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New Member
Oct 2, 2009

For those not familiar with it

It's popular Pakistani defence forum.
Now unlike most other pak forums, it has large number of Indian members , sometimes joked even more than Pak member's.
There are also a good number of respectable users from china , Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Given the wide demographic and numbers.

Now there are also good supply of trolls and haters.

But i felt the Mods have been very liberal it letting most any topics , good and bad be discussed freely.

I go there frequently and have been with them longer than DFI.

Now the reason i bring this up,

I think DFI and D.pk should get together, and make the members of both sites aware of each other.

we could do a debate like we do with GTF .

We could also expand our demographic a bit , leading to more rounded debates.

But mainly i think many member's on D.pk , would be interested in also coming to DFI if they knew about it.

What do you guys think , can something like this work.


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
Well looks like the Mods here already have an opinion.

Well any way, i felt good number of Indian's joining D.pk because they don't know any better site.

I though trying to get their demographic here would be a good idea but hey


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Mar 22, 2009
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I think we're are better off as an independent self-sustaining unit.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
hey mate the word is edited out due to spammers the mods didnt delete anything yes your idea is good but they are 2 different boards with different approach we are in the 1 st year of our running and comparatively very small and have our aim the idea of a joint debate is very good DFI staff is always eager to get into any partnerships which helps our members
our management will discuss this in detail and i will let you know


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
I think we're are better off as an independent self-sustaining unit.
I agree, but google is giving us grief here.

A lot of google searches gives you links to D.pk , its fairly large and has an Indian following so a good number of People join.

Sad to say i cant find many that do the same for DFI

I thought we could get people to know about DFI so they will come here as well.

We have good numbers but more would be nice as well.

For example a lot of Indians i spoke are alienated fro joining DFI because the number of Non-Indians here is less.

Which is a shame, there are a lot of good threads about out India's armed forces on D.pk , and i felt why don;t our members do the same on DFI
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Solid Beast

New Member
Jan 12, 2010
I disagree, I believe the calibre of the membership there is not on par with DFI and henceforth any debate would be one sided. The spewing we get away with on shoutbox is 100 times better than any discussion I've seen there, and trust me I was a senior there for many years. It's all jingoism and tatty.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
I agree, but google is giving us grief here.

A lot of google searches gives you links to D.pk , its fairly large and has an Indian following so a good number of People join.

Sad to say i cant find many that do the same for DFI

I thought we could get people to know about DFI so they will come here as well.

We have good numbers but more would be nice as well.

For example a lot of Indians i spoke are alienated fro joining DFI because the number of Non-Indians here is less.

Which is a shame, there are a lot of good threads about out India's armed forces on D.pk , and i felt why don;t our members do the same on DFI
google ranks are attained by vbseo when we were usin vbulletin 3.8 last year we were also having lots of links but after the vb4 upgrade we disabled the seo will reinstall the seo back and soon will get many google hits it was because of upgrade that site is using the old vbulletin also 5 years of threads does add up a lot


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
I disagree, I believe the calibre of the membership there is not on par with DFI and henceforth any debate would be one sided. The spewing we get away with on shoutbox is 100 times better than any discussion I've seen there, and trust me I was a senior there for many years. It's all jingoism and tatty.
well its not perfect , i agree.

But there are good members on the site, that should be made aware of DFI .

If we had a larger demoprahic , those people can join DFI , and can make good contributions to the site.

Most Indian''s just join D.pk , because ironically its one of the best ways to keep in touch with Indian defence, and D,pk comes up high in google search

The Idea i am suggesting is to somehow get DFI on to their forum ,

so they can know about us and come here as well.

I am not talking just Indians there are a good number of people from around the region interested in defence news.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
any kind of co-operation has to be done mutually
previously there were reports of spamming here on dfi aswell which we do not encourage and are totally against

Solid Beast

New Member
Jan 12, 2010
well its not perfect , i agree.

But there are good members on the site, that should be made aware of DFI .

If we had a larger demoprahic , those people can join DFI , and can make good contributions to the site.

Most Indian''s just join D.pk , because ironically its one of the best ways to keep in touch with Indian defence, and D,pk comes up high in google search

The Idea i am suggesting is to somehow get DFI on to their forum ,

so they can know about us and come here as well.

I am not talking just Indians there are a good number of people from around the region interested in defence news.
Trust me, I would volunteer to be first in line to slay their intellectual demons, how fitting would it be for a Pakistani forum such as that to be manhandled by a Pakistani (admin please take note). To address your other point I think the Indians on df.pk are there for reasons other than keeping up with Indian defense, though this is all just my opinion and you may very well have a good idea worth a consideration by the admin here. But that place the membership is used to participating as if they are texting their chums, there is absolutely nothing to be gained at the end of the day. DFI should send a few guys and organize the Indians and attract them here, same for the very very few knowledgeable Pakistanis most of whom fly foreign flags. But this would piss off their admin who don't want to see their hard earned pennies being snatched up. Yes a debate might increase traffic to DFI but it will certainly boost their traffic considerably and they might end up retaining more knowledgable members. The best solution for a place like that is to let low quality members and discussions eat them away and have places like DFI continue to attract the best. We don't have to sink to their low levels just to gain traffic, if gaining traffic was the sole ambition of this place things would be much different. As much as I would love to witness and partake in an intellectual massacre, it is to me completely pointless. There are better options in my opinion.
PS - it is very obvious their admin have sent you here. They are dying when it comes to quality membership. Let them die.
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New Member
Oct 2, 2009
any kind of co-operation has to be done mutually
previously there were reports of spamming here on dfi aswell which we do not encourage and are totally against
Well of course, naturally

I am simply trying to make my case on how this could help DFI.

Well with regards to the spamming issue, I am sure you can make an educated choice.

But i am sure you know a few our users are also D.pk ,


Top Gun
New Member
Feb 21, 2009
Debates are always good, but then its not a one sided affair, AV is the best person to decide on all this.

The Indians there are not there to increase their Knowledge, they just dont want other nationality people to distort the Image of India, hence they are ready with counter arguments always to Support India. Their Readership/Membership Base is different from ours. Here you dont join up to Defend India or Bash Other Countries, Here you join up to Debate, Build Knowledge. Yeah, Other Nationalities may join up that place to Increase their knowledge, but Not Indians, at least Not Anymore.

Lastly, we are as different as chalk from cheese when compared to any forum out there, we have our Goals, our Aims, they have theirs. They have their reasons for doing what they are doing, and we have ours!


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
yes i know many members who are on many different forums not only there including me and every place has their own offerings as i told you we would discuss over this matter and let you know


New Member
Feb 19, 2009

We appreciate your stand, but there is a reason why certain things happen, and certain things do not happen.

Indian flock that place for 2 reasons.

1 india is a bulging economy growing by huge strides, Pakistan is in doldrums. Indians go there with this confidence and for the same reason Pakistani do not come here. Rest assured all their mods are registered here but they have hardly ever posted, and not only that we have a lot of their regular members but they shirk away from posting. Seriously tell me what is it that the Pakistanis will come here and discuss about and stuff they are confident about? Had they been doing extremely well, they would have flocked this place in huge numbers.

2 that is troll haven and a troll attracts a troll and most of the Indians there troll, but we on dfi do not let it happen. They let it happen because of business involved behind the forums, quite a few so-called big names and known trolls wanted to join us but we have said a no to them because they are diehard trolls, and we adhere to high quality of discussion, the moderation standards are way higher.

3 a lot of Pakistanis do not try neutral territories since they feel comfortable in a secured environment their national forum provides so they remain happy in their comfort zones.

DFI will attract only those Pakistani members who are in-sink with reality, and talk sense and web have few such examples the sorry part is such Pakistanis are far and few in between.

The Bangladeshis joining them are mostly who still feel the partition shouldn’t have happened and they relate with the cause of Pakistan better known as razakars and others are the islamists who feel for the cause of islam, you will hardly find any nationalist Bangladeshi there other than just a handful for they are the most uninvited and those few are registered with us who do post, other than this minority will the other lot flockto this place?

Chinese are given a free hand there to troll, since china has grown by leaps and bounds and they act as counter on all such stuff that those paks cant counter Indians on. This bashing of India attracts the chinese, its just human to show down the other and then we all enjoy a false sense of superiority complex, just the high the Indians try and get on that site by bashing paks, and since the Indian trolling hurts the paks the Indians get banned there and not the rest. We have chinese, but those who try and troll are shown the doors.

As far as going ahead is concerned things happen on equal grounds. If they have a proposal and I believe you must be in touch with their mods which prompted you to start this thread, then do let us know what the proposal is? and then let the mods consider it and we will get back to them through you. And if you don’t have a proposal then why don’t you start a similar thread there and may be we can take it forward from there. you have given us this idea, it will be better if a similar idea is also shared them if it is not till now.


On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
I agree with Ahmed, TR and SB. Our readership and aim of the forum is completely different form theirs. The way we are doing is fine and I wish it will be the same.


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Mar 24, 2009
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I will give my example. For years I just didn't sign up there and a few weeks back I was forced to have a look for certain reasons. My posts over there are for all to see. They have no stomach for intellect. The forum may well be termed as trollandflame.pk. I stopped posting after a couple of days or so as I had seen enough.

As far as indian flocking on that forum is concerned, the only reason is that they get to troll and flame. Nothing much. I told that to the stupid mod there who doesn't mind fanboys trolling, but once someone posts something that actually makes sense, they call it trolling.

The Indians on that forum well majority of them wouldn't survive here because of the way they post. The DFI staff strictly follows a policy to not allow any non sense and we are proud of it. We are more than 3000 strong in a year. We could have had three times those if we had let open this forum to every troller and flamer. But that is not the intention of this forum.

Look at the threads here like the recently started quiz competitions. They are to improve the knowledge of the members. Not increase the dirty vocabulary.

The lack of participation from pakistani people though registered here is the fact that they have nothing much to talk about because of the state of their country.

Also consider this, while india itself accepts a stalemate in the 65 war, they claim victory. There is no reasoning with them.

I can go on, but will stop here.


New Member
Dec 11, 2009
i have seen some useful posts there but quality to quantity ratio is pretty poor, you have to wade through a lot of crap to actually get some useful info , moreover most of the counters are sweeping statements and not a point by point dissection , and almost all the arguments end up in a verbal dual , pertaining to religion and cast.


New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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I think we have had enough on this thread. We value the suggestion put forth here. This thread stands closed as we don't want to discuss more about other forums.


On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
DFI want more mature people on the forum and we cannot be like the other place if we have to attract such mature people. Mature people make discussions more informative, challenging and wise. That place is a troll house with teenage Indians, Pakistanis and Chinese bashing each other and we cannot even think of collaborating with such a place.


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
Think and on the opinion that we are fine as we are , and our way of looking through the world is different from them and purely neutral , more mature.

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