2016 US Presidential Elections


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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They are crying a lot !! just visit their forum...

First Modi now Trump ...
i think it was this Mulay Singh who advised trump to fight elections .. again some desi lolzzz .. kon hai yeh sala subra swamy of USA? :p


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2016
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Doesn't matter whoever it is Trump or Hillary, the question is, Is it really gonna radically change the foreign policy of US towards India, I don't think so, maybe to some extent, but not radically.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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If he walks the talk..the new president elect will be a game changer.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
Keep cool guys. Trump or no trump, US will use Pakis against Indians.

But yes, he might block some sullas going to US!
That's true, a nation is made up of a system of systems and each system having its own vested interest, based on which, the whole realpolitik of the system is based. It's difficult for one element to simply reorganize everything. America as a nation will continue whatever it was doing. I am just happy on a personal level that this vile Hindu-hating woman's personal ambitions were not realized! First obliterated by a ****** then a Red Neck. Grandma can sit in her mansion and lick her wounds for all I care.

There is a possibility that our intel did play a silent part behind the scenes to sway the opinion of Hindus away from Killary, like we did in Sri Lanka. It's impossible for any nation to stay neutral in such an important contest.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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That's true, a nation is made up of a system of systems and each system having its own vested interest, based on which, the whole realpolitik of the system is based. It's difficult for one element to simply reorganize everything. America as a nation will continue whatever it was doing. I am just happy on a personal level that this vile Hindu-hating woman's personal ambitions were not realized! First obliterated by a ****** then a Red Neck. Grandma can sit in her mansion and lick her wounds for all I care.

There is a possibility that our intel did play a silent part behind the scenes to sway the opinion of Hindus away from Killary, like we did in Sri Lanka.It's impossible for any nation to stay neutral in such an important contest.
Now its extremist right wing in Amreeka too for butt hurt like BD and et al.............. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
That's true, a nation is made up of a system of systems and each system having its own vested interest, based on which, the whole realpolitik of the system is based. It's difficult for one element to simply reorganize everything. America as a nation will continue whatever it was doing. I am just happy on a personal level that this vile Hindu-hating woman's personal ambitions were not realized! First obliterated by a ****** then a Red Neck. Grandma can sit in her mansion and lick her wounds for all I care.

There is a possibility that our intel did play a silent part behind the scenes to sway the opinion of Hindus away from Killary, like we did in Sri Lanka. It's impossible for any nation to stay neutral in such an important contest.
Hillary is real bitch.

She had spent too much time in Middle-East to be trusted easily.

Our Sickulars time is over. They are leader got bitch slapped by real RW there.


Regular Member
Oct 3, 2016
.Nothing worry on Trump's win
Trump's first day at the Oval Office. First briefing by the CIA, Pentagon, FBI:

Trump: We must destroy ISIS immediately.

CIA: We cannot do that, sir. We created them along with Turkey, Saudi, Qatar and others.

Trump: The Democrats created them.

CIA: We created ISIS, sir. You need them or else you would lose funding from the natural gas lobby.

Trump: Stop funding Pakistan. Let India deal with them.

CIA: We can't do that.

Trump: Why?

CIA: India will cut Balochistan out of Pak.

Trump: I don't care.

CIA: India will have peace in Kashmir. They will stop buying our weapons. They will become a superpower. We have to fund Pakistan to keep India busy in Kashmir.

Trump: But you have to destroy the Taliban.

CIA: Sir, we can't do that. We created the Taliban to keep Russia in check during the 80s. Now they are keeping Pakistan busy and away from their nukes.

Trump: We have to destroy terror sponsoring regimes in the Middle East. Let us start with the Saudis.

Pentagon: Sir, we can't do that. We created those regimes because we wanted their oil. We can't have democracy there, otherwise their people will get that oil - and we cannot let their people own it.

Trump: Then, let us invade Iran.

Pentagon: We cannot do that either, sir.

Trump: Why not?

CIA: We are talking to them, sir.

Trump: What? Why?

CIA: We want our stealth drone back. If we attack them, Russia will obliterate us as they did to our buddy ISIS in Syria. Besides we need Iran to keep Israel in check.

Trump: Then let us invade Iraq again.

CIA: Sir, our friends (ISIS) are already occupying 1/3rd of Iraq.

Trump: Why not the whole of Iraq?

CIA: We need the Shi'ite gov't of Iraq to keep ISIS in check.

Trump: I am banning Muslims from entering US.

FBI: We can't do that.

Trump: Why not?

FBI: Then our own population will become fearless.

Trump: I am deporting all illegal immigrants to south of the border.

Border patrol: You can't do that, sir.

Trump: Why not?

Border patrol: If they're gone, who will build the wall?

Trump: I am banning H1Bs.
USCIS: You cannot do that.

Trump: Why?

Chief of staff: If you do so we'll have to outsource White House operations to Bangalore. Which is in India.

Trump: What the hell should I do???

CIA: Enjoy the White House, sir! We will take care of the rest!!!

_--- From Whatsapp

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
Hillary is real bitch.

She had spent too much time in Middle-East to be trusted easily.

Our Sickulars time is over. They are leader got bitch slapped by real RW there.
Her campaign leader, that Paki bitch Hum Abedin had ties with ISI and Muslim Brotherhood. Though, just because Killary has lost does not mean she is not going to hand over these assets to Trump. They are not gaddars unlike our politicians. They fight bitterly but they are all patriotic towards their nation. She will pass on all her state department intel contacts to the CIA to carry the baton forward.

When Democrats are in power, they fund terrorists and create turmoil, when Republicans are in power, they send the Army to crush the turmoil. They are two sides of the same strategy. The nation operates as one unit, always.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan's very existence is under threat as Donald Trump leads the World's Strongest Country

Not one to mince words, in 2012, an angry Trump had tweeted: "When will Pakistan apologise to us for providing safe sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden for 6 years?! Some 'ally'."

The candidate also seems to have a soft spot for India. Just last month, he attended an elaborate charity event hosted by Republican Hindu Coalition (RHC) and promised that India and the US would be “best friends” if he were president.

So, what would a Trump presidency mean for Pakistan?

Here's what some experts and commentators think.

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Space for hawks?

It will depend on how foreign policy experts shape his regional agenda. If he gives space to hawks, it is possible Pakistan may face repercussions over its association with militant groups. On the flipside, he has not spoken about Pakistan that much so there is a chance his Middle East agenda takes up most of his policy space and we end up getting ignored.
— Umair Javed

Umair Javed is a freelance columnist.
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No clear plan for Pakistan

Nobody knows how Trump will approach the complexity of the issues that come with America's Pakistan policy. There is Afghanistan, there is the stability of a nuclear-armed country, there are regional complexities with India, China and Iran vested in some way or the other. For a man with a simple mind, there is no telling how he will balance all these out to draw a path forward for himself on Pakistan.
— Khurram Hussain

Khurram Hussain is a part of Dawn's staff.
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Republicans as friends?

Traditionally Republicans have been closer to Pakistan, especially the establishment; but Trump isn’t your traditional Republican. I think Trump’s presidency has greater significance domestically in the US. [It is symptomatic of] the shift towards politics of hate and fear in the western world. What it means for Pakistan, who knows.
— Reema Omer

Reema Omer is a legal adviser for the International Commission of Jurists.
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Gift to jihadists

"On a serious note: Trump's victory will be an enormous gift to a failing jihadist movement, that will have now have a renewed rallying cry. If jihadi ideology has a source of sustenance, it is the image of the US as the evil anti-Muslim crusader. They will milk Trump's win dry."
— Ammar Rashid via Twitter

Ammar Rashid is a researcher, teacher, political worker at AWP and musician.
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The devil you know

"For those who think Clinton might be a hawk regarding Pakistan, just remember it's much preferable dealing with challenging policy than hate/bigotry"
— Babar Sattar, via Twitter

Babar Sattar is a lawyer.
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More of the same for Pakistan

A Trump presidency will certainly be disconcerting because of its potential unpredictability - but Pakistani policy makers will face the same pro-India slant, and the same surplus of expectations from the Pakistani military that have been the staple of US policy since 1992. A Trump presidency will not change the fundamentals of the dysfunctional Pakistan-US relationship.
— Mosharraf Zaidi

Mosharraf Zaidi is part of the Alif Ailaan campaign for education.
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Muscle flexing ahead?

We have no idea how a Trump presidency would affect Pakistan, because he has not really talked about policy during this election. We aren't really sure who his team is going to be. Reports suggest Newt Gingrich is his top pick for Secretary of State. Gingrich did bring up Pakistan on stage at the June Republican Convention. He paraphrased and decontextualised a PEW study to say that 16 million Pakistanis support ISIS. He thought that was an important thing to mention. I guess that's a precursor to the kind of muscle flexing we might see if Gingrich becomes Secretary of State.
— Sahar Habib Ghazi

Sahar Habib Ghazi is the managing editor at 'Global Voices'.
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Back home

"Trump win good for Pakistan. Rich, educated Pakistanis will come back to Pakistan":pound:
— Farrukh Saleem via Twitter

Farrukh Saleem is a columnist who writes for 'The News'.
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Hoping for peace

"I hope he [Donald Trump] will focus keenly to bring peace and stability around the world and demonstrate deliberate leadership in resolving the conflicts in the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. We must trust and work together to crush terrorism and eliminate extremism from a position of strength. United States should not quit from Afghanistan; it's combat troop draw-down should be effect-related and not time-related.":pound::pound:
— Pervez Musharraf via Facebook

Pervez Musharraf is a former president of Pakistan and the founder of All Pakistan Muslim League.



Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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Indeed, but we'll have to see how well Trump and Putin get together.
Talk of the devil....khikhikhi...:lol:

This is so much like 14. He won against all polls and predictions, alos opposition from his own party. MSM cant so its face now. Hollywood degenerates like their bollywood counterparts are crying blood now. But, you have to give it to Trump. He came and won it like a cakewalk.

Check the last clip.

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