Birthday of Guru Guru Gobind Singh celebrated


Phat Cat
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Feb 23, 2009
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Jan 5
The 344th birthday of the 10th Sikh Guru Guru Gobind Singh is being celebrated in India and abroad with religious fervour and devotion. It was on this day in 1666 AD that the 10th Guru was born in Patna in Bihar as the son of 9th Guru Sri Guru Teg Bahadur. His major contributions were the creation of Khalsa Panth on Baisakhi in 1699 AD to fight for the downtrodden against their suppression during the rule of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. The other major contribution of the Guru was to put an end the concept of Guru in person when in 1708 AD he declared Sri Guru Granth Sahib as eternal guru of the Sikhs at Nanded in Maharashtra.

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New Member
Oct 27, 2009
Jan 5
The 344th birthday of the 10th Sikh Guru Guru Gobind Singh is being celebrated in India and abroad with religious fervour and devotion. It was on this day in 1666 AD that the 10th Guru was born in Patna in Bihar as the son of 9th Guru Sri Guru Teg Bahadur. His major contributions were the creation of Khalsa Panth on Baisakhi in 1699 AD to fight for the downtrodden against their suppression during the rule of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. The other major contribution of the Guru was to put an end the concept of Guru in person when in 1708 AD he declared Sri Guru Granth Sahib as eternal guru of the Sikhs at Nanded in Maharashtra.

newsonair: All India Radio, Jharkhand Elections,Jharkhand Elections 2009,Jharkhand General Elections,Jharkhand Assembly Elections, Latest News, AIR, Radio, Business, RSS from India, India, Breaking News Online,Current Headlines India, Today Top Stori

must read for guru gobind singh by urdu poet

Yogi Allah Yaar Khan - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.

i am his follower ,and consider my self such a blessed person that i am fan of him

dharti par tirth hai do ek sirhind,ek chamkour ,jaha bap ne kataye char apne farjhand.


Global Defence Moderator
New Member
Apr 20, 2009
a speech that his holiness the Guru made

From now on, you have become casteless. No ritual, either Hindu or Muslim, will you perform nor will you believe in superstition of any kind, but only in one God who is the master and protector of all, the only creator and destroyer. In your new order, the lowest will rank with the highest and each will be to the other a bhai (brother). No pilgrimages for you any more, nor austerities but the pure life of the household, which you should be ready to sacrifice at the call of Dharma. Women shall be equal of men in every way. No purdah (veil) for them anymore, nor the burning alive of a widow on the pyre of her spouse (sati). He who kills his daughter, the Khalsa shall not deal with him.
Five K's you will observe as a pledge of your dedication to my ideal.

Kesh: Hair unshorn representation of saintliness.
Kangha: a comb to keep it clean and untangled.
Kara: a steel bracelet to denote one universal God.
Kacchha: a piece of practical wear to denote modesty.
Kirpan: a steel dagger for your defence.
Smoking being an unclean and injurious habit, you will forswear. You will love the weapons of war, be excellent horsemen, marksmen and wielders of the sword, the discus and the spear. Physical prowess will be as sacred to you as spiritual sensitivity. And, between the Hindus and Muslims, you will act as a bridge, and serve the poor without distinction of caste, colour, country or creed. My Khalsa shall always defend the poor, and Deg (community kitchen) will be as much an essential part of your order as Teg (the sword). And, from now onwards Sikh males will call themselves 'Singh' and women 'Kaur' and greet each other with 'Waheguruji ka Khalsa, Waheguruji ki fateh (The Khalsa belongs to God; victory belongs to God).

on this most Holiest of days lets hope that all our diffrence be disolved in the Pure Light of god may the Gurus guide us with their eternal wisdom

'Waheguruji ka Khalsa, Waheguruji ki fateh

Tat Tvam Asi you and god are one ["Thou art that"]


New Member
Oct 27, 2009
a speech that his holiness the Guru made

on this most Holiest of days lets hope that all our diffrence be disolved in the Pure Light of god may the Gurus guide us with their eternal wisdom

'Waheguruji ka Khalsa, Waheguruji ki fateh

Tat Tvam Asi you and god are one ["Thou art that"]

Those heads adorned with braided hair, with their parts painted with vermillion - those heads were shaved with scissors, and their throats were choked with dust. They lived in palatial mansions, but now, they cannot even sit near the palaces. || 1 || Hail to You, O Father Lord, Hail to You! O Primal Lord. Your limits are not known; You create, and create, and behold the scenes. || 1 || Pause || When they were married, their husbands looked so handsome beside them. They came in palanquins, decorated with ivory; water was sprinkled over their heads, and glittering fans were waved above them. || 2 || They were given hundreds of thousands of coins when they sat, and hundreds of thousands of coins when they stood. They ate coconuts and dates, and rested comfortably upon their beds. But ropes were put around their necks, and their strings of pearls were broken. || 3 || Their wealth and youthful beauty, which gave them so much pleasure, have now become their enemies. The order was given to the soldiers, who dishonored them, and carried them away. If it is pleasing to God's Will, He bestows greatness; if is pleases His Will, He bestows punishment. || 4 || If someone focuses on the Lord beforehand, then why should he be punished? The kings had lost their higher consciousness, reveling in pleasure and sensuality. Since Baabar's rule has been proclaimed, even the princes have no food to eat. || 5 || The Muslims have lost their five times of daily prayer, and the Hindus have lost their worship as well. Without their sacred squares, how shall the Hindu women bathe and apply the frontal marks to their foreheads? They never remembered their Lord as Raam, and now they cannot even chant Khudaa-i || 6 || Some have returned to their homes, and meeting their relatives, they ask about their safety. For some, it is pre-ordained that they shall sit and cry out in pain. Whatever pleases Him, comes to pass. O Nanak, what is the fate of mankind? || 7 || 11 || AASAA, FIRST MEHL: Where are the games, the stables, the horses? Where are the drums and the bugles? Where are the sword-belts and chariots? Where are those scarlet uniforms? Where are the rings and the beautiful faces? They are no longer to be seen here. || 1 || This world is Yours; You are the Lord of the Universe. In an instant, You establish and disestablish. You distribute wealth as it pleases You. || 1 || Pause || Where are the houses, the gates, the hotels and palaces? Where are those beautiful way-stations? Where are those beautiful women, reclining on their beds, whose beauty would not allow one to sleep?Where are those betel leaves, their sellers, and the haremees? They have vanished like shadows. || 2 || For the sake of this wealth, so many were ruined; because of this wealth, so many have been disgraced. It was not gathered without sin, and it does not go along with the dead. Those, whom the Creator Lord would destroy - first He strips them of virtue. || 3 || Millions of religious leaders failed to halt the invader, when they heard of the Emperor's invasion.

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He burned the rest-houses and the ancient temples; he cut the princes limb from limb, and cast them into the dust. None of the Mugals went blind, and no one performed any miracle. || 4 || The battle raged between the Mugals and the Pat'haans, and the swords clashed on the battlefield. They took aim and fired their guns, and they attacked with their elephants. Those men whose letters were torn in the Lord's Court, were destined to die, O Siblings of Destiny. || 5 || The Hindu women, the Muslim women, the Bhattis and the Rajputs - some had their robes torn away, from head to foot, while others came to dwell in the cremation ground. Their husbands did not return home - how did they pass their night? || 6 || The Creator Himself acts, and causes others to act. Unto whom should we complain? Pleasure and pain come by Your Will; unto whom should we go and cry? The Commander issues His Command, and is pleased. O Nanak, we receive what is written in our destiny. || 7 || 12 ||

Having attacked Khurasan, Babur terrified Hindustan.

The Creator Himself does not take the blame,

But has sent the Mughal as the messenger of death.

There was so much slaughter that the people screamed.

Didn't You feel compassion, O Lord? || 1 ||

O Creator Lord, You are the Master of all.

If some powerful man strikes out against another man,

Then no one feels any grief in their mind. || 1 || Pause ||

But if a powerful tiger attacks a flock of sheep and kills them,

Then its master must answer for it.

This priceless country has been laid waste and defiled by dogs,

And no one pays any attention to the dead.

You Yourself unite, and You Yourself separate;

I gaze upon Your Glorious Greatness. || 2 ||

guru nanak on babur

