Kali is official


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Apr 13, 2013
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Adding some background info to it

KALI (laser) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The KALI (Kilo Ampere Linear Injector) is a linear electron accelerator being developed in India, by the Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) and the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC).

The KALI is not a laser weapon as commonly believed. It emits powerful pulses of electrons (Relativistic Electron Beams- REB). Other components in the machine down the line convert the electron energy into EM Radiation, which can be adjusted to x-ray (as Flash X-Rays) or microwave (High Power Microwave) frequencies.

This has fueled hopes that the KALI could, one day be used in a High-Power Microwave gun, which could destroy incoming missiles and aircraft through soft-kill (destroying the electronic circuitry on the missile). However, weaponising such a system has many obstacles to overcome.


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Jan 10, 2013
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Indian Secret Laser Weapon KALI in Action - Anti Missile System: .. long thought to be a dark project, a short prasar bharti video now shows indian progress in field of laser based air defence.
That video is of ADVANCED ANTI MISSILE LASER made by Lockheed Martin. And not Indian Kali which is not a laser based weapon system Or for that matter cannot be even called a weapon. KALI (Kilo Ampere Linear Injector) is a linear electron accelerator.
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Jul 20, 2009
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Indian Secret Laser Weapon KALI in Action - Anti Missile System:


... long thought to be a dark project, a short prasar bharti video now shows indian progress in field of laser based air defence.
this is not official prasar bharti user name just some fanboy

and the test in this video is Lockheed Martin's tactical laser system


New Member
Feb 2, 2015
Indian Secret Laser Weapon KALI in Action - Anti Missile System:


... long thought to be a dark project, a short prasar bharti video now shows indian progress in field of laser based air defence.
Highly doubt the credibility of this video as its uploaded by Fake "Prasar Bharti"...

only one good presentation is available on utube
and its here


though this video contains same info as on wikipedia page


New Member
Feb 2, 2015
That video is of ADVANCED ANTI MISSILE LASER made by Lockheed Martin. And not Indian Kali which is not a laser based weapon system Or for that matter cannot be even called a weapon. KALI (Kilo Ampere Linear Injector) is a linear electron accelerator.

Yepp ... only soft kills possible if its weaponized :(

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
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Oct 3, 2009
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Aah, teh prasar bharati channel. You guys should see some of the other videos uploaded on that "Prasar Bharati" channel. for teh lulz !! :lol:

Free Karma

New Member
Oct 3, 2013
Indian Secret Laser Weapon KALI in Action - Anti Missile System:


... long thought to be a dark project, a short prasar bharti video now shows indian progress in field of laser based air defence.

Guys this video is FAKE!

It's actually a lockheed martin video:

Just take a look at other videos in "Prasar Bharati" Channel pls :D I doubt if the real PB would have videos of baki news channels with troll headings saying "India is world leader pakistan is beggar" or "Pakistani news channel BURNING due to mars mission" :lol:


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Apr 13, 2013
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IDN TAKE: When A Terrifying New Weapon was Born
Tuesday, June 02, 2015 by Indiandefense News

The Kali (Kilo Ampere Linear Injector) is a linear electron accelerator developed by DRDO
The Wrath of KALI
In early 2012 it was rumored that India conducted a super secret weapons test called "Operation White Wash" in the treacherous Siachen glacier the highest battleground on earth. Personnel from RAW, NSA, ARC (Aviation Research Center the aviation arm of RAW), the Army, Air Force (for airborne and AWACS support), DRDO & BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) were roped in to plan & conduct the secret mission. The objective was to use avalanche to kill our enemies using a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) called KALI developed by DRDO scientists. All necessary permissions were obtained and a task force was constituted under National Security Advisor directly reporting to PM. On account of a technical prerequisite an air platform was decided instead of a land facility since heavy noise and vibrations from the hi-tech equipment could trigger an avalanche on our own troops. Two IL-76s were refitted with DRDO's Kilo Ampere Linear Injector electron accelerator named KALI-50000W on board. Techically it is a pulsed accelerator of ~30 MeV electron energy, 50-100 ns pulse time, 90kA Current and 200 GW Power level.
With meticulous planning and surmounting tough operational conditions the test was triggered in the morning at 4:00 am, the softening of the target areas took around 2 hours to take effect and by 5:40 AM massive snow forms started hurtling towards the Gayari sector where the Pakistani HQ was situated. It was a dry snow avalanche and very soon massive slabs of snow attained speeds around 300 kmph, it was so monstrous that even our personnel were horrified at the magnitude of the event. In total 135 Pakistani men perished and the entire military base was wiped out beyond recognition. Soon Pakistani and International news channels started reporting the tragedy which had struck the plains. It was a crippling blow to Pakistan's tactical positioning in Siachen, the scientists and armed forces stationed there soon realized that India now possessed a weapon of devastating proportions and that it could at will take out critical enemy positions without even firing a bullet. It was a landmark day for Indian hi-technology prowess. Read an international media report here and a very impressive Wikipedia page on this event here.
The Concept

The idea of the Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) is believed to have originated as early as in 212 BC in Greece, when Archimedes used polished mirrors to direct sun-light on the sails of Roman ships while defending the city of Syracuse. It was not until 1890 that HG Wells resurrected this concept in his book The War of the Worlds. And taking a leaf out of history, on May 23, 1983, Ronald Reagan the US President urged the development of a system that could intercept and destroy strategic ballistic missiles before these could reach US soil or that of its allies. He was inspired directly by the blockbuster movie STARS WARS. Enough funding was promised and subsequently reports appeared that DEW was well on their way towards actual deployment.
Scientists knew for many years that either a coherent monochromatic light collimated beam; a beam of charged particles or neutral energy particles, can potentially carry destructive amounts of energy, capable under certain circumstances of melting or cracking metal. Effective range could be many thousands of kilometers.
The DEW is a sophisticated weapon capable of destroying a target by emitting and transferring the energy to a target in an aimed direction. Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) would replace the nuclear monsters soon enough and take the centerstage, probably proving the legendary visionary HG Wells to be dead on target.
DRDO Background

Read another detailed IDN report on KALI here
In India, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has been developing a series of directed energy weapons (DEW) to improve the country's anti-ballistic missile capability, in parallel an Advanced Air Defence (AAD) system is also being persued by DRDO with remarkable success.
DRDO Laser Science and Technology Centre director Anil Kumar Maini said a DEW laser weapon could generate high-energy pulses of 25kW, capable enough to destroy even a supersonic ballistic missile in its terminal phase within the range of 7km. Another deadly & spooky destiny awaits our enemies.
He said a gas dynamic laser-based DEW which can be flexibly deployed by a moving vehicle, is also being developed. The Indian laser weapons would serve in three platforms such as the air force's transport planes, fighters and navy's destroyers and submarines. (Adapted from Internet Sources)



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Apr 13, 2013
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The Kali (Kilo Ampere Linear Injector) is a linear electron accelerator being developed in india, by Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) and the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). The KALI is not a laser weapon as commonly believed, but it powerful pulses of electrons (Relativistic Electron Beams-REB)
Other components in the machine down the line convert the elctron energy into Electro Magnetic Radiation, whcih can be adjusted to X-Ray (as Flash X-Rays) or microwave frequencies (High Power Microwave). This has fueled hopes that KALI could one day be used in a High-Power Microwave gun, which could destroy incoming missiles and aircraft through soft-kill (destroying the electronic circuitry on the Missile).
  • The KALI project was first mooted in 1985 by the then Director of BARC, Dr. R Chidambaram. Work on the Project began in 1989, being developed by the Accelerators & Pulse Power Division of BARC.
  • DRDO is also involved with this project. It was initially developed for Industrial applications, although defence applications became clearer later.
  • The First accelerator had a power of ~0.4GW, which increased as later versions were developed. These were the KALI 80, KALI 200. KALI 1000, KALI 5000 and KALI 10000.
  • The KALI-5000 was commissioned for use in late 2004.
  • The KALI series of accelerators are described as "Single Shot Pulsed Gigawatt Electron Accelerators"
  • They are single shot devices, using water filled capacitors to build the charge energy.
  • The discharge is in the range of 1GW, initially starting with 0.4GW power, present Accelerators are able to reach 40GW. Pulse time is about 60 ns.
  • The Microwave radiations emitted by the KALI-5000 are in the 3-5 GHz Range.
  • The KALI-5000 is a pulsed accelerator of 1 MeV electron energy, 50-100 ns pulse time, 40Ka current and 40 GW Power level.
  • The system is quite bulky as well, with the KALI-5000 weighing 10 tons, and KALI-10000 weighing 26 tons.
  • They are also very power hungry and require a colling tank of 12,000 liters of oil. Recharging time is also too long to make it as a viable weapon system in its present form.
  • KALI has been put to various uses by DRDO
  • The X-Rays emitted are being used in Ballistic research as an illuminator for ultrahigh speed photography by the Defence Ballistics Research Institute (DBRL) in Chandigarh.
  • The Microwave emissions are used for Electro Magnetic Research.
  • The Microwave producing versionof KALI has also been used by DRDO scientists for testing the vulnerability of the electronic systems of the TEJAS LCA, which was then under development.
  • It has also helped in designing electrostatic shields to "harden" the LCA and missiles from microwave attack by the enemy as well as protecting satellites against deadly Electro Magnetic Impulses (EMI) generated by nuclear weapons and other cosmic disturbances, which "fry" and destroy electronic circuits.
  • Electronic components currently used in missiles can withstand fields of approximately 300 V/cm, while the fields in case of EMI attack reach thousands of V/cm.

by Admin IDN (Text from various Internet sources)



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Sep 7, 2015
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The KALI-5000 was commissioned for use in late 2004.

However, weaponisation of the KALI will take some time. The system is still under development, and efforts are being made to make it more compact, as well as improve its recharge time, which, at the present, makes it only a single use system.


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Aug 4, 2014
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The KALI-5000 was commissioned for use in late 2004.

However, weaponisation of the KALI will take some time. The system is still under development, and efforts are being made to make it more compact, as well as improve its recharge time, which, at the present, makes it only a single use system.
I read this line 8 years back. it means no progress have been made since then!


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Sep 5, 2015
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I have seen this device two years back. Even the system designers there did't think of its military utility ! It's a technology demonstrator for scattering & diffraction experiments and has nothing to do with any fancy EMP weapon development program.