Indian Army Armored Vehicles


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Jan 20, 2013
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The lone Soviet tank

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KV-1 or KV-2 tank (accounts vary) advanced far behind the German lines after attacking a column of German trucks. The tank stopped on a road across soft ground and was engaged by four 50 mm anti-tank guns of the 6th Panzer Division's anti-tank battalion. The tank was hit multiple times by these guns but fired back, disabling all four guns. A heavy 88 mm gun of the division's anti-aircraft battalion was moved about 730 metres (800 yd) behind the tank but was knocked out by the tank before it could score a hit.

During the night, German combat engineers attempted to destroy the tank with satchel charges, but were unable to, despite possibly damaging the tracks. Early on the morning of 25 June, German tanks fired on the KV from the woodland while an 88 mm targeted the tank from its rear. Of several shots fired, only two penetrated the tank.
German infantry then advanced, with the KV opening machine-gun fire against them.

The tank's resistance was finally ended by grenades thrown into the tank's hatches. According to some accounts, the crew was buried by the German soldiers with full military honors.

Erhard Raus was Commander of the 6th Panzer Division's Kampfgruppe,[f] the unit delayed by the lone vehicle. He described it as a KV-1, which was damaged by several 88anti-tank gun shots fired from behind the vehicle while it was distracted by Panzer 35(t) tanks from Panzer Battalion 65, and the KV-1 crew were killed by pioneer engineer unit who pushed grenades through two holes made by the gun while the turret began moving again, the other five or six shots having not fully penetrated. Apparently, the KV-1 crew had remarkably only been stunned by the shots which had entered the turret. Afterwards, they were buried nearby with military honors by the German unit
Wrong place!!
still nice article..


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Oct 20, 2015
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India's future main battle tank, the T-90MS 'Tagil', which will be license manufactured in Avadi in Chennai, will not be equipped with new-generation active protection systems that destroy incoming missiles and shells before they can hit the tank.

Active protection systems have saved the lives of dozens of tank crew deployed in Israeli combat operations in Gaza and have now been deployed by the Russian Army in operations in Syria.

"The new active generation protection system is one of the most advanced in the world. For decades, tanks have depended on their armour to protect their crew from enemy shells and anti-tank guided missiles. However, the singular vulnerability of modern tanks to the latest anti-tank guided missiles in the ongoing Iraq and Syria conflicts have raised serious question marks on the ability of armour alone to prevent casualties among tank crews.

Active protection systems are meant to counter this threat. Radars fitted on tanks detect the launch of hostile missiles and tank shells, predict their incoming trajectory and launch guided ammunition that can destroy or deflect hostile projectiles upto 50 metres away from the tank. The ensuing blast destroys the enemy missile, rocket propelled grenade or shell before it can pierce the armour of the tank.

The Indian Army wants the advanced protection systems on the 464 T-90MS tanks ordered for $2 billion in November 2016, said an Indian Army official.

The MoD official said efforts were made last year to procure advanced protection systems from the overseas market, but the Russian system was rejected on technical grounds, and the second competitor from Israel would have led to a single-vendor situation. The Indian government avoids purchasing weapons and equipment on a single-vendor basis.

India already operates around 800 T-90S tanks, first delivered by Russia in 2001.

Despite the newly ordered tanks lacking active protection systems, the Indian Army is satisfied with the purchase of the upgraded T-90MS tanks from Russia.

The new batch is equipped with thermal imaging night sights to allow the tank commander to fire at enemy locations even during night battles, the Indian Army official said. The tank features an improved chassis and new modular turret which for the first time in Russian battle tank design history factored in better crew comfort and survivability.

The tanks will be license-produced at state-owned Heavy Vehicle Factory (HVF), based at Avadi in south India. But Indian Army officials say in private that the state-owned factory is not able to meet the production target and is in fact meeting less than 30 percent of the target of production. Besides, the level of indigenization of the T-90 tanks being license-produced at Avadi factory is very low because the Russians are not transferring technology fully to India.


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Nov 21, 2016
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"Besides, the level of indigenization of the T-90 tanks being license-produced at Avadi factory is very low because the Russians are not transferring technology fully to India."

What the hell does "indigenization" mean in this sentence?

Russia didn't transfer the tech for armour so we are using Kanchan and DRDO has started producing the Indian equivalent of Kactus-6. If I remember correctly, same goes for barrel.


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Oct 20, 2015
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I don't know why Indian Army interested in Russian tanks. Arjun tanks beat Russian tank in several trials. Israel calls Arjun tank desert warrior. Arjun mk2 tank has all active protective system. If a weight is issue for Arjun mk 2 tank then ask DRDO to reduce weight. Then order large number of Arjun tanks for army problem solved.


New Member
Sep 19, 2016
According to wiki, the unit cost of Arjun tank is 8.3$ million while for the T-90 it is 4.5$ million.

Arjun MK-2 Tank



Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Shtora (Pak VATRA) was discarded for Indian T 90S because its not effective in protecting sides/ Rear and newer ATGM such as TOW 2A version which emits coded signal.

Pak Army has Tow 2A, also Tow 2B (top attack variant) and possibly the RF variants.

So, Instead of Shtora there is additional ERA penal on latest version T 90MS


OTOH Russian Arena E, LEDS 150 and Israeli Trophy are too costly. DRDO own APS might be 5000 years away so possibly they will go for "co develop" with any foreign firm.

Whereas, Paki VARTA APS on their Al khalids, although obsolete and nothing but big IR searchlights are good enough for our older Milans, Fagot and Konkurs ATGM

Such type of APS were tested but failed in Indian Trials. Instead we have additional ERA penal on our Tanks as in the above Russian T 90MS

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Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
Are tanks even relevant in mordern warfare. I mean heavy use of rocket artillery in battlefield will make any area a graveyard of tanks. Rather than wasting money on russian tanks, we should go for HIMARS type light rockets which can be towed in pickup trucks to destroy huge areas. Pinaka itself can be converted to HIMARS type system . I read a report by a western battlefield expert commenting on NATO Russian battlefield who concluded that tanks are useless and rocket artillery is the way forward.


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Aug 12, 2015
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Are tanks even relevant in mordern warfare. I mean heavy use of rocket artillery in battlefield will make any area a graveyard of tanks. Rather than wasting money on russian tanks, we should go for HIMARS type light rockets which can be towed in pickup trucks to destroy huge areas. Pinaka itself can be converted to HIMARS type system . I read a report by a western battlefield expert commenting on NATO Russian battlefield who concluded that tanks are useless and rocket artillery is the way forward.

Why even bother with 50 or 100 something kg warhead of rockets. We should go for missiles with 2 tons of explosive. Far less missiles would be required compared to rockets to flatten out an area. Isn't it?

Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
There are several reasons why missiles cannot replace rockets . I do not want to go into those but I am telling you the the thinking in Western defence think tanks which is that tanks are now obsolete in modern battlefield like cavalry of yore.


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Aug 12, 2015
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There are several reasons why missiles cannot replace rockets . I do not want to go into those but I am telling you the the thinking in Western defence think tanks which is that tanks are now obsolete in modern battlefield like cavalry of yore.
Western think tanks at a time had emphasized on fighters without canon and only with BVR missiles. This backfired so much that till date they are developing stealth fighter with powerful internal canon along with improved ammo.

Tarun Kumar

New Member
Dec 12, 2016
The recent experience of Turkey with ISIS wherein Turks have lost dozens of Leopard 2 tanks to light rockets to my mind is a smoking gun that tanks indeed are on way out of modern battlefield. If we develop cheap truck mounted MBRLs, we can build thousands upon thousands of those for price of an armored corps. The shock and awe it will have on paki and chinese armored force will be enormous. Instead we are spending 3 billion on more useless russian tanks.


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Aug 12, 2015
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The recent experience of Turkey with ISIS wherein Turks have lost dozens of Leopard 2 tanks to light rockets to my mind is a smoking gun that tanks indeed are on way out of modern battlefield. If we develop cheap truck mounted MBRLs, we can build thousands upon thousands of those for price of an armored corps. The shock and awe it will have on paki and chinese armored force will be enormous. Instead we are spending 3 billion on more useless russian tanks.
On one hand you are talking about an invasion on China and Pak and on other hand you are talking about tank battle in Syria. Why only Syria, US tanks got hit even in Iraq. But had this been case in Afghanistan?
Tanks are not made for urban warfare. this fact has been proved in WWII itself. When you are talking about an Indo-Pak conflict, when do you think Indian tanks would be marching down their cities or towns? You can't even think of marching up to their cities unless and untill you have taken care of their armed forces. In any such case when you would be heading towards a Pakistani city, the first thing to be out of your mind is any collateral damage. When that thought is out of your mind, firing a rocket artillery is equivalent to marching along in a Tank.


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Apr 8, 2016
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The recent experience of Turkey with ISIS wherein Turks have lost dozens of Leopard 2 tanks to light rockets to my mind is a smoking gun that tanks indeed are on way out of modern battlefield. If we develop cheap truck mounted MBRLs, we can build thousands upon thousands of those for price of an armored corps. The shock and awe it will have on paki and chinese armored force will be enormous. Instead we are spending 3 billion on more useless russian tanks.
a weapon is as good as the user , without proper doctrines, tactics and training even the most powerful tank will end up getting blown up.

for confronting anti tank teams armed with ATGMS the best weapon is terminator type heavy IFV .
in the absence of such weapons systems the next best option is to use infantry combined with tanks to run down hostile anti tank teams.
if u use tanks in the standalone role as seen in syria by the turks , the tank crew will be bogged down due to lack of situational awareness (hatch down condition) and vulnerable to multi direction swarming attacks from behind terrain and buildings.

if u have 5 tanks and 10 squads of accompanying infantry armed with sniper guns , RPGs/LAW , LMGs , grenade launchers , Tactical UAVs etc u and ur tanks will have a high survival rate .

u will have 6 of the teams scout/recon ahead and occupy commanding positions/ vulnerable points with 4 remaining back to guard the flanks and cover the movement of the tanks.

the scout teams will use the UAVs , optics etc to locate and identify hostile anti tank teams even before they get to locate the tanks and neutralize them by themselves or by calling fire from the tanks. possibilities r endless

rest is self explainable

conventional approach to asymmetrical warfare is suicidal and points to lack of thinking among the military commanders.
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
It was never discarded but never added on first place with other systems and components when purchasing, The additional T-90S which are being rectified under DRDO by Government of India ..

The soft kill APS is already their on MK2 which will be locally produced under some Private firm, For both MK2 as well as Indian T-90 Bhishmas ..

Shtora (Pak VATRA) was discarded for Indian T 90S because its not effective in protecting sides/ Rear and newer ATGM such as TOW 2A version which emits coded signal.

Pak Army has Tow 2A, also Tow 2B (top attack variant) and possibly the RF variants.

So, Instead of Shtora there is additional ERA penal on latest version T 90MS

OTOH Russian Arena E, LEDS 150 and Israeli Trophy are too costly. DRDO own APS might be 5000 years away so possibly they will go for "co develop" with any foreign firm.

Whereas, Paki VARTA APS on their Al khalids, although obsolete and nothing but big IR searchlights are good enough for our older Milans, Fagot and Konkurs ATGM

Such type of APS were tested but failed in Indian Trials. Instead we have additional ERA penal on our Tanks as in the above Russian T 90MS

