USA China Cold War


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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People don't always get what they want :troll:

They want a soullless deracinated India afflicted with feminism and LGTV, willing to die for them against China like those Ukrani lemmings are doing against the Roosi.

What you get instead is a neech chaiwala who is attached with fevicol to this chair and keeps on buying oil from desperate Russians and saddles them with """""unusable""""" rupees instead :truestory:
would be interesting if there was a poll, asking our libtard crowd :
-"are you personally willing to go to war with china for safeguarding murican values?"
-"are you personally willing to risk your life and limb for safeguarding murican values?"
-"are you personally willing to risk your future for safeguarding murican values?".


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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would be interesting if there was a poll, asking our libtard crowd :
-"are you personally willing to go to war with china for safeguarding murican values?"
-"are you personally willing to risk your life and limb for safeguarding murican values?"
-"are you personally willing to risk your future for safeguarding murican values?".
Libtard won't die for the americunt values
He will convince his fellow countrymen to die for the Burgericans via "nationalistc" propaganda. :troll:

The narrative churan in Ukraine is that they are fighting for their freedom vs "Russian colonization" with significant nazi racial-supremacy bits sprinkled in, the important facts that pre-Maidan they never considered Russian colonization as a real thing and never saw Russia as an enemy and gora as langoti-yaar, this is hidden from their daily diet of media.

It is highly likely that your generic traitor libgandu today will do a 180 and become a chest-thumping deshbhakt viraat Hindu if it means that Indians have to be sent into the Chinese meatgrinder at the State Department's behest.

You yourself can see over the past year how bloodthirsty the normally piss-loving gora media has become against Roosi, these are same usually "anti-war" librgandu Western media personalities suddenly doing 180 of their behavior and so-called "values"


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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Moment Chinese warship nearly crashes into a US destroyer
Arleigh Burke Chung-Hoon & Type 052D 132 Suzhou playing "catch me if you can"


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Grossman has lost his mind regarding India and Philippines. The Philippines doesn't have a fraction of the naval, air or space power India has, and certainly can't serve as any economic or developmental counterbalance to China. Philippines itself purchased Brahmos from India, which is its first real military capability against China. India's vaccine aid and food aid, which were crucial in countering China's outreach during covid, cannot be matched by any other country in the region either. Certainly not Philippines.
Let him lose his mind. The QUAD is a joke and the above twitter post by Grossman just goes to prove that.

Just try to milk the QUAD thing for all it's worth without getting into a shooting conflict.


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2020
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Not Missiles
Cuba to Host Secret Chinese Spy Base Focusing on U.S.

I don't think Americans will take this kindly. They will arm twist Cuba to not host any spy bases by China. Cuban missile crisis is all too familiar. Although this may not be missiles but a spy base, Americans might also let it slide to see what the Chinese are upto. Either way we are already in a cold war.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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I don't think Americans will take this kindly. They will arm twist Cuba to not host any spy bases by China. Cuban missile crisis is all too familiar. Although this may not be missiles but a spy base, Americans might also let it slide to see what the Chinese are upto. Either way we are already in a cold war.
i suspect murican mil establishment, will go into over drive in re-educating their public on cold war memories.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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I don't know but I doubt US would raise up that kind of storm... the pro China business lobby is too entrenched in the current regime. They shall find some other venue to divert the outrage. US may only murmur - China shall shut it up using some whataboutery.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Excellent podcast between Chris Chappell & Dr Dheeraj Chaya of the university of Hull who's recently authored a book on indian intelligence on why India & China would never enjoy a peaceful co existence & why India'd never be an ally of the west at best enjoying transactional relationships with the west especially the US on matters of mutual concern or interest like China .
take away from that podcast.

in our case, Pak assumes we will play the game like they would have played themselves if they were in our place, India assumes pak will play the game like we would do.

Mirror Imaging: An analyst engages in mirror imaging when he or she assumes a subject will think and behave the same way the analyst will or expects the subject to think and behave a certain way based on the analyst's preconceptions.
“Mirror Imaging” is a term intelligence analysts use for assuming that your opponents will act and think as you would.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Unconfirmed from mainstream intelligentsia as of now.
Xi is on a war footing.

CCP has asked food importers to China to ship as much grain & sugar as possible & as quickly as possible. Heard this rumour about 2 weeks ago from different sources & had tried to verify it via official import quota reallocations etc. Been told it won’t show up there. Importers of food - such as frozen meat & chicken feet from Brazil - were told that they no longer need to apply (or pay bribes) to obtain import licenses & quota for grains & sugar. They don’t even need to find buyers. The state will take everything they are
able to bring in & there is no end date of this “request”.

A few importers found this unsettling because it is unprecedented in the decades they had been importing food into China. I asked for paperwork but they said they were just “told” by various officials. They don’t expect to see this reflected in any paperwork.

Xi has imposed upon himself a deadline to invade Taiwan in 2027- the centennial year of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. The CCP, no matter how inherently evil it is, is still Chinese & has many hang ups on “significant” words & numbers. A centenary carries a great deal of weight on the Chinese psyche as demonstrated by Xi’s frequent references to take Taiwan by 2027.

He has whipped up an unstoppable national fervour to invade & may not be able to abort. Overestimating Xi’ intelligence & capabilities is a fatal flaw in very many foreign politicians & analysts. Underestimating his hubris, ambition & psychotic traits is an even greater flaw in their thinking.

History (I am an optimist) will remember that Xi told us he wants war & even gave us the date. We just ignored him.



Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Unconfirmed from mainstream intelligentsia as of now.
Xi is on a war footing.

CCP has asked food importers to China to ship as much grain & sugar as possible & as quickly as possible. Heard this rumour about 2 weeks ago from different sources & had tried to verify it via official import quota reallocations etc. Been told it won’t show up there. Importers of food - such as frozen meat & chicken feet from Brazil - were told that they no longer need to apply (or pay bribes) to obtain import licenses & quota for grains & sugar. They don’t even need to find buyers. The state will take everything they are
able to bring in & there is no end date of this “request”.

A few importers found this unsettling because it is unprecedented in the decades they had been importing food into China. I asked for paperwork but they said they were just “told” by various officials. They don’t expect to see this reflected in any paperwork.

Xi has imposed upon himself a deadline to invade Taiwan in 2027- the centennial year of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. The CCP, no matter how inherently evil it is, is still Chinese & has many hang ups on “significant” words & numbers. A centenary carries a great deal of weight on the Chinese psyche as demonstrated by Xi’s frequent references to take Taiwan by 2027.

He has whipped up an unstoppable national fervour to invade & may not be able to abort. Overestimating Xi’ intelligence & capabilities is a fatal flaw in very many foreign politicians & analysts. Underestimating his hubris, ambition & psychotic traits is an even greater flaw in their thinking.

History (I am an optimist) will remember that Xi told us he wants war & even gave us the date. We just ignored him.

War is coming, but it shall be first against India. Watch China pumping more money to disturb NE (just like Manipur), Punjab and to opposition in India. I suspect China shall also be simultaneously interfering via Rentier Paki state too. The all talks of Immediate Taiwan attack is deception - and meant to keep US forces focussed on Pacific more.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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a single tweet from some anonymous person, does mean it is a fact. will need some sort of mainstream confirmation. for us it just means, being aware that such an angle exists.

They are expecting Naval Blockades in:

Malacca, Sunda and Lomba straits by AUKUS Navy.
War is coming, but it shall be first against India. Watch China pumping more money to disturb NE (just like Manipur), Punjab and to opposition in India. I suspect China shall also be simultaneously interfering via Rentier Paki state too. The all talks of Immediate Taiwan attack is deception - and meant to keep US forces focussed on Pacific more.


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2020
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Unconfirmed from mainstream intelligentsia as of now.
Xi is on a war footing.

CCP has asked food importers to China to ship as much grain & sugar as possible & as quickly as possible. Heard this rumour about 2 weeks ago from different sources & had tried to verify it via official import quota reallocations etc. Been told it won’t show up there. Importers of food - such as frozen meat & chicken feet from Brazil - were told that they no longer need to apply (or pay bribes) to obtain import licenses & quota for grains & sugar. They don’t even need to find buyers. The state will take everything they are
able to bring in & there is no end date of this “request”.

A few importers found this unsettling because it is unprecedented in the decades they had been importing food into China. I asked for paperwork but they said they were just “told” by various officials. They don’t expect to see this reflected in any paperwork.

Xi has imposed upon himself a deadline to invade Taiwan in 2027- the centennial year of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army. The CCP, no matter how inherently evil it is, is still Chinese & has many hang ups on “significant” words & numbers. A centenary carries a great deal of weight on the Chinese psyche as demonstrated by Xi’s frequent references to take Taiwan by 2027.

He has whipped up an unstoppable national fervour to invade & may not be able to abort. Overestimating Xi’ intelligence & capabilities is a fatal flaw in very many foreign politicians & analysts. Underestimating his hubris, ambition & psychotic traits is an even greater flaw in their thinking.

History (I am an optimist) will remember that Xi told us he wants war & even gave us the date. We just ignored him.

I normally check another indicator which is US treasury holdings by China. It has been drastically decreasing since last 2 years. I mean look at this.

Screenshot 2023-06-09 113442.png

From $1.05 Trillion in Jan 22 to $ 850 billion in Feb 23. That is a reduction of $300 billion within a matter of 1 year. If they continue this trajectory they might as well offload everything by 2026. They know very well sanctions are going to hit them like lightening when they invade Taiwan. I am pretty sure that might be the only reason they are trying to sell the bonds.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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was waiting for this for some time.
Now let's see what's the standard kit combination they finalise for this terrain and climate.
How Army Jungle Soldiers Are Training For A Possible War With China | Boot Camp | Insider Business



Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
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I don't know but I doubt US would raise up that kind of storm... the pro China business lobby is too entrenched in the current regime. They shall find some other venue to divert the outrage. US may only murmur - China shall shut it up using some whataboutery.
And here we go:

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