Should India plan to establish an airlifter production capability?


New Member
Jan 24, 2021
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India needed to replace its Avro 748 transport aircraft. Airbus and Tata set up a C295 production plant in India.

India needs to replace its An-32 airlifters. Would it not make sense for Embraer + an Indian company to set up a C-390 production plant in India? C-390 is a modern, competitive product and should sell in numbers for many decades. South Korea, the Netherlands and Austria selected C-390 in preference to C-130 in the last 2 years. Sweden is likely to select it over C-130 this year. India could handle C-390 production and support for Asia and other areas agreed.

A successor for C-17 will be sought by the market at some point. If co-operation with Embraer on C-390 were successful, why shouldn't Embraer and a suitable Indian entity look into designing and making a C-17 successor? Of course, if the US decides to produce one, a Brazil/India competitor may not be viable.

India may have no expertise in airlifter design but Embraer does, so inevitably most of the basic design of a C-17 successor would need to be handled by Embraer. So what? There would still be some input from India.

