Xi enjoys Kazakh children singing Ode to Motherland


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Kazakhstan's Soviet style propaganda is still epic!
Wrong , there's still nothing to beat propaganda during the cultural revolution. Even during the worst purges & pogroms launched by Stalin Russians didn't witness children turn their parents to the state on charges of being a counter revolutionary , nor did siblings turn on each other or parents on their children or spouse on spouse or relatives on each other or even neighbours on each other.

All this was standard fare during the cultural revolution . No wonder the Han don't think too much before lying stealing & cheating each other . It's now hardwired into them . Perhaps it's part of their DNA. What's more this is all considered normal by the Han.

For example - Look at you Chang . You're a lunatic but you think you're normal so does everyone around you. In any other society you'd be in a straight jacket & institutionalised. Tells us a lot about the existing state of affairs of the Han.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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Wrong , there's still nothing to beat propaganda during the cultural revolution. Even during the worst purges & pogroms launched by Stalin Russians didn't witness children turn their parents to the state on charges of being a counter revolutionary , nor did siblings turn on each other or parents on their children or spouse on spouse or relatives on each other or even neighbours on each other.

All this was standard fare during the cultural revolution . No wonder the Han don't think too much before lying stealing & cheating each other . It's now hardwired into them . Perhaps it's part of their DNA. What's more this is all considered normal by the Han.

For example - Look at you Chang . You're a lunatic but you think you're normal so does everyone around you. In any other society you'd be in a straight jacket & institutionalised. Tells us a lot about the existing state of affairs of the Han.
So you're saying China's cultural revolution is responsible for India's collective ruling failure? right? I don't see the connection. Can you elaborate?

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