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  1. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    And source of your conclusion is?
  2. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    don't you know what is the reason for shortage for artillery? Have you gone through the thread? And please stick on topic don't bring unrelated things in to this thread
  3. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Because you are worrying about it, now put something sensible or stop ranting.
  4. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    What exactly is this post serve?
  5. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Is this the best you can come up with? So your solution is close the eyes and let corruption continue and waste our hard earned money in to buying duds.
  6. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Boss so you are saying there is absolutely no corruption involved at all? How do you get this info? I am asking you to provide proofs of what ever you are saying and instead of doing that you are repeating the sentences. If you have any proof of what you are saying then post it. I would be happy...
  7. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Boss this is your fantasy theory. I am asking of proof, the artillery acquisition is a sad story continuing, no doubt about that but it does not gives u levy to put unnecessary allegations. PS: How the M 777 deal is approved then? I think that is also artillery. The alternate explanation...
  8. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Now please provide proof of this.
  9. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Army suffers as govt delays big gun buy
  10. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    isn't Bhim was canceled because of mrs. renuka choudhury creating nuisance for that rather then mr. antony?
  11. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Yup clearly they kept scuttling any effort in this direction until proven otherwise
  12. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Sorry for getting you wrong, but you are missing a crucial point I am trying to make. For Arjun the GSQR was set by IA, but for guns it was never done. The news item clearly mentions that DRDO has indeed given an option which was rejected, why is any one's guessing :)
  13. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Yusuf have you gone through the news at all? Any ways for quick view: One should wonder why this much of time taken to wake up from sleep for the top brass to put some money in to development? On one hand people will howl (they deserve better) that DRDO tries to stop the import (weather they...
  14. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    To add to my point, it is indeed criminal from IA top brass that they scuttled the projects, which landed them to this position:
  15. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    I agree with rage and yusuf remarks about getting the guns and these guys deserve better. but don't you think this mess blame can also be put towards IA top brass which has never ever asked for a home grown product? i mean what has stopped them from asking it for a local development. If some...
  16. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    So here it goes, sometimes our politicians get the right thing done unknowingly :). We know that the guns are needed, but seeing the current situation I feel like it was never going to happen. Now DRDO should enter in to this fray and should involve the private sector for production like for...
  17. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    I think this is the most practical way out of this misery: Ajai Shukla: An Indian journey sans Bofors baggage
  18. nitesh

    Indian Army Artillery

    Is this product is getting considered or not? DRDO Tech Focus