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  1. C

    India-China Border conflict

    After eating Pangolins, Han CCP propaganda chief farts which has been delivered directly to Parvin Chowmeenhui's brain via mouth, post which we see the said tweet. *** Expect Indian stance to harden across the board. After 2013 Chumar posts demolition by UPA, CCP thought that new government...
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    India-China Border conflict

    Ref - MEA seeks experts on China. I was about to write a small para about Bara Hoti, when the incident of them damaging a brdige of our's came to notice, but was too lazy, just see a sample below:- Line 1 - 1890s, this is the earliest record when we have documents regarding the standoff...
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    India-China Border conflict

    lol, warning the entire g20. I mean, even for wolf pup warriors, this is a bit insane
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    India-China Border conflict

    Huh China faces diesel crisis after it used diesel generators due to power crisis caused by coal shortage Due to the huge diesel crisis, China has put a limit on how much fuel trucks...
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    India-China Border conflict

    "Chinese sensitivities should be understood/taken care of" "Let's not provoke the Chinese" We should not be uppity enough merely to speculate the vulnerability of Chumbi even when pressed about supposed danger to Siliguri, we should know our limits - That would be the thought process of...
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    India-China Border conflict

    Looks like MEA butthurt ref comments on Chumbi valley.
  7. C

    India-China Border conflict

    Keralities can carry -
  8. C

    India-China Border conflict

    CCP meddling in arctic Arctic Council expresses concern over China's rising interference in the region
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    India-China Border conflict

    Just FYI
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    India-China Border conflict

    Posted by mokoman in the Bangladesh musings thread:- Trigger alert - Written by ex genarail Panag. I can see that the the question "Was it good for India to vacate Kailash in...
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    India-China Border conflict

    On ATAGS - As per reports, a date cannot be fixed, at the moment , as to when outstanding issues that are identified are to be resolved. Now, if is back to design & development, then ........
  12. C

    India-China Border conflict

    This could be a response to USN FONOPS near Parcel Islands. What is interesting is the Russians also participating. Below is one of the CCP ships that traversed the strait.
  13. C

    India-China Border conflict

    In China, CCP do organ harvesting of Uyghurs, Christians & freedom loving people. Chinaman take virgin boys & collect urine for virgin boy urine egg. Yuck (tong zi dan) Below Chinaman CCP virgin boy urine collection area:-
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    India-China Border conflict

    Details about CCP organ harvesting:- China’s real Squid Game: Beijing operates forced organ harvesting from political prisoners and dissidents, says UN report As per Human...
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    India-China Border conflict

    Look at the methodology that this WuMao has used. He has attacked Nehru, had a sprinkling of Hinduism in his words, also says he "respects Modi". Trying to make the RW pro CCP eh? Well no RW is going to forgive CCP for what it has done. We know the perfidy of both CCP & west.
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    India-China Border conflict

    I received another interesting viewpoint from a Pakistani colleague. This was in late night after we worked together to bring up a huge network consisting of several dozen distribution switches, server farm switches, core switches & hundreds of access switches. He said that the Chinese communist...
  17. C

    India-China Border conflict

    Good that this is being done. But, we are, as always, reactive. I am sure that inputs have been passed on to higher up's regarding the weaponry being used by CCP, before Galwan clash itself. This being the case why did we not try to match the same. Who delayed this decision? I hope...
  18. C

    India-China Border conflict

    Yes, how can we forget the dress code:-