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  1. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    We like to get slapped and humiliated by our enemies until the slap progesses to Kick due to our inaction and indifference.. Brahma Chellaney (@Chellaney) Tweeted: What does it say about India's approach that it first endorsed the 2022 Winter Olympics (dubbed "Genocide Games") and only at the...
  2. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    So this is the assessment of Gobar Times on these so called meetings, as usual they are taking our diplomatic bullshit as weakness, they feel we are weak and coward we can't use military that's why we are talking with them. This is what happens when a spineless nation wants to be diplomatically...
  3. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    :facepalm:Chai Biscuits wasted again, biscuit nahi bomb khilao👊 Ŵølf PⒶcks 🔍 (@TheLegateIN) Tweeted: Report claims yesterday's 13 hrs long Corps commander level talks on Ladakh have failed, as the Chinese PLA didn't agree to a disengagement at Hot Springs. #AsExpected
  4. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    Pipavav shipyard, L&T shipyard we have enough private shipyards which can augment it's capacity for modular shipbuilding if given order from Navy. We are giving order to GRSE for Coast guard patrol ships, there are enough small shipyards like Titagarh who can make small coast guard ships. GRSE...
  5. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    This time begging will not help as China is determined to captured Arunachan and Ladakh, it has come to their national pride now. If India don't starts reverse Salami slicing they will never get the message, till then good luck with these begging also known as dialogue with the aggressors
  6. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    Too little too late. The way they have renamed Arunachal and Assam Police saying Chinese are fuelling separatists, they are openly challenging the integrity of India. Nothing less than Changing One China policy will suffice at this stage. China respects power, they only responds to hard acrion...
  7. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    These MEA bastards ensured our jawans go to the Chinese camp empty handed, get caught, beaten black and blue and made to do photoshoot with holding ears...Paki and cheeni madarboards are still enjoying those pictures and mocking Indians
  8. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    Reality of sab changa si..koi nahi Maulana Modi(56DD bra wale)
  9. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    Another hall of fame for MEA cucks..
  10. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

  11. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    Now you have passed the written exam to become a jholachap peace loving responsible MEA Babu, but your English is still understandable for a common man like me, try to write Tharoorish English, only then you will become a proper Babu and I hope you like tea and biscuits, because you have to...
  12. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    Now you have passed the written exam to become a jholachap peace loving responsible MEA Babu, but your English is still understandable for a common man like me, try to write Tharoorish English, only then you will become a proper Babu and I hope you like tea and biscuits, because you have to...
  13. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    Inshallah Bois played well and will continue playing like this
  14. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

  15. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

  16. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

  17. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

  18. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    Cheeni Coming, Indian army surrender, siliguri corridor cutting, Cheeni captures North East :crying: North East people pls start the practise of eating bat soup and crispy scorpion fries at earliest or it will be a real mess to change the eating habit overnight. Stay happy advance good bye from...
  19. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

  20. XR SAM

    India-China Border conflict

    I am shivering in fear please help me.😔