.

is in this state because its people and its leaders are devoid of vision, pride, willpower and patriotism.
Common for all politicians in democracies. Only external factors unite decision making. Let's not forget how India was united during Kargil war, Operation Parakram and also during the Mumbai attacks. The best unity with a large civilian participation was during the Lokpal bill agitations which was easily the greatest human democratic movement ever seen in human history.

Indians should realize this reality, and only dream of achieving things which are within their capability (aukat) instead of comparing themselves to great powers like China, Russia or the US.
In 2 years we will overtake Germany. Kinda nice isn't it? In terms of PPP, we already overtook Japan, let alone Germany.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
is in this state because its people and its leaders are devoid of vision, pride, willpower and patriotism.

As you talk abt People Vison, Pride, Willpower and patriotism is all there, They work hard in truly righteous way and these all is natural no one puts in them.

And its others who archive success mostly, Coz they are Opportunistic, they will get what they wanted, they have no limit for there Hunger, these others Rule others ..

There is always two sides of a coin, And that`s how things are balanced..


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
India should submit to the superiority of the Chinese and concede to their domination in the border issue. Unlike China, India is not a great power and will never be one. Instead of indulging in a ruinous arms race which will bankrupt India even while providing not a modicum of security, just giving up to China's demands will at least prevent India's humiliation if war breaks out.

If India really seeks to carve a place for itself, be secure and prosper, then she should enter China's camp and happily play 2nd fiddle. This alone will guarantee peace in Asia and Asian global domination in the 21st century.
Ah! But India is not Pakistan.

China is a great power?

Since when, Mr Ali Ahmed?


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2012
You can continue living in lalaland if you wish, but in reality, India was ruled for 200 years by a tiny European country. Even India's independence was an accident, which happened because after WWII, Britain no longer had the military might or the financial muscle to run her colonies.

As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. So stop living in lalaland and face up to reality.As for France and Russia, India is a customer for their military hardware...nothing more nothing less. India would not last even a single month in a war with either country. A country which after 60 years is still the world's largest weapons importer....who's only achievement is having the largest number of poor people in the in this state because its people and its leaders are devoid of vision, pride, willpower and patriotism.

Indians should realize this reality, and only dream of achieving things which are within their capability (aukat) instead of comparing themselves to great powers like China, Russia or the US.
Well we have a live one here.

China was never a great power.

Russia used to be a great power.

USA is the great power. India and world keep USA in their good books.

200 years of rule by colonial powers and 60 years of rule subsequently by politicians have taught important lessons for self survival. If life under CCP was that good, why are people from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Tibet, India, Turkmenistan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar so peeved off with China, they are Chinese neighbours. Until the authoritarian rule exists, no one is going to feel safe. Also Britain was able to run the empire due to riches from India. Once India was lost so did end the rest of the empire. Check the history books. Didn't Hitler want to conquer USSR and create a passage from Russia to India to rule India?

All over the millennia Hindustan as it was then, India as its now was desirable for Everyone from Huns, to mongols to Turks, to Brits to Germans and now Chinese. That Chinese will get it now is underrating Indian Valour. Read stories from 1962 war against China.

Britain did rule over India. Do not be under illusion that Indians have forgotten anything. Britain considers India as its great friend. I do not honestly think that feeling is reciprocated by India.

The current problems are not restricted to just India. It affects China more than it affects India. It affects all the third world.

Remember Adolf Hitler was disliked by everyone except Austrians and Germans. If you continue your thought process further it means the allies who defeated Hitler should have ideally submitted to his rule.

Bharat is the real name of India and when India was Bharat it achieved many things. Just because, compared to China, nothing fantastic has been achieved, India should submit itself etc to China is relatively naive and exceptionally derogatory. Tell me what has Germany achieved except for the past 100 years? Nothing great really.
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The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
In 2 years we will overtake Germany. Kinda nice isn't it? In terms of PPP, we already overtook Japan, let alone Germany.
He is no German.

He understands PPP.

He belongs to that Party.

No self respecting German would have Hitler for an avatar

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Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
Senior Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Give that german some peace man. After all, he is a human too and will be obviously angry with India for not selecting its plane:taunt:. I mean who can handle such a selection from a Third world country like India:taunt1::taunt1:


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
AFAIR he is an Indian lost in Europe's economic circus. Correct me if I am wrong.


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
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Known_Unknown is an Indian.. AFAIK he was (is?) a nationalist, don't know what changed his stance. He might be trolling though.


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Known_Unknown is an Indian. He is the person who supported "Sanskrit" as national language in long discussion and on FDI debate with me he ended with Subhratri. May be he is sarcastic or trolling for a change.:rolleyes:


Ultra Nationalist
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2012
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But what is BJP doing sitting in opposition . Cant they raise this issue or at least did bjp strongly criticize UPA.
"¨"¨"©BJP doing great in Parliament,e.g. You should hear Sushma Swaraj's speech on Lokpal in parliament.But that voice is reached to the people by media and that carotid artery is already cut by congress.Media manipulates everything.Those brainless reporters always try to throw their own thoughts to the public in the name of breaking news.Seriously, these people don't have much qualifications.They just bark bark and bark.You need to see DD Loksabha,Rajyasabha channels to understand that.
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