China hits back at US over 'woeful' human rights record


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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BEIJING: China on Sunday accused the United States of human rights violations through its military operations abroad and failing to prevent its own citizens from gun violence, in a rejoinder to a US rights report.
The report, released by China's parliament, the State Council, said Washington has "turned a blind eye to its own woeful human rights situation", despite styling itself as "the world judge of human rights".

China -- which officially includes rising living standards in its definition of human rights -- released the report in response to a US report published Friday that said China's rights record has worsened over the past year.

The US report highlighted a Chinese crackdown on ethnic minorities, including Tibetans, the detention of political dissidents, as well as the widespread surveillance of citizens by a huge domestic security apparatus.

China responded by blasting US surveillance of its own citizens, and said that political donations have damaged the country's democracy.

China's report, culled from a variety of sources, including US media, accused US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan of causing "massive civilian casualties".

The report also cited "astonishing" casualties that resulted from mass shootings at a movie theatre in the state of Colorado in July and at an elementary school in Connecticut in December.

"Americans are the most heavily armed people in the world per capita," the report said. It added that the US had "serious" issues with discrimination of a sexual, racial and religious nature.

The exchange of critical reports between the two nations on human rights has become an annual tradition, while relations between the world's two largest economies remain strained over issues including cyber-hacking and North Korea.

A copy of the report was published by China's official news agency Xinhua.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
Country flag
For years the US has kept commenting on Chinas HR record. Looks like once you get your economy powerful, you get rights to return the favor.


Tihar Jail
Nov 17, 2012
BEIJING: China on Sunday accused the United States of human rights violations through its military operations abroad and failing to prevent its own citizens from gun violence, in a rejoinder to a US rights report.
The report, released by China's parliament, the State Council, said Washington has "turned a blind eye to its own woeful human rights situation", despite styling itself as "the world judge of human rights".

China -- which officially includes rising living standards in its definition of human rights -- released the report in response to a US report published Friday that said China's rights record has worsened over the past year.

The US report highlighted a Chinese crackdown on ethnic minorities, including Tibetans, the detention of political dissidents, as well as the widespread surveillance of citizens by a huge domestic security apparatus.

China responded by blasting US surveillance of its own citizens, and said that political donations have damaged the country's democracy.

China's report, culled from a variety of sources, including US media, accused US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan of causing "massive civilian casualties".

The report also cited "astonishing" casualties that resulted from mass shootings at a movie theatre in the state of Colorado in July and at an elementary school in Connecticut in December.

"Americans are the most heavily armed people in the world per capita," the report said. It added that the US had "serious" issues with discrimination of a sexual, racial and religious nature.

The exchange of critical reports between the two nations on human rights has become an annual tradition, while relations between the world's two largest economies remain strained over issues including cyber-hacking and North Korea.

A copy of the report was published by China's official news agency Xinhua.

China hits back at US over 'woeful' human rights record - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site

US is nothing but a rogue nation, a criminal society which is going towards destruction and can't see any good anywhere in this world. we now need a combined effort to put a proper resistance to any type of US's terrorist activities in this world. we now need to declare all those US's citizens, the terrorists, who want to say good for that terrorist state, and hence legalizing/giving good reasons to CIA's terrorist acts in this world.....:shoot:

there is no reason to lie ourselves and its a fact that there might be humanity on the mars but we can't maintain humanity on the earth if we can't put a nail on the CIA's act, for what the US's tax payers are responsible as a nation, as a society, for funding CIA's terrorist acts on other's nations.:shoot: there is no meaning to invite more "Havid Headley" type men in India, if we know that CIA's first put Hafiz Sayeed type people on the front and then they use Havid Headley, and also Dawood type men, to harm this country...... there is no meaning to have friendship with US until we come in the position to kill all those US's civilians on whom we doubt to be friend of David Headley type CIA's agent. there is no need to cheat ourselves and we can't invite enemies into India on the name of democracy :nono:
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average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
Lets think about this China murdered a 100 million people their own people to implement a poltical system that even they agree was a complete failure so 5 times as many people in China can produce half as much as americans.


Tihar Jail
Nov 17, 2012
US is nothing but a rogue nation, a criminal society which is going towards destruction and can't see any good anywhere in this world. we now need a combined effort to put a proper resistance to any type of US's terrorist activities in this world. we now need to declare all those US's citizens, the terrorists, who want to say good for that terrorist state, and hence legalizing/giving good reasons to CIA's terrorist acts in this world.....:shoot:

there is no reason to lie ourselves and its a fact that there might be humanity on the mars but we can't maintain humanity on the earth if we can't put a nail on the CIA's act, for what the US's tax payers are responsible as a nation, as a society, for funding CIA's terrorist acts on other's nations.:shoot: there is no meaning to invite more "Havid Headley" type men in India, if we know that CIA's first put Hafiz Sayeed type people on the front and then they use Havid Headley, and also Dawood type men, to harm this country...... there is no meaning to have friendship with US until we come in the position to kill all those US's civilians on whom we doubt to be friend of David Headley type CIA's agent. there is no need to cheat ourselves and we can't invite enemies into India on the name of democracy :nono:
typing mistake, I wanted to write David Headley in the above post :thumb:


Tihar Jail
Nov 17, 2012
USA has 5 million reward on Hafiz Sayeed , whats India done.
my above post was meant to kill all the friends of Havid Headley, as part of removing those CIA's agents who are sending non-social elements of US into India. it was meant to clear that we can't invite enemies into India on the name of "democracy".

with that, sorry, Im not interested on attacking on the US's civilians/tax payers based in US itself, in behalf of whom CIA work in other countries like India. as, I simply dont want US to reduce its budget for building more jails :wave:

The incarceration rate in the United States of America is the highest in the world. As of 2009, the incarceration rate was 743 per 100,000 of national population (0.743%).[2]

While Americans represent about 5 percent of the world's population, nearly one-quarter of the entire world's inmates have been incarcerated in the United States in recent years.[3] Imprisonment of America's 2.3 million prisoners, costing $24,000 per inmate per year, and $5.1 billion in new prison construction, consumes $60.3 billion in budget expenditures.

United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

also, if you was interested in showing your pride on Havid Headley, for his involvements of scoring 186 in Mumbai attack, then Im very much pleased to show that now over 30,000+ US's uncivilized people are shot dead by guns every year in US itself, because of their cultural background/belief :thumb:

About 11,100 Americans died in gun-related killings in 2011, according to preliminary data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There were 19,766 suicides by firearms in 2011, the CDC said. :truestory:

Yahoo! News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines
Over a quarter of US kids on food stamps, under-50s dying young – reports — RT USA

=> with that, I would say by 2015/17, we would see a type of civil war in US, when people will start looting/ rioting on the streets of US. Majority of US's population is under high school pass but they are habituated of luxury life, welfare/ free medical etc. and as the US's debt is already over 108%+ of GDP, so the time it will not be possible any more to borrow and pay for the expanses, bear luxury life of under high school pass people, US will become a joke in world. also, as we know about the 'gun culture' of US where almost half of their population keep guns, so the time they won't get Welfare/ free medical etc, hopefully within 4 to 6 years when US won't be able to borrow any more for their expanses, say at 200% Debt/GDP ratio by 2015/18, it is then very likely that their civilians will start using their arms to rob whoever they will find to bear their daily expanses. :usa:

Also, if we have a look on the number of wars US has organized in world, its obvious that the time they start losing their different wars, then they will be more likely to fight with each other/ kill each other in US itself. :thumb:Lets see what exactly we will see in our time, as, once the fall of US will star, together with heavily indebted EU economies, where exactly they will stop, no one knows........Even if russia had so much oil/ gas and natural resources, they suffered so big fall in between 1990 to 1999. but what about US and EU, they dont have oil/ gas to sell to support their economy if they face any fall? where will they stop if they will face a real deep recession?
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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
Country flag
For years the US has kept commenting on Chinas HR record. Looks like once you get your economy powerful, you get rights to return the favor.
India should do the same thing, no one is perfect, not even US.

Sent from my HUAWEI T8951 using Tapatalk 2


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2013
Lets think about this China murdered a 100 million people their own people to implement a poltical system that even they agree was a complete failure so 5 times as many people in China can produce half as much as americans.

China produce more cars, ships, food, electricity, metals, mechanical equipments....almost everything.....than US.

Most part (70%+)of US GDP is Services( financial games).
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
US's human rights records is still far better than many other countries, and India is in no way in a position to point fingers at US.

What India can do is object to the CIA being in bed with terrorists to further US Foreign Policy objectives. We have suffered long enough, and we have a moral standing to do this. We won't do it though, as long as there is good business.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
BEIJING: China on Sunday accused the United States of human rights violations through its military operations abroad and failing to prevent its own citizens from gun violence, in a rejoinder to a US rights report.
A rather convoluted argument.

Next they will claim poor human rights because there is no control over rape, murder, domestic violence, stealing (and failing to prevent that), having noisy parties and so on an so forth.

And China is hardly a nation that can talk about Human Rights.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
China produce more cars, ships, food, electricity, metals, mechanical equipments....all most every thing.....than US.

Most part (70%+)of US GDP is Services( financial games).

And so Human rights in China are fab, right?

Convoluted arguments.

Typically Chinese.

Digress with tangential irrelevance!

Just like China accusing the US for poor Human Rights record.
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Regular Member
Mar 31, 2013
If so,then A_A digress at the first place.

Typically American?


And so Human rights in China are fab, right?

Convoluted arguments.

Typically Chinese.

Digress with tangential irrelevance!

Just like China accusing the US for poor Human Rights record.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
If so,then A_A digress at the first place.

Typically American?
How has AA digressed?

He wrote

Lets think about this China murdered a 100 million people their own people to implement a poltical system that even they agree was a complete failure so 5 times as many people in China can produce half as much as americans.
average american ↑
He spoke of China murdering its own to implement its political system.

And China inspite of having 5 times as many people as the Americas, are a complete failure.

Where is the issue as to what you produce and that being the index to Human Rights robustness?

As I see it economy has nothing to do with Human Rights, unless one talks about how the Láodòng Gǎizào (勞動改造/劳动改造) (unpaid prison labour) are adding to the economy.

And that would be a Human Rights failure where the economy is being boosted with prison labour!
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Regular Member
Mar 31, 2013
So, I just cleared out the " complete failure" is a joke.

How has AA digressed?

He wrote

He spoke of China murdering its own to implement its political system.

And China inspite of having 5 times as many people as the Americas, are a complete failure.

Where is the issue as to what you produce and that being the index to Human Rights robustness?


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
India should do the same thing, no one is perfect, not even US.

Sent from my HUAWEI T8951 using Tapatalk 2
Penny for your thoughts.

Hope Manmohan Singh takes you on as an adviser on deputation as a Gift from Xi Jumping!

I can't speak of other nations, but China is far, far, far from being half perfect, let alone perfect!


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
So, I just cleared out the " complete failure" is a joke.
That is his view.

Treat it as a joke if you will or take him on with the Human Rights issue and failure or success of Human Rights inspite of having 5 times many people than the Americas!

Note Americas!


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
Country flag
USA has 5 million reward on Hafiz Sayeed , whats India done.
US first produce, nourish Hafiz ,Osama types & after using using their jackass adventures you put rewards on thier head and act like Saint Peter. Do think you have right to ask such questions?

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