J20 Stealth Fighter


Regular Member
Jan 13, 2010

This was the twin engine version of J10, it had been cancelled for a long time. The Snowy Owl is making by Shenyang, bases on Su-27 profile and comparable to T50.

I have to say India signed the agreement in a wrong time, you thought India will be the only country has 5g fighter in Asia at least 15 or more years, but suddenly many 5g fighters emerged from the surface, 5th generation fighter is becoming cabbage, everyone can afford it, USA, Russia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil ...., finally everyone drives 5g fighter with happy smile, let's hail for 5G fighter proliferation.
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Air Warrior
Senior Member
Aug 18, 2010
China stealth-jet firm eyes US contracts: report

The maker of China's new stealth fighter plans to team up with a small California firm for what would seem like mission impossible: bidding for US defence contracts, a report said Friday.

China Aviation Industry Corp, or AVIC, is in talks with US Aerospace Inc about joining forces to seek contracts for projects that could include supplying helicopters used by the US president, the Wall Street Journal said.

The report quoted unidentified sources close to the discussions.

The idea appears far-fetched. Previous Chinese moves to enter strategic US sectors have been thwarted after arousing intense political opposition.

That is sure to occur if any Chinese involvement in the defence industry is suggested, especially given growing US concern about China's expanding armed forces.

A prototype of China's first stealth fighter -- the AVIC-produced J-20 -- made its maiden flight last month, shocking observers and underlining the rapid development of China's military capability.

The plane, unveiled during a visit to China by US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, is seen as a future rival to the US Air Force's F-22 Raptor, currently the world's only fully operational next-generation stealth fighter jet.

AVIC is discussing with US Aerospace the possibility of offering the AC-313 -- China's largest domestically produced helicopter -- for the next generation of aging Marine One helicopters, which are used to transport the president, the report quoted sources as saying.

They also may put forward AVIC's new L-15 training jet to replace the US Air Force's fleet of Northrop T-38s, it said.

The Pentagon is highly concerned about the possibility of China obtaining US military secrets.

Reports have suggested the Chinese stealth jet may have been made with technology from a US plane shot down in 1999 by Serbian forces during the Kosovo war, but a Chinese defence official has rejected that.

AVIC offices were closed Friday for the Lunar New Year holiday.

The Wall Street Journal said US Aerospace is best known for making an unsuccessful bid last year to enter cargo planes made by Antonov, a state-run Ukrainian company, in a competition to supply the US Air Force with a new aerial tanker.


black eagle

Senior Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Air Chief Marshal PV Naik questions ethics of 5th generation project

Air Chief Marshal PV Naik is not a big fan of China's fifth generation aircraft programme. Without naming the neighbouring country, the air chief dropped enough hint to condemn the programme, asking if it was 'ethical'.

Worldwide it has been speculated that China has developed its fifth generation aircraft through reverse engineering. "Is reverse engineering an ethical process? Because we know of a country which recently developed a fifth generation stealth aircraft"¦ There is no R&D involved in its development. So is it (the project) ethical or an illegitimate backdoor entry?" he asked, speaking at the inauguration of the eight edition of the Aero India International Seminar on Monday.

It was evident that Naik referred to the J-20 aircraft which China recently flight tested at its Chengdu air base. The J-20 is the most keenly-watched defence aviation programme in the world since its first flight in January as many countries and defence analysts in the west have doubted China's ability to develop such a plane.

The IAF chief also called for the development of technology at a faster rate due to the rise in terrorism. "Terrorists no longer work in their traditional manner to affect the immediate surroundings, but are now targeting the 'political, sociological and economical' aspects. There is a need for global cooperation as it would benefit everyone," he said.



DFI Technocrat
Mar 7, 2009
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Ethical or Unethical... possession of a weapon of war gives it an upper-hand..that is all.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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US firms will never allow foreign competitors to win since even if one manages to clear the required parameters, the home market for Boeing, Raytheon, LM, Northrop Grumman etc will be in big danger. Also, defence is the last ray of hope for US manufacturing industry since rest of all of that is shifted to China. If defence also wins Chinese contracts, US Congress will force the US military to buy their own indigenous systems no matter what.


Regular Member
Jan 22, 2011
Air Chief Marshal PV Naik questions ethics of 5th generation project

Air Chief Marshal PV Naik is not a big fan of China's fifth generation aircraft programme. Without naming the neighbouring country, the air chief dropped enough hint to condemn the programme, asking if it was 'ethical'.

Worldwide it has been speculated that China has developed its fifth generation aircraft through reverse engineering. "Is reverse engineering an ethical process? Because we know of a country which recently developed a fifth generation stealth aircraft"¦ There is no R&D involved in its development. So is it (the project) ethical or an illegitimate backdoor entry?" he asked, speaking at the inauguration of the eight edition of the Aero India International Seminar on Monday.

It was evident that Naik referred to the J-20 aircraft which China recently flight tested at its Chengdu air base. The J-20 is the most keenly-watched defence aviation programme in the world since its first flight in January as many countries and defence analysts in the west have doubted China's ability to develop such a plane.

The IAF chief also called for the development of technology at a faster rate due to the rise in terrorism. "Terrorists no longer work in their traditional manner to affect the immediate surroundings, but are now targeting the 'political, sociological and economical' aspects. There is a need for global cooperation as it would benefit everyone," he said.

How is their no R&D involved? The J-XX project started in the the freaking 1990s. Just because it is secret does not mean it did not exist. What did they reverse engineer exactly, the F 117? They say they took a few pieces from the Crash in Serbia but even that is just a rumor with no real evidence.

Could they reverse engineer AESA radars from a plane that did not have it?
Could they reverse engineer 155Kn thrust engines from engines that could only produce 48Kn?
Could they apply faceted stealth techniques to a smooth plane?
Could they apply a flying wing design with tails to a Double Delta with canards?

Then they talk of reverse engineering a F-22. You cannot reverse engineer something you have no sample of. Not to mention they are not similar in size, design, or any other measure of a plane.

Air Chief Marshal PV Naik is simply frustrated that China has produced a entirely indigenous 5th generation plane before India.


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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what i "admire " about prc-dragon is how they can lie about not having obtianed stealth tech from the americans and then we find out they went to such great efforts to obtain pieces of fallen US stealth aircrafts .


Regular Member
Jan 22, 2011
what i "admire " about prc-dragon is how they can lie about not having obtianed stealth tech from the americans and then we find out they went to such great efforts to obtain pieces of fallen US stealth aircrafts .
If you want to take rumor as fact than that is your prerogative.


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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If you want to take rumor as fact than that is your prerogative.
i am taking what has already been put on youtube by serbian people ( who incidently are the friend of prc dragon - perhaops their only friend and therefore precious to them so they are unlikely to be lying ) - there are tons of videos - simply do a search


Regular Member
Jan 22, 2011
i am taking what has already been put on youtube by serbian people ( who incidently are the friend of prc dragon - perhaops their only friend and therefore precious to them so they are unlikely to be lying ) - there are tons of videos - simply do a search
I watched those videos and they have not provided any solid evidence. Until they do I'll take it as hearsay.


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2009
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The U.S. Unnerved China's J-20

BEIJING (World News) — China officially admitted to having test-flight of a stealth fighter jet tech, J-20. Recognition was conveyed President Hu Jintao when receiving visitors from the United States, Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Trial was held in Chengdu on Tuesday afternoon, January 11, 2011, or a few hours before Hu's meeting with Gates in Beijing. "I asked directly to President Hu about it. He said that the test was no link with my visit and had planned a long time," Gates said.
"I believe in the words of President Hu, the test has nothing to do with my visit," Gates continued.
U.S. is seriously concerned over China's efforts to create sophisticated aircraft. Until now there were only one type of stealth fighter technology, namely the F-22 Raptor made in the U.S.. Called stealth aircraft, because the jet flew it difficult monitored to avoid enemy radar and laser beams.
Last weekend, before flying to Beijing, Gates was impressed with the ability and sincerity of China in making sophisticated fighter jets. "I think what we have seen is that they [China] could have been more advanced than expected our intelligence in making the aircraft," Gates said.
For the observers, the trial J-20 ahead of Gates' visit to Beijing China has indeed been prepared. "That was planned, in expressing the power of classical performances," China's military analysts said, Richard Fisher. "They [China] want President Barack Obama and the new U.S. Congress to Hu Jintao – who will visit the U.S. next week – as the next military super power leader, who demands to be met," Fisher said.
Last week, photos of J-20 has spread across the Internet and has appeared in English-language Chinese newspaper Global Times.
Among aerospace foreign observers, China's efforts to build a stealth fighter aircraft it is common knowledge. In 2009, the Air Force high-officials of China, He Weirong, told television station CCTV said it was immediately tested a fourth-generation fighter aircraft.
He was hoping that the stealth fighter made in China may operate in the next eight to ten years.



Founding Member
Regular Member
Feb 24, 2009
J-20 And The Russian Connection

American intelligence believes that the tech behind the new Chinese J-20 stealth aircraft came from Russia. So far, not a lot of protests from Russia. This might indicate that MiG sold some tech to the Chinese, and didn't issue a press release. Of the four stealth fighters than have been built and flown so far (U.S. F-22 and F-35, Russian T-50 and I.42), it was noted that the J-20 looks most like the I.42, a MiG project that was cancelled in 1997. The rear portion of the J-20 is particularly similar to the MiG I.42. MiG has been having financial problems for over a decade, and was eventually bailed out by the Russian government, and absorbed into the new Russian Aircraft Corporation. Before that, it would have been tempting for a MiG executive to pass plans for the cancelled I.42 to the Chinese in exchange for a large amount of cash deposited in a Swiss bank account, or to simply do a legit deal, with government approval.
The J-20 made its first flight on January 11th, two weeks after it was seen doing taxi tests at a factory airstrip in central China. There are two J-20 prototypes, one with Russian AL-31 engines, and one with Chinese WS-10As (a copy of the AL-31). China is releasing very little information, and apparently accepted the fact that flight tests could not be hidden. Based on recent warplane development projects (J-11 in particular), the J-20 has a long development road ahead of it, and will likely change size and shape before it reaches the production design. Thus it's quite possible that the J-20 is just a development prototype. The Chinese know how complex aircraft like the F-22 and F-35 are, and the large number of technologies required to create a true 5th Generation aircraft. China has already demonstrated its willingness to spend decades perfecting the capability to design and build advanced weapons systems.

While the shape of the J-20 confers a degree of stealthiness (invisibility to radar), even more electronic invisibility comes from special materials covering the aircraft. It's not known how far along the Chinese are in creating, or stealing, these materials. Same with engines. The current engines being used are sufficient for early flight tests, but not capable of providing the "super-cruise" (high speed cruising while consuming far less fuel than usual). Super cruise would be essential for the J-20, since China would most likely use the aircraft singly, or in small groups, to seek out and attack American carriers. Two years ago, China announced it was developing the WS-15 engine, a more powerful beast well suited for the J-20. No date was given as to when the WS-15 would be available for use.

For the J-20 to be a superior fighter, it would need electronics (including radars and defense systems) on a par with the F-35 and F-22. So far, the Chinese have not caught up with stuff used by current American fighters. But the gap is being closed, faster than it was during the Cold War and the Russians were creating, or stealing, their way to military tech equivalence with the West. Work on the J-20 began in the late 1990s, and the Chinese knew that it could be 25 years or more before they had a (hopefully competitive) stealth fighter-bomber.

The twin engine J-20 appears to be a 36-40 ton aircraft that is longer (at 24 meters/75 feet) than the F-35 or F-22. The F-35A is a 31 ton, single engine fighter while the F-22 is slightly larger at 38 tons. The I.42 was a 42 ton aircraft that was 19 meters long while the 37 ton T-50 19.8 meters long. The J-20 appears to be a fighter-bomber, as this kind of aircraft would be most useful dealing with the U.S. Navy and key targets in Taiwan or Japan. The J-20 appears to have more internal weapons space than the F-22, thus capable of carrying more weapons, particularly anti-ship missiles. It appears that China is planning on having the J-20 ready for service by the end of the decade. The key factor is their ability to develop or steal the needed technology by then.

Russian fifth generation fighter developments were halted when the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991. Actually, all development work on new fighters, by everyone, slowed down in the 1990s. But work on the F-22, F-35, Eurofighter and Rafale continued, and those aircraft became, in roughly that order, the most advanced fighter aircraft available today. MiG resumed work on the I.42 in the 1990s, but had to stop after a few years because of a lack of money. Sukhoi has never stopped working on its T-50, funded by much higher sales of its Su-27/30 fighters. This fifth generation may come to be called the "last generation," after they are replaced by the second generation of pilotless combat aircraft (counting armed Predators and the like as the first).


Respected Member
Senior Member
May 20, 2009

well, it is still questionable that T50 can enter into service as planned ....


Founding Member
Regular Member
Feb 24, 2009
well, it is still questionable that T50 can enter into service as planned ....
well bro with India financing the Project, there is no stopping the roll out on time.... dont worry we will have it before any considerable process is made by the J-20 ..:namaste:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Too bad we are providing cover to chines from both the sides, BTW what this image had to do with the topic at hand ???
Good question Mr. Sayare.

I think it has got more to do with the red (PRC) and green (Pakistan). :)

Well, badguy2000, really, what is the secret message behind this picture?


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
China is the guinea pig for failed Russian projects?


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Too bad we are providing cover to chines from both the sides, BTW what this image had to do with the topic at hand ???
I think he is showing a reluctant Pakistani to go for it by a Chinese practically shouting into his ear, while covering himself (the Chinese) well with his helmet well pulled down, nearly not being able to see the reality!!

Moral of the Story and Badguy's message

The Chinese will fight to the last Pakistani!!
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