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  1. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    Simple then. Assad resigns, forms a govt that doesn't include his family (or other allegedly corrupt officials) and lets the population decide. If they really want him without the corruption, the ballot papers will tell the story. In the meantime ..................
  2. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    I believe you are a little naiive if you think that plans are not in place for a number of contingencies. Your own govt will have them. The problem with Syria, Iraq and Iran (and GCC? really?) kicking off is that two of the three have or are likely to get WMD's and the mass exodus of refugees...
  3. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    I'm fully aware of the thread chain. I fail to understand why I must choose one. Simply because you say I should, doesn't mean I should. You chose, but your choice is based on the media you watch and read. I'm more inclined to believe what appears on a variety of websites and neither AQ or...
  4. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    What question? I've said umpteen times I want neither Assad or AQ to win. One supports terrorists, one is a terrorist organisation. All I want is the fighting to stop and the refugees to stop before our govts force us into another ill advised op. Possibly a Bosnia type solution. Night night.
  5. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    So why abstein? Have the courage of your convictions. That was the obvious answer as you do believe the swill Pravda/RT circulates :-)
  6. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    Nope, you choose. You absteined after all so you don't mind who wins clearly.
  7. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    And? Why is that news? We've seen AQ out there, there's plenty of reports on it. Anyway, what is it with these fighters on both sides not taking aimed shots and always firing AK's from the hip? Is there something wrong with the training on both sides? Trouble is, it seems to have been the...
  8. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    For some strange reason they seem to think of them as poor oppressed freedom fighters. Why, I don't know. The truth is so weird as to be unfathomable as we discussed much earlier on this thread. Neither Assad or AQ is good for the west. The solution ............
  9. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    BBC is pants, official. They're the meusli muching sandal wearing liberal elite. If only the same could be said for Pravda/RT ;)
  10. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    BBC have picked up what AJ have been saying for ages. Still, makes a break from the olympics.:cool: In other news, the pope is a catholic, the colonel (sanders) likes chicken and bears do sh1t in the wood ;)
  11. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    Not quite the same as sending young men off to (possibly) die on your direct orders. You'd think twice about it at least if you'd served. I also agree that a broad range of experience is required and what used to happen ie captains of industry and trade union members eventually became...
  12. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    I realise that, but I for one believe you should not send young men off to die, unless you have been one of those young men. Unfortunately, only time will tell. In the meantime more people die, Assad clings on, AQ gain dominance etc etc. That's why the security council should take heed of...
  13. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    We've had military dictatorships in the past, albeit hundreds of years ago. I'm talking about politicians who've served. not military junta's. Britain just wants an end to the fighting and mass refugees crossing over to neighbouring countries. 'We' were all br=erated for not doing anything...
  14. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    I never said it wasn't everywhere. It's a wake up call that will be ignored. Absteining is the cowards way out. Vote for your beliefs, whatever they are. Politicians rarely achieve what the public want them to do. For a start, imo you shouldn't be a politician unless you've served. Know...
  15. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    I'm not clapping hands with glee at all. I wish it was over before our politicians get involved in another debacle. To answer trhe questions in order. Dunno, dunno, errr dunno. You tell me. Hypocrisy is something that Joseph Goebbels knew all about. Tell a lie often enough and it becomes...
  16. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    The Judean popular front? (Splitters!) Sunni's? Israelites? Turks? Libyans?
  17. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    I know that the vote counts as nothing and that the UNSC have the final say. However, as I posted earlier, it should be a wake up call. Now of the 12, lets see, China, Russia, N Korea, Cuba.... All scared stiff of a popular uprising, no votes or corrupt voting etc So having a larger...
  18. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    Neither thanks, as I've said before. Something like Bosnia with safe havens? I'd agree on the independent foreign policy but absteining when 133 voted against 12? Says it all really
  19. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Because Britain in the 70's and 80's was so like Syria today :rolleyes: and the Sovs were so successful at running thier puppet states weren't they? :taunt: Why should we, Syria supported terrorists Just want an end to the killing of unarmed civilians and...
  20. Scalieback

    The Syrian Crisis

    UN adopts tough resolution on Syria — RT No surprise there then :rolleyes: 133 votes versus 12 which includes the 'usual suspects' of China, Russia, N Korea and Cuba, all desperately apprehensive about popular uprisings :laugh: The Press Association: UN vote denounces Syrian crackdown