Israel to buy sixth Dolphin-class diesel submarine from Germany


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
Israel finalises purchase of 6th German submarine - official
ISRAEL - 5 MAY 2011

Israel has finalised the purchase of a sixth submarine from Germany, with payment to be spread over several years, an Israeli official said Thursday.

The proposed expansion of the diesel-powered Dolphin submarine fleet, considered Israel's vanguard against foes like Iran, had been held up by wrangling with Berlin over the $500 million (303 million pounds) to $700 million (424 million pounds) price tag.

Israel currently operates three Dolphins and has two more on order from Germany with delivery expected in the next two years.

Dedicated to the security of the Jewish state founded in the wake of the Holocaust, Germany had sold those submarines at deep discounts. But Berlin, beset by budgetary constraints, balked in talks last year at similarly underwriting the sixth Dolphin.

"It's finalised -- we will be getting another submarine from Germany, with payments spread over several years," an Israeli official briefed on the negotiations said.

The official did not immediately say how much the Dolphin would cost Israel or whether Germany would arrange a discount.

The spokeswoman for the German embassy did not immediately return a call for comment. The Dolphins are manufactured by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW), which is owned by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

Political turbulence in the Middle East and Iran's nuclear program have led Israel to float higher defence spending, which may have allowed it to absorb more of Dolphin's price.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month, has been sympathetic to his regional concerns and championed international diplomatic campaigns to rein in Tehran.

But Berlin has in the past heard misgivings from German opposition parties about exporting weapons to crisis areas. Israel is reputed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal, including submarine-fired nuclear missiles.

Source: Reuters


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
Israel Navy Dolphin-class submarines:

The Dolphin-class is a diesel-electric submarine developed and constructed by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft AG (HDW), Germany for the Israeli Navy. It is based on the export-only German 209 class submarines, but heavily modified and enlarged and is thus not seen as a member of the 209 family. The Dolphin boats are the most expensive single vehicle in the Israel Defense Forces and are considered among the most sophisticated and capable conventional submarines in the world.


Each submarine is armed with 6 x 21-inch (533 mm) torpedo tubes, which are also capable of firing Sub-Harpoon missiles, and 4 x 25.5-inch (648 mm) torpedo tubes. The submarines are also able to deploy mines.

Jane's Defence Weekly reports that the Dolphin class submarines are believed to be nuclear armed, offering Israel a second strike capability. The Federation of American Scientists and report that the four larger 25.5-inch (648 mm) torpedo tubes are capable of launching nuclear-armed Popeye Turbo cruise missiles (a variant of the Popeye/AGM-142 Have Nap standoff missile) with a range of up to 1,500 kilometres.These larger torpedo tubes can also launch underwater swimmer delivery vehicles.

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New Member
Jan 26, 2011
'Germany to finalize sale of 6th Dolphin submarine to Israel'
ISRAEL - 18 JULY 2011

Germany will provide Israel with its sixth Dolphin-class nuclear-capable submarine and will subsidize the deal with a total of 135 million euros, German magazine Der Spiegel reported overnight Sunday.

According to the report, German Defense Minister Tomas de Maiziere met in Israel last week with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak and promised to finalize the deal for the submarine.

The Dolphin submarine is capable of launching nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

Talks on the deal for the sub stalled last year after the Germans declined to underwrite it, as they had done with previous purchases. The vessel will cost between $500 million and $700m. The submarines are considered Israel's most sophisticated and strategic weapon.

Israel already has three Dolphin-class subs; another two are currently under construction in Germany with expected delivery dates of 2012 and 2013.

According to foreign reports, Israel's submarines have a second-strike capability and carry cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads.

Germany donated Israel's first two submarines after the first Gulf War and, according to the German press, split the cost of the third with Israel. The three undersea vessels currently in the navy's possession employ a diesel-electric propulsion system, which requires frequent resurfacing to recharge their batteries.

The new submarines – called the U212 – will be fitted with a new German technology in which the propulsion system combines a conventional diesel/lead-acid battery system and an air-independent propulsion system used for slow, silent cruising, with a fuel cell equipped with oxygen and hydrogen storage.

The submarines will also incorporate specifications gleaned from Israel Navy experience. The Dolphins currently in the navy's fleet were tailor-made for its needs and reportedly have considerable operational capability.

Source: Jerusalem Post


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
Country flag
This is a serious ramping up of detterent capability. This means that Israel has failed to halt Iran's nuclear build up. Of course, the unraveling of Arab despots that Israel traditionally hinged its security is beggining to bite it. Talking about strategic policies blowback...


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
The new 3 Dolphin Submarines are Bigger, slient and more Capable. The Only problem the IDF face is lack of space and narrow Red Sea makes them to limit their patrol. They will be limited to Coastal Patrol only!!

Submarines needs the open water, And thats exact thing what Israel lacking in Middile East. If IDF ever wanted to on its way to the Indian Ocean then they needed to pass the Sues Canal and Arabia.

"It's finalised -- we will be getting another submarine from Germany, with payments spread over several years," an Israeli official briefed on the negotiations said.

The official did not immediately say how much the Dolphin would cost Israel or whether Germany would arrange a discount.
So its finalised, The 6th Submarine cost will also be bared by Germans govt. Each of this Subs cost around a whooping Half-a-Billion dollars making it most expensive item in IDF.

Far more expensive than a Phalcon AWACS!!

The Dolphin submarine is capable of launching nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.
Not all the Subs are modified, Only one Dolphin Sub has a credible sea based second strike capability. It was modified to launch Popeye cruise missile from the torpedo tube. Some compare the Dolphin to a Nuclear Submarine but it doesn't have anything similar to the nuke subs.

pack leader

New Member
May 22, 2011
the red sea is too shallow and small for effective sub operations
all subs will be based in the Mediterranean sea
the Germans funded 30% off the submarines coast

Not all the Subs are modified, Only one Dolphin Sub has a credible sea based second strike capability. It was modified to launch Popeye cruise missile from the torpedo tube.
how do you know that, please show credible source or stop spreading rumors

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
That`s 214 not dolphin..

Keep up the gud work..


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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They're really taking some strong points from the former USSR aren't they? A strong underwater fleet while a decent surface fleet.

