India's purchase of anti-missile system to counteract China's DF missiles?

Can India counteract china's DF missiles

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New Member
Jan 13, 2010
DF15(css-6) is very cheap, 600 km range covers Delhi.

WS-2d, the longest range rocket projectile, 400 km, it's more cheap.

You'd better develop yours Anti-missile system, if just purchase, it finally will be outdated, then nothing left.
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New Member
Sep 4, 2010
I dont think India is showing interest in Iron dome as an ABM shield's,their r report the north Indian cities of India specially Delhi is within the striking range of Chinese artillery system,if it is so,then Iron dome is a useful addition to protect our cities, Israel also developed it for the same purpose
Bro its not just northern cities in Chinese range it s all India within its range but as our capital is just 900 kms range away Iron dome is usefull to an extent


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Feb 16, 2009
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There are AGNI'S in tunnels in AP that have China covered. Relax folks!!!!!!!!
Indian Agni missiles deployed on Chinese border

India has built atleast 2 tunnels in mountains for storage of Agni Intermediate Range Ballastic Missile (IRBM). It was revealed by Mr. Bharat Karnad, who released his book “India’s Nuclear Policy” in Mumbai yesterday. He said that India is building more such facilities. Such tunnels will help India’s second strike capability, as; the Chinese Thermo Nuclear weapons cannot vaporize mountains.

Mr. Karnad explaind that it has been done to offset the deployments of Chinese IRBM”s in Chinese occupied Tibet. Mr. Karnad also outlined some scenarios when India and China might actually fight a war and the nuclear weapons might be used. One of the foremost reasons could be the Chinese plans to build a dam and divert water from Yarlung Zangbo (Brahmaputra) to the Yellow river. He said that China has already proceeded by the civil works. In a second scenario, he said, the new generation Tibetians who are very motivated, would launch an armed struggle against Chinese Imperialist. Another important fact he said was that India and China are already engaged in a battle to secure natural resources, even as far as Ecuador.

Bharat Karnad said that the weakest point of the Nuclear Chain of command was the will of the government to launch retaliatory strike. He said this was told to him by a retired Indian Army General. While Bharat karnad was unsure of current governments will, he and other speakers were unanimous that eventually the decision will come.

I have difference of opinion with some of the points made by Mr. Karnad. He mentions that the MiG-23 was purchased by IAF when they were given choice of purchasing TU-22M. MiG-23 was purchased was a knee jerk reaction to purchase of F-16’s by Pakistan Air Force. But the general observation of the lack of foresight by the Indian Air Force to build up capabilities against Chinese is agreeable. He also mentioned that India had put the ICBM development in back burner because of lack of resources. My point of view is different. I assume that India is actually building ICBM capabilities in the DRDO’s Advanced Systems laboratory (ASL). ASL does not seem to have a publicly defined mandate. Mr. Karnad says that India is leasing Akulas and it will improve the second strike capability. I just wonder which Indian missile can be fired from it. Mr. Karnad also revealed that India is negotiating for purchase of TU-160 Black Jacks from Russia. He could be right; Russian Air Force did display Tu-160s with their capability to get their job done over Indian Ocean during Indo-Russian Naval Exercises (INDRA).

I would also like to add some vital comments by some good speakers present at the book launch. Dr. P.K. Iyengar, former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission made a point that, the Indian nuclear program was about weaponisation right from the start. He observed that, Nasser, Nehru and Tito, the three founders of Non- Alignment Movement (NAM) had agreed that if NAM has to be heard, it needs nuclear weapons. While Apsara reactor was established to get hands on Graphite machining and Cirrus was for extracting Plutonium. Dr. Iyengar was not at his verbal best on his opposition to India-US civil nuclear deal. Dr. Iyengar also recounted an incident that where he had asked the Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi for nuclear test. But Rajiv Gandhi responded by saying that he is putting a note to UN general assembly for disarmament.

Vice Admiral Madanjit Singh (Retd.) outlined the structure of the Indian nuclear command. He said that there was a National Commission (or Committee, I didn’t get that right). Then Executive Committee. These both are manned by civilians. Then the decision goes to another civil (DRDO and AEC) and military group who would translate the decisions into reality. Vice Admiral Madanjit also outlined the prospects of the Indian Nuclear submarine (ATV) building costs, costs of operation that includes the decision where would the ATV be berthed after it comes back from sea.

Ambassador Prakash Shah, IFS (Retd.) revealed that India signed Chemical Weapons ban (CWC) with the pre-condition that infamous Australia Group will be dissolved in future.

Dr. A.N. Prasad, former Director, BARC turned out to be the terrific speaker. He managed to come out with some pointed inferences, while I was wondering what he would speak since everybody else has spoken everything. He said that Thorium is the third stage but what about natural Uranium right now? He said that Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha had the vision to start extracting uranium right in 1960 with the uranium in Indian ore of just .07% (700 grams per ton). Those days, the world was operating 2-3% uranium content mines. Then he said that India lost focus and is now realizing the mistake of not continuing to build up on new mines and processing facility. He said that if the Indians would have concentrated on various ways of extracting uranium, we could have found alternative source like the Japanese have found a method of extracting uranium from sea water. One major point he brought out was that when the decision to build the nuclear submarine in 1970’s, the choice of the fuel was enriched uranium and not plutonium. India did not posses the facilities to enrich uranium but subsequently built it up.

Source : Frontier india

black eagle

New Member
Nov 22, 2009
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There are AGNI'S in tunnels in AP that have China covered. Relax folks!!!!!!!!
Indian Agni missiles deployed on Chinese border

India has built atleast 2 tunnels in mountains for storage of Agni Intermediate Range Ballastic Missile (IRBM). It was revealed by Mr. Bharat Karnad, who released his book “India’s Nuclear Policy” in Mumbai yesterday. He said that India is building more such facilities. Such tunnels will help India’s second strike capability, as; the Chinese Thermo Nuclear weapons cannot vaporize mountains.

Mr. Karnad explaind that it has been done to offset the deployments of Chinese IRBM”s in Chinese occupied Tibet. Mr. Karnad also outlined some scenarios when India and China might actually fight a war and the nuclear weapons might be used. One of the foremost reasons could be the Chinese plans to build a dam and divert water from Yarlung Zangbo (Brahmaputra) to the Yellow river. He said that China has already proceeded by the civil works. In a second scenario, he said, the new generation Tibetians who are very motivated, would launch an armed struggle against Chinese Imperialist. Another important fact he said was that India and China are already engaged in a battle to secure natural resources, even as far as Ecuador.

Bharat Karnad said that the weakest point of the Nuclear Chain of command was the will of the government to launch retaliatory strike. He said this was told to him by a retired Indian Army General. While Bharat karnad was unsure of current governments will, he and other speakers were unanimous that eventually the decision will come.

I have difference of opinion with some of the points made by Mr. Karnad. He mentions that the MiG-23 was purchased by IAF when they were given choice of purchasing TU-22M. MiG-23 was purchased was a knee jerk reaction to purchase of F-16’s by Pakistan Air Force. But the general observation of the lack of foresight by the Indian Air Force to build up capabilities against Chinese is agreeable. He also mentioned that India had put the ICBM development in back burner because of lack of resources. My point of view is different. I assume that India is actually building ICBM capabilities in the DRDO’s Advanced Systems laboratory (ASL). ASL does not seem to have a publicly defined mandate. Mr. Karnad says that India is leasing Akulas and it will improve the second strike capability. I just wonder which Indian missile can be fired from it. Mr. Karnad also revealed that India is negotiating for purchase of TU-160 Black Jacks from Russia. He could be right; Russian Air Force did display Tu-160s with their capability to get their job done over Indian Ocean during Indo-Russian Naval Exercises (INDRA).

I would also like to add some vital comments by some good speakers present at the book launch. Dr. P.K. Iyengar, former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission made a point that, the Indian nuclear program was about weaponisation right from the start. He observed that, Nasser, Nehru and Tito, the three founders of Non- Alignment Movement (NAM) had agreed that if NAM has to be heard, it needs nuclear weapons. While Apsara reactor was established to get hands on Graphite machining and Cirrus was for extracting Plutonium. Dr. Iyengar was not at his verbal best on his opposition to India-US civil nuclear deal. Dr. Iyengar also recounted an incident that where he had asked the Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi for nuclear test. But Rajiv Gandhi responded by saying that he is putting a note to UN general assembly for disarmament.

Vice Admiral Madanjit Singh (Retd.) outlined the structure of the Indian nuclear command. He said that there was a National Commission (or Committee, I didn’t get that right). Then Executive Committee. These both are manned by civilians. Then the decision goes to another civil (DRDO and AEC) and military group who would translate the decisions into reality. Vice Admiral Madanjit also outlined the prospects of the Indian Nuclear submarine (ATV) building costs, costs of operation that includes the decision where would the ATV be berthed after it comes back from sea.

Ambassador Prakash Shah, IFS (Retd.) revealed that India signed Chemical Weapons ban (CWC) with the pre-condition that infamous Australia Group will be dissolved in future.

Dr. A.N. Prasad, former Director, BARC turned out to be the terrific speaker. He managed to come out with some pointed inferences, while I was wondering what he would speak since everybody else has spoken everything. He said that Thorium is the third stage but what about natural Uranium right now? He said that Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha had the vision to start extracting uranium right in 1960 with the uranium in Indian ore of just .07% (700 grams per ton). Those days, the world was operating 2-3% uranium content mines. Then he said that India lost focus and is now realizing the mistake of not continuing to build up on new mines and processing facility. He said that if the Indians would have concentrated on various ways of extracting uranium, we could have found alternative source like the Japanese have found a method of extracting uranium from sea water. One major point he brought out was that when the decision to build the nuclear submarine in 1970’s, the choice of the fuel was enriched uranium and not plutonium. India did not posses the facilities to enrich uranium but subsequently built it up.

Source : Frontier india
thats a very old news...


New Member
Sep 4, 2010
I agree with LF man i stay in AP here in hyderabad we have many precious defence organisations like DRDO ,HAL, BDL etc BDL & DRDO have huge underground tunnels from hyderabad to delhi & a underground train route from hyd to delhi


Phat Cat
New Member
Feb 23, 2009
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^^ That sounds incredulous

Karnad's book was released in 08. Quoting from Karnad's Book page 102.

"Two such mountain tunnel complexes in the eastern Himalayas have since come up. Many of the 2500–3000 km Agni-III and the 5000 km Agni-IV IRBMs, and once it is serviceable,
the ICBM, are likely to be deployed in these tunnels. More such complexes are under construction. Not everyone is convinced the tunnels make the missiles within them invulnerable. The tunnel complexes can be detected by satellite and thermonuclear bombs can seal the mouth of the tunnel, airfields can be hit and rail-mounted missiles detected and destroyed, said Admiral Prakash by way of counting the advantages to prioritizing SSBNs as primary means of deter-rence and strategic reaction."


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
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does india have any plans to launch a true icbm of 12000km+ range rather than proceeding in an a.p series with common difference of 1000-1500 km in each succesive version of agni? or the goverment has put it in backburner in order not to upset the US.


New Member
Sep 29, 2010
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I agree with LF man i stay in AP here in hyderabad we have many precious defence organisations like DRDO ,HAL, BDL etc BDL & DRDO have huge underground tunnels from hyderabad to delhi & a underground train route from hyd to delhi
i think AP here means arunachal pradesh and not andhra pradesh.
and are you serious about underground train route and tunnels from Hyderabad to Delhi???

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
I agree with LF man i stay in AP here in hyderabad we have many precious defence organisations like DRDO ,HAL, BDL etc BDL & DRDO have huge underground tunnels from hyderabad to delhi & a underground train route from hyd to delhi
Dude, are you sure about this. Delhi to hyderabad distance is too big. Secondly what can possibly can you get by building an underground tunnel between hyderabad and delhi.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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If Chinese have 600 IRBM'S in Tibet covering all of India it could be possible we have a few agni's in Arunachal??


Please refer to my article of August 5,2010, titled "China to Counter India's Military Advantages in Arunachal Pradesh" at\papers40\paper3966.html . I have been in receipt of the following comments from a reader, who is known to be well-informed on China:

"This refers to your interesting report on the sucecessful completion of an an important logistic task on the Qinghai-Tibet railways for the PLA Air force. The strategic logistic equipment was the ballistic missiles that were for the first time transported by the rail net work into Tibet for the use of the Air Force & misille units stationed inside Tibet.These missiles are based in the Qinghai province.For the first time they were transported out from Qinghai in 1985 for display in the national day parade presided over by Deng xiao ping.The live ballistic missiles were paraded by the PLA for the first time. The PLA was shocked to notice that these missiles had bottled up due to the pressure difference between Beijing and the rarified atmospheric pressure in Qinghai.The missiles were repaired in Beijing .Now the PLA has repeated the same exercise and tested whether these missiles can withstand the pressure difference during rail transporation through rarified atmospheric pressure.The results revealed showed that these were transported successfuly. " ( 10-8-10)


New Member
Oct 24, 2010
by the time we will evaluate, sign a contract and order actually come, things will change, china will showcase new form of weapon and our bmd will be on ground.
spending more on defence is good but y wasteful spending


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
I agree with LF man i stay in AP here in hyderabad we have many precious defence organisations like DRDO ,HAL, BDL etc BDL & DRDO have huge underground tunnels from hyderabad to delhi & a underground train route from hyd to delhi
Yeah right!

And there is a tunnel from Hyderabad to Mars. Are you sick?


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
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does india have any plans to launch a true icbm of 12000km+ range rather than proceeding in an a.p series with common difference of 1000-1500 km in each succesive version of agni? also i think we need a combination of land based ballistic missiles and 3-5 ssbn to deter china.

