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  1. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    The Western and Chinese-Russian alliance are enjoying the division with in the Arab world. Both sides sell the hardware and take sides to destroy the infrastructure than agree to bring the peace which will create opportunity to rebuild the infrastructure. The Middle East countries have to sit...
  2. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    This situation slowly but steadily moving in the direction that was stated by me several months ago that is to engulf the all the Arab countries fighting each other based on ideological and the Culture of Tribalism they live in. This fire can spread further into regions of Africa and Asia if...
  3. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    It is slow motion towards all out sectarian violence which will lead to downfall of few Kingdoms as they are known and destruction of infrastructure on massive scale when the dust settles Arabs would have achieved nothing as they have done for two thousand of their history. What a bunch of nut...
  4. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    It is good start. I will post it in the funny thread.
  5. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    What is working in the terrorist funding state of Saudi Arabia is religion and nothing else? If your leadership can only stop this double standard and leave those countries on their own that will be end of this terrorism in the world.
  6. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    He is only playing the cards as taught by his masters.
  7. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    Let me start with your quote "One of the main role of nature is to evolve or die" and in the case of Middle East evolution of politics and power grab is taking place being orchestrated by the the powers who do not want the chaos to take place in their homeland. Therefore it is only wise to...
  8. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    You have the right to disagree with my assessment of the events but the time will prove whether or not these kind of deal making goes on in the world of power hungry rulers. As you have stated their past tells what future holds for them I also see at least one to two new countries being carved...
  9. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    Have you ever wondered or asked yourself why USA has taken leading role as a passive or active role in most of the conflicts around the world post second world war? This so called Arab Spring did not start without the planning done by vested interest whoever that might be and its sole purpose...
  10. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    The main beneficiary of uprising int he Arab world is the rest of the world as it has taken the focus of Al-Queda(Jihadist) away from Afghanistan to certain degree. As the pressure increases on rebel forces due to the addition of Iran in this conflict the role of KSA and GCC will also increase...
  11. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    This part of the planet is full of nut cases who have not lived peacefully, are not willing to learn to live with each other and will not live with dignity in the foreseeable future. They have been blessed with natural resources yet they keep killing each other.
  12. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    One positive thing that has come out is that long term vision of USA and NATO has succeeded in moving the Al-Queda in the backyard of terror sponsoring countries of GCC. This time the incubator and funding nations and her citizens will pay the price of terrorist snakes who were creating mayhem...
  13. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    Before we go to start the 4th WW, I am waiting for GCC and Iran-Syria-Iraq conflict. If this starts than Al-Queda will be preoccupied in the region and leave rest of the world alone. We can supply them all the weapons they need to demolish each other after two thousands years of spreading...
  14. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    You need not worry for any other operation. This time GCC and Iran-Syrian-Iraq will fight against each other with their own manpower. We will end up as supplier of arms only. Let them fight it out to their hearts content or till they come to their senses. If they have not lived peacefully with...
  15. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    It is to seen as to when Iran will try to bite the bait and get involved directly, if that happens than all the bets are off. When that does happen it will lead to all out war between GCC, Arab nations with majority Sunni population on one side fighting the Iran led alliance with Syrian and Iraq...
  16. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    Let us not put all the blame on USA, the silent partner in crime Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in hardly mentioned ever in media reports or on this forum. Let us get the record straight and name the parties behind close doors who have vested interest in changing the guards in Damascus. I have been...
  17. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    All the changes are coming at the order of KSA where as Western nation help in with weapons and fighting force. KSA is mostly behind the door and keeps low profile. Right now two enemies are in bed together against their ultimate common target Iran via Syria. Iran will make it difficult for KSA...
  18. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    I have not forgotten the help of KSA Army to quell the uprising in Baharein, that is why we have to look at the on going verbal rhetoric and missile firing exercises being carried on by Iran. Iran is sending wrong signals to nations in the neighbourhood. If we look at the history of weapon...
  19. S

    The Syrian Crisis

    If GCC make a direct move on Iran, Can it agitate the Shias of the region in their respective countries to take on the local Government? I have been of this opinion that is what going to be the end game but it would be better if I am wrong. It is time for these egotistic maniacs to step back and...