In July 1940 a couple of weeks after the fall of France, the German Navy began plans for Operation Seelöwe (Sealion), the invasion of England along a 275-mile front from Ramsgate to Portland.
STAGE ONE of the plan was to overwhelm the British fleet in the North Sea and English Channel, followed by the occupation of the southern counties of England.
STAGE TWO was for Hitler's triumphant arrival in the Port of
London on board a suitably royal yacht, the Aviso Grille, to receive Britain's surrender at Whitehall.
STAGE THREE of the journey was for the Führer to travel along the river Thames on board one of Grille's three pinnaces, Motorboot 1 later to become known as Grillet.
After the victorious arrival in London, Hitler was to proceed without delay by motor boat to Windsor Castle, already earmarked as his 'London home'. In preparation for the conqueror's voyage of victory, Grille, with Grillet on board, had been moved from the Baltic to Belgium and made ready in Ostend.
This would not have been that ship's first visit to the Thames. At the outbreak of war she had been laying mines in the Thames Estuary, the first German surface vessel to enter British territorial waters after the outbreak of war.
Although Hitler was subject to seasickness and not a confident sailor, his choice of arrival was intended as a mark of respect for the Kriegsmarine and to signal to the world the defeat of the Royal Navy. This is the story of Grille, and of Motorboot 1 now known as Grillet.
full text
http://strangevehicles.greyfalcon.us/AVISO GRILLE.htm