Surgical strikes inside Pak. Possibility?

Should India carry out surgical strikes in Pak after next big terrorist attack

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Navneet Kundu

Regular Member
Jan 2, 2016
There is nothing wrong in giving some benefit to their industry if we can get technology.
Only if we get that technology unconditionally, with no perpetual clauses like LSA, CISMOA and BECA. If tomorrow I want to use that ToT to make my own plane and sell it to Iran, the US must not have a legal basis to veto that decision because of any ToT clause. Can they guarantee that?

War is fought not just when bullets and rockets are being fired. A war is being fought right now with money and industry. The reason US and Britain wants us to buy F16 and Typhoon respectively is because their assembly lines are going cold and to recover most out of their R&D, they want to mass manufacture and sell to India. The decision to junk both and opt Rafale was fantastic foresight in many ways. First, it will sustain the Rafale industry from going extinct, which means the Rafale will participate in many more aircraft competitions where it will be top challenger to US and Britain's aircraft. This forces them to get into a bidding war and hurts them financially. This same Rafale won the Egyptian airforce contest and gave a nice slap to US and Britain. If we want to undermine Britain, and keep their strategic reach limited to Europe, we need to prop up its competition, aka France. This country takes fiercely independent decisions on international matters and it is in our interest to prop it up, just like Russia. These two nations will keep US and Britain busy.

Buying a strategic system like aircraft which has a replacement lifecycle of ~20 years means the buyer becomes beholden to the seller for strategic issues for those many years. So it's more than just hardware and technology. It's about long term vision. US and British long term vision is hostile to Indian interests, we can't subsidize their weapons with our money. It is only Russia, France and Israel whose interests don't collide with us, even though we might bicker over the pricetags. All these 3 nations have the same goal : use the rise of India and China and take a piggyback ride on Asian growth to bolster their own position in their respective regions. So they don't want us to fail. They don't have a hidden agenda to provoke a fight between India and China. They want to plug into our success. US and Britain have an agenda that is just the reverse of that. They want to use weapon sales to impede our ability to rise as an Asian power. First they will stop our indigenous capability by deliberately giving discounts on weapons, once we are beholden to them then they will blackmail us to hurt China. Eventually both India and China will go down if we follow that script. We shouldn't fall in that trap.

We can do Yudh Abhyas and Chut Abhyas drama, no problem with that, but we shouldn't confuse US affability with goodwill. They will praise our curry and culture while giving weapons to Pakistan, we should praise their fish and chips while giving nukes to Argentina which has competing claims with Britain over Falkland islands. The threat of a nuclear armed Argentina will permanently immobilize Britain from participating in any further US-led global misadventures, just like their aid to Pakistan has immobilized us from making any strategic reach into the mineral rich Central Asian Republics.

Remember these are the same F16s that are used by Pakistan to threaten us daily. The US plans to give 8 more of these to Pakistan. Let's not finance our own death by funding and indirectly subsidizing these projects. We need to make it clear to large defense companies : Once you sell a weapon system to Pakistan, forget about ever trying to sell it to India. This will be the best deterrent.
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Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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pakis were involved ?? why the hell they protected osama in the first place ?? and why USA stopped giving them Aid ? why they are now partner with China ? why they are not joining saudi coalition in yamen ??

why America is giving it's critical technologies to India ?

10 years ago there was no weapon business between India -USA , but now they are our largest weapon supplier ??what about billions of American investment in India ?? what about American support to India in international front ??
Who said aid has stopped? It has only become invisible. Pakis were completely involved in allowing american helis into abtbad.
They hid him, and leaked the info, indirectly via afghanistan or polio camp to americans that we have your prey , what can you give us in return?
I am sure, pakis would have never missed these oppurtunity, impressing americans.

But they fooled the muslim world.

Every critical technology is either home developed or from eu or from russia. Usa never gave any critical tech to India, but they did give to pakis, which is the N bomb. Americans knew that Pakis will get the bomb, rather they assisted them till 1990 covertly.

No critical tech we get from usa without 1001 enormous conditions.

sent from mars


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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USA has developed those technologies after decades of hard work and billions of investment , at present even russia & china dont have EMAL technology & p8i , we are getting that it is enough .............soon china will sell pakistaan 8 nuclear submarines , china also have lots of submarines as well as aircraft carriers , so we need p8i and EMAL systems for our navy they are also selling a lot of other technologies ......................also we need those weapons for our protection and no body can stop us ..........i dont think , we are going to attack on any country in next 20 years (except may be pakistaan ) , we did not sign any agreement neither we are going to export these weapons ................who the hell can stop us from using these weapons for self defense ?? there is a huge corruption in India and some traitor can sell these technology to china ?? they also did not give AESA radar technology ( not even source code ) to Britain or south korea ................

and for general electric 414 they are ready to give technology ( which was demanded by India ) , also our aircraft carrier is designed by USA , and they are giving some critical technologies >>>>>

now compare that with Russia , they are selling 1980s aircraft carrier blueprint to china ...................after spending more than 3 billion $ we got a 30 year old aircraft carrier (?) which was initially designed to carry helicopters , and we are still not able to operate it , tell me what TOT we got from Russia (in last 5 years )?? ..............

USA have a good experience of designing AC , they have best technologies in the world ...................what they are selling we should accept it and focus on our research .
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Navneet Kundu

Regular Member
Jan 2, 2016
@airtel I accept most of your argument except the fact where you claim that we aren't going to sell to anyone. Why preclude our options at the outset? maybe we want to sell in the future as part of military diplomacy? It is in our interest to prevent China to gain influence in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and Nepal via weapon sales. For that, we need to have our own industry selling weapons at cheaper rates. At the same time, having our weapons means they are beholden to us and will obey us because they depend on us for spares.

We can't just look at defense buying weapons. We should aim to make it self-sustainable like the US and Russian industry. This is only possible if we start selling weapons. Otherwise every year we have to spend 3% from tax payer's hard earned money to fund our defense requirements. Isn't it better to let them sell weapons and sustain the whole ecosystem so our tax money can be spent on other branches like ISRO?

If they give ToT on GE414, then you can't sell any plane in the future if it uses that technology. This is true and I've seen it in case of an Indian amphibious landing ship called Hippopotamus ( that we purchased from USA. EVERY YEAR the US sends a team of military guys to board that ship and check it to make sure it has not been modified or sold. We can't even use it on missions that the US doesn't approve of, as per law. Do you want that to happen for all our weapons? this will expose all our positions. There's no such issue with Israel or Russia or France. Calling it 'old tech' is bad excuse. Most of the strategic systems that the US currently uses is pre-Soviet tech. Apache attack helicopter is 1980s tech too. Black Hawk is 1970s tech. M4 carbine is 1980s tech. Abrams tank is 1980s tech. If you say they retrofitted all these over the years, well, so did Russia when they sell anything to us. The platforms might be old but the systems are cutting edge. Our SU30MKI is stuffed with top of the line DRDO, Israeli and French electronics. When Russia saw it, they offered to purchase SU30MKI fighters from India, can you believe that?

We are not total imbeciles in desperate need of US help to defend us. It's like paying a cat to guard milk.

The global scenario is heating up, they NEED India to be on their side. Might I say, they are desperate. If only we play hardball we can get all these things on our terms. After all, the US gives a false certification to its own congress every year claiming that Pakistan doesn't have nukes and does not violate NPT and therefore is eligible for USAID. We don't need to follow these laws, these are US laws. They are free to amend them to suit India's needs, maybe then we can think about it, otherwise they can suck Michelle Obama's tits.
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Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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@airtel I accept most of your argument except the fact where you claim that we aren't going to sell to anyone. Why preclude our options at the outset? maybe we want to sell in the future as part of military diplomacy? It is in our interest to prevent China to gain influence in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and Nepal via weapon sales. For that, we need to have our own industry selling weapons at cheaper rates. At the same time, having our weapons means they are beholden to us and will obey us because they depend on us for spares.

We can't just look at defense buying weapons. We should aim to make it self-sustainable like the US and Russian industry. This is only possible if we start selling weapons. Otherwise every year we have to spend 3% from tax payer's hard earned money to fund our defense requirements. Isn't it better to let them sell weapons and sustain the whole ecosystem so our tax money can be spent on other branches like ISRO?

If they give ToT on GE414, then you can't sell any plane in the future if it uses that technology. This is true and I've seen it in case of an Indian amphibious landing ship called Hippopotamus ( that we purchased from USA. EVERY YEAR the US sends a team of military guys to board that ship and check it to make sure it has not been modified or sold. We can't even use it on missions that the US doesn't approve of, as per law. Do you want that to happen for all our weapons? this will expose all our positions.

The global scenario is heating up, they NEED India to be on their side. Might I say, they are desperate. If only we play hardball we can get all these things on our terms. After all, the US gives a false certification to its own congress claiming that Pakistan doesn't have nukes and does not violate NPT and therefore is eligible for USAID. We don't need to follow these laws, these are US laws. They are free to amend them to suit India's needs, maybe then we can think about it, otherwise they can suck Michelle Obama's tits.

It is their technology if we are trying to sell aircraft based on American technology (to enemy of America )and earn some money then it is wrong ............just try to think like an American .

btw we can not sell aircraft carrier , or any other American weapon except AMCA ..................and we can sell AMCA to American friendly countries like Philippines , Taiwan , etc there are so many such countries ..............not all countries can afford F-35 , we just have to share some profit with american companies like general electrics ( example saab Gripen have general electric 414 and they were selling it to India ) .......................
yes inspection of Ins jalashwa is wrong ,but our congress government was ready for it so it was our mistake , this is why we are buying parts instead of complete package this way , i think we can avoid inspection ?? (i am not sure ) .
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Navneet Kundu

Regular Member
Jan 2, 2016
"we can sell American weapons to American friendly countries" : And how does it serve our interests? Philippines is the same country that deliberately gives Magsaysay awards to communists and missionaries in India who later cause mayhem in India. Kejriwal is a prime example. Why should we be friendly to it, just because it is an American ally? I say, let it be gobbled up by China, if it loves communists so much.

Don't be offended sir, @airtel but are you an american weapons agent who has created an account on DFI and deliberately writing with bad punctuation to make us believe you are one of us, trying to convince us to buy overpriced American weapons on stringent American terms?

Let me tell you a story. When the Pakistanis were killing millions of people in East Pakistan in 1971 with American foreknowledge and US and Britain were reading international laws to Indira Gandhi, just like you are reading the laws to me now, you know what she said to them? 'suck it, motherfuckers' and went on to create Bangladesh. No nation becomes great by following rules laid down by other nations.

All your arguments seem geared towards making sure that American law is followed as if someone will give us medal for following their laws and looking at things from their point of view.

just try to think like an American.
I'd love to, but I am in no mood to invade countries under false pretexts and lecture others on international law.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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even then they are right , it is their technology if we are trying to sell aircraft based on American technology and earn some money then it is wrong ............just try to think like an American .
According to your statement, giving weapons to India to contain China is also wrong.

US carrying out massive economic intelligence and industrial intelligence on China and EU is also wrong.

Let me think like an American now.

Why to spend billions on those weapons which come conditionally? It looks lucrative for now but in the long term it hits us badly both diplomatically and technologically. In this case you are helping their economy and otherside hurting yours in the long run.

Navneet Kundu

Regular Member
Jan 2, 2016
@Screambowl The US has invested a lot of cash on peddling pro-American propaganda so that people start 'thinking like them'. This is just what Doval warned against. "The latest wars are wars of information. If I can make you think like me, I wield power over you"

I'm seeing Christine Fair indulging in such a 'friendly warfare', saying the right things (anti-Pakistan), to win our trust and then slowly brain washing us to think in terms of American interests instead of Indian interests. If you hear her superficially, you'd think she is being so pro-India, but if you ask deeper questions, her bias is revealed. Someone asked her if India should splinter Pakistan, she said 'Then Pakistan will have a moral right to splinter India and take Junagad and Hyderabad'.

We need to grow a spine and be more assertive of our rights. As of now Doval has called off talks with Pakistan until they arrest and hand over the perpetrators of Pathankot. The US point of view is 'India should talk at all costs', this is coming from an asshole nation that invaded 3 countries in one decade, all under false pretext.
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Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
@Screambowl The US has invested a lot of cash on peddling pro-American propaganda so that people start 'thinking like them'. This is just what Doval warned against. "The latest wars are wars of information. If I can make you think like me, I wield power over you"

I'm seeing Christine Fair indulging in such a 'friendly warfare', saying the right things (anti-Pakistan), to win our trust and then slowly brain washing us to think in terms of American interests instead of Indian interests. If you hear her superficially, you'd think she is being so pro-India, but if you ask deeper questions, her bias is revealed. Someone asked her if India should splinter Pakistan, she said 'Then Pakistan will have a moral right to splinter India and Junagad'.

We need to grow a spine and be more assertive of our rights. As of now Doval has called off talks with Pakistan until they arrest and hand over the perpetrators of Pathankot. The US point of view is 'India should talk at all costs', this is coming from an asshole nation that invaded 3 countries in one decade, all under false pretext.
What about Putin fans and those who will kiss Russian ass even though it is not even a shadow of USSR.

Navneet Kundu

Regular Member
Jan 2, 2016
What about Putin fans and those who will kiss Russian ass even though it is not even a shadow of USSR.
I used to be one of them, until about a year ago. Then I read some books, saw some documentaries, realized that Russia is equally responsible for stalling our weapons development projects in a bid to keep us dependent on them. The Russia of today will not intervene to help India, it has to be the other way round, voluntarily. If we think it is in our interests to join a war which Russia is involved in, we must get in. The US invasion of Iraq was a staggering blow to India (and France). We had great ties with Saddam, our economy was being benefited, he also helped keep the Sunnis pacified, gave us cheap oil. Then Iraq got invaded and we lost all of that. That is why need to stop living in a box and start picking sides more assertively. The more you are involved overseas, the more bargaining leverage you have to negotiate favorable settlements for domestic border issues. Russia fucked US plans in Syria, so they have to concede Ukraine. If we get involved (China has already sent a missile ship and other assets) and stall US in Syria, we can have a favorable bargaining position vis-a-vis Pakistan.

So, what about Putin fans, you ask? sometimes it's in our favor to support Russia, for the right reasons. Not for being grateful for their help in 1971. That ship has sailed, we can't be indebted to them forever. Russia also has ties with communists in India, so all that goodwill of 1971 is compensated now. It doesn't have to be an alliance. When the US unveiled its Monroe doctrine in 1823, Britain decided to support it. Not ally with it, but simply deciding that a US Monroe doctrine favors British interests, so they informally supported it. We need to do that wherever there are US interests, except, we must block them. Get them to negotiate on our terms. For this, we can take a piggyback ride on Russia. No need to dismiss Russia just because it was cut down to size. No need to have blind faith in Russia for their help during 1971.
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Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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What about Putin fans and those who will kiss Russian ass even though it is not even a shadow of USSR.
You can never expect US giving you their tech even a decade old in TOT. It's not their policy, be it democrats or republicans.

It does not make me understand. Why are we favouring such deals, through which we cannot get any technology?

Similar way, Russia, but they are little easy when you ask for technology.

Finally no one will give you their best.

You need to develop indigenously.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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I used to be one of them, until about a year ago. Then I read some books, saw some documentaries, realized that Russia is equally responsible for stalling our weapons development projects in a bid to keep us dependent on them. The Russia of today will not intervene to help India, it has to be the other way round, voluntarily. If we think it is in our interests to join a war which Russia is involved in, we must get in. The US invasion of Iraq was a staggering blow to India (and France). We had great ties with Saddam, our economy was being benefited, he also helped keep the Sunnis pacified, gave us cheap oil. Then Iraq got invaded and we lost all of that. That is why need to stop living in a box and start picking sides more assertively. The more you are involved overseas, the more bargaining leverage you have to negotiate favorable settlements for domestic border issues. Russia fucked US plans in Syria, so they have to concede Ukraine. If we get involved (China has already sent a missile ship and other assets) and stall US in Syria, we can have a favorable bargaining position vis-a-vis Pakistan.

So, what about Putin fans, you ask? sometimes it's in our favor to support Russia, for the right reasons. Not for being grateful for their help in 1971. That ship has sailed, we can't be indebted to them forever. Russia also has ties with communists in India, so all that goodwill of 1971 is compensated now. It doesn't have to be an alliance. When the US unveiled its Monroe doctrine in 1823, Britain decided to support it. Not ally with it, but simply deciding that a US Monroe doctrine favors British interests, so they informally supported it. We need to do that wherever there are US interests, except, we must block them. Get them to negotiate on our terms. For this, we can take a piggyback ride on Russia. No need to dismiss Russia just because it was cut down to size. No need to have blind faith in Russia for their help during 1971.
I'm talking about reverse engineering just like China copied Su27 without permission of Russia.
Will US be watching when we will be opening and watching internal structure of their planes. And a new copy will be tagged as indigenous. So, there will be no sanctions on it. Just like J-11(copy of Su27), is used extensively by China, we can use reverse engineered copy of American fighters. Alsoz we can get edge on many major technologies by this experience like China did.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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"we can sell American weapons to American friendly countries" : And how does it serve our interests? Philippines is the same country that deliberately gives Magsaysay awards to communists and missionaries in India who later cause mayhem in India. Kejriwal is a prime example. Why should we be friendly to it, just because it is an American ally? I say, let it be gobbled up by China, if it loves communists so much.

Don't be offended sir, @airtel but are you an american weapons agent who has created an account on DFI and deliberately writing with bad punctuation to make us believe you are one of us, trying to convince us to buy overpriced American weapons on stringent American terms?

Let me tell you a story. When the Pakistanis were killing millions of people in East Pakistan in 1971 with American foreknowledge and US and Britain were reading international laws to Indira Gandhi, just like you are reading the laws to me now, you know what she said to them? 'suck it, motherfuckers' and went on to create Bangladesh. No nation becomes great by following rules laid down by other nations.

All your arguments seem geared towards making sure that American law is followed as if someone will give us medal for following their laws and looking at things from their point of view.

I'd love to, but I am in no mood to invade countries under false pretexts and lecture others on international law.

oh my god .................. भाई मैं Indian हूँ , .............try to think like American means .........try to see the American prospective , why an america should help Indian defense industry ?? you should know that it is all business if someone is helping us that means it is beneficial for them to help Us , if we start selling cheaper weapons based on american technology then it will be harmful for American defense industries , you should also try to think like a Russian , Chinese or Pakistan and then only you can take decisions .............they helped Pakistan because it was beneficial for them now if they are helping India then also it is somehow beneficial for them , if china is helping Pakistan then it is beneficial for china ..............we all are selfish .

and you can not buy American weapon it is job of ministry of defense and they are more intelligent than me and you ..................and they dont read DFI to select weapons , I am just expressing my views that are based on my limited knowledge .......................
Indian was a huge supporter of communism at that time , according to our constitution we are still a socialist country ..........................we had signed a 20 year defense deal with USSR (in 1970 ) that we will help each other at the time of war .similarly , In 1954 Pakistan signed a Mutual Defense Agreement with the United States and subsequently became a member of SEATO ( south east Asia treaty organization ) & central treaty organization it was moral duty of America to protect Pakistan............and moral duty of USSR to protect India ................(just like we have a moral duty to protect nepal ).

both USSR as well as USA were following their Defense Agreement .

times do change , now narendra modi is huge supporter of capitalism and we have a western kind of democracy .................just look at UK they are going to support Japan against china ( japan massacred so many Britishers in world war ) ............ France , Germany , Italy are now friends ............there is no permanent friendship or enmity .

yes self dependency is the best thing but first of all we have to learn it ................& we are learning from foreign countries .
btw tell me what other options we have ?? Russia is already in the lap of china ...................they refused to sell us s400 , we are not getting pak-fa technologies ...........
so please suggest me any alternative ..............
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Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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oh my god .................. भाई मैं Indian हूँ , .............try to think like American means .........try to see the American prospective , why an america should help Indian defense industry ?? you should know that it is all business if someone is helping us that means it is beneficial for them to help Us , if we start selling cheaper weapons based on american technology then it will be harmful for american defense industries , you should also try to think like a Russian , Chinese or pakistaani and then only you can take decisions .............they helped pakistaan because it was beneficial for them now if they are helping in India then also it is somehow beneficial for them ..............we all are selfish .

and you can not buy American weapon it is job of ministry of defense and they are more intelligent than me and you ..................and they dont read DFI to select weapons , I am just expressing my views that are based on my limited knowledge .......................
Indian was a huge supporter of communism at that time , according to our constitution we are still a socialist county ..........................

India was the supporter of Socialism and NOT communism. Germany is far more socialist than you can even think. Governemnt owes 50% tax, min 48% tax. Water here is damn costly. Still they are doing far far better in industrial growth and capitalistic game 100 times better than India. The west germany still pay tax as DDR for east germany.

It obviously does not matter, whether you are capitalist or socialist. What matter is, the money is within the hands of the responsible leader who know how to use it for the development and you get the tax back in a better facility.

No country signs a document which says, one you buy this you will have to obey us when using it, except for countries like Piggistan. I mean this is bloody insane when it's about your national security. And you have to remember, we are competing them in a system developed by them.

What is the use of think tank then, if you are compromising national security and long term goals just to hit Pakistan? You are getting NO Technology from USA!! They will give you weapons which they want you to use not you want to use.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Remember these are the same F16s that are used by Pakistan to threaten us daily. The US plans to give 8 more of these to Pakistan. Let's not finance our own death by funding and indirectly subsidizing these projects. We need to make it clear to large defense companies : Once you sell a weapon system to Pakistan, forget about ever trying to sell it to India. This will be the best deterrent.
LOL Paki F 16,most of their F 16 are obsolete only 15 -20 are BLK 52,which can be considered 4.5 generation,rest being 4th Gen.

On the other hand we have 300 4.5 gen aircrafts,with thousands of BVR missiles,even during kargil war,paki air force didn't had the balls,while IAF bombing Paki positions,on one occasion our MIG 29 locked a F 16,but it was not ordered to fire.

Remember Atlanteque Incident,where was paki F 16 ?

Gun Camera of Wing cmdr Bundela's MIG 21,locking paki atlanteque,which we shot down ...... PAF is nowhere to be seen,we can do the same with Bhensa Raheel






Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Statement is out guys , but why to make such statement and alert them? Or may be this is semi overt operation? You tell them like a man, we will hit you, but when where how, don't tell them.

India will respond to attacks at a place and time of its choice: Parrikar

Adding further belligerence to the Government’s stand in the wake of the Pathankot terror attack, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Monday said India would respond to attacks on the country at a time and place of its choosing.

Mr. Parrikar said, “I always believe that anyone who harms you, he understand the same language. How, where and the place should be of your choice.” He was speaking on Monday at a seminar on indigenisation organised by the Centre for Land Warfare Studies.

“If someone is attacking the country, an individual or organisation should also feel the pain of such activity. Until the pain can be transferred they will not understand,” he said.

The attack by six terrorists on Pathankot Air Force station on January 2 has cast a shadow on the peace initiative by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and put a question mark on the Foreign Secretary level talks scheduled for Friday.

India has linked the talks to action by Pakistan on those responsible for which evidence has already been provided.

@Abhijat @A chauhan @Alien @alphacentury @Ancient Indian @anupamsurey @blueblood @brational @Bangalorean @Blackwater @Bornubus @bose @cobra commando @DingDong @DFI_COAS @ersakthivel @gpawar @guru-dutt @hit&run @Indx TechStyle @jackprince @Kharavela @Illusive @I_PLAY_BAD @LETHALFORCE @Lions Of Punjab @maomao @Mad Indian @OneGrimPilgrim @Peter @pmaitra @Razor @raja696 @Rowdy @Sakal Gharelu Ustad @saty @sydsnyper @Srinivas_K @sorcerer @Simple_Guy @Sylex21 @wickedone @tarunraju @TrueSpirit2 @thethinker @VIP
@Vishwarupa @VIP @Varahamihira @roma
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Navneet Kundu

Regular Member
Jan 2, 2016
@airtel Sorry about my comment earlier.

Russia is already in the lap of china, so please suggest me any alternative
We have a contract, plus submarine (and we already have Sukhoi) contract which was signed in 2015 whereby India will be able to service Russian made ships and submarines and Sukhois. A lot of Asian countries like Vietnam use Russian weapons so it will be big business for us, plus learning opportunity, as you say.

We have a Ballistic Missile Defense deal with Israel, that's the Green Pine radar paired with Barak. I'm not saying we should blacklist US companies, but rather let them make concessions in exchange for weapons deals, instead of buying it unconditionally. We have certain strategic and cosmetic amends that the US foreign policy needs to make if they want us to buy weapons. It could be intel sharing, favorable visa policy, or any other diplomatic thing, but don't go in for weapons deals as simply buyer-and-seller, but ask for strategic concessions.

To be specific, there are certain types of weapons that India should never buy from the US. F35 is one of them, Abrams is one of them, Javeline is one of them and some others.

There are certain types of high efficiency electric cells that they have made, such things are of interest to us as a force multiplier. It can be used to power radars and other battlefield electronics without using diesel electric generators. Such things we should buy. We have signed a contract for it when Def Sec Carter visited India.

We recently bought K9 howitzer from Samsung (S Korea). They will give ToT and it will be called Vajra. So we have a lot of options. The US option is the costliest one and least reliable. In the event of war with Pakistan, they will stop our supply of spares. Or if we are manufacturing locally, then impose sanctions on us. As long as US continues to give billions in aid to Pakistan, it should be our stated position that we should buy weapons from the US only if no other option exists. They must understand that they will have to pay a price for their association with Pakistan.

just look at UK they are going to support Japan against china
I think UK supports China. Despite US pressure, UK just joined ABD bank which is lead by China. They also made multi-billion dollar investments in UK nuclear power sector during the recent UK-China visit.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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@Navneet Kundu .....................India is also member of AIIB bank as well as ADB bank and BRICS , there are billions of Chinese investment in India , same with USA what ?? business is different thing and military alliance is deferent .

and yes we have still good relationship with Russia ( but not as good as 1970s ) ....................friendship with USA does not mean enmity with RUSSIA .....................actually Pakistan , china ( and America ) would like to brake our diplomatic relationship .

yes we should explore all of our options we bought Israeli spike missiles instead of American javelin , ( and also read how we were cheated by our government organizations & Russians in T90 tank deal) .....................but some American technologies dont have any alternative EMAL & P8I .


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Successfully done just a decade back.
Successful done, where? Terrorist infrastructure and all terrorist leaders in Pakistan, are all safe for the past 25 years. Lets not kid ourselves!


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Successful done, where? Terrorist infrastructure and all terrorist leaders in Pakistan, are all safe for the past 25 years. Lets not kid ourselves!
Doesn't matter,You were loling if India could airstrike across loc or Int border and even a kid could agree that airstrike can't end paki terror infrastructure,learn from Israel.

It was successfully done in 2003~ when IAF targeted Paki Military posts,their regional commander published the pics and their casualties to the media.

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