2016 US Presidential Elections


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
Becoming a Libertarian

Donald W. Miller MD
From LewRockwell.com, May 2, 2016

By Donald W. Miller MD

Walter Block, Ralph Raico, and I have founded a group called “Libertarians for Trump.” Its website, libertariansfortrump.org, designed and managed by Martin Moulton, seeks to advance Libertarian values and discussion in the 2016 Election and invites people to join the #LFT Movement.

I recount the beacons on the path I took to becoming a libertarian in “What Kerouac, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Practicing Medicine Have Taught Me About Liberty” for Why Liberty: Personal Journeys Towards Peace & Freedom, edited by Marc Guttman. [1] In Why Liberty, 54 people from all walks of life tell how they became libertarians. (Two particularly interesting ones are “The Significance of the Berlin Wall—an African Perspective” by Temba Nolutshungu and “From Political Apathy to Evangelist for Small Government” by Carla Howell.)

The Beat Generation was the first generation in American history to be subjected to peacetime military conscription. After World War II, seeing the ovens of Auschwitz and what atomic bombs can do, this generation of young Americans started a movement that rejected post-war statism. Led by Jack Kerouac, this movement championed freedom and individuality and shunned conformity to the established order. Libertarians at heart, the Beats, as Kerouac writes in his novel On the Road, sought escape and enlightenment through sex, drugs, bebop/hard bop jazz, and Eastern mysticism.

Young Americans today, the Millennial Generation (born 1982-2004), are different. They are the products of a regimented, government-controlled school system. James Ostrowski, author of Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying America, observed a Donald Trump rally in Buffalo NY recently. He writes:

“Sanders attracts people who recently emerged from thirteen to seventeen years of progressive brainwashing in K-12 government schools or colleges. They still believe that government will solve all human problems—that is all they ever heard. They know little if any economics. Trump’s people are different, averaging maybe 45-50. They have been out of school long enough to realize that most of the stuff they learned in school about government is bull. They have worked hard for decades and have little to show for it but stress and debt. They know in their bones that the system is rigged and they cheer wildly when their hero pronounces this obvious truth.” [2]

Today, approximately 1 in 4 Americans could be characterized as holding libertarian views. Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute, estimates that perhaps 5 to 10 percent of the population, 10 to 30 million people, are true libertarians. These are, as he puts it, “people who agree to a large extent with the idea of serious reductions in the size and scope of government.” [3]

(A libertarian might be better called a “classical liberal.” In the past, a liberal was a person who believed in the system of liberty and minimal government. A liberal now, however, is a person who believes in big government, one big enough to make just about every area of human activity its business. Libertarians are liberals in its classic sense.)

Libertarians advocate four things: individual liberty, private property, free markets (operated with sound money), and peace (following the non-intervention/non-aggression principle). They adhere to the two natural laws that make human civilization possible: Do All You Have Agreed to Do and Do Not Encroach on Other Persons or Their Property. Individual liberty and free markets cannot exist without these two laws. They safeguard contracts and property rights respectively. Political systems that reject them always eventually succumb to tyranny or chaos, one or the other. [4]

The path that the U.S. government has been following over the last 100 years began with the newly adopted Federal Reserve System (the country’s third central bank) and a personal income tax (that, among other things, helps fund its wars). Armed with these two money-printing and money-collecting acts, the country’s leaders continue on a redistributionist, “progressive” ideological path. Instead doing all they have agreed to do and not encroach on other persons or their property, progressives follow a different code, one in which “the end justifies the means” (i.e., a perceived good outcome excuses any wrongs committed to attain it.) Now, 103 years after the Fed was formed and an income tax enacted (in 1913) the American political system is becoming increasingly tyrannical.

(In 1960 the U.S. government’s Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] contained 23,000 pages of regulations; in 1975, 71,000 pages; 2000, 138,000 pages; and by the end of 2013 the CFR contained 175,500 pages of regulations with a 1,170-page index.)

Like how the Beat Generation saw it after World War II, it is becoming increasingly clear that government has made a mess of things. An increasing number of freedom-loving Americans are realizing that there must be serious reductions in the size and scope of government and are becoming libertarians.

The U.S. economy is falling apart. The middle class is shrinking, consumer sentiment is plummeting, consumer spending is slowing, and (inflation-adjusted) wages are dropping. In one out of five American families, no one in the family has a job. Debt is escalating—consumer, corporate, and especially government debt. More than half of American workers now make less than $30,000 a year; and nearly twice as many Americans work for the government, 22 million than are employed in the manufacturing sector of the economy, which is down to 12.3 million. [5]

Such is the case also with education and healthcare. With K-12 schools implementing Common Core and colleges providing “safe spaces” for students to shield them from unwelcome thoughts, American education is intellectually bankrupt. Its government-controlled schools teach unquestioning devotion to statism. And with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 government-controlled healthcare has become increasingly regimented and unaffordable. [6]

Like the American Revolution 250 years ago against British control of the 13 colonies, today an American Revolution 2.0 is brewing against U.S. Federal Government. Jack Douglas puts it this way:

“Americans are very outraged at the total corruption of all forms so obvious at the top of our nation, especially in D.C. and on Wall Street. They are no longer submissive Party members scraping and bowing to the Super Robber Barons… Tens of millions of Americans are searching for ways out of the awful crises the government is forcing on them. They are agitated, moving, changing very rapidly. They are looking for new leaders who will put an end to the hated System.” [7]

Only 1/3rd of Americans supported the first American Revolution (according to John Adams), and a like percentage of freedom-loving Americans could effect a second, more peaceful one.

The cure for the current global financial crisis is a libertarian, free-market one based on Austrian economics. The Austrian economic cure for the Keynesian-induced economic illness that afflicts America is the only one that will work. [8]

When a nation’s economy starts collapsing its rulers will turn to war, which provides a handy excuse and explanation for the economic illness ravaging their country. The U.S. is close to engaging in a war against Russia, and possibly China. Alone among the remaining Republican and Democratic candidates running for president in the 2016 election, the only one who can keep the U.S. out of what could turn out to be a nuclear World War III is Donald Trump. I address this concern in “Trump: Our Only Hope for Escaping World War III” [9], which spurred Walter Block, Ralph Raico, Martin Moulton, me and my wife, Linda, to form and manage #LFT.

Check it out. Peruse the articles we put on libertariansfortrump.org. Become a libertarian and sign up with #LFT at [email protected].



Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016



Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016


NDTV cozying up with hillary. Now this is scary.
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Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
how the hell does that qualify as attacking? she didnt get curb stomped. she didn't get shanked. she didn't get b*tch slapped across the face like she rightly deserved.
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Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016



Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016


The Last Stand

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Not much to say, except "Wi-Fi causes cancer" Jill Stein is less loony than Hillary. That's a scary thought.

The Last Stand

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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NDTV cozying up with hillary. Now this is scary.

Way off mark... That's the natural reaction of Trump supports, attack media everywhere! I can just see Putin's grin from my window!

The Last Stand

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Well, it's pretty well known here that these lefty shill reporters bait RW supporters and then turn on the cameras.

Exhibit A: Rajdeep.

Wouldn't surprise me if NDTV did it as well.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
I think the American election is done and over guys! Give it a rest and concede, Putin lost, the Americans won! :hippo:

Clinton: ‘I don’t even think about responding’ to Trump anymore

Using some of her most dismissive language of the campaign, Clinton said aboard her campaign plane on Saturday that, “I don’t even think about responding to him anymore” after their third and final debate earlier this week.

Read more:


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
Well, it's pretty well known here that these lefty shill reporters bait RW supporters and then turn on the cameras.

Exhibit A: Rajdeep.

Wouldn't surprise me if NDTV did it as well.
The NDTV news crew was lucky it just got heckled. These "white trash" Trump supporters I heard cannot distinguish ISIS from Indians. It could have been worse with the right to bear arms, you know...


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016

The third debate was more of the same. We heard the same lies and gas lighting by Hillary. She continued her tactic of putting on a fake, beaming smile whenever Trump pointed out her incompetence and criminality. She flashed her yellowing teeth because that’s what sociopaths do—they put on giant smiles in order to confuse, distract and deflect.

Trump clearly won the third debate, yet CNN claimed Hillary was the victor. In fact, they said she won all three. Sure, CNN. You’re gas lighting us, too. They also focused on ridiculous things such as his use of the word ‘hombre.’ It gave a chance for one of their left-leaning female hispanic commentators to predictably dance a tantrum. That’s what PC-oriented people do. They enjoy being scolds. They strut their outrage and gush hurt feelings over minuscule and silly things. The fact that Trump called Hillary ’nasty’ also triggered the SJWs on their panel.

It’s all theater. An act. What they do isn’t reasoned criticism or reporting. It’s propaganda. They’re all bought out by the elite. They shill for Hillary to make their bones.

They were mostly in a tizzy because Trump wouldn’t say he would support Hillary if she wins. They said it was ‘un-American.’ They don’t get to decide that. What’s un-American is 50 years of vote-rigging by Democrats. Anyone remember Al Gore refusing to concede in 2000? In 2004 Kerry claimed Bush rigged the election.

What Trump did was correct a mistake he made in the first debate. With all the breaking news about Hillary’s plan to rig the election, it was smart of him to not instantly concede should Hillary win. After all, Soros owns a lot of the electronic voting machines. Her Democratic operatives will trot out illegals to vote for Hillary. They will bus people from state to state to vote for Hillary. People who are dead will magically cast ballots for Hillary. Trump ballots will be replaced by Hillary ballots. They’ll do what it takes to slant the election in her favor. After all, if the DNC rigged the primaries in favor of Hillary. She won’t hesitate to again rig things to give herself the presidency she has craved since she was in college. Rigging things is what she does. It’s who she is.

A nasty criminal.

—Ben Garrison


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2011
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Enjoy this video as Trumph says it as it is in front of rich and influential :pound::pound:. Unfortunately i don't think he will win.
12mins onwards is golden! Watch how everyone starts sweating! Hillary's Joker like grin is wiped right off and she doesn't know how to react.

BTW: The lady in red, Maria Bartiromo. I'd like to grab her by the ... :D


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Does Hillary Clinton still owe the king of Morocco a $12 million favor?
By Post Editorial Board

October 21, 2016 | 8:31pm


Photo: Getty Images

Huma on Hillary’s $12M Morocco fiasco: ‘She created this mess and she knows it’
It’s either a warning to Clinton Foundation donors that Hillary may not stay bought, or a sign that the king of Morocco has a fat favor coming if she wins the White House.

As Huma Abedin wrote in an e-mail: “She created this mess and she knows it.”

The “she” is Hillary Clinton, who’d promised to keynote an event in Morocco in exchange for a $12 million donation to the foundation from King Mohammed VI — but then realized it would look bad.
Read full article: http://nypost.com/2016/10/21/does-hillary-clinton-still-owe-the-king-of-morocco-a-12-million-favor/

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