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  1. Shashwat

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    I meant will you please post images here.
  2. Shashwat

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    ^^ For personal consumption only. I dont run any site or youtube to snitch it off. Moreover I dont like stealing stuff- I always use proper credit. Edit- What about the images? Image based renders? Very nice work |))
  3. Shashwat

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    ^^ Hey @Kuntal can you please post the renders used DD video here is HD. I tried asking him on his video but he just life stealing stuff w/o credit from other and not sharing/ So please do the honors. Also whats your twitter handle? and while you are it, try and post some renders with...
  4. Shashwat

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    Either you are in USAF or cahoots with them to know such intricate details. The ease with which you peddling classified info is nothing but humbug.
  5. Shashwat

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    The amount of nonsense going around these days is unfathomable.
  6. Shashwat

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    ^^ Can't say for certain but it will be around 3300-3400kg internal.
  7. Shashwat

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    Not in this post - Its in the Navy Tejas post.
  8. Shashwat

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    ^^ Thats an old news,, IINM it was posted already.
  9. Shashwat

    ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

    ^^ You forgot Agni, Prithvi and Nag too :P