Indian Multi Role Helicopter (IMRH)


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Nov 23, 2013
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I would like to see that one day IMRH with on board indian prime minister / president

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Jan 12, 2017
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My friend 6.5 km at what payload and at what cost?

Technically AH-64 can fly roughly as high as LCH when the reality is that it can't carry 1000 kg payload at same height as LCH but at the same time is twice as heavy and thrice as expensive.
my point is to get higher services ceiling they are having reduce payload .......

Raj Malhotra

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Aug 13, 2009
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My Analysis of IMRH design:-

If you look at the intakes, the overall design is similar to Super Puma series (which also has passing resemblance to Mi-8/17 series). Other contemporary Helos like NH-90 & EH-101 has layout like our own ALH & LUH. This makes me wonder whether there is some French input in the design. Interesting to note that the latest layout is different from earlier drawings which resembled enlarged ALH.

The cabin volume is similar to Mi-17 but the cabin is slightly longer and higher. IMRH is definitely bigger than Sea King, NH-90, S-92, Super Puma and smaller than Mi-38 and largely in same category as Mi-17.

The MTOW of 12.5tons and Payload of 3.5 tons should not be considered as final word as these figures are always indicative. The payload will depend on the engines that are selected. As IMRH is intended to go upto 6500m (with some reasonable payload) therefore I think that its MTOW will be equivalent to or more than Mi-17V5.

The HAL clip on IMRH seems to indicate a Naval version which has the capability to fold the rotor blades. This means that the rotor assembly would be different than ALH (LUH?) as this folding mechanism could not be integrated on ALH rotor assembly and HAL is trying out folding blades.

The engines that can be used are T700, Makila, PW127 etc. Lets see how things pan out.
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Aug 9, 2014
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Aero India 2017: HAL displays mock-up of multirole helicopter

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has displayed a full-scale mock-up of its Indian Multirole Helicopter (IMRH) proposition at Aero India 2017.

The twin engine platform is in its preliminary design phase and two versions are planned in the transport configuration. The troop configuration will have a seating for 24, while the VIP transport version will seat 18 with a cabin volume of 23 cubic metres.

A HAL company representative told Jane's , "HAL intends to fast-track development of this platform and we plan to release an RFI for the 3,000-shp-class twin engines before July this year. Initially it will be aimed at the Indian Air Force and even Indian Army requirements, while a naval variant is also planned."

The 12.5 tonne IMRH will have a service ceiling of 21,320 ft and a payload of 3,500 kg. The maximum speed for the platform is expected to be 230 km/h with a maximum range of 500 km - this will be extended to 800 km with external fuel tanks.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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HAL hopes to fly multi-role chopper by 2019, yet to finalise engine
Finer details of the chopper will be finalised only after specifications are received from the users to develop the different versions that are planned. (Representative image)
State-owned behemoth Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is hopeful of flying its future multi-role helicopter, a mock-up of which was unveiled at the just-concluded Aero India here, by 2019 — but the engine for it has not yet been finalised. Finer details of the chopper, which will be the biggest rotary-wing aircraft ever made by India, will be finalised only after specifications are received from the users to develop the different versions that are planned.
The HAL, which boasts of building a series of helicopters like the Dhruv Advanced Light helicopter (ALH), the weaponised Rudra ALH, a Light Combat Helicopter and the latest Light Utility Helicopter (LUH), has embarked on the mission to make an Indian Multi-Role Helicopter (IMRH), with a 12-tonne lift capacity, to reduce the dependance on imports for this category.
The mock-up presented at the Aero India 2017 is based largely on the Russian Mi-17, and HAL plans to develop four versions of it for the three Services and for civilian use.
An HAL official, who did not want to be named as he was not authorised to speak to the media, said the chopper should be flying by 2018-19. After that, trials and customer acceptance may take seven to eight years. However, asked about the engine that is planned to be used in the chopper, the official said it has yet to be decided.
He also said specifications are needed from the users to finetune the design. “Requirements need to come from the users. Right now we have designed the mock-up on the lines of the Mi-17,” he said.
“Once this helicopter is ready, we will not need to go out and buy helicopters. So far we have largely depended on the Russian Mi-17s,” the official said.
He added that a lot of interest has been expressed in the chopper by delegates from several countries, apart from the Indian forces.
“They are amazed by the mock-up, every one is surprised that HAL is doing it,” the official said. The chopper can seat 24 troops or 12 passengers. It is 5.7 metres long, 2.1 metres wide and 1.9 metres high.
The chopper will be equipped with automatic flight control system, state-of-the-art mission systems, and advanced cockpit display and avionic system.


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Feb 12, 2017


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Dec 6, 2011


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Nov 21, 2016
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So it is safe to assume that it could be inducted by 2025-27 if things work out well. Not too shabby. It's not like we are suffering from a chronic shortage of medium helis unlike other things airforce. 150 spanking new Mi17 should work fine till then.

Cabin dimentions look pretty neat and above all as HAL chief said, there will be user specific versions so no more 3500 kilo as final payload.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010

HAL unveiled the mock-up of its meandering concept medium lift Indian Multirole Helicopter (IMRH) at the show this year. The huge platform, unveiled by Defene Minister Manohar Parrikar, doesn’t have a final configuration yet, and HAL is in the process of deciding turboshaft engines and other equipment. The two things we do know right off the bat is that HAL is looking to develop the chopper in a list of configurations and for every conceivable profile, including anti-submarine warfare and anti-terror special operations. In true form, HAL had an animated movie depicting the IMRH bombing submarines and delivering VVIPs to wherever it is VVIPs go.


New Member
Jan 5, 2015
similarities ???

imrh -

mi 8 -

puma -

super puma -


Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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India Aims to Export Its Home Grown Multi-Role Helicopter to 40 Countries
Government owned firm HAL has unveiled its twin engine 12 ton class multi-role helicopter at Aero India 2017 where more than 900 delegates including 25 foreign delegates from seven countries are participating.
New Delhi (Sputnik) – India’s Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar has unveiled the full scale model of Indian Multi Role Helicopter (IMRH) at 11th edition of Aero India in Bengaluru. India’s government owned company Hindustan Aeronautics Limited aims to indigenously develop 12-ton class IMRH with service ceiling of around 20,000 feet, 3,500 kg payload and a seating capacity of 24. Company has also planned to develop dedicated naval version of the helicopter. Indian firm claims that IMRH will be powered by yet to be identified twin engines and will have state of the art mission systems to meet the Utility and Armed Roles of Indian Armed Forces.
“Besides the domestic defense orders, HAL will target export orders, aiming to replace the ageing fleet of similar class of helicopters that are operational in more than 40 Air Forces around the world,” says official of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd on Tuesday. HAL hopes to have the first flight of IMRH in six to seven years. However, design and development of IMRH will only commence once armed forces put up their demand.
India needs more than 400 multi-role helicopters having different versions. HAL claims that IMRH will have high strategic roles in Tactical Troop Transport, Casualty evacuation, Under Slung Load, Combat Search & Rescue, Anti Surface Operations, Off-shore Operations, VIP/VVIP Transport and Air Ambulance. “The Army/IAF version will have a significant hovering and payload capability especially at high altitude,” reads a statement released by HAL.
Sources say that IMRH can be good substitute for the Russian built Mi-17 and also fit the Navy’s requirement for medium-lift helicopters.
Worked too fast this time instead of unveiling plan before, first flight in 2-3 years? :)


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Aug 9, 2014
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India-made multi-role choppers to match Russian Mi-17s

India is pursuing plans to build its own multi-role helicopters that could be made available to the three services in the next 6 years.

If all goes as per the plans of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, the first prototype of the helicopter could be out by 2020. A senior HAL official said the programme was on track and a priority for the state-owned firm.

Here’s all you need to know about the Indian multi-role helicopter (IMRH) project:

Competition for Mi-17 choppers

The IMRH is expected to compete with Russian Mi-17 choppers in both Indian and foreign markets. HAL says the platform could have a huge market as nearly 40 air forces across the world operate Mi-17 type helicopters. The Mi-17 is the mainstay of the Indian Air Force’s transport fleet.

Types of missions

HAL officials say the IMRH will be capable of carrying out a wider variety of missions than the Mi-17. The indigenous helicopter, which is currently in design stage, could be used for transporting troops, conducting assault operations, air maintenance and anti-submarine warfare among other roles.

Specifications of proposed India-made multi-role choppers
  • Weight class: 12.5 tonne
  • Engines: 2
  • Payload: 3,500kg
  • Passengers: 24
  • Service ceiling: Over 20,000 feet
Indigenous platform

The HAL is seeking to build the helicopter without any foreign help. However, HAL sources said the engines for the IMRH could be sourced from a foreign military contractor. HAL has estimated a requirement for 350 to 400 choppers but the number could be revised depending on market projections.

Indian helicopter fleet

The IMRH will join a wide variety of helicopters in the Indian fleet ranging from Mi-17V5, Dhruv advanced light helicopter, Ka-226T (yet to be built) to Apache attack helicopters and Chinook heavy-lift choppers whose induction will begin in about 2 years.

