Nirbhay Cruise Missile Test 2013

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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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wrong thread..............
accept that it was a fialure... even if you do not accept , it was a failure.. D O D O s were a failure...
but failure a step towards success ...
Dil ko bahalane ke liye ye khayal achha hai...

Tooon Tooon Toooon ...

wo duniya ke rakhawale....


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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accept that it was a fialure... even if you do not accept , it was a failure.. D O D O s were a failure...
but failure a step towards success ...
Dil ko bahalane ke liye ye khayal achha hai...

Tooon Tooon Toooon ...
man you love to hate desi products and their developer, fine with me.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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man you love to hate desi products and their developer, fine with me.
man you seem to be earning your bread with it ... not me...

I pay lakhs of tax towards it... so they bloody well perform..
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New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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man you seem to be earning your bread with it ... not me...

I pay lakhs of tax towards it... so they bloody well perform..
i know how you earn your bread, i earn by bread from my law practice.


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Mar 6, 2011
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He wasn't tossed under the truck for revealing bribery. He was dismissed for being too old, and unlike a good soldier he had to fight it in court and make himself look like a power hungry jack ass.
Every onehere knows the reason for his dismissal was the import lobby slush with funds from TATRA deals and many other import deals felt he was a hindrance to them,That was the reason behind the government's refusal to accept his legitimate proof of age,It was a long and complex battle he waged with the authorities .

It was corrected in one branch of military records and throughout his tenure he made many lawful representations to correct the anomoly in another branchIf he was simply lying how could he got it corrected in one branch of military by using legally valid means.
He is entitled to go to court for his legal right. This is not a banana republic and he is not another tin pot army general trying to turn dictator
Your simple comments show your lack of knowledge on the issue.

When you hit the max age of service, then you retire. Was VK treated any differently than other generals that reach that age? Was it not the age he accepted officially three times? He was the first officer to ever take GoI to court. What does that say about his character? He didn't like their decision so he is going to set a new precedent if you don't like what your superiors tell you, sue. He lost too.

He did not hit the max age of service. According to birth certificates and school leaving certificates his age was not above retirement limit. Only in NDA (a military finishing school ) he made the mistake of putting a wrong date of birth . he applied for correction and got it corrected in other branches of military with his birth certificate and school leaving certificate which bore his original date of birth.

Many other peopele before him used this legal means to correct this anamolies in records. recently when applied for ADHAr and national population register identity cards many of the particulars were listed wrongly. i gave proof and corrected them , if it is not allowed then why was I allowed.

you know perfectly well that RAFALE was disqualified from MMRCA competition for giving incomplete bid documentation. Then it represented it's case with correct papers and got into the tender. When a foriegn MNC is eligible for such magnanimity why not a true Indian soldier who refused the millions of dollar in bribe and reported the matter to the HONEST defence minister?The HONEST defence minister sat on his army chief's explosive report for monthe silently is another matter of discussion for another thread.

If he was such a champion against corruption, why didn't he file a full report on the incident as his commander in chief instructed? If he was going to be champion against corruption he would have made a huge stink of it before he got axed, not after.

Considering the response of the authorities to his confidential report on the matter and the untiring effort to unseat him. It is no wonder he kept quiet.
It is a 4.5 gen airframe with 5th gen avionics. So you could really call it 4.75 gen being more advanced then the claimed 4.5 gen fighters out there, like EFT. At best J-20 is LO, it certainly isn't VLO so an RBE2 AESA will not have a problem locating it, especially when it will be emitting a PESA radar that doesn't even meet Irbis waveforms. Yes, it is more than a match for any future Chinese fighter, they do not have the advanced avionics or weapons to compete.
PAKFA is going to enter into service along side RAFALE. So what does IAF gain by having 126 RAFALEs instead of 126 more PAKFAs or FGFAs?

When Dassault has the privilege of coming back to tender after being disqualified for an incomplete technical bid and refusal to provide details upon request, why V.K.Singh was shown the rule book in such an uncerimonial manner? Sonia Gandhi lied to the election commission regarding her educational qualification and got away scot free. But v.K.Singh's perfectly legal case was thrown out with baby and the bath water.Every kid knows the anwer for the treatment meted out to him.
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Daku Mongol Singh
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
accept that it was a fialure... even if you do not accept , it was a failure.. D O D O s were a failure...
but failure a step towards success ...
Dil ko bahalane ke liye ye khayal achha hai...

Tooon Tooon Toooon ...

wo duniya ke rakhawale....
what the big deal with the comment
wrong thread..............
of the so called D O D O??? :noidea:


New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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man you seem to be earning your bread with it ... not me...

I pay lakhs of tax towards it... so they bloody well perform..
bloody well, they will, even if you don't pay your taxes in lakhs.

The IGMDP started with a chicken like liquid fuel PRITHVI missile,"which needed hours to pump the liquid fuel into it and had to be carted with fuel tanks giving a nice photo op to spy sats above ". It was the butt of many jokes initially. Now it's grandchild K-15 is a solid fueled SLBM launched from nuclear sub completing the nuclear delivery triad, not to mention the various AGNIs it spawned, and invaluable strategic autonomy DRDO gave to indian strategic planners.

So if even you and me pay no taxes Nirbhay will fly with all three branches of indian military in time.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Ha Ha Ha ... Armywalas ran away to save themselves off their D O D O missile....

Ha Ha Ha .....
In time the enemies of the same armywallas won't save themselves by the simple deed of running away.


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May 16, 2011
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I still believe that Raffy deal is so far the biggest scam in the country, I am just waiting for the day some evidence pops out, one can only hide so much dirty money only for so long.

Thales Market Cap is currently Euro 6.5 billion

Thales - Latest price - Charts, news and recommendations
BAE Systems PLC, BA.:LSE company performance -

BAE is well over 12 Billion pounds

Safran is around 14 billion pounds almost same as BAE

LM has a larket cap of around $30 billion which is nearly double of both Thales+Safran. Dassault has a cap of euro 11Billion

So Thales+Safran+Dassault just about equals LM in value. Best for EU companies to financially compare themselves in EU. None of the French companies are worth even half the value of giants in the US. Only EADS has some serious value of 34 billion.

That said Nirbhay is bound to be among the deadliest, versatile cruise missiles out there and from the on set with the ability to loiter and carry 24+ warheads it is bound to be more advanced and useful than any counterparts in EU or US or Russia
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Daku Mongol Singh
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
bloody well, they will, even if you don't pay your taxes in lakhs.

The IGMDP started with a chicken like liquid fuel PRITHVI missile,"which needed hours to pump the liquid fuel into it and had to be carted with fuel tanks giving a nice photo op to spy sats above ". It was the butt of many jokes initially. Now it's grandchild K-15 is a solid fueled SLBM launched from nuclear sub completing the nuclear delivery triad, not to mention the various AGNIs it spawned, and invaluable strategic autonomy DRDO gave to indian strategic planners.

So if even you and me pay no taxes Nirbhay will fly with all three branches of indian military in time.
K-15 a solid fueled SLBM :notsure: some reports indicates that Shaurya the land based version of K-15 is an improvised Prithvi's liquid fueled version.


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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I still believe that Raffy deal is so far the biggest scam in the country, I am just waiting for the day some evidence pops out, one can only hide so much dirty money only for so long.

Thales Market Cap is currently Euro 6.5 billion

Thales - Latest price - Charts, news and recommendations
BAE Systems PLC, BA.:LSE company performance -

BAE is well over 12 Billion pounds

Safran is around 14 billion pounds almost same as BAE

LM has a larket cap of around $30 billion which is nearly double of both Thales+Safran. Dassault has a cap of euro 11Billion

So Thales+Safran+Dassault just about equals LM in value. Best for EU companies to financially compare themselves in EU. None of the French companies are worth even half the value of giants in the US. Only EADS has some serious value of 34 billion.

That said Nirbhay is bound to be among the deadliest, versatile cruise missiles out there and from the on set with the ability to loiter and carry 24+ warheads it is bound to be more advanced and useful than any counterparts in EU or US or Russia
Safran at 14 billion pounds = $21 billion, Thales = $9 billion and Dassualt = $14 billion. So that is $44 billion, well above Lockheeed Martin's market cap of $30 billion... according to your numbers.

Dassualt's track record on bribery in India is impeccable. At Aero India 2011 they worked with the defence exhibit organisation and trapped Wing Commander A.K. Thakur who was demanding bribes for advantageous positions on the static line. Thakur is now court martialed in disgrace. France is helping India clean up its dirty officers.

Instead of worrying about 24+ warheads, hit the target first. There is no cause to be making claims when DRDO is involved.



New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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When Dassault has the privilege of coming back to tender after being disqualified for an incomplete technical bid and refusal to provide details upon request, why V.K.Singh was shown the rule book in such an uncerimonial manner? Sonia Gandhi lied to the election commission regarding her educational qualification and got away scot free. But v.K.Singh's perfectly legal case was thrown out with baby and the bath water.Every kid knows the anwer for the treatment meted out to him.
You are missing the point of his actions. He was the first officer to ever take the government to court because he didn't like their decision. If the real reason he was dismissed is because of his corruption complaint, why didn't he make that a point in his arguments? It would have brought it to the forefront. But he based his case on a technicality that has zero impact on battling corruption. He saw it over his entire career, but he didn't make a stink until after he was canned. Why wait... why not make it a case in his court arguments to make them deal with it? Why not follow up his complain in office with an official report that Antony requested? He is only willing to rock the boat after his influence is gone. In the process, he has set a bad precedent of insubordination by challenging the civilian government's decisions.

manishhot said:
What about air force version of nirbhay
It is supposed to be adopted for MKI that are getting the Brahmos conversion.
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