Indian Army Armored Vehicles


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Jul 18, 2011
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Rare Churchill ARV at MCEME Parade Grounds, Retied ..
This behemoth of a tank dates back to WWII. If I remember right, the Churchill MKVII had 154 mm of RHA, equal to, if not more than, the Tiger I! Sadly it was very slow and unmaneuverable. The Brits used these as break out tanks - to support infantry while assaulting bunkers and fortifications. It was NOT meant to take on enemy tanks. (that was for the Comets and Sherman Fireflies)

Andrey USSR

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Sep 27, 2017
Dear Kunal Biswas
Is this tank (242) marked as tank 2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal? I know what das it mean "BAHADUR" in russian!
Храбрец ( and it name MiG-27 what was produced in India by license)
Is mark with elephant - tanks symbol of 17 Poona horse regiment?
Is it possible to now: turret Centurion Mk5 and Mk7 are the same or not?
Do you have pictures of Centurion Mk7 motor section (view from the top)?
What can you say about tank on
Attached File (from english Tribune)? english sad that it is one of legendary tank from fight 3 Indian where was Arun Khetarpal with 14 pak. What do you mean?



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Jan 17, 2010
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Dear Kunal Biswas
Is this tank (242) marked as tank 2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal? I know what das it mean "BAHADUR" in russian!
Храбрец ( and it name MiG-27 what was produced in India by license)
Is mark with elephant - tanks symbol of 17 Poona horse regiment?
Is it possible to now: turret Centurion Mk5 and Mk7 are the same or not?
Do you have pictures of Centurion Mk7 motor section (view from the top)?
What can you say about tank on
Attached File (from english Tribune)? english sad that it is one of legendary tank from fight 3 Indian where was Arun Khetarpal with 14 pak. What do you mean?

2LT Arun Khetarpal's tank is the Vickers with desert camo with the words "FAMA GUSTA". Pic below the Centurion pic.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
No, its not 2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal`s tank, But a example of preserved Centurian MK7 ..


This tank is 2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal`s tank and situated at National defense academy in India ..

His tank name was 'FAMA GUSTA' and number is JX-202 ..


The 1 Armoured Division played a major role in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. At that time the Division consisted of 2 Royal Lancers, 4 Hodson's Horse, 7 Light Cavalry, 16 'Black Elephant' Cavalry, 17 Cavalry [Poona Horse], 18 Cavalry and 62 Cavalry.


Its hard for me to say about MK5 but i have provided you example of MK7 for reference ..

I don`t have exact picture of top of the engine compartment, But here is a picture for reference ..


2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal tank with other two fought against 10-14 Pakistani tanks ..

Dear Kunal Biswas
Is this tank (242) marked as tank 2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal? I know what das it mean "BAHADUR" in russian!
Храбрец ( and it name MiG-27 what was produced in India by license)
Is mark with elephant - tanks symbol of 17 Poona horse regiment?
Is it possible to now: turret Centurion Mk5 and Mk7 are the same or not?
Do you have pictures of Centurion Mk7 motor section (view from the top)?
What can you say about tank on
Attached File (from english Tribune)? english sad that it is one of legendary tank from fight 3 Indian where was Arun Khetarpal with 14 pak. What do you mean?


Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010

Lt Gen Hanut Singh, PVSM, MVC commanded the 17 Poona Horse armoured regiment in the Battle of Basantar, during the Indo-Pak war of 1971. In this video, he speaks in detail of his own impression of the young officer of his regiment, S. Lt Arun Khetarpal who won a Param Vir Chakra (P) during the epic battle, See the video:


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Aug 13, 2016
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No, its not 2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal`s tank, But a example of preserved Centurian MK7 ..


This tank is 2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal`s tank and situated at National defense academy in India ..

His tank name was 'FAMA GUSTA' and number is JX-202 ..


The 1 Armoured Division played a major role in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. At that time the Division consisted of 2 Royal Lancers, 4 Hodson's Horse, 7 Light Cavalry, 16 'Black Elephant' Cavalry, 17 Cavalry [Poona Horse], 18 Cavalry and 62 Cavalry.


Its hard for me to say about MK5 but i have provided you example of MK7 for reference ..

I don`t have exact picture of top of the engine compartment, But here is a picture for reference ..


2nd Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal tank with other two fought against 10-14 Pakistani tanks ..
adding to what @Kunal Biswas sir said this is taken from Wikipedia I will not vouch for the authencity of the same but it seems to be poient

In 2001, Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal – now 81 years old – felt a strong desire to visit his birthplace at Sargodha, now in Pakistan. At Lahore airport, Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal was met by Brigadier Khawja Mohammad Naser, who took it upon himself to be Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal host and guide. Brigadier Naser really went out of way to ensure that Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal had a satisfying and nostalgic visit to his old house in Sargodha. Upon his return to Lahore he was once again the guest of Brigadier Naser for three days.

Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal was overwhelmed by the extreme kindness, deference, courtesy and respect bestowed upon him by Brigadier Naser and by all the members of his family and his many servants. However Brigadier Khetarpal felt that something was amiss but could not make out what it was. Was it the long silences that punctuated their animated conversation or was it the look of compassion in the eyes of the women in the family? He could not make out but was sure he was being treated as someone very special.

Finally, on the last night before Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal's departure, Brigadier Naser said 'Sir, there is something that I wanted to tell you for many years but I did not know how to get through to you. Finally, fate has intervened and sent you to me as an honoured guest. The last few days we have become close to one another and that has made my task even more difficult. It is regarding your son who is, of course, a national hero in India. However, on that fateful day, your son and I were soldiers, unknown to one another, fighting for the respect and safety of our respective countries. I regret to tell you that your son died in my hands. Arun's courage was exemplary and he moved his tank with fearless courage and daring, totally unconcerned about his safety. Tank casualties were very high till finally there were just two of us left facing one another. We both fired simultaneously. It was destined that I was to live and he was to die.

It was only later that I got to know how young he was and who he was.I had all along thought that I would ask your forgiveness, but in telling the story I realize that there is nothing to forgive. Instead I salute your son for what he did at such a young age and I salute you too, because I know how he grew into such a young man. In the end it is character and values that matter."

Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal was silent as he did not know how to react.To be enjoying the hospitality of the person who had killed his son was a confusing feeling. However being a soldier himself he genuinely admired the chivalry of an officer whose complete squadron was decimated by his son.

Both the Brigadiers retired for the night deep in thought. There are never any victors in war; both sides lose and it is the families that have to pay the price and suffer the most. As someone once said 'Wars are created by politicians, compounded by bureaucrats and fought by soldiers.'

The next day photographs were taken and Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal returned to Delhi. Later the photos reached Delhi along with a note from Brigadier Naser that said:

"With Warmest regards and utmost sincerity, To: Brigadier M.L. Khetarpal, father of Shaheed Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal, PVC, who stood like an unsurmountable rock, between the victory and failure, of the counterattack by the 'SPEARHEADS' 13 LANCERS on 16 December 1971 in the battle of "Bara Pind' as we call it and battle of "Basantar" as 17 Poona Horse remembers. --Khawja Mohammad Naser, 13 Lancers, 2 March 2001, Lahore, Pakistan

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010

Some really nice photos of TANK-EX during 2002, from an expo held at Delhi ..

Its worth noticing that this tank was one of those original upgrades which used existing T-72M1 chassis, this is known due to their track which are of metal ..

The reason Russian sued OFB and the reason Tank-ex never materialized, All other prototypes which got rubber tracks were using imported chassis ..

Its also worth seeing both TANK-EX and Arjun MK1 side by side, It gives a proper idea about their turret dimensions and difference ..

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010

There is Sherman tank in India which stand out then the rest of the Sherman tanks globally, This tank saw active combat with a unique modification that so rare that only existed in India only, Its situated at nagpur at Ajni Square.

Its unfortunate that this example is not celebrated as a unicorn but worst its being called wrongly a captured Pakistani tank.

Their are evidence, It follows as :

1. The most notable feature of this tank is its main gun which is a soviet DT-56T 76mm which is taken from Russian PT-76, The PT-76 is not operated by Pakistan Army nor they received any amount from china nor they have captured enough Indian PT-76s to do the required modification, Its also make no sense that Pakistani Army would recommend such modification because their 76mm long barrel was more or equal to Soviet DT-56T.

2. The other most important clue is the vehicle itself, The vehicle is distinctly a British Sherman V tank which only India operated, PA on other hand use M4A1E4 from Americans, Their are some differences which separate British Sherman from American are :

A. Turret has commander hatch with all-round vision cupola found in British Sherman only.
B. Reinforced ribs on the idler wheel found specifically on British Sherman only.
C. Though this not one of the strong points but Indian sherman mostly used T-49 tracks where PA sherman used CUFF TYPE tracks ..

Its evident that nor the gun mounted on the tank and the vehicle is operated by Pakistan Army ..


British Sherman Mark 5 ( Indian )

American M4A1E4 Sherman ( Captured Pakisthani )
^^ For visual comparison sake ..

I hope that this unicorn of tanks gets its proper identification and preserved accordingly ..


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Jul 18, 2011
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There is Sherman tank in India which stand out then the rest of the Sherman tanks globally, This tank saw active combat with a unique modification that so rare that only existed in India only, Its situated at nagpur at Ajni Square.

Its unfortunate that this example is not celebrated as a unicorn but worst its being called wrongly a captured Pakistani tank.

Their are evidence, It follows as :

1. The most notable feature of this tank is its main gun which is a soviet DT-56T 76mm which is taken from Russian PT-76, The PT-76 is not operated by Pakistan Army nor they received any amount from china nor they have captured enough Indian PT-76s to do the required modification, Its also make no sense that Pakistani Army would recommend such modification because their 76mm long barrel was more or equal to Soviet DT-56T.

2. The other most important clue is the vehicle itself, The vehicle is distinctly a British Sherman V tank which only India operated, PA on other hand use M4A1E4 from Americans, Their are some differences which separate British Sherman from American are :

A. Turret has commander hatch with all-round vision cupola found in British Sherman only.
B. Reinforced ribs on the idler wheel found specifically on British Sherman only.
C. Though this not one of the strong points but Indian sherman mostly used T-49 tracks where PA sherman used T-48 tracks ..

Its evident that nor the gun mounted on the tank and the vehicle is operated by Pakistan Army ..


I hope that this unicorn of tanks gets its proper identification and preserved accordingly ..
When I first saw the tank, I immediately thought, that's a Sherman V Firefly with its famous QF-17 pounder gun that could beat Tigers in WWII. But the gun seemed different. Now you cleared it up.

Thanks for sharing such an interesting aspect of our Armored Corps. I am a great fan of WWII period armor, and this is just one more fantastic piece of history!!

Some pics of the Sherman Firefly tank..

The second pic is from a famous tank/air simulator game that has tanks and aircraft from WWII (of all Allied and Axis powers) called War Thunder, but their models are extremely accurate to history.

One can easily see the similarity of the Firefly's hull and turret with the pics of Kunal sir. Everything looks identical except the gun. The Pt-76B has a shorter and ribbed gun unlike the loong QF-17 on the Firefly
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Jul 7, 2016
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When I first saw the tank, I immediately thought, that's a Sherman V Firefly with its famous QF-17 pounder gun that could beat Tigers in WWII. But the gun seemed different. Now you cleared it up.

Thanks for sharing such an interesting aspect of our Armored Corps. I am a great fan of WWII period armor, and this is just one more fantastic piece of history!!

Some pics of the Sherman Firefly tank..

The second pic is from a famous tank/air simulator game that has tanks and aircraft from WWII (of all Allied and Axis powers) called War Thunder, but their models are extremely accurate to history.

One can easily see the similarity of the Firefly's hull and turret with the pics of Kunal sir. Everything looks identical except the gun. The Pt-76B has a shorter and ribbed gun unlike the loong QF-17 on the Firefly
Is the 2nd pic from War thunder? Try it in World of tanks.. its much better :p


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Jan 17, 2010
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Famagusta’s crew was Sowar Prayag Singh, the driver, Sowar Nand Singh, the Radio Operator, Sowar Nathu Singh, the Gunner and 2/lt Arun Khetarpal, the commander. Nand Singh was first to die. This was just before the fatal encounter with Major Nasser. Then Arun succumbed to his injuries. Both Prayag Singh and Nathu Singh were badly wounded and captured. Later treated by Pakistanis. Both of them survived and retired from the army as Honorary Captains.

Source- Wiki

