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  1. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    INS Delhi in Philippines
  2. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    The very notion that the Indonesian navy can be anything more than an annoyance for the Indian Navy, is laughable. Both the Malaysian and thee Indonesian Navy are a joke. Chinese coast guard fleet treats them like punching bags. Malaysians paid close to $600mil for this 3000 ton turd to carry...
  3. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Every new carrier they make from here on will have 4 catapults. And they have enough confidence in their designs now, for them to go for nuclear carriers from here on out. The J-31/J-35 program is silently becoming mature, and will become the backbone of their naval air wing, replacing the SUs...
  4. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    INS Delhi post-refit.
  5. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    A US Navy liaison who claimed to have been posted on INS Delhi (pre-refit). It still remains the nastiest hitjob I've seen written about an "ally" force. The fag wrote stuff so shockingly stupid, it beggared belief. The INS Delhi in his imagination was a rusty hunk of junk that'd sink anytime...
  6. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Navy won't fast-track anything until DRDO retrofits an old sub with the new AIP and gives a full demo. Indian bureaucracy moves at it's own pace.
  7. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Navy wants stealthy propulsion and generally quiet boats. Indigenous AIP development is a recent thing and is still undergoing tests. Making a conventional sub quiet is quite the challenge, hence the delays. China doesn't care, they are printing noisy diesel subs. Also dilly dallying on whether...
  8. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Least delusional somali filth :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
  9. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    INS Kolkata did use the 76mm SRGM to disable the Ruen
  10. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    The units onboard Kolkata boarded themselves. But after assessing the number of hostiles, another unit was flown in for fast insertion via RHIB. I mean what will the pirates do ? Come outside on the open deck to shoot ? There's a Destroyer parked right there with it's 76mm SRGM and crew served...
  11. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    MARCOS paradropping from C-17 with a RHIB. Photo taken from INS Kolkata.