Can India do a Falklands war type campaign if PLAN takes over Andamans


Freakin' Fighter fan
New Member
Sep 15, 2010
SO u are saying that pakistan is so advanced that it made a nuclear device just 7 days after india exploded nuclear test,well soviet union conducted his 1st nuclear test 4 ys after US conducted his 1st atomic test ,so pakistan is more advanced & talented than russia .

Only a pakistani or a false flaghoister would bluff like that.:sad:
Cut the cr@p dude - you are now playing that "you said this - so you are praising Pakistan, so you must be a pakistani" routine.

Chill - Pakistan "made the weapons" with Chinese help - all they needed was an excuse to test them - the BJP government did just that!

As for all your BS "analysis" I have this feeling that you are stuck with "my country is best, we are the greatest - no one will DARE to invade us" kind of mindset.

You dig Doc?


New Member
Jul 2, 2010
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What I called BS is the part that India knew about how ready Pakistani Nukes were and the 1998 tests were done by India to "draw Pakistan out of the closets" - that is BS
Have you forgotten about the Moraji Desai fiasco ?

K Santanam of R&AW's science and technology division was the first to assess that Pakistan was covertly constructing a uranium-enrichment plant. He systematically monitored developments relating to Pakistan's nuclear program, including the procurement racket of Abdul Qadeer Khan. Raman reveals that, in an unguarded moment, Indian prime minister Morarji Desai indiscreetly told Pakistani dictator Zia ul-Haq that he was aware of Islamabad's nuclear schemes.
Asia Times Online :: South Asia news - India's silent warriors
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The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
New Member
Aug 25, 2010


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Cut the cr@p dude - you are now playing that "you said this - so you are praising Pakistan, so you must be a pakistani" routine.

Chill - Pakistan "made the weapons" with Chinese help - all they needed was an excuse to test them - the BJP government did just that!
tell u what i had seen many duffers in this world ,but u would top them all ,

BJP never use pakistan as excuse they use china threat as an excuse for 1998 test ,but the fact is india knew about pakistan's nuclear capabilty much earliear ,but as u are an egoistical fraud so u dont want to accept the fact & live in denial world .Well ur wish live in that world

As for all your BS "analysis" I have this feeling that you are stuck with "my country is best, we are the greatest - no one will DARE to invade us" kind of mindset.

You dig Doc?
u r pathetic ,man really pathetic:tsk: ,well if a person doent want to accept fantasy so that's why his views became B.S analysis & he digs:der:
well even ur 7 yr old nephew would laugh at ur fantasy threads.

well then let it be i dont give a damn .:wave:


Freakin' Fighter fan
New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Right - you don't - that's why you keep digging up these threads and start ranting on them - all because I called you out on your cut-and-paste job on the age-old MMRCA deal? You are pathetic dude - get a life.


Freakin' Fighter fan
New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Here's an interesting take on possible IN vs PLAN showdown ...

India and China share a long, heavily militarized (and also disputed) land border across the spine of the Himalayas. But while differences there have been more or less frozen for decades across a glacial expanse, the threat of confrontations at sea may prove far more unpredictable. Gwynne Dyer, a veteran Asia hand, writes:

You can attack a land border if you really want to, but it is a very big decision with incalculable consequences: a declaration of war, in effect. Even the most arrogant or paranoid governments will think long and hard before embarking on such an action, and generally they end up by deciding not to do it. Whereas at sea, you can easily drift into a serious military confrontation that neither side intended.

And the possible scenarios for (inadvertent) Sino-Indian naval conflict will only mushroom over time. After all, India's tentative wading into the South China Sea follows a steady drum beat of Chinese projects across the Indian Ocean rim around India — what some have dubbed the "string of pearls." According to some Indian strategists, China has set up naval facilities and listening posts from Burma to Pakistan, with a strategic, deep-sea port at Hambantota, Sri Lanka, in between.

Therefore, writes Harsh Pant, an international affairs scholar at King's College, London, India should play the same game. He writes:

India is right to forcefully reject Chinese claims of sovereignty over the entire South China Sea. It should now build credible strategic partnerships with other regional states to prevent a Chinese regional dominance that will undermine Indian and regional security interests.

Is This How Wars Start? India and China Now Feud Over the South China Sea - Global Spin -

Global Defence

