Rohingya refugee crisis

rockey 71

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2015
OMG this is the most hilarious idea I've come across this year. Seriously u want India and China to split Arakan or Rakhine?

Just at a glance of geography u would realize Arankan is far off from China. Indeed Chinese interests are widespread overseas such as pipelines. But that doesn't entail a physical occupation. Otherwise Chinese strength could have been overstretched. Trust me, Chinese are saner than u think, and there're other strings to pull.

Here lies a fundamental difference btwn your view and mine ~ I think Rakhine is integral to Myanmar regardless of historical imbroglios. External pressure can be at work from India or US, or from the so called Muslim world over Rohingya plight alike, but has to be within the Myanmar framework. Practically Rohingyas shall strive for rights like Myanmar citizenship and coexist with other communities, not separation.

As for BD's honeymoon with India, well how would that bother Chinese? There is nothing exclusive btwn BD and China. BD is entitled to engaging every neighbor and maximizing its own interests. It's called realism for survival.

~~Still waters run deep. ~~from my MiPad using tapatalk

1.This is anything but hilarious. India gets Arakan from R Naf westward till R Lemru. Indian exploitation includes upgrading the Akyab Port for using it as a funnel for Mizoram trade flowing thru R Kaladan. China has built and already commissioned pipelines from Ramreee complex where they have built a tourist facility for the Chinese. There is an airport, hotels and PLAN can use the natural deep-sea port. Down south China has built a Naval Base at Coco Island for use by Burma and herself..
2. Historically Burma invaded and ransacked all around her whenever she was strong. That includes Assam in the west to Cambodia in the east. And whenever she was weak she withdrew into the central heartland. Even aung San Suu Kyi states so in her book, Freedom From Fear. Note that when Burma lost the 1st Anglo-Burmese War, the King of Ava had no problem in transferring Arakan to the East India Co. Similarly when Burma lost the 2nd Anglo-Burma war she readily handed over Southern Burma. But when Burma lost in the 3rd Anglo-Burmese War, the King of Ava simply refused to hand over the kingdom saying the other territories had been acquisitions, so there was no issue in detachment. But this is Burma and he could not hand over this. As such the GG at Calcutta annexed Burma through a Proclamation.
3. The Burmese are bent upon exterminating the residue Arakan Muslims. They will definitely resist till the end. China has a role here, not just in Kokang territory. Or this may overflow into peripheral region.


Senior Member
Oct 15, 2011
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Dear @rockey 71 , Bangladesh should fight its own battles ! Independence from a tyrannical Pakistan you guys got with help and support of Indian army, now you are itching for India and China to break up Burma because Burmese are persecuting some illegal Bangladeshi immigrants albeit who migrated a few hundred years ago...

Coward !


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
U.S. Rethinking Sanctions on Myanmar but Firm on Using 'Rohingya' Term
By Paul Eckert

The new U.S. ambassador to Myanmar said on Tuesday Washington is rethinking outstanding sanctions it had imposed to prod the country's former ruling military junta to take democratic reforms to avoid unintended impacts on development in the Southeast Asian nation.

However, ambassador Scot Marciel said the United States would continue to refer to western Myanmar's indigenous Muslim minority group as 'Rohingyas,' brushing off an official request and street protests over the term.

The United States had begun lifting a raft of sanctions in 2011 to reward changes put in place after a quasi-military government took over from the hard-line junta that had ruled the former Burma for five decades. Some trade curbs remain in place against business dealings with military-linked businessmen.

'We recognize that even these limited, targeted sanctions occasionally have unintended effects on the broader economy,' ambassador Scot Marciel said at a news conference at the American Center in Yangon, the commercial capital.

'Now in the aftermath of the transition to the new elected government we are again reviewing our sanctions,' he said, without elaborating on possible outcomes of the policy review.

Marcial said U.S. policy would continue to refer to the community of about1.1 million persecuted, stateless Muslims living in western Myanmar by their preferred term 'Rohingya.'

'The normal U.S. practice and the normal international practice is that communities anywhere have the right, or have the ability to decide what they are going to be called. And normally when that happens, we would call them what they asked to be called. It's not a political decision, it's just a normal practice.'

Last week Myanmar's Foreign Ministry, which is headed by Aung San Suu Kyi, advised foreign embassies in Myanmar to avoid using the term 'Rohingya' and nationalists staged a protest outside the U.S. embassy the day after Marciel presented his credentials demanding American diplomats stop using that name.

Myanmar does not officially recognize the Rohingya as an ethnic group and denies them basic rights, while hard-line Buddhists and other nationalists assert that they are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, even though many have lived inMyanmar for generations.

Marciel declined to address reports that Aung San Suu Kyi, de facto leader of Myanmar, had personally asked him not to use the term. 'I prefer not to publicly talk about private diplomatic conversations,' he said.

Apartheid-like conditions

AFP quoted Myanmar foreign ministry official Aye Aye Soe as saying her office had asked Marciel not to use the term 'Rohingya.'

'Yes, it is true that we told Ambassador Scot Marciel when he came Naypyitaw not to use the term 'Rohingya' because it is not supportive in solving the problem that is happening in Rakhine state,' Aye Aye Soe, deputy director general of the ministry's political department, told AFP. 'And it can even worsen the situation there.'

'This is his right to say or call whatever he wants, but this is not leading to a solution of the problems,' she said. 'People are just fighting over this term instead of solving the problem. This can make things difficult for the two communities in Rakhine to gain trust again.'

More than 100,000 Rohingya were forced to live in apartheid-like conditions in squalid camps after violence erupted between them and local Buddhists in 2012, leaving more than 200 dead and tens of thousands homeless. Since then, thousands of others have fled persecution on rickety boats to other Southeast Asian countries.

State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi, whose National League for Democracy (NLD) party came to power at the beginning of April after a landslide election victory five months earlier, has so far failed to address the Rohingya issue, prompting criticism from many outside Myanmar who have supported the Nobel Laureate's long struggle for democracy.

'Human rights advocates have hoped that she and her ruling National League for Democracy party would dismantle the repressive measures against the Rohingya,' said The Los Angeles Times in an editorial published Tuesday.

'Suu Kyi, who was disturbingly noncommittal on the issue during the election, has now spoken up -- but, woefully, only to endorse the previous government's discriminatory practice of refusing to recognize the Rohingya as one of the country's more than 130 officially sanctioned ethnic groups,' said the newspaper, which advocated retaining some U.S. sanctions.

Big Brother is watching Myanmar (0_o)

Suu Kyi holds on to Burman nationalism stance after the power transfer.

~~Still waters run deep. ~~from my MiPad using tapatalk


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
ASEAN muslim states gang up on Myanmar :shoot:

Indonesia raises Rohingya concerns with Suu Kyi
Turmoil erupted following a spate of attacks on police posts near the frontier with Bangladesh on Oct. 9 by Rohingya militants, which left nine officers dead. Myanmar authorities hit back with a crackdown placing Rakhine under military lockdown and displacing thousands of people.

One report by London-based Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN) states that at least 30,000 people in Rakhine have been internally displaced, while ongoing violence has led to shortages of food and aid for more than 70,000 people in the area.
UGH What Did Najib Do To Piss Off Myanmar And Cause A Protest?
Last Sunday Prime Minister Najib Razak led a protest rally against the injustices suffered by the Rohingya minority in Myanmar. This follows the cancellation of two friendly matches for our Harimau Malayas against the Myanmar football team earlier this month.

“What’s the use of Aung San Suu Kyi having a Nobel prize? We want to tell Aung San Suu Kyi, enough is enough… We must and we will defend Muslims and Islam,” Najib said, condemning the Burmese leader’s actions together with supporters that also consisted of refugee Rohingya people in Malaysia.


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2016
Rakhaines are original inhabitants of Rohingyaland. Not Rohingyas who were immigrants. It isl ike Kosovo, first Albanian Muslims immigrated to Kosovo and drove back Serb Orthodoxes. Same pattern here. Rakhaine State belongs to Rakhain Buddhists not to Rohingyas.


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2016
Bangladesh first mind their own issues take care of Hindus and Buddhists and others. Bangladesh has no right to say anything when they have a history of persecution of religious minorities. Bangladesh nearly exterminated Chakma Buddhists and talk about Myanmar.

If Bangladesh does something, Myanmar should kick and capture Chittagong Hill Tract to save Chakma Buddhists because India is spineless.


Regular Member
Nov 7, 2011
DNA tests should prove if the Rohingyas are descendants of Arab seafarers or illegal Bangladeshi immigrants.Then the next step would be to dispatch them back to their homelands.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Bangladesh offers Myanmar army aid against Rohingya rebels
More than 3,000 Rohingya have arrived in Bangladesh from Myanmar, where the stateless Muslim minority faces persecution, in the past three days, the UN refugee agency said yesterday. Bangladesh has said there are thousands more Rohingya massed on its border with Myanmar.

By: AFP | Dhaka | Published on: August 29, 2017 9:36 am

At the weekend, as violence in Rakhine worsened, Bangladesh's foreign minister summoned Myanmar's charge'd affaires in Dhaka to express "serious concern" at the possibility of a fresh refugee influx. (Source: Reuters)

Bangladesh has proposed joint military operations with Myanmar against Rohingya militants fighting in Rakhine state, as the UN raised fears over reports of civilians killed during fresh violence in recent days.

An upsurge in fighting in Rakhine, an impoverished state neighbouring Bangladesh, has been raging since Friday when Rohingya militants staged coordinated ambushes against Myanmar’s security forces.

More than 100 people, including around 80 militants, have been confirmed killed in the fightback, which has seen thousands of Rohingya villagers fleeing for Bangladesh.

The United Nation’s Secretary-General Antonio Guterres “is deeply concerned at the reports of civilians being killed during security operations in Myanmar’s Rakhine State,” according to a statement from spokesman Stephane Dujarric.

He called on Bangladesh to step up assistance to civilians escaping the violence, noting “many of those fleeing are women and children, some of whom are wounded”.

More than 3,000 Rohingya have arrived in Bangladesh from Myanmar, where the stateless Muslim minority faces persecution, in the past three days, the UN refugee agency said yesterday.

Bangladesh has said there are thousands more Rohingya massed on its border with Myanmar, where it has stepped up patrols and pushed back hundreds of civilians who have tried to enter.

Their flight comes as Human Rights Watch said it has satellite data “consistent with widespread burnings” in 10 populated areas of the violence-wracked wedge of Rakhine State near Bangladesh.

Those include Rohingya villages as well as Rakhine-majority settlements attacked by the militants.

In a meeting with Myanmar’s charge d’affaires in Dhaka, a top Bangladeshi foreign ministry official proposed joint military efforts against the militants along the border.

“If Myanmar wished, the security forces of the two countries could conduct joint operations against the militants, any non-state actors or the Arakan Army along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border,” a foreign ministry official said on condition of anonymity, as he was not permitted to speak to the media.

The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) is a militant group that says it is fighting to protect the Muslim minority from abuses by Myanmar security forces and the majority-Buddhist Rakhine community.

There was no comment from the Myanmar diplomat.

At the weekend, as violence in Rakhine worsened, Bangladesh’s foreign minister summoned Myanmar’s charge’d affaires in Dhaka to express “serious concern” at the possibility of a fresh refugee influx.

There are already some 400,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh in squalid camps near its border with Myanmar.

Bangladesh is waging a bloody crackdown on homegrown Islamist militancy and has vowed ‘zero tolerance’ towards violent extremism, domestic or otherwise, on its soil.

Dhaka has repeatedly asked Myanmar to take back the Rohingya refugees and address the root causes of problem.

Despite decades of persecution, the Rohingya in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state largely eschewed violence.

But in October ARSA, a small and previously unknown militant group, staged a series of well coordinated and deadly attacks on security forces.


Senior Member
Oct 15, 2011
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Bangladesh offers Myanmar army aid against Rohingya rebels
More than 3,000 Rohingya have arrived in Bangladesh from Myanmar, where the stateless Muslim minority faces persecution, in the past three days, the UN refugee agency said yesterday. Bangladesh has said there are thousands more Rohingya massed on its border with Myanmar.

By: AFP | Dhaka | Published on: August 29, 2017 9:36 am

At the weekend, as violence in Rakhine worsened, Bangladesh's foreign minister summoned Myanmar's charge'd affaires in Dhaka to express "serious concern" at the possibility of a fresh refugee influx. (Source: Reuters)

Bangladesh has proposed joint military operations with Myanmar against Rohingya militants fighting in Rakhine state, as the UN raised fears over reports of civilians killed during fresh violence in recent days.

An upsurge in fighting in Rakhine, an impoverished state neighbouring Bangladesh, has been raging since Friday when Rohingya militants staged coordinated ambushes against Myanmar’s security forces.

More than 100 people, including around 80 militants, have been confirmed killed in the fightback, which has seen thousands of Rohingya villagers fleeing for Bangladesh.

The United Nation’s Secretary-General Antonio Guterres “is deeply concerned at the reports of civilians being killed during security operations in Myanmar’s Rakhine State,” according to a statement from spokesman Stephane Dujarric.

He called on Bangladesh to step up assistance to civilians escaping the violence, noting “many of those fleeing are women and children, some of whom are wounded”.

More than 3,000 Rohingya have arrived in Bangladesh from Myanmar, where the stateless Muslim minority faces persecution, in the past three days, the UN refugee agency said yesterday.

Bangladesh has said there are thousands more Rohingya massed on its border with Myanmar, where it has stepped up patrols and pushed back hundreds of civilians who have tried to enter.

Their flight comes as Human Rights Watch said it has satellite data “consistent with widespread burnings” in 10 populated areas of the violence-wracked wedge of Rakhine State near Bangladesh.

Those include Rohingya villages as well as Rakhine-majority settlements attacked by the militants.

In a meeting with Myanmar’s charge d’affaires in Dhaka, a top Bangladeshi foreign ministry official proposed joint military efforts against the militants along the border.

“If Myanmar wished, the security forces of the two countries could conduct joint operations against the militants, any non-state actors or the Arakan Army along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border,” a foreign ministry official said on condition of anonymity, as he was not permitted to speak to the media.

The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) is a militant group that says it is fighting to protect the Muslim minority from abuses by Myanmar security forces and the majority-Buddhist Rakhine community.

There was no comment from the Myanmar diplomat.

At the weekend, as violence in Rakhine worsened, Bangladesh’s foreign minister summoned Myanmar’s charge’d affaires in Dhaka to express “serious concern” at the possibility of a fresh refugee influx.

There are already some 400,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh in squalid camps near its border with Myanmar.

Bangladesh is waging a bloody crackdown on homegrown Islamist militancy and has vowed ‘zero tolerance’ towards violent extremism, domestic or otherwise, on its soil.

Dhaka has repeatedly asked Myanmar to take back the Rohingya refugees and address the root causes of problem.

Despite decades of persecution, the Rohingya in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state largely eschewed violence.

But in October ARSA, a small and previously unknown militant group, staged a series of well coordinated and deadly attacks on security forces.
Stepping stone to sneak into Bharat, hope not


Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
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Intel Experts Warned On Rohingyas In Meet At Prime Minister's Office

Story Highlights

  • Ajit Doval, other security experts meet on Rohingya Muslims
  • Intel agencies say Pak terror groups helping Rohingya Muslims
  • India could be targeted, they warn amid criticism of Delhi's approach

New Delhi: Amid widening international condemnation of India's plans to deport Rohingya Muslims who have escaped the violence against them in Western Myanmar, top officials of the government met in the Prime Minister's Office to review their strategy. The meeting last evening was called by Nripendra Misra, the top aide to Prime Minister Narendra Modi; the attendees included National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and the heads of intelligence agencies including the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW). They focused on increasing alerts about links between Rohingya militant commanders in Myanmar and terror groups in Pakistan including Hafiz Saeed's Lashkar-e-Taiba. An intel report reviewed by them concludes "In our assessment, penetration of Pakistan-based terrorist outfits among Rohingya Muslims community is a serious emerging threat, as the same would ultimately be used for targeting India."

The meeting was called after India was named and shamed for its stand on the Rohingyas at the United Nations top human rights body on Monday by the chief of the agency. India's representative offered an arduous rebuttal, but the timing of yesterday's brain-storming session and the seniority of those who were present illustrates that the reprimand is a sore point.

JuD-linked Falah-e-Insaniyat Foundation (FIF) holding events in support of Rohingyas.

India says it currently has about 40,000 Rohingyas who have escaped in recent years from the rising violence against them in Myanmar and entered India through the north-east border. Most of them are settled in Jammu, Hyderabad and in and around Delhi. But officials say there has been no great spike in arrival in India's in the last few weeks. At least 1,25,000 Rohingyas have fled Myanmar's western state of Rakhine after the military cracked down on Rohingya insurgents who attacked an army base and dozens of police posts.

The intelligence note reviewed last evening highlights that Rohingya insurgents in Myanmar have established links to Hafiz Saeed and his Lashkar-e-Taiba, which is based in Pakistan and is responsible for the 26/11 siege on Mumbai among other deadly terror attacks in India.

The Lashkar funds and arms Rohingya militants, Indian intelligence agencies believe. The note attaches photographs that show Hafiz Saeed addressing a Rohingya militant outfit in Karachi in July 2012. The chief of HuJi, a major terror network in Pakistan and Bangladesh, is a Pakistani national of Rohingya origin. Top Pakistani terror group commanders visited a conference organized in 2012 in Bangladesh by Rohingya militants.

Photo of Abdul Qadoos Burmi of HuJi arakan

There are other red flags for India: a Pakistani Al Qaeda operative called Maulana Ustad Wazeer visited Thailand last month to train Rohingya militants. Intelligence officials are also trying to determine if a Rohingya in Kashmir was the guide for terrorists who crossed the border last month for a major attack on a police compound in Pulwama in which eight security personnel were killed 25 km from Srinagar.

Junior Home Minister Kiren Rijiju today tweeted "This chorus of branding India as villain on Rohingya issue is a calibrated design to tarnish India's image. It undermines India's security." The remark appeared to be a response to the UN's upbraiding earlier this week. And while Mr Rijiju maintains that the Rohingyas will be deported, officials who were at last evening's meeting say that's impractical - for one, they are now a people without a country. "Where will you deport them? Myanmar refuses to accept them," said one official who attended last night's meeting, asking not to be named because of the sensitivity of the discussions. Another challenge identified was the difficulty in distinguishing between illegal immigrants from Bangladesh who regularly stream across the porous border and Rohingyas. "Even the language is similiar and so many women are coming, so our border officials cannot be too intrusive," an official told NDTV. The Border Security Force is trying to confine them and persuade them to return. With little impact. "The focus is now on increased border patrolling, however, that's not easy due to the sheer size (of the border region)," said officials


Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
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If we can't return them, maybe we can sneak them into Pakistan without their information. Ronhingya militant and Pakistani militant nexus is not a good thing.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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One thing that is standing out for me in all news videos related to rohingya is the disproportionate amount of kids compared to adults in all those videos. every family seems to be having 3-4 kids, if not more.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Every muslim has 3-4 kids. It is normal. That is why they need to be eradicated. They are living on others food via ration and trying to overtake others.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Every muslim has 3-4 kids. It is normal. That is why they need to be eradicated. They are living on others food via ration and trying to overtake others.
Below pic is said to be of a handicap Rohingya who has a huge family.Even a handicap can create 7 kids. :eek1:

Just think what are they gonna do if not thrown back. NDTV is still doing randi rona about "humanitarian" basis so these cockroaches do jihad after few years.A normal sane person would see a CANCER asking if he can stay in your body.:crazy:

Rohingya viklang and 12 kids.jpg

It's AMAZING the way UN Chief(a Muslim somehow) :bs: is pointing finger at India and got a nice tight slap reply from India.This UN is a big crap and other sources are showing Buddhist as terrorist. :dude:

Kick out this CANCER called Rohingyas or ask them to convert to Buddhism as their forefathers were Buddhists.

Buddhist Muslim attacked.jpg

Buddhist Terrorist fake.jpg


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Below pic is said to be of a handicap Rohingya who has a huge family.Even a handicap can create 7 kids. :eek1:

Just think what are they gonna do if not thrown back. NDTV is still doing randi rona about "humanitarian" basis so these cockroaches do jihad after few years.A normal sane person would see a CANCER asking if he can stay in your body.:crazy:

View attachment 20089

It's AMAZING the way UN Chief(a Muslim somehow) :bs: is pointing finger at India and got a nice tight slap reply from India.This UN is a big crap and other sources are showing Buddhist as terrorist. :dude:

Kick out this CANCER called Rohingyas or ask them to convert to Buddhism as their forefathers were Buddhists.

View attachment 20093

View attachment 20092
As long as hindus don't militate, hindus will have no value. Ahimsa is an excuse for cowardice. If that is how hindus want to live - impractical and unreasonable - then hindus are unfit

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