'Pakistan's Nasr missile is the most dangerous development in South Asia'


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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The moment India is nuked, all those will become a legitimate target ...

Those people also funded Pakistan's nuclear program and any India - Pakistan exchange will be a religious war ...
No. It won't be a religious war. It will just be a Indo-Pak war. Think of what will happen inside India if we attack mecca. All muslims will be on streets slaughtering anything and anyone they see. The country will go in deep chaos. All muslim countries around the world will unite against us and attack us.

Anyways, the points above don't even come in picture. Any sort of attack from Pakistan or any other country will never make mecca or medina a legitimate target. Think about it. If a Christian country attacks India, will you attack the Vatican? Why?


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Apr 5, 2010
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No. It won't be a religious war. It will just be a Indo-Pak war. Think of what will happen inside India if we attack mecca. All muslims will be on streets slaughtering anything and anyone they see. The country will go in deep chaos. All muslim countries around the world will unite against us and attack us.

Anyways, the points above don't even come in picture. Any sort of attack from Pakistan or any other country will never make mecca or medina a legitimate target. Think about it. If a Christian country attacks India, will you attack the Vatican? Why?
We will nuke from Morocco to Malaysia ... it at all India gets nuked... India with 2000 potential nukes will be enough to finish off all those muzzies ...


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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We will nuke from Morocco to Malaysia ... it at all India gets nuked... India with 2000 potential nukes will be enough to finish off all those muzzies ...
2000 nukes? Where are you getting this information from? India doesn't even have 200. And we definitely do not have that many missiles deployed.

From Morocco to Malaysia? Seriously?

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Regular Member
Aug 25, 2015
India must be ready for a nuclear exchange but not press for it.
Yes, if India is nuked the entire Islamic world must feel the impact.
We must nuke and destroy the Islamic world (excluding central asian countries, Iran, Afghanistan, Indonesia and Malaysia) once and for all.
May sound too ambitious but that is the only way to safeguard us (Hindus) from getting annihilated unnecessarily by Non-Indian-Muslim-bastards.
After that we are not alone. Israel and other anti-muslim elements will unite. World War III !

When you are getting nuked on religious basis and losing people in millions why can't you destroy their religious identities altogether ?

I agree with what @tarunraju @Mad Indian said.
I severely criticize @Kshatriya87 fear. Sorry, no offense.

Note: India is never going to use nukes first because we can demolish Pakistan army and miniaturize Pakistan into smaller pieces. I think India surely possesses that miniaturization capability. So ball is in Pakistan's court to behave properly and not stage another terror attack on Indian soil.
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Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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India must be ready for a nuclear exchange but not press for it.
Yes, if India is nuked the entire Islamic world must feel the impact.
We must nuke and destroy the Islamic world (excluding central asian countries, Iran, Afghanistan, Indonesia and Malaysia) once and for all.
May sound too ambitious but that is the only way to safeguard us (Hindus) from getting annihilated unnecessarily by Non-Indian-Muslim-bastards.
After that we are not alone. Israel and other anti-muslim elements will unite. World War III !

When you are getting nuked on religious basis and losing people in millions why can't you destroy their religious identities altogether ?

I agree with what @tarunraju @Mad Indian said.
I severely criticize @Kshatriya87 fear. Sorry, no offense.

Note: India is never going to use nukes first because we can demolish Pakistan army and miniaturize Pakistan into smaller pieces. I think India surely possesses that miniaturization capability. So ball is in Pakistan's court to behave properly and not stage another terror attack on Indian soil.
No offence taken. ITs your point of view in the end. We are having a civilized debate.

Okay, so let me explain again.

1. NaPak nukes us. War is with NaPak. NOT with muslims. This is the BOTTOMLINE.
2. We do NOT have enough nukes to wipe out all muslims.
3. We do NOT have enough missiles to deliver those nukes around the muslim world.
4. India and Israel combined do NOT have enough nukes and missiles to wipe out muslims.
5. Muslim retaliation inside India will kill millions of Hindus too and throw our country in paki and Somalia like chaos.
6. If we deliver all nukes, half the world will go into nuclear winter. Whole world will blame us and put sanctions on us. We will be isolated. No trade, no help, no nothing.
7. Hindus will become the new muslims, the new Nazis. Whole world will hate us.

Perhaps, @Srinivas_K can explain better.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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No offence taken. ITs your point of view in the end. We are having a civilized debate.

Okay, so let me explain again.

1. NaPak nukes us. War is with NaPak. NOT with muslims. This is the BOTTOMLINE.
2. We do NOT have enough nukes to wipe out all muslims.
3. We do NOT have enough missiles to deliver those nukes around the muslim world.
4. India and Israel combined do NOT have enough nukes and missiles to wipe out muslims.
5. Muslim retaliation inside India will kill millions of Hindus too and throw our country in paki and Somalia like chaos.
6. If we deliver all nukes, half the world will go into nuclear winter. Whole world will blame us and put sanctions on us. We will be isolated. No trade, no help, no nothing.
7. Hindus will become the new muslims, the new Nazis. Whole world will hate us.

Perhaps, @Srinivas_K can explain better.
I have no idea why people talk about nukes when it comes to India. We have enough muscle to deal with Pakistan conventionally, Islam and Christianity are waging wars and killing each other.
We have no threat from Abrahamic religions either, except that the religious conversions must stop which are being funded by foreign powers to further divide society in the name of god .

One lost its morals in the name of modernity and the other is being battered by the former left, right and center.

India should stay out of it and take care of its own interests.

Pakistan based terror, their propaganda on Kashmir, fake currency, drugs are the main issues.

Muslims and Islam is not our enemy, but the attitude coming out of Pakistan which is vying to destroy India and rule over majority Hindus is a threat.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2015
No offence taken. ITs your point of view in the end. We are having a civilized debate.

Okay, so let me explain again.

1. NaPak nukes us. War is with NaPak. NOT with muslims. This is the BOTTOMLINE.
2. We do NOT have enough nukes to wipe out all muslims.
3. We do NOT have enough missiles to deliver those nukes around the muslim world.
4. India and Israel combined do NOT have enough nukes and missiles to wipe out muslims.
5. Muslim retaliation inside India will kill millions of Hindus too and throw our country in paki and Somalia like chaos.
6. If we deliver all nukes, half the world will go into nuclear winter. Whole world will blame us and put sanctions on us. We will be isolated. No trade, no help, no nothing.
7. Hindus will become the new muslims, the new Nazis. Whole world will hate us.

Perhaps, @Srinivas_K can explain better.
After all what you listed in your reply happens we (Indians) will still survive.

But if we are not posing a tough posture today Hindus will face existential crisis.
This may sound like an insecure statement but I am saying what we are facing today.
Do you think Muslims inside India will start killing Hindus if India nukes Islam identities ?
May be in Kashmir, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. Not anywhere else.

I still believe to an extent that Pakistan will not press the nuke button. All they talk is chest-thumping and threatening. But if that rhetoric turns in to action then we must empty our arsenal on the entire Muslim world. Entire muslim world is responsible for terrorism (funding and man power) which is going to be the flash-point for Indo-Pak war. So, there is nothing wrong in hurting non-Indian-Muslim-Bastards in retaliation to mass genocide of Hindus.

Do you think India will start a war for Kashmir ? Not at all.

Answering to your another question. India has enough fuel to decimate good portion of the Islamic world. When a country like Pakistan which does not have any international influence and resources is able to have 120 nuclear warheads in its arsenal what did you think about India ? India would be buying crackers ? The reason Pakistan's nuclear story getting propagandized is the presence of US intelligence in its soil. That is not the case with India and please remember we conducted six nuclear tests under USA's nose.

Hindus will not be seen as Nazis. That is imaginative exaggeration.
Nazis' and Hindus' motives are not the same. We will and must retaliate to survive.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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After all what you listed in your reply happens we (Indians) will still survive.

But if we are not posing a tough posture today Hindus will face existential crisis.
This may sound like an insecure statement but I am saying what we are facing today.
Do you think Muslims inside India will start killing Hindus if India nukes Islam identities ?
May be in Kashmir, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh. Not anywhere else.

I still believe to an extent that Pakistan will not press the nuke button. All they talk is chest-thumping and threatening. But if that rhetoric turns in to action then we must empty our arsenal on the entire Muslim world. Entire muslim world is responsible for terrorism (funding and man power) which is going to be the flash-point for Indo-Pak war. So, there is nothing wrong in hurting non-Indian-Muslim-Bastards in retaliation to mass genocide of Hindus.

Do you think India will start a war for Kashmir ? Not at all.

Answering to your another question. India has enough fuel to decimate good portion of the Islamic world. When a country like Pakistan which does not have any international influence and resources is able to have 120 nuclear warheads in its arsenal what did you think about India ? India would be buying crackers ? The reason Pakistan's nuclear story getting propagandized is the presence of US intelligence in its soil. That is not the case with India and please remember we conducted six nuclear tests under USA's nose.

Hindus will not be seen as Nazis. That is imaginative exaggeration.
Nazis' and Hindus' motives are not the same. We will and must retaliate to survive.
Yes, we will survive. But how many innocent families will die? Or their lives are of no importance to you? Are they not Hindus when it comes to destroying muslims? Or is it okay to sacrifice millions of Hindus just because your agenda of wiping out muslims gets achieved? This is the way extremist muslims think, not us.

Just like you said, Hindus are in billions. We will NEVER face existential threat. Doesn't matter how many muslims breed around us.

Yes, I DO think muslims will start killing Hindus if we attack mecca and all.

I also believe pakis won't use nukes. They don't have the guts. And emptying all our nuclear arsenal? Are you crazy? Have you any idea about wars? In case of a war, does anyone send their entire army in enemy territory? Does anyone send their entire air force to attack someone? NO. They always keep some numbers behind to prevent the homeland. Be it manpower, aircrafts, missiles, or nukes. Using our entire arsenal is a thing of stupidity.

Can you prove India has enough "fuel" to decimate a good portion of Islamic world? How much "fuel" does India have? How much portion can India destroy? Any idea? Do you even know how many nukes are required to completely destroy a big city?

6 nuclear tests under USA's nose? Which 6 tests? Please elaborate.

How will Hindus and Nazis be any different if both their agendas would be the same, to cleanse the world of one particular religion?

We will retaliate, abso-fucking-lutely. But on Pakistan. Not on the entire muslim world. That is just as senseless as it can get.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2015
Yes, we will survive. But how many innocent families will die? Or their lives are of no importance to you? Are they not Hindus when it comes to destroying muslims? Or is it okay to sacrifice millions of Hindus just because your agenda of wiping out muslims gets achieved? This is the way extremist muslims think, not us.

Just like you said, Hindus are in billions. We will NEVER face existential threat. Doesn't matter how many muslims breed around us.

Yes, I DO think muslims will start killing Hindus if we attack mecca and all.

I also believe pakis won't use nukes. They don't have the guts. And emptying all our nuclear arsenal? Are you crazy? Have you any idea about wars? In case of a war, does anyone send their entire army in enemy territory? Does anyone send their entire air force to attack someone? NO. They always keep some numbers behind to prevent the homeland. Be it manpower, aircrafts, missiles, or nukes. Using our entire arsenal is a thing of stupidity.

Can you prove India has enough "fuel" to decimate a good portion of Islamic world? How much "fuel" does India have? How much portion can India destroy? Any idea? Do you even know how many nukes are required to completely destroy a big city?

6 nuclear tests under USA's nose? Which 6 tests? Please elaborate.

How will Hindus and Nazis be any different if both their agendas would be the same, to cleanse the world of one particular religion?

We will retaliate, abso-fucking-lutely. But on Pakistan. Not on the entire muslim world. That is just as senseless as it can get.
I am not feeling proud of sacrificing lot of innocent Hindus in a nuke war. All I said is when Hindus face genocide by means of nukes launched by Paki-Army-Bastards we must not hold back and hit hard the entire Muslim world.
After all it is in Pakistani-Army-Bastards' hands now to maintain earth as a safe place for humans or to initiate a chain reaction of mayhem.

Pokhran-II. Haven't you read about that ? It consisted six tests (blasts) which was conducted right under USA's nose.

Nazis wanted to cleanse Jews because of jealousy. Nazis were not able to tolerate the well being and power of Jews. Their thought was Jews killed Jesus so we need to avenge for it. Is that what we Hindus are going to do ? We must retaliate heavily only if we are nuked or killed in chunks is my argument and I am very well convinced of that. Wiping out one whole religion is never wrong when we and our religion is subjected to genocide ! Like Pakistanis bastards say that they will nuke us and in case if India retaliates they will take us with them when they go down. We must resonate the same. We must take with us the entire Muslim world if we are to go down.

Coming to technicality. You can destroy a big city like Karachi with 50 KT yield (possible not with one bomb). I am sure India has that more than number of cities in Pakistan. Other defense experts in this forum can explain more of it.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Holy places will remain intact and you would be nuked. You can do nothing about Holy Places. So you can end your wet dreams
Your Macca was sacked and holy sites were desecrated even before the advent of nukes.Ever heard about Non muslim tribe Qaramatians and its leader Al Jannabi ?

He filled your Holy zamzam water with the corpses of dead muslims,took away the holy stone and and challeged Allah standing on the roof of kabba.

Now think of 1 billion indians will do with your kind.



Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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I am not feeling proud of sacrificing lot of innocent Hindus in a nuke war. All I said is when Hindus face genocide by means of nukes launched by Paki-Army-Bastards we must not hold back and hit hard the entire Muslim world.
After all it is in Pakistani-Army-Bastards' hands now to maintain earth as a safe place for humans or to initiate a chain reaction of mayhem.

Pokhran-II. Haven't you read about that ? It consisted six tests (blasts) which was conducted right under USA's nose.

Nazis wanted to cleanse Jews because of jealousy. Nazis were not able to tolerate the well being and power of Jews. Their thought was Jews killed Jesus so we need to avenge for it. Is that what we Hindus are going to do ? We must retaliate heavily only if we are nuked or killed in chunks is my argument and I am very well convinced of that. Wiping out one whole religion is never wrong when we and our religion is subjected to genocide ! Like Pakistanis bastards say that they will nuke us and in case if India retaliates they will take us with them when they go down. We must resonate the same. We must take with us the entire Muslim world if we are to go down.

Coming to technicality. You can destroy a big city like Karachi with 50 KT yield (possible not with one bomb). I am sure India has that more than number of cities in Pakistan. Other defense experts in this forum can explain more of it.
You are not feeling proud yet ready to sacrifice millions of Hindu lives. One and the same thing. We can and should destroy pak when called for. Not other muslim countries. Too much is at stake. That's my opinion.

Also, you will probably need more than half a dozen nukes just to wipe out Karachi. Then there are a dozen more densely populated paki cities. Now add mecca, medina and all other muslim cities. There are literally hundreds of cities there. We DO NOT have those many nukes. And why don't you understand. The following nuclear winter will kill half the world irrespective of their religion.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015

In 930, he led the Qarmatians’ most notorious attack when he pillagedMecca and desecrated Islam’s most sacred sites. Unable to gain entry to the city initially, Abū-Tāhir called upon the right of all Muslims to enter the city and gave his oath that he came in peace. Once inside the city walls the Qarmatian army set about massacring the pilgrims, taunting them with verses of the Koran as they did so. The bodies of the pilgrims were left to rot in the streets or thrown down the Well of Zamzam. TheKaaba was looted, with Abū-Tāhir taking personal possession of the Black Stone and bringing it back to Al-Hasa.

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