The Syrian Crisis


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Looks like Sultan Erdogan is upset that Russia made barbecue out of ISIS oil trucks and ISIS controlled oil facilities.

After Davidson (Davutoglu) said that Turkey is 360 degree opposed to ISIS (which means Turkey is 0 degree opposed to ISIS), now this guy is trying to rally Muslims against Russia.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Combat Cam: Russian jets destroy ISIS oil refinery & tanker trucks in Syria
that is a sister copy of the bomb downed the Russian liner over Sina

It is worth noting that militants related to the Caliphate also visited the crash site and even had picked up a few passports of the victims as well as boasted on the published photos


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
One of the architects of the current war against the Caliphate Iranian General Soleimani to the South of Aleppo

On the military situation in Syria to 18 November 2015.

The battle for Aleppo.

South of Aleppo the Assad's offensive has slowed down. After the capture of al-Khader and al-of Jesus, there was started a battle with suitable reserves of fighters, including those being transferred from Louts. The battles are for control of the road Damascus-Aleppo, one of the areas where troops came close after the fall of al-Khader and the collapse of the front South-West of Aleppo.

The main problem with fighters is still the same - they can slow down the progress of the Syrian army to the West, but unable to plug a huge hole to the South of al-Khader, in view of what the troops Assad can continue with a workaround, flowing around the front line fighters from the South.

To the North of al-Khader, the army continues offensive operations to the South and North of al-Carassi constantly hinting at the possibility of creating here a small boiler. The militants seized al-Carassi, since it binds a large enough number of troops Assad and inhibits the onset to the highway Damascus-Aleppo.

Given the large width of the front and the advantage of mechanization, the Syrian army tries not to peck on the pocket flaps al-Carassi and around it from the North and the South, where the density of the defense promises more success.
It should be noted that the painter of the map 2-3 days ago control over the route was slightly ahead of the event, the fights there tend to be more difficult than it seemed immediately after the defeat of the rebels near al-Khader.

To the North-East of Aleppo, the army continues to expand the gut stretching to Covaris. Squandered in the battle for al-Safira, Jabul and Nasiriya cash reserves, the Caliphate is now extremely hard to cut the gut and to fight for the initiative. Syrian army continues the offensive and significantly expanded the operational intestine, which exerts great pressure on the grouping of the Caliphate to the East of Aleppo. Losing a main supply route, the Caliphate of vynujden to seriously consider the threat to their rear in the case of success coming from Covaris factions of the Syrian army. Along the way, Assad's troops pressed a Caliphate and the West from Covaris. After the defeat at Sheikh-Ahmad the resistance of the Caliphate became weaker than the army was not slow to take advantage.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
On the military situation in Syria to 18 November 2015.

Latakia and Hama.

In the mountains of Latakia front is generally stabilized. The offensive of the Syrian army goes on a slow pace. Take Salma and Sirmania failed, so the activity of trying to prove in the mountains southwest of Ermanii (here the troops slowly. but surely gnaw through defence) and North of Gmama. The successes achieved so far are local in nature, as the mountainous terrain and the supply of weapons and mercenaries across the border of Turkey seriously complicate offensive operations of the Syrian army.

By itself, the task to cross a mountain range full of militants and quite well fortified, a very non-trivial.

In Northern Hama
province a rebel counteroffensive in General stopped, repulsed the army of the territory North of Carnaza and South Mereka captured, the attack of the rebels began to run out of steam plus some of the forces had to be removed from here and put under Aleppo, where we have to fill a huge hole in the front line + to the Syrian army reinforcements and the front demonstrates the features of positionnote.

North of HOMS, the army continues to Spud Rastanski the boiler. Cut it and failed, as well, and unblock the road of HOMS-Hama. The success of the military are rather modest, especially compared to the triumphant reports of under Aleppo, where settlements captured from the enemy believe dozens.
South of HOMS and the army continues trying to regain lost during the onset of the Caliphate at the end of October. Then lost an important city Mahin based on which the Caliphate tried to exert pressure on the strategic route passing to the West of the city. In early November, the army stabilized the front there and pushed the troops of the Caliphate. The last 2-3 days, the army is moving towards Edifice and fighting now on the outskirts of the city.

Army here solves local tasks, since the goals of the offensive at any cost in the direction of Palmyra now is not worth it. Main objectives - safety of the route to the West of the Edifice and the repulse of the Machine. With increased air support and supply reserves Mahin is quite possible to fight off during the week.

The city itself is on November 18 in polokragen, but the Caliphate still retains control over communication leading to Mahin. If there is a real threat, it is highly likely that the militants will not cling to the city and just move to the East. It is worth noting that in this direction our artillery - our artillery support advancing troops of Assad


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Attack of the Kurds

Developed quite successfully supported the Americans attack the Kurds in northeastern Syria. After the capture of Sinjar Iraq, Kurdish troops have advanced considerably to the East of the center of the province of Hasaka and continue slowly to push the troops of the Caliphate. Flat terrain and low density of troops in this area generally favor the offensive, coming get arms aid from the USA and have reasonable air support (the main part of the airstrikes as before falls on the territory of Iraq). In dynamics, it looks like this.

Dara'a, Deir-ez-Zor, Kuntara - without significant changes. In the suburbs of Damascus, the army continues to slowly but steadily cleaned Jobar and Eastern ghouta.
It should also be noted the intensification of air strikes Russia, USA and France in Syria and Iraq, and an increasing number of the impact on the territory of the Caliphate, Raqqa for the hosts is obviously a bad sign, especially in terms of increasing attacks on the oil industry of the Caliphate. The joke is over and despite the bickering between the US and Russia, the various parties of the Syrian war increasingly converge in the idea that despite all odds the Caliphate must be destroyed.

Overall, the coalition led by Russia maintains in Syria's General initiative and develops the offensive where the enemy could not stand the monthly pressure. The Caliphate after months of successful action over the last couple of weeks have had some sensitive defeats to the East of Aleppo had operational implications. Pro-Western rebels more or less hold the front in the Northern provinces of Latakia and Hama, as well as the front against the Caliphate to the North of Aleppo, but to the South of the town is still the problem that they have yet to solve, if at all possible.

U.S. will beef up its role in the Syrian war and they support the attack of Kurds in Hasaka should claim Washington certain positions in Syria for future negotiations. Direct threat to ar Raqqah at the moment, but the goals of the Kurds is much more prosaic. Plus it is worth remembering that the US has coordination with Turkey to draft offensive in Northern Syria in order to reject the Caliphate from the Turkish border. The main problem as this is consistent with the purposes and interests of the Kurds, who here build their autonomy.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Chinese FN-6 from Ukraine for Caliphate
In the sequel to
Enters the specifics on the topic of arms supplies to the Caliphate through Ukraine. Kuwaiti media claims that detainees had supplied the Caliphate Chinese MANPADS FN-6 Manpads, which in a considerable quantity flashed on the Syrian and Iraqi theater of operations Now it becomes clear one of the channels of their receipt there.
The complex itself though is not good, but fairly reliable and moderately dangerous for planes and helicopters at low altitudes - can effectively hit targets at altitudes up to 3.5-4 km. the Exact number transported through Ukraine MANPADS to militants the interior Ministry of Kuwait has not yet reported.

The Caliphate bought the weapon in Ukraine

Detained in Kuwait, the Lebanese citizen Osama Mohammed Saeed Hayat, involved in the activities of the terrorist group "Islamic state" (IG, is prohibited in Russia), said that he made the deal to buy arms in Ukraine, reports AP. "Osama Mohammed Saeed Hayat admitted that he made the deal to buy arms in Ukraine and sent him to Syria via Turkey",— stated in the message of Agency. - zinc

The original news in English.

Kuwait''s Interior Ministry said Thursday it cracked down on an extremist cell that was aiding the Islamic State group with support that included brokering arms deals, arresting six people from various nationalities who were operating inside the country.
The official Kuwait News Agency said police arrested a Lebanese citizen described as the ringleader named Osama Khayat, who admitted to helping IS recruit fighters and raise money that was sent to IS-related bank accounts in Turkey. The Interior Ministry said Khayat also admitted to closing weapons deals in Ukraine and using Turkey as a route to send weapons to IS fighters in Syria, where the group controls territory.
Police said they also arrested three Syrians, one of whom was an arms dealer for the IS group and another who was in charge of finances and communication. Police also detained an Egyptian who they described as a member of the group and IS a Kuwaiti national who was responsible for logistical support.
The statement said two Syrians and two Australian-Lebanese dual nationals are still at large.
A shorter, earlier statement from the news agency provided different details, including the number of arrests.
The predominantly Sunni Muslim country suffered its most devastating terrorist attack in decades in June when a suicide bomber attacked one of the Gulf nation's oldest Shiite mosques, killing 27 people in the capital.
One of the Islamic State group's affiliates in the Arabian Peninsula, calling itself Najd Province, claimed responsibility for that attack. - zinc

PS. In this regard, natural questions arise.

1. Whether exported weapons to the Caliphate via the port of Odessa?
2. If the Ukrainian weapon from warehouses of the armed forces or come from third countries and Ukraine acted as country pads?
3. In the course of the leadership of the junta about these transactions and determine if the junta party, with which these deals were made?

If arrested in Kuwait, the arms dealer says about delivery, which was discussed in the winter leaking, the output is that through the territory of Ukraine for Caliphate were supplying weapons NATO sample, which was supervised by Avakov and Yatsenyuk and implemented through the port of Odessa, when there was a Kolomoisky protégé Mace.
Look forward to the development of this story. When Saakashvili regime when Yushchenko was removed from combat duty air defense systems and passed the ammunition, at the hearings in the Verkhovna Rada advocates of this policy claimed that "we are a free country who want to and sell/pass". It will be interesting to see how it will meet the delivery/dispatch of arms to the Caliphate, if the whole invoice is confirmed.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Tomcat and Bear , The two archenemies are flying together

In this clip we see an Iranian F-4 just behind one of these bombers, while on 1:25 an Iranian F-14 is clearly escorting a Russian Tu-95MS



Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Cited from Al Monitor:

Regarding his work organizing the militias, Hamedani said most of them are Sunnis. Iran had organized 42 brigades and 138 battalions, and 30,000 Sunni soldiers were trained in Iran, he said.

Hamedani is the highest ranking Iranian officer killed in Syria. This is from a speech by him in March this year.

So Iran is not organizing mostly Shiite militias but helping to maintain Syria as a religiously mixed country


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Surprise! ISIS Caught Buying Weapons in Ukraine
It’s like the NATO freedom trail: Buy weapons in Ukraine, then send them to Syria via Turkey. Fast and easy!

RI Staff | Russia Insider

This turned out well.

Kuwait’s Interior Ministry says that it has captured “an international cell that was sending air defense systems and funds to the Islamic State.” Where did they acquire these air defense systems? Don’t pretend you don’t know:

The cell’s chief, a Lebanese man who was not named, confessed that he raised funds and provided logistical support for the group, which carried out deadly attacks in Lebanon and France last week, the ministry said on Thursday.

He acted as coordinator for ISIL in Kuwait and arranged arms deals and FN6 portable air defence systems from Ukraine, which were shipped to ISIL in Syria through Turkey.

Ukraine is officially a failed state.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Assad expands military operation to Turkmen villages

Assad’s planes bombarded Fırınlık, Acısı and Avanlı in a mountainous area where Turkmens live on the border with Turkey on Friday. (Photo: DHA)

November 20, 2015, Friday/ 17:01:05/ TODAY'S ZAMAN / ANKARA

In the meantime, the Turkish Foreign Ministry has summoned Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov following the Assad regime's attacks on the Turkmen villages. Foreign Ministry spokesman Tanju Bilgiç said on Friday that Ambassador Karlov was told that the bombing of Turkmen villages is not part of the fight against terrorism and that the military operation should be stopped immediately.

Bilgiç said in a statement that Russian aircraft are pounding villages where Bayır-Bucak Turkmens live in an area close to Turkey's Yayladağ border gate. He stressed that Karlov was warned that Russia's bombing of civilian Turkmen villages may cause serious consequences and the military operation should be ended. He also said Turkey has extended the same warnings to Russian President Vladimir Putin's Middle East special envoy and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov.

Sultan Abdülhamit Brigade commander Ömer Abdullah, who is fighting against the Assad forces in one of the Turkmen brigades, told Al Jazeera that in Acısu and Fırınlık, the situation is very critical and the regime forces have taken control of a number of strategic points. Abdullah also said that some Turkmen villages on the border have been targeted by regime forces both from the air and the ground. According to Abdullah, a large number of Turkmens have left the area and flocked to the Turkish border. He stressed that Russian forces are also pounding the area and helping the Assad regime and Shiite militants to open up a corridor in the region. Abdullah said Turkmens still have the control of 27 villages in the region and there are about 100,000 people living there.

20 November 2015 - 15H45
Turkey summons Russia envoy over Syria bombing near border

© Russian Defence Ministry/AFP/File | Moscow launched a bombing campaign in Syria in September, saying it needed to target Islamic State militants before they cross into Russia

Turkey summoned the Russian ambassador after Moscow's war planes carried out a heavy bombing raid inside Syrian territory "very close" to the Turkish border, the foreign ministry said on Friday.

Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov was summoned to hear Turkey's concern over Russia's bombing of "civilian Turkmen villages... very close to the border" with Turkey, the foreign ministry said in a statement.

Turkey has asked Russia to "immediately end its operation," it added.

Ankara also warned that bombing villages populated by the Turkmen minority in Syria could lead to "serious consequences," the ministry added.

Sultan Erdogan and his minion Davidson (Davutoglu) does not want to lose the territory that physically links Turkey with ISIS controlled regions. Once this is cut off, neither can oil, nor can terrorists move between ISIS controlled Syria and Turkey.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Iran Hajj Qassem Soleimani radio conversation with resistance combatants

1. Gov't Forces Regain More Territories in Syria's Lattakia Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and National Defense Forces (NDF) pushed back the terrorist groups form more lands in the Northern territories of the coastal province of Lattakia after fierce clashes with the terrorists on Saturday.

2. Syrian Army, Allies Win Another Strategic Village in Aleppo Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army, National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah fighters carried out a joint operation against the militant groups in the Northern province of Aleppo and took back Burj al-Rouman village on Saturday.

3. Syrian Warplanes Target ISIL Centers in Deir Ezzur Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian fighter jets on Saturday carried out several sorties over the ISIL terrorists' positions in the Eastern province of Deir Ezzur, destroying key facilities of militants in strategic regions.
Last edited:


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Surprise! ISIS Caught Buying Weapons in Ukraine
It’s like the NATO freedom trail: Buy weapons in Ukraine, then send them to Syria via Turkey. Fast and easy!

RI Staff | Russia Insider

This turned out well.

Kuwait’s Interior Ministry says that it has captured “an international cell that was sending air defense systems and funds to the Islamic State.” Where did they acquire these air defense systems? Don’t pretend you don’t know:

The cell’s chief, a Lebanese man who was not named, confessed that he raised funds and provided logistical support for the group, which carried out deadly attacks in Lebanon and France last week, the ministry said on Thursday.

He acted as coordinator for ISIL in Kuwait and arranged arms deals and FN6 portable air defence systems from Ukraine, which were shipped to ISIL in Syria through Turkey.

Ukraine is officially a failed state.



Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014

pete john retweetete
Boris Zilberman ‏@rolltidebmz 12 Std.Vor 12 Stunden
Russian naval exercise closed zone in-between Cyprus and Lebanese coast via @Conflicts

pete john ‏@petejohn10 12 Std.Vor 12 Stunden
The army destroyed the CAP group 'Islamic brigade of freedom "at Aleppo

pete john ‏@petejohn10 12 Std.Vor 12 Stunden
Putin: FSI tasks performed in Syria, but this is not enough - News Front

pete john ‏@petejohn10 12 Std.Vor 12 Stunden
Syrian General: Russian Air Force inflicted irreparable damage to the terrorists - News Front

pete john ‏@petejohn10 14 Std.Vor 14 Stunden
Russian cruise missiles hits ISIS from Mediterranean & Caspian; 600 killed in one strike — RT News

pete john retweetete
Sputnik ‏@SputnikInt 17 Std.Vor 17 Stunden
#SyrianArmy advances on all fronts due to #RussiaVsISIL airstrikes


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2015
New launches from Caspian sea.

Massive Navy missile attack from the sea. I like it even I see ISIS finished war as winners in at least Syria. In Iraq they won't win. Iraqi forces plus Persham Army is stronger in Iraq than Syria regim + rebelles on U.S. + allies sides. United States won't win in bomb attack on rebelles frontline vs ISIS. Rebelles are maximum 21.000 warriors and at least 8000 have died in 2 last year.

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