USA China Cold War


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Dec 3, 2023
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China is a thousands year old civilization. The US has no right to consider itself a competitor much less a threat to China.


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Apr 25, 2020
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US must beat China back to the moon, Congress tells NASA

'It's no secret that PRC has a goal to surpass the United States by 2045 as global leaders in space. We can't allow this to happen.'

The delays in NASA's Artemis moon program are making some members of Congress nervous.

Last week, NASA announced that it's now targeting September 2025 for its Artemis 2 mission, which will send four astronauts around the moon, and September 2026 for Artemis 3, which will put boots on Earth's nearest neighbor for the first time in more than half a century.

These new Artemis launch dates represent delays of about a year for each flight. The rightward push was spurred by the need to conduct more studies of key Artemis hardware, such as the heat shield of NASA's Orion crew capsule, which didn't perform quite as expected during the uncrewed Artemis 1 mission in late 2022.

The U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Science, Space and Technology held a hearing about the new Artemis plan today (Jan. 17), and multiple members voiced concern about the slippage.

"I remind my colleagues that we are not the only country interested in sending humans to the moon," Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) said in his opening remarks.

"The CCP is actively soliciting international partners for a lunar mission — a lunar research station — and has stated its ambition to have human astronauts on the surface by 2030," he added. "The country that lands first will have the ability to set a precedent for whether future lunar activities are conducted with openness and transparency, or in a more restricted manner."

The committee's ranking member, California Democrat Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), voiced similar sentiments.

"Let me be clear: I support Artemis," she said in her opening remarks. "But I want it to be successful, especially with China at our heels. And we want to be helpful here in the committee in ensuring that Artemis is strong and staying on track as we look to lead the world, hand-in-hand with our partners, in the human exploration of the moon and beyond."

Several other committee members stressed that the new moon race is part of a broader competition with China, and that coming in second could imperil U.S. national security.

"It's no secret that China has a goal to surpass the United States by 2045 as global leaders in space. We can't allow this to happen," Rich McCormick (R-GA) said during the hearing. "I think the leading edge that we have in space technology will protect the United States — not just the economy, but technologies that can benefit humankind."

And Bill Posey (R-FL) referred to space as the "ultimate military high ground," saying that whoever leads in the final frontier "will control the destiny of this Earth."




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Feb 28, 2016
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US must beat China back to the moon, Congress tells NASA

'It's no secret that PRC has a goal to surpass the United States by 2045 as global leaders in space. We can't allow this to happen.'

The delays in NASA's Artemis moon program are making some members of Congress nervous.

Last week, NASA announced that it's now targeting September 2025 for its Artemis 2 mission, which will send four astronauts around the moon, and September 2026 for Artemis 3, which will put boots on Earth's nearest neighbor for the first time in more than half a century.

These new Artemis launch dates represent delays of about a year for each flight. The rightward push was spurred by the need to conduct more studies of key Artemis hardware, such as the heat shield of NASA's Orion crew capsule, which didn't perform quite as expected during the uncrewed Artemis 1 mission in late 2022.

The U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Science, Space and Technology held a hearing about the new Artemis plan today (Jan. 17), and multiple members voiced concern about the slippage.

"I remind my colleagues that we are not the only country interested in sending humans to the moon," Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) said in his opening remarks.

"The CCP is actively soliciting international partners for a lunar mission — a lunar research station — and has stated its ambition to have human astronauts on the surface by 2030," he added. "The country that lands first will have the ability to set a precedent for whether future lunar activities are conducted with openness and transparency, or in a more restricted manner."

The committee's ranking member, California Democrat Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), voiced similar sentiments.

"Let me be clear: I support Artemis," she said in her opening remarks. "But I want it to be successful, especially with China at our heels. And we want to be helpful here in the committee in ensuring that Artemis is strong and staying on track as we look to lead the world, hand-in-hand with our partners, in the human exploration of the moon and beyond."

Several other committee members stressed that the new moon race is part of a broader competition with China, and that coming in second could imperil U.S. national security.

"It's no secret that China has a goal to surpass the United States by 2045 as global leaders in space. We can't allow this to happen," Rich McCormick (R-GA) said during the hearing. "I think the leading edge that we have in space technology will protect the United States — not just the economy, but technologies that can benefit humankind."

And Bill Posey (R-FL) referred to space as the "ultimate military high ground," saying that whoever leads in the final frontier "will control the destiny of this Earth."

View attachment 237536

They want to go to the moon again but their smartphones are occupied with Chinese apps and their stores are occupied with Chinese goods.

And they go with a stick against those who can reduce their China dependence :facepalm:


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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They want to go to the moon again but their smartphones are occupied with Chinese apps and their stores are occupied with Chinese goods.

And they go with a stick against those who can reduce their China dependence :facepalm:
I don't think PRC has any interest in playing the role of the Soviets. However, occupying the Moon is indeed one of CCP's short term ambition.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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I don't think PRC has any interest in playing the role of the Soviets. However, occupying the Moon is indeed one of CCP's short term ambition.
Atleast the Americans showed the will to fight the Soviets lol, they also built up alliances and the industries of their vassals.
Currently they are more concerned about pushing woke ideologies and printing $$$ from wars rather than any over-arching superpower conflict


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Jun 27, 2023
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Apr 25, 2020
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NASA chief expresses his personal concern over Chinese space program againView attachment 248965
View attachment 248964
Nasa chief warns China is masking military presence in space with civilian programs

The head of Nasa has warned of China bolstering its space capabilities by using civilian programs to mask military objectives, cautioning that Washington must remain vigilant.

“China has made extraordinary strides especially in the last 10 years, but they are very, very secretive,” Nasa administrator Bill Nelson told lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“We believe that a lot of their so-called civilian space program is a military program. And I think, in effect, we are in a race,” Nelson added.

He said he hoped Beijing would “come to its senses and understand that civilian space is for peaceful uses”, but added: “We have not seen that demonstrated by China.”

He said the US should land on the moon again before China does, as both nations pursue lunar missions. But he expressed concern that were Beijing to arrive first, it could say: “‘OK, this is our territory, you stay out.’”

Nelson previously said the US was “in a space race” with China and warned that China could eventually claim to “own” the moon’s resource-rich area.

US has been planning to put astronauts back on the moon in 2026 with its Artemis III mission. China says it hopes to send humans to the moon by 2030.

Nelson said he was confident the US would not lose its “global edge” in space exploration.

“But you got to be realistic,” he said. “China has really thrown a lot of money at it and they’ve got a lot of room in their budget to grow.

“I think that we just better not let down our guard.”




Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Come on. US was the first to start the space war and they created the US Space Force. They can't be crying about spilt milk when they were the ones to spill milk in the first place!


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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Come on. US was the first to start the space war and they created the US Space Force. They can't be crying about spilt milk when they were the ones to spill milk in the first place!
What he means is China should explain to US why so many Chinese military sats are under the cover of civilian uses
, which is true in some sense and is obviously a Chinese opaque strategy and China has no obligation to explain anything to US. second, NASA needs more budget from Congress and this Nelson has to act as an actor and exaggerate everything. Third, he's upset with China is unwilling to share lunar samples with NASA unconditionally unless China gets NASA Bennu asteroid samples in exchange.


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Apr 25, 2020
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GOP senator calls for boosting Space Force capabilities to counter China

Sen. Roger Wicker argues that DoD must evolve its perception of the Space Force from an enabling service to one with ‘formidable offensive potential’

Sandra ErwinMay 29, 2024

WASHINGTON — Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, released a white paper May 29 calling for an increase in defense spending to fund cutting-edge technologies, including U.S. Space Force capabilities to compete with China’s growing military presence in space.

Wicker warns that Beijing is pushing a “strategic breakout” and that its growing reliance on space assets is creating new vulnerabilities that the U.S. should be prepared to exploit.

Further, he argues that the Department of Defense should evolve its perception of the Space Force from an enabling service to one with formidable offensive potential that is uniquely positioned to disrupt adversaries’ space-enabled networks.

While acknowledging the Space Force’s budgetary growth since its inception, Wicker stresses the need for procuring classified programs under development at a larger scale. He points out that China’s increasing reliance on space capabilities creates new vulnerabilities for Beijing, as its over-the-horizon “kill chains” heavily depend on space assets.


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Sep 5, 2020
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Hopefully they go for Taiwan first which will hopefully bring the wrath of Uncle SAM and co and once the dust settles, the Chinese likely won't have enough juice left to do anything against us. But that's just wishful thinking on my part I suppose.

Do they even need to employ their bombers?? I mean it's not as if they are short on MRBMs. Besides, you really think Rafales will be able to counter a gen 5 aircraft?? I mean, sure, if they can close in on them, then the Rafales will have the advantage due to their superior agility but can they??
Besides, if rafales can counter them, then the Super Su-30s should as well. Maybe they should buy some additional Su 30 airframes as well, may be a couple of squadrons?? What do you think??
Ha…Chinese thrashed us in 1962 right after the bloody Korean War with thousands of Chinese casualties. There is only one way to win a military war - ability to take casualties and not cry about it. We are not a war supporting nation. That is not in our people’s psyche. And China - they will outsource the infantry fodder to Packis. Chinese no longer want to fight a ground war and get killed in numbers. That is why all this high-tech nonsense. Do we have anyone slave enough to fight our ground war for us like China has Packis? That is the problem we have. We need to cultivate a poor nation with big population to fight our war for us. We will face the same issues as Chinese - as our economy grows, people will not want to join army and die for the nation. So better split Packistan so they don’t become the ground force for PLA. All of the countries that’s want to go to war with China are wealthy nations and do not have foot soldiers in their army to do so. Barring Philippines, no other poor country is willing to take on China. So, our options are limited. We need to get to upper income and at that point there needs to be a large population poor country that will fight for us and ready to lose people on the ground like Packis do. Unfortunately the way the world is going the only poor countries with large population left would be Islamic countries. Chinese foreign policy of making Packis their slave dogs is another giant success for them against us. This is why you need solid leadership with balls to govern a country like India.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Congress never took national security seriously, except probably during the short bursts of Indira Gandhi period. All it's history, it gave away country's land as if the country was their own fiefdom.
The BJP takes national security seriously, although it may act like a cuck.
But BJP is hampered by our smaller economy against China’s, Without a $10 trillion economy we cannot power project, especially to packis who have become China’s bitch willing to do anything to please their master.


Senior Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Ha…Chinese thrashed us in 1962 right after the bloody Korean War with thousands of Chinese casualties.
I don't think you can draw a parallel here, because they are not the same at all.
For starter, the Korean war was confined to Korean peninsula only and there was no spillover in mainland China. But what do you think happens the moment the Chinese decides to get rowdy with the Taiwanese??

As for the rest, I concur.
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Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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I don't think you can draw a parallel here, because they are not the same at all.
For starter, the Korean war was confined to Korean peninsula only and there was no spillover in mainland China. But what do you think happens the moment the Chinese decides to get rowdy with the Taiwanese??

As for the rest, I concur.
Nothing happens. Amreeka will move their tech out of Taiwan and Taiwan becomes another SAR of China. Amreeka is not going to fight for Taiwan. The only country they will possibly fight for is Australia and to some extent the Philippines. The US has already voiced its support for One China policy. Taiwan would be foolish to rely on Amreeka support. Back then when every Asian country was poor and devastated after colonial rule, WW2 etc Chinese went mad after Korean War and annexed Tibet. They took land when things were hot. What did we do? We did Panchsheel and Hindi-chini bhai bhai as the partition disaster meant Hindus became weak and no longer willing to fight. We also had a weak, pacifist clown for an PM. Other than a few Indian Army regiments, the rest were just poorly equipped foot soldiers. Without these regiments, we would have lost even more territory. That is what a mad enemy can do to regiments that care more about dress and eating manners than getting aggressive and fighting. Anyways past is past. What are we doing now?

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