1962 India China War


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May 6, 2013
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its ironic that the definition of PRC role in Tibet and nearby is moving more towards temporary traders and pure economics.

pullback when it does not suit them economically and if challenged. retreat inland.

perhaps that is what Nehru (not vouching) had in mind - "temporary" - that is in some areas it can be short and in other, it can be hybrid and it other places it can be with two different status and ... in another can be subject to ideology. perhaps it was to demonstrate no ill feeling to demonstrate equality (some might say misplaced).

Perhaps it was the insecurity of PRC. Removing this by teaching Nehru a lesson where they felt they were being dismissed as unimportant. that establishment of that fear (insecurity) probably still holds true. the truth that bharat developed and advanced the chinese. the truth that people from bharat (not only nehru) advanced the chinese (* from centuries to recent).

There were 10+ Soviet republics at one time. There is Taiwan. There is Hong Kong, Macau, There is Tibet. There is China Town in New York and Sydney.

What 1962 does is not answer any question at all. Today discussion on 1962 is not the same to earlier for both parties. But we can take a stand and continue for generations. The Chinese are pragmatic. Bharat is awakening.

Jammu and Kashmir: can be seen into different pieces that include Siachen, Ladakh, Balistan, Srinagar, Jammu, Shaksgam Valley, Aksai Chin, etc, etc.

Tibet: can be seen in different pieces that include ... :playball:

Linked but on a much wider scope:Bharat has welcomed many to seek enlightenment. many come and do. a few come and cause trouble. they are shown their wrong ways.

Don't want to make it seen and seem to boast and not being humble. far from that.
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no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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First of all let me clear one thing, Tibet was not the part of China and fact cannot be denied that China forcefully occupied Tibet.
Yes, Tibet was not a part of China before, then there should be no need for them to declare independence in 1913.

Since their independence was not accepted by any Chinese legitimate government, China forcefully re-occupying Tibet was not illegal.

No justification can be given for incursion.
No justification was need, India already declared "forward policy", Nehru publicly claimed that he would throw the Chinese soldiers out of the region, the war was already started.

Tomorrow India can claim any Chinese territorry and then petrol troops then wouldn't it be incursion?
Isn't that what India has been doing? Since there is no common border agreed by both sides, every time Chinese patrolling to the "border" in their mind is "incursion" recognized by India, but Indian patrolling their "border" is also an "incursion" to Chinese.
It is like divorcing couple, each side strongly believe herself or himself has solid claim on properties and fiercely denies the claim from other side.


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May 8, 2017
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There is no evidence to prove that the document of kashmir join india was signed by the kashmir ruler at his free will instead of a fake one, or signed under threat of force by indian soliders in 1947.
The kashmir ruler was already overthrown by local rebellors. So, even if he signed at his free will, it is not legal.
The principle of india pakistan partion should be based on people's free will to be in a new muslim country or in india. The people of kashmir should have right to decide which country they want to be in, not decided by a hindu dictator. So, the hindu ruler should have no right to decide muslim people's fate. Any technical process must be based on this principle.
India shameless grabbed kashmir into its own pocket. This is stealing.
Tibet, Xinjiang and Mongolia should also be freed from coward chinki occupation who occupies peaceful unarmed nations...


New Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Kashmir was part of bharat varsha and hindu since pre historic times. It was converted mostly forcefully to muslim. And king did sign accession treaty when pak soldiers attacked. If nehru had agreed to military generals we would have taken pok back. And during partition only west pak and east pak area was agreed upon to seperate from our country, other area belonged to india or bharat. So its our land and no occupation. Its ours since pre historic times.


New Member
Nov 22, 2016
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If no issues in tibet then why tibetians in india burning themselves to for us to help them to be free. Han chinese have started staying in tibet to change the demography. And most imp tibetians are relegiius people which communist china does not like. So that looks to be a major point for them asking for independence.

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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If no issues in tibet then why tibetians in india burning themselves to for us to help them to be free.
Why not. Their grandparents flee from Tibet without anything. All their treasures: jewelries, houses,land, etc were taken by CCP or their past slavers. Now they are living upon the government allowances. They can't become Indian citizen because their government doesn't allow it, so they can't work or live a normal life. They are stuck to this miserable life. Anyone will be desperate in such condition.

Han chinese have started staying in tibet to change the demography. And most imp tibetians are relegiius people which communist china does not like. So that looks to be a major point for them asking for independence.
Well, over 100 tibetans (most of them are overseas) burn themselves for the cause of independence, but they still can't get over 100 local tibetans rally protesting for it. That tell you how much the majority of Tibetans asking for independence.


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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I am here to wait for indian to say sorry for the 1962 war and say sorry to kashmir people. Nobody coming to say that yet. This proves indian people lack conscience.

By the way, don't you find indian culture is exactly what the sinful way of life in Bible? arrogant, no conscience, self-righteousness.... Just find it interesting.
I'm so sorry that we tried to expel Chinks from what we recognised as our territory & was as much a part of China as Badakshan is of India, ie, parts of historical empires but no claim otherwise.

Also, sorry to the "kashmir people" for making you cohabit with kafirs that lived in those lands when your ancestors were "tending to" goats is some Central-asian wasteland. Some of them think they have rights to the place despite being outbred by you, just because they lived there a few thousand years before.

PS: Bible & Quran are evil books of an genocidal demonic entity, so vile, that its following cult don't have a clue that they are "arrogant, with no conscience, self-righteous" themselves!
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New Member
Nov 26, 2017
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I am here to wait for indian to say sorry for the 1962 war and say sorry to kashmir people. Nobody coming to say that yet. This proves indian people lack conscience.
By the way, don't you find indian culture is exactly what the sinful way of life in Bible? arrogant, no conscience, self-righteousness.... Just find it interesting.
When will China apologize for killing Uighar Muslims? When will China apologize for illegally occupying Tibet? When will China apologize for oppressing its own people through a dictatorship? The same bible would say chinese are demonic.


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May 6, 2013
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गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजङ्गतुङ्गमालिकाम् ।
चकार चण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम् ॥ १॥

The Damaru drum making the sound of Damat Damat Damat Damat... that sound is starting again. Supreme Shakti is truth and truth is always and truth begins. Bharat (Mata) and it’s people and it’s close one its neighbors it’s family.

The warmth that is given by being around. Circling around the neck. Circling a nation.

The truth is the truth. The unknowns follow the righteousness and righteous ways to be accountable, correct and worthy. The Supreme and righteousness are correct and worthy. The unknown can be Supreme. They have been and will be. Discovery of the unworthy the egotistical and the undeserving.

Look into the eyes the protectecion and advancement the justice and righteousness and truth. Full of venom and poison yet one.

The auspicious and deserving looks ahead knowing who is with, in support and behind. Full of poison and enchanted by music. Yet is going to Look ahead and when that is done can take on the world. Around the neck yet looks ahead. The east seas and beyond. Greatest lords and countries know the strength. Come closer but see the truth.

A awakening of a Chinese person is a sight to behold.

It only takes one.

A awakening of a nation is a truth of righteousness.

Perhaps eagle wants to kill. Perhaps the nation wants to remember the good times. Perhaps the Damaru is making the sound ...

The monk that lives and stays in Bharat signifies a connection far deeper. The reason and motive is irrelevant like the attempts to diminish the people and holy land of Bharat (Mata). Temporary she says attempts to make her weak by uncharacterisric ways. her strength is always and shall always be divine and her light perpetual and infinite. Darkness might be around her but she will always shine.

The bite and kick a bloody nose and access.

It will take one to walk up to the truth and shake the heart of Bharat the region and even the Chinese people and the world. The gurus connection is not by chance and the Supreme is Supreme. The path to the gurus truth is beyond and next it’s divine.

The connection and access to this will be like the good times. The warriors and the battilions are gearing up. See it in their eyes what a tale. Now they know. But only in preparation. It will be done by the one and the path and approach will be by the unknowns and more. A collective of truth of many unseen and for the three. it’s clear the righteousness know the truth now of the treatment of the wealth , wisdom and strength. The sheer determination to reveal the truth is above and beyond.

The one will come, guide, walk, confront and see and for all will take a bullet. All for his Bharat (Mata). The many will take him and be with him and go to the truth and heights of Bharat Mata. For reawakening and transformation the region and people need.

Lord Ganesha Supreme please bless us on our path and remove the obstacles. The one walks among us now.

The Shape of region

Jai Hind

*Each Image is located in and from areas of interpretations.
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New Member
Oct 11, 2010
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Yes, Tibet was not a part of China before, then there should be no need for them to declare independence in 1913.

Since their independence was not accepted by any Chinese legitimate government, China forcefully re-occupying Tibet was not illegal.
Well then in future war between India and Pakistan, India should re-take the whole Pakistan by force as it got independence by dividing India itself. It is a part of India. So, taking it back should not be illegal.

No justification was need, India already declared "forward policy", Nehru publicly claimed that he would throw the Chinese soldiers out of the region, the war was already started.
Nehru adopted forward policy and got his reward in terms of Chinese aggression in 1962. Post that India dropped any such policy and the infrastructure development on both side of the border is a proof of that. Till now China has built heavy infrastructure along its border to support military movement but, India started infrastructure development in last 10 years and cannot match the level of infrastructure China has made during last few decades. If India were adopting forward policy then you could see equally comparable infrastructure in Indian side too.

Isn't that what India has been doing? Since there is no common border agreed by both sides, every time Chinese patrolling to the "border" in their mind is "incursion" recognized by India, but Indian patrolling their "border" is also an "incursion" to Chinese.
It is like divorcing couple, each side strongly believe herself or himself has solid claim on properties and fiercely denies the claim from other side.
Isn't that is the problem with China? China believe in her mind that Taiwan is it's part, China imagine that whole SCS belongs to China. It's the problem of superiority complex and expansionism.

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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Well then in future war between India and Pakistan, India should re-take the whole Pakistan by force as it got independence by dividing India itself. It is a part of India. So, taking it back should not be illegal.
Unfortunately, your own government doesn't agree with you. The Indian embassy in Pakistan prove you are wrong.

Nehru adopted forward policy and got his reward in terms of Chinese aggression in 1962. Post that India dropped any such policy and the infrastructure development on both side of the border is a proof of that. Till now China has built heavy infrastructure along its border to support military movement but, India started infrastructure development in last 10 years and cannot match the level of infrastructure China has made during last few decades. If India were adopting forward policy then you could see equally comparable infrastructure in Indian side too.
It is ridiculous just looking at the area within 20-30km of border area. In fact, if we look at the bigger area, such 200-300km to border, you will find a different picture: India has a lot better infrastructure than China. The simply fact in history is: until 1980s, Indian military planes got into Chinese sky over 100 time each year while Chinese planes didn't deploy in Tibet at all.

Isn't that is the problem with China? China believe in her mind that Taiwan is it's part, China imagine that whole SCS belongs to China. It's the problem of superiority complex and expansionism.
Isn't that is the problem with India too?


New Member
May 26, 2022
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Well then in future war between India and Pakistan, India should re-take the whole Pakistan by force as it got independence by dividing India itself. It is a part of India. So, taking it back should not be illegal.

Nehru adopted forward policy and got his reward in terms of Chinese aggression in 1962. Post that India dropped any such policy and the infrastructure development on both side of the border is a proof of that. Till now China has built heavy infrastructure along its border to support military movement but, India started infrastructure development in last 10 years and cannot match the level of infrastructure China has made during last few decades. If India were adopting forward policy then you could see equally comparable infrastructure in Indian side too.

Isn't that is the problem with China? China believe in her mind that Taiwan is it's part, China imagine that whole SCS belongs to China. It's the problem of superiority complex and expansionism.
That has always been part of China's mentality sadly. They think everything that the Qing Empire or previous dynasties once controlled somehow "belongs" to the Chinese nation in perpetuity, end of discussion. Ironic that a government which prided itself on anti-imperialism now bases its territorial claims on that of previous empires. :(

