Should Arihant be converted into SSGN?


Hindufying India
Senior Member
Aug 18, 2010
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S2 is a Tech Demonstrater. It is not going to go on Patrol Duties. Its purpose is to test K series of Missiles. After Agni VI (K5) is commissioned around 2020, S2 hull will be idle.

The Arihant and Ardiman can be converted into SSGN (like Ohio Class) after the Arihant Follow on Class are ready for duty patrols only.

It can be equipped with 12 VLS Cruise Missiles (Nirbhay and LRCM).

Abhijeet Dey

Senior Member
May 6, 2013
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S2 is a Tech Demonstrater. It is not going to go on Patrol Duties. Its purpose is to test K series of Missiles. After Agni VI (K5) is commissioned around 2020, S2 hull will be idle.

The Arihant and Ardiman can be converted into SSGN (like Ohio Class) after the Arihant Follow on Class are ready for duty patrols only.

It can be equipped with 12 VLS Cruise Missiles (Nirbhay and LRCM).
In case of nuclear attack submarines DRDO, BARC and Indian Navy should try to develop Virginia class submarine which are expensive but will add a greater punch against our adversaries. Its specifications can be found in other websites and defense forums.

1. Instead of a traditional periscope, it has a pair of telescopic photonic masts located outside the pressure hull. Each mast contains high-resolution cameras, infrared sensors, an infrared laser rangefinder and an integrated Electronic Support Measures (ESM) array. Signals from the masts sensors are transmitted through fiber optic data lines through signal processors to the control center. Visual feeds from the masts are displayed on LCD interfaces in the command center (a very new concept).

2. it has Propulsor system which reduces cavitation, and allows quieter operation.

3. It has got sonar systems at the top sail, below (keel) and a towed array at back side (I think it is meant for those akula class submarine).

Abhijeet Dey

Senior Member
May 6, 2013
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If possible Indian Navy's Design Bureau can take help from Russia's Rubin design bureau, French DCNS and Italy's Navantia in designing a new concept for Indian Navy's nuclear attack submarines.

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