Rajputs in medieval age - battles and discussions

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
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Jan 27, 2012
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Co ja kurwa czytam!
Senior Member
Sep 6, 2014
IDk Heros or villians but they surely were Incompetent :lol: (along with the rest of us)
Proof: Our situation today .


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015


Jul 31, 2015
How can they "just convert" ? I see Sikh missions going out to useless places in South America but never anywhere in India. If Indian religions don't step up, that space will be filled up by missionaries and mullahs.

A guy from Delhi told me that he approached DGPC on conversions issue and the senior leaders told him "its their wish". Bihar once had a significant population of Nanakpanthis, which waned away due to neglect and partly Udasi sadhus 'reverting' to Hinduism to prevent their Dharamshalas from getting under SGPC control. No Sikh authority has even bothered reaching out to Kabirpanthis, Ravidasis, Ramanandis in north or Varkaris in Maharashtra with whom they share their Sants.

Future of Sikhs is bleak if they keep shadow boxing the "RSS hindu brahmanvadi". It's one thing to believe in prophecies but trends are ominous. They've boxed themselves like Parsis pretty much.
They will convert, same way you did.

Sikhs are basically retards at this point because, a real Sikh is just a Hindu who realizes & follows/emphasizes certain aspects of dharam over others.

I been to amritsar today, the fact is you're not going to change these retards who think a 2" siri sahib is name as a nuclear aircraft carrier.

They will need lots of thappar, gurdaspur attack did a bit, that's why they did GOI target this time to not risk that.

Suicide attack in middle of crowd in darbar sahib will wake these clowns up real quick.

Until then, do what you can take what you get. It's what I been doing..

How can SGPC send a 'Sikh' mission, when it doesn't even admit to Gurai of Dasam & Sarbloh Guru Granth?

Or that they're Hindus, the gymnastic explanations in gurmukhi & mistranslations in English were hilarious today.

Shabad was Kabir Ji saying Never leave Raja Ram he is highest of high. Turned into Lord master of universe & 7 seven lines of gurmukhi to say this is not 'ram' but the mystical soul of akal purakh who is also called Ram & did the same things.

Just not the Ram 'Hindus' follow. xD

These are 'indians' they have an inferiority complex. What do you expect?

Even the prophecy stuff is nonsense because Guru Sahib said to learn politics & political expediency.

Those missions go where there's money to be made, by making goras feel less guilty about being savages.

It's just christianity lite, have to do this stuff ourselves. Especially as many people are concerned about another 84.

Will re read anandpur sahib resolution but core seems to be religious Vs secular education in state schools.

So the war between Akhand Khalistan & Democratic Republic of Ghazwa Al Hind continues.

Was looking around & thinking how idiotic it was to attack without artillery instead of just cutting off food & water.

Atleast it's avenged, although full revenge can only happen in Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca.
You just decide you're a Sikh & learn about it. Especially with Internet, better than going to some 'baba' who will confuse you with sjw vegetarian ahimsa nonsense.
Cultural context is hardest part but, many have that down. So Idk better than reading bollywood news. :/
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Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
They will convert, same way you did.

Sikhs are basically retards at this point because, a real Sikh is just a Hindu who realizes & follows/emphasizes certain aspects of dharam over others.

I been to amritsar today, the fact is you're not going to change these retards who think a 2" siri sahib is name as a nuclear aircraft carrier.

They will need lots of thappar, gurdaspur attack did a bit, that's why they did GOI target this time to not risk that.

Suicide attack in middle of crowd in darbar sahib will wake these clowns up real quick.

Until then, do what you can take what you get. It's what I been doing..

How can SGPC send a 'Sikh' mission, when it doesn't even admit to Gurai of Dasam & Sarbloh Guru Granth?

Or that they're Hindus, the gymnastic explanations in gurmukhi & mistranslations in English were hilarious today.

Shabad was Kabir Ji saying Never leave Raja Ram he is highest of high. Turned into Lord master of universe & 7 seven lines of gurmukhi to say this is not 'ram' but the mystical soul of akal purakh who is also called Ram & did the same things.

Just not the Ram 'Hindus' follow. xD

These are 'indians' they have an inferiority complex. What do you expect?

Even the prophecy stuff is nonsense because Guru Sahib said to learn politics & political expediency.

Those missions go where there's money to be made, by making goras feel less guilty about being savages.

It's just christianity lite, have to do this stuff ourselves. Especially as many people are concerned about another 84.

Will re read anandpur sahib resolution but core seems to be religious Vs secular education in state schools.

So the war between Akhand Khalistan & Democratic Republic of Ghazwa Al Hind continues.

Was looking around & thinking how idiotic it was to attack without artillery instead of just cutting off food & water.

Atleast it's avenged, although full revenge can only happen in Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca.
Sikhs are in deep trouble with low TFR, high drug addiction rates, conversion of poorer Sikhs to Christianity, lackadaisical attitude towards any kind of intellectual rigor or intent to reverse the harmful effects of British colonialism. Loosing more men on borders and gang violence abroad too. They are worried about the "bogey" of Hinduism "absorbing" Sikhism but don't bother looking into who put this idea out there first :-

^^ This was Macaulife in his book in his 1893 book 'The Sikh Religion'. Most Sikhs haven't even figured what this guy was all about and what he did to them, they continue to praise him. Continue to think that RSS & Brahmins are out to get them. There's no cure for paranoia like this. All while their religion continues a heavily neutered, quasi Abrahamic, subverted existence since 1848, can't figure out why they are loosing people to Christianity, when it's just simple memetics.

I'm looking at things from a purely academic perspective without getting emotional @punjab47. Philosophies, ideologies and religions come and go. How many Pythagoreans do we know now ? Manichaens ? Zoroastrians ? Roman Pagans ? To think that Sikhs (& this goes for Hindus too who arrogantly say we are here after 1000 years) are any exception to this rule is pure arrogance. But then again a lot of Sikhs also believe that 1 "Sikh" is equal to 125,000.

So its upto intellectual Sikhs to research, ponder about this and offer guidance to their community. I find it hard to even start any kind of discussion with them without the usual crap about "RSS agent" & other tinfoil emotionalism.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
They will convert, same way you did.

Sikhs are basically retards at this point because, a real Sikh is just a Hindu who realizes & follows/emphasizes certain aspects of dharam over others.

I been to amritsar today, the fact is you're not going to change these retards who think a 2" siri sahib is name as a nuclear aircraft carrier.

They will need lots of thappar, gurdaspur attack did a bit, that's why they did GOI target this time to not risk that.

Suicide attack in middle of crowd in darbar sahib will wake these clowns up real quick.

Until then, do what you can take what you get. It's what I been doing..

How can SGPC send a 'Sikh' mission, when it doesn't even admit to Gurai of Dasam & Sarbloh Guru Granth?

Or that they're Hindus, the gymnastic explanations in gurmukhi & mistranslations in English were hilarious today.

Shabad was Kabir Ji saying Never leave Raja Ram he is highest of high. Turned into Lord master of universe & 7 seven lines of gurmukhi to say this is not 'ram' but the mystical soul of akal purakh who is also called Ram & did the same things.

Just not the Ram 'Hindus' follow. xD

These are 'indians' they have an inferiority complex. What do you expect?

Even the prophecy stuff is nonsense because Guru Sahib said to learn politics & political expediency.

Those missions go where there's money to be made, by making goras feel less guilty about being savages.

It's just christianity lite, have to do this stuff ourselves. Especially as many people are concerned about another 84.

Will re read anandpur sahib resolution but core seems to be religious Vs secular education in state schools.

So the war between Akhand Khalistan & Democratic Republic of Ghazwa Al Hind continues.

Was looking around & thinking how idiotic it was to attack without artillery instead of just cutting off food & water.

Atleast it's avenged, although full revenge can only happen in Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca.
You just decide you're a Sikh & learn about it. Especially with Internet, better than going to some 'baba' who will confuse you with sjw vegetarian ahimsa nonsense.
Cultural context is hardest part but, many have that down. So Idk better than reading bollywood news. :/
For you (Sikh) Ram was a Mortal and a perfect Human being but for us (Hindus) Ram was also a Avatar of Vishnu.


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
For you (Sikh) Ram was a Mortal and a perfect Human being but for us (Hindus) Ram was also a Avatar of Vishnu.
In Bachitra Natak, Guru Gobind Singh traces his lineage (Sodhi clan) to Ram's son Kush. Many Khalistanis or neo-Sikhs will just outright reject Bachitra Natak or Dasam Granth altogether claiming it to be a Brahminical fabrication. Like this guy here :-

While in the same book Guru Gobind Singh says :-

"Khharti Ka Poot Hon, Baahman Ko Nahey, Kaiy Tapp Aavat Hon Jo Karon'. Teh Ham Adhik Tappasya Saadhi"

Translation:- I am son of Khatri and not of Brahman who does 'Tap'. Here I did so much 'Tap'.

Which Brahmin will say that. Or the Khalsa Mahima where he repudiates the Brahmins :-


Others will say the lineage with Ram is a metaphor for something or allegory, just anything to disassociate themselves with Hindus. I just don't get the paranoia. Even the RSS doesn't say that Sikhism is part of Hinduism anymore.

Sikhism a separate religion, admits RSS

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Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
255 years ago today, the Marathas lost the Third Battle of Panipat. Decisive victory for the Muslim coalition led by Afghan Abdali, Indian Muslim allies. What Abdali saw in Maratha camp :-

There was a good historical TV show in 90s called "Great Maratha" on DD about events surrounding 1761 and rise of Mahadji Scindia in the aftermath of the battle.



Jul 31, 2015
@Bornubus then what is chaubis avatar? For Sikhs he is also Vishnu Avatar & ALSO FATHER OF 10 GURUS

@asingh10 I know, I noticed it at Hari Mandir Sahib too but, around here it's not so bad. Many Sikhs know they are Hindus just different panth which is undeniable.

Amritsar & Chandigarh are centers of that khalistani every devta was just a human being stuff. Patiala & many of them are just monas saying mashallah now or wearing patiala shahi while following christian sikhi.

There are only two possibilities : it (& Hindus) will either survive or die.
& in the course of that will either fight or surrender.

I bet on both of the former, while expecting the latter. Can't give up hope & be dismal though, doesn't suit a sardar.

Besides, we are Ksytrias our fate is the same either way.


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
Abdali had plans to attack the Qing empire with a confederacy of Central Asian Khannates who urged him to get rid of infidels..



Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
Ibrahim Khan Gardi, Dakhani Muslim general of Maratha artilery at Panipat. He was caught by Afghans while performing last rites of his master Sadashivrao Bhau and Peshwa's son Vishwasrao. Ibrahim Khan Gardi told Abdali that if his life was spared, he would rally an army and attack Kabul.

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Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
Almost an year before Panipat, Dattaji Scindia (elder brother of Mahadji) was killed in battle with Rohilas at Burari Ghat near Delhi. He was then beheaded and his head was paraded around by Rohilas.

Dattaji Scindia's last words :

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Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Almost an year before Panipat, Dattaji Scindia (elder brother of Mahadji) was killed in battle with Rohilas at Burari Ghat near Delhi. He was then beheaded and his head was paraded around by Rohilas.

Dattaji Scindia's last words :

Rohillas never really succeeded against marathas,they were like jakals ganging up whenever they find an opp against marathas,who was the real power,defeated their leader najib ud dullah and sacked their bastion najibabad.

Even punjabi musalman rejoiced their annihilation,which shows they were quite different from present day pakis.

This is how waris shah rejoiced afghan garrison massacre at kanjpura (near karnal) by marathas.




Jul 31, 2015
@Bornubus Parbrahm Krishna, Mahavir & Buddha all talk of? Akal Purus mentioned in Vedas.

Hindu & Sikh creations of British census. Before 1857 not one sardar who didn't call himself Hindu.

Interesting you bring up Vishnu Ji. What would follower of Shankar Bhagwan or Mata Ji say?

Sikhs are Hindus & nothing change that. Next you will say that Vaishanavs don't eat meat, so only they & shramanics are 'Hindus'.

@asingh10 have to dig up article, but described Anglo zionist empire as foam. Many bubbles inside, some larger & with smaller bubbles inside. Like MIC, MNC, Fed Reserve etc

These represent money, the rss taking over sikhi guys have links to ngos & liberal academia. Basically color revolutionaries, or bitter confused nris / failed nris. AZ bubbles both,

Gotten called rss wala on twitter too but, even Kingras in HK know they're Hindus.

Modern debt based inflationary system means without government support, most places will have below replacement tfr.

Think about how much muslim tfr is subsidized in west & subcontinent. Oil money, secularism, welfare, bollywood etc. Punjab tfr, Idk partly agricultural saturation & partly malthusian education. Post USSR ticked up, who knows if Hindus will. Below replacement doesn't mean immediate population drop, takes some time but, average age ticks up fast. Next generation is smaller,

As far as 'Sikh intellectuals' those need protection to say something politically incorrect. Some Belgian catholic who teaches course on Nihang Sikhi, had bomb planted in his car in UK for example.

Could be lying but, someone who took the class in Toronto (he travels can't get tenure) said kids complained about video on Jhatka. Had retards shouting Sikhi is peaceful religion, how can you have/show shastar puja? Obviously small vocal minority but, we know those are often successful. Even more with support of current world #1.

Money & ideology are linked. We don't have a strong economy (#1) anymore. That’s why western narrative popular, could be for other reasons but, military +economy gives us more options. New DPP will take 10-12 years to show results & risk is Modi losing in 2019. Could have army coup which will be stable after period of violence. Economic growth will suffer but, more of it will go to Hindus so could be net gain.

Once everyone was a Sardar, today mona who isn't christianity is 'good character'.

Akali Dal & RSS/BJP claim thekadari. They obviously collaborate & compromise with west, nature of power. Whether they are gadars or not, is decided by whether they benefit dharam or not.

Spread of cheap guided ballistic missiles & no real abm is reason for emergence of 'multi polar' world.

In future, those who develop & produce both swill be in command. Hindu nation (India) which can protect & project even in Subcontinent & IOR not something 'world' is prepared to understand.
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Oct 16, 2010
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What a travesty thread :facepalm:
Why are we discussing Marathas and Sikhs in this thread? Doesn't that belong in its own thread?
Come on guys, none of us here are primary school kids to be herded and tamed in every which way.


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2015
Rohillas never really succeeded against marathas,they were like jakals ganging up whenever they find an opp against marathas,who was the real power,defeated their leader najib ud dullah and sacked their bastion najibabad.

Even punjabi musalman rejoiced their annihilation,which shows they were quite different from present day pakis.

This is how waris shah rejoiced afghan garrison massacre at kanjpura (near karnal) by marathas.

View attachment 7231

View attachment 7232

The Rohila Najib was very cunning though, he managed to bring arch rival Shuja ud dawlah of Awadh on his side. Coaxed Malhar Rao Holkar too before the war.


Regular Member
Sep 22, 2015
You asked the question about rajput cavalry, i gave you several examples including purandar where rajputs utterly defeated the Marathas and forced shivaji to sign the treaty,i gave you several other examples as far as central asia ,where rajputs fought.They also defeated Ghauri in 1st battle of tarain.

Secondly Marathas was only interested in chauth so large scale confrontation between them is out of question,shivaji although regarded as shudra himself claimed sisodiya rajput status.

In any case Marathas were guerilla fighters thus inferior against rajputs,if they were united like marathas there would've ruled N India in place of turks,let alone Marathas.
forget that had rajputs faught for hemchandar "hemu" against muslim invaders rather than supporting mughals over "tuchh baniya hemu" history of india would have been very very diffrent


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
forget that had rajputs faught for hemchandar "hemu" against muslim invaders rather than supporting mughals over "tuchh baniya hemu" history of india would have been very very diffrent
Hemu was in the service of Suri and his forces was mix of hindu,musalman.

Allegiance was not based on religion back than but on the line of race and region.


Regular Member
Sep 22, 2015
Hemu was in the service of Suri and his forces was mix of hindu,musalman.
ya but he was a baniya from revari haryana and the only problem all the rajputs had uniting there forces with hemu was that rajput pride could not fight for a low caste baniya but rajputs had no problem in giving there sisters and daughters to muslims and becoming there paid servents lolzzz

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