The Syrian Crisis


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2014
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BREAKING:7 #Russia/n jets destroyed in attack on #Hmeymim airbase.Mortar fire destroyed 4 Su-24 attack aircrafts,2 Su-35С air defense fighters,1 An-72 transport aircraft + an ammunition depot detonated after mortar strike(via @anton_mardasov).Earlier 1 copter downed,2 pilots dead



Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
not all are head choppers fans in name of democracy.........
I would support Asad clown and his family head chopped by the victims whom he barrel bombed and gassed since Israelis and US spanking by Air strikes are not enough


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
lol 2 SU 35 also destroyed :lol: Assadist totally deserve this


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Mar 21, 2009
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VIDEO: Syrian Army uncovers evidence of Israel’s support for Al-Qaeda in rural Damascus
Andrew Illingworth

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:10 P.M.) – As it continues to secure areas recently surrendered by Al-Qaeda-linked militants (per an evacuation agreement) in the western countryside of Damascus province, the Syrian Arab Army has discovered evidence of Israeli support for the internationally designated terrorist organization, something for which suspicions have long existed in regards to the Syrian conflict.

On Wednesday, pro-government media released footage online showing Syrian troops uncovering abandoned jihadist positions, bases and tunnels on top of the strategic ‘Red Hills’ mountain range in Damascus province’s rural west.

Within an encampment used by jihadist fighters, Syrian troops stumbled across processed foodstuffs with Hebrew writing on their packaging. In the past, even more blatant forms of evidence have been found on militant groups in the Golan region, such as ammo boxes with Hebrew writing.

About one week ago, and following a month-long offensive operation, Syrian army-led forces succeed in pressuring jihadist fighters of the Al-Qaeda-linked Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly called Jabhat al-Nusra and Jabhat Fateh al-Sham) terrorist group to surrender their bastion in the Beit Jinn valley region of western Damascus province and accept evacuation to other rebel-held areas of the country.



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Mar 21, 2009
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Mattis: "War Is Not Over" In Iraq And Syria

Declarations of victory over ISIS by both Iraq and Syria, along with Russia, are not having an impact on US military policy in the region, according to Defense Secretary James Mattis, who insisted on Friday that “the war is not over.”

Which isn’t to say that the US is determined to keep fighting a war against ISIS, as such, but rather that there’s definitely going to be a war against somebody in those countries. Mattis in particular has been keen to talk up the idea of an “ISIS 2.0” emerging in areas ISIS has been expelled from.

Mattis’ comments are very interesting in the context of other Pentagon statements, which have insisted that US troops would stay in Iraq and Syria long after the ISIS war has ended. This had long been assumed to be just a quiet, permanent garrisoning of the two countries, particularly controversial in Syria since they don’t welcome a US military presence.

Instead, Mattis seems to be presenting this as not just an open-ended deployment, but an open-ended war against an ever-changing collection of enemies. In Syria in particular, this is likely to mean a shift away from Islamist rebels and toward pro-government militias.

In Iraq, the continuation of the war is likely to be very much like the last US occupation of Iraq, fighting with any and all forces that are aligned in opposition to the Iraqi government, or against the occupation itself.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
I don't see any sign of fire trails or wreaks on those satellite photos.
This is another one IS bullshit like several times before in 2015 and 2016.
Yup you are right, those are satellite images from June 2016.

Some say its fake news based on the fact that the AN72 was sent off to Russia back in december 2017. Others say Putin trolls are spreading lies and rumors as the one above.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Yup you are right, those are satellite images from June 2016.

Some say its fake news based on the fact that the AN72 was sent off to Russia back in december 2017. Others say Putin trolls are spreading lies and rumors as the one above.
There were no An-72 there at all.
It has no tasks there through its short range and small payload.
An-30B photo cartograph was.

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Mar 21, 2009
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Idlib jihadists blame local population and their loyalty to Assad for the rapid advancement made by the Syrian Army
January 5, 2018 - Fort Russ News - Paul Antonopoulos

IDLIB, Syria - Terrorists in the southern countryside of the jihadist-held province of Idlib in Syria's northwest have blamed the local population for the rapid advancement of the Syrian Army.
Since last week, when the Syrian Army launched an operation to liberate the jihadist-held province, the pro-government forces led primarily by the elite Tiger Forces and 4th Mechanized Units have been smashing terrorist positions and has liberated a swathe of territory and towns.
Local jihadists blame the local population of Khwein and Abu Dali regions for this rapid advancements as they still remain mostly pro-government. They say that the tribal composition of the Badiya is loyalist after generations of being propagandized with “Ba’ath doctrine”
“If Sinjar district doesn’t fall today, it will fall tomorrow because its people have no-one - no-one but Allah and Assad,” a local jihadists said.
“I am the son of the countryside and the son of the tribes and unfortunately it will take them years to be liberated from the slavery of Hafez al-Assad,” he continued.
Hafez al-Assad is the father of current Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and president of Syria before his son.
However, a Free Syrian Army leader has also blamed the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al-Nusra Front for the impressive gains made by the Syrian Army. Full details can be read here.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Syrian War Report – January 5, 2018: Militants Retreat From More Villages In Southern Idlib



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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On the night of Thursday to Friday, the FSA terrorists attempted to raid the Syrian Arab army near the Al-Zalaqiyat-Zaleen checkpoint in the north of the province of Khama. SAA covered the attackers from the MLRS.



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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The fighters of the ISIL shoot at the CASA C-295 coalition transport aircraft in the east of Syria.



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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AP Photo/ Marko Drobnjakovic

US President Donald Trump has just justified US airstrikes on Syrian government forces as “lawful measures” to counter threats to US forces in the war-torn country.

The president wrote in a letter to the US Congress on December 11 that since the last periodic update report, the US Armed Forces participating in the anti ISIS campaign in Syria have undertaken “a limited number of strikes against Syrian government and pro-Syrian government forces.”

Trump added that the strikes “were lawful measures to counter immediate threats to the United States and partner forces engaged in that campaign.”

The US president just forgot to note that the US actions in Syria have never been authorized neither by the Syrian government nor by the UN. Furthermore, the Syrian government describes the US presence “illegal” and says that it’s “aggression.”

However, who cares when the democracy is in danger?


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2017

The Fatemiyoun Brigade of Afghan “volunteer” recruits has been fighting in Syria for five years, said Zohair Mojahed, a cultural official in the brigade.

This brigade has given more than 2,000 martyrs and 8,000 wounded for Islam,” he said in an interview with the reformist Shargh newspaper published on Saturday.

Iran rarely provides figures on the numbers fighting and killed in its operations in Syria and Iraq.

The last toll was provided by the veterans organisation in March, which said 2,100 volunteers had died without specifying how many were foreign recruits.

Iran denies sending professional troops to fight in the region, saying it has only provided military advisers and organised brigades made up of volunteers from Iran and Pakistan.

The Fatemiyoun is reportedly the biggest military unit deployed by Iran in Iraq and Syria, made up of recruits from Afghanistan’s Shia minority.

Iran has backed forces in the past against the Taliban in their own country,.

Some 3,000 Afghans died fighting Iraq in the 1980s, Mr. Mojahed said.


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2017

BEIRUT: Syrian regime forces and allied militiamen are advancing on the largest remaining opposition-held territory in the country’s north, forcing thousands of civilians to flee toward the border with Turkey in freezing winter temperatures.

The offensive on Idlib was expected after the defeat of Daesh late last year. The Idlib offensive carries significant risks. The province bordering Turkey is home to more than 2.6 million Syrians, according to the UN, including more than 1.1 million who fled fighting elsewhere in the country. A full-blown government offensive could cause large-scale destruction and massive displacement.

Turkey, a supporter of the opposition, has deployed military observers in the province as part of a de-escalation deal with Iran and Russia, but that has not stopped the fighting on the ground or Russian airstrikes against the opposition.

It is not clear how far the current offensive aims to reach, and recapturing the entire province is expected to be a long and bloody process. Opposition activists said the main target for now appears to be the sprawling opposition-held air base of Abu Zuhour, on the southeastern edge of the province, and securing the Damascus-Aleppo road that cuts through Idlib.

On Sunday, government forces recaptured the town of Sinjar, removing a key obstacle to its march toward the air base, according to reports by the state-affiliated Al-Ikhbariya TV. The town of Sinjar is located about 19 kilometers (12 miles) south of Abu Zuhour.

Over the past two months, troops backed by Russian airstrikes have captured more than 80 towns and villages in the northern parts of the nearby Hama province and breached Idlib itself for the first time since mid-2015.
The offensive gained more intensity on Christmas Day, when one of President Bashar Assad’s most trusted and experienced officers took command of the operation to extend the government’s presence toward Idlib and boost security for the road that links the capital, Damascus, with Aleppo, Syria’s largest city.

Brig. Gen. Suheil Al-Hassan, also known among his troops as “Tiger,” has been credited most recently with the defeat of Daesh in much of eastern Syria, including the months-long battle for the city of Deir Ezzor.

“Conditions on the ground are wretched for the opposition,” said an opposition activist based in northern Syria who asked to be identified by his first name, Hassan, for fear of reprisals.

Another opposition activist based in Hama province, Mohammed Al-Ali, said the Russians and the Syrian regime are “carpet bombing” villages before pushing into them.

“The Russian airstrikes, weak fortifications and Daesh attacks in Hama” have all helped regime forces, he said by telephone.

Hassan and Al-Ali said it is highly unlikely that regime forces would march toward the provincial capital, also named Idlib, because it would set up a costly battle with highly experienced and well-armed Al-Qaeda-linked insurgents. The province is dominated by the Levant Liberation Committee, which claims to have severed ties with Al-Qaeda but is widely believed to still be affiliated with it.

Al-Hassan’s chief mission for now appears to be securing the Damascus-Aleppo road.

In December 2016, Assad’s forces captured rebel-held parts of the city of Aleppo, marking the government’s biggest victory since the conflict began. The main road to the capital remained perilous, however, with insurgents attacking it from the west and Daesh from the east. The troops have since driven Daesh back, but the western side remains exposed.

Four days after Al-Hassan took over operational command, troops managed to break through the militants’ heavy defenses and capture the town of Abu Dali, a link between Hama, Idlib and Aleppo.

Since then, thousands of people have been fleeing with their belongings amid harsh cold weather toward safer areas further north, including Idlib city and areas near the border with Turkey. Pro-opposition media said that more than 5,000 families have fled the violence over the past two weeks, some renting homes or staying in tents in open fields, others left homeless.

Last week, government forces advanced to within around 12 km of Khan Sheikhoun, where a sarin nerve gas attack killed more than 90 people last year, prompting the US to launch a missile attack on Assad’s troops. Experts from the UN and other monitoring groups blamed the chemical attack on the government, which denied responsibility.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the fighting through a network of activists, said that some 43 civilians, 57 militants and 46 pro-government forces have been killed since the offensive led by Al-Hassan began on Dec. 25.

“The regime wants to take the eastern part of Idlib province,” said the Observatory’s chief, Rami Abdurrahman. “Their aim is to remove any threat to the road” between Damascus and Aleppo, he said.


BEIRUT: An explosion at a base for Asian militants in northwestern Syria’s Idlib city on Sunday killed 23 people including civilians, a monitor said.

Extremist groups fighting in Syria count thousands of Asians among their ranks, including many from central Asian states and members of the Muslim Uighur ethnic minority of China’s Xinjiang province.

“A large explosion on Sunday evening hit the base of the Ajnad Al-Qawqaz faction in Idlib, killing 23 people including civilians,” said Syrian Observatory for Human Rights head Rami Abdel Rahman.

He did not say how many of the victims were civilians or specify the cause of the blast, but activists on social media said a car bomb was responsible.

Dozens were also injured, particularly fighters, according to Abdel Rahman who said the base was “almost completely destroyed” and that surrounding buildings also sustained damage.

The Ajnad Al-Qawqaz group includes hundreds of Caucasian fighters and is battling alongside the Fateh Al-Sham Front, a former Al-Qaeda affiliate, to repel a Syrian regime advance in the southeast of Idlib province.
The area has seen intense clashes following a regime offensive aimed at seizing a strategically vital highway between Damascus and second city Aleppo.

The Britain-based Observatory, which relies on a network of activists across Syria, said regime forces had seized more than 60 villages in the area since December 25.

An alliance dominated by Fateh Al-Sham controls much of Idlib province where there are regular car bombings, often blamed on disputes between armed factions.

Some residents blame Daesh for such attacks, although the group has no open presence in the province.

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