French military developments


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Dec 17, 2009
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It is basically a Spike LR with the latest gen uncooled seeker that will make it cheaper and more reliable. It has fiber optic options and is top attack. It is designed to defeat T-90 tanks up to 4km and as short as 150m. The MHT will double the range to 8km but is mounted. I think to replace Hellfire II.


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Dec 17, 2009
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DGA presented with the new version of Hercule Exoskeleton

The first European exoskeleton is developed by the French SME RB3D and supported by the Ministry of Defence, through funding DGA established in 2010 through the RAPID system (system dual support for innovation).

The objective of this innovation is to assist the soldier for the port and handling of heavy loads, thereby doubling its endurance. It is a European first. Three major advantages distinguish it from competing prototypes of exoskeleton American or Japanese: long battery life, the fluidity of its actions and allows the absence of sensors allowing for easy installation on the user.

These specifications will allow it to be used both in the military field, in favor of infantry and artillery, for example, for civil applications in the medical sector, construction, security, logistics ...

Development of Hercules is achieved in stages. Eight months ago a first version focused on strengthening the legs was presented at the Milipol and now the assistance of arms was added to reach full maturity by 2015.

(1) RAPID, with an annual budget of € 40 million, for projects of industrial research or experimental development with high technological potential of SMEs and ETI (midsize), with military applications and also having impact for civilian markets.

La DGA présente l'exosquelette Hercule nouvelle version
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Interesting the coyote was chosen over KH31.
The Coyote was a newer design and thus has greater growth prospects. Moreover, in the ASM role it has a faster terminal boost maneuvering capability at Mach 2.8 while the MA-31 (US name for KH-31) laden with US-introduced electronics was only capable of Mach 2.7 (Mach 3.5 capability was for ARM role at 15,000 m).

Of course it did not help that the nationalist Russian Duma blocked further sales of KH-31 to the US.


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Dec 17, 2009
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When did Russia block sales of KH-31? It was the US that refused further purchases after the crappy condition of the missiles after receivership.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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When did Russia block sales of KH-31? It was the US that refused further purchases after the crappy condition of the missiles after receivership.
At this point, politics intervened in the process, with the Russian Duma refusing export clearance for the missiles.[5]
(Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Aerial Targets, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, p. p10 and p56) The link cannot be opened.

Anyway, I also found this resource on the subject:

Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles
Appendix 4: Undesignated Vehicles

Copyright © 2004-2008 Andreas Parsch

Boeing/Zvezda-Strela MA-31

After the Navy had cancelled the AQM-127 SLAT (Supersonic Low-Altitude Target) program in 1991, it used residual funding to continue low-key studies for alternative supersonic expendable low-altitude targets. In May 1995, McDonnell Douglas received a contract for an FCT (Foreign Comparative Testing) program, which would evaluate a version of the Russian Zveda-Strela Kh-31A missile as a target drone.

The Kh-31A was a high-speed active radar guided air-launched anti-ship missile known to the NATO as AS-17 Krypton. It was powered by an integrated solid-fueled rocket/ramjet propulsion system. After burnout of the rocket, the covers on the four ramjet intakes were jettisoned, and the empty rocket case served as the ramjet's combustion chamber. The missile could reach speeds of Mach 3.1 at high-altitude and Mach 2.5 at sea level. The Kh-31A airframes for the target conversions were delivered by Zvezda-Strela to Boeing (formerly McDonnell Douglas) without warhead and other military equipment, and the American contractor then installed a tracking beacon, telemetry and flight termination systems. The target drone variant was designated as MA-31 and first flew in August 1996.

The Navy's evaluation of a total of 13 MA-31s continued until 1998/99. A competitor of the MA-31 was the Honeywell (Allied Signal) Sea Snake, an advanced derivative of the old MQM-8G Vandal. In December 1999 Boeing won the competition and received a contract for a small batch of 34 MA-31 targets.

However, the MA-31 was only an interim solution, because the drone lacked the range and flight path accuracy to fully satisfy the Navy's SSST (Supersonic Sea-Skimming Target) requirement for the simulation of a high-speed anti-ship missile. During the MA-31 evaluation, Boeing had demonstrated an improved variant (sometimes called MA-31PG; PG = "Precision Guidance") with a GPS-based navigation system and the resulting option for a precise flight path after a high-altitude (and therefore longer range) launch, but in the end this variant was not selected for production as the ultimate SSST. Instead, that contract went to Orbital Sciences in June 2000, leading to the GQM-163 Coyote SSST. After the GQM-163 became operational, the remaining MA-31 targets were expended until the end of 2007 and the program terminated.


Note: Data given by several sources show slight variations. Figures given below may therefore be inaccurate!

Data for MA-31 (except where noted):

Length 4.70 m (15 ft 5 in)
Wingspan 1.15 m (9 ft 9.3 in)
Diameter 36 cm (14.2 in)
Weight 600 kg (1300 lb)
Speed Mach 2.5
Range 50 km (27 nm) (Kh-31A from high-altitude)
Propulsion Solid-fueled integrated rocket/ramjet
Main Sources

[1] Kenneth Munson (ed.): "Jane's Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Targets, Issue 15", Jane's, 2000
[2] Boeing Website
[3] William Leque: "Team MA-31 sees successful launch", August 2002

Boeing/Zvezda-Strela MA-31

Note that in the latter article the sea level speed of the MA-31 is even lower at only Mach 2.5.


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Dec 17, 2009
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You don't remember the whole Clinton missile scandal? Once the condition of the missiles got out there were Congressional hearings on it when they found out they could have bought more Vandals to test. "In December 1998, Navy Undersecretary Buchanan denied that Boeing had won with the MA-31 and announced that a fair contract for the new target drone would be issued." So how could Russia block a sale that had not been approved? It was the Coyote that won funding.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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You maybe right Armand...

Charles R. Smith
Thursday, Sept. 9, 2004

Clinton Legacy Inside Russian Missiles

For nearly three decades the U.S. Navy has depended on a missile designed in 1948. The MQM-8 Vandal was derived from the ramjet-powered Talos missile that protected the Navy during the Cold War.

The massive missile duplicated the performance of deadly Russian anti-ship missiles, flying faster than a rifle bullet for more than 50 miles at extremely low altitude.

In 1991, the Navy canceled the replacement for the Vandal. The AQM-127 SLAT (Supersonic Low-Altitude Target) project was terminated because of climbing costs and long delays. The move left the Navy with a limited inventory of usable Vandal missiles to act as realistic targets.

In 1992, the Clinton administration took over and three years passed before a replacement for the aging Vandal was selected. However, President Clinton decided to purchase a Russian-made missile for the U.S. Navy.

The Clinton decision came after Vice President Al Gore tripped to Moscow in 1995 and shook hands with Russian leaders. As a result of U.S.-Russian politics, the Navy was stuck with the Zvezda-Strela MA-31 – a derivative of Zvezda's Kh-31 NATO, code name "Krypton," anti-ship missile.

Yet the Russian Krypton was not ready. It required more money and lots of additional development to turn it into an operational weapon. Thus, the Clinton administration gave U.S. defense dollars to Moscow.

In 1995, according to the official U.S. Navy documentation, McDonnell Douglas proceeded under Clinton administration orders to help Russia develop the Krypton missile as part of a U.S. Navy target drone project. The catch: The missile did not work, was highly dangerous to fire and needed improvement to meet the specifications.

U.S. Improves Russian Missiles

According to documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, U.S. Navy and McDonnell Douglas engineers suggested a series of "P3I," or "pre-planned product improvements," to extend the range of the Krypton, improve its flight performance and enable jet fighters to safely fire the weapon without blowing up.

"The MA-31 [Krypton] target will need P3I [pre-planned product improvements] in order to meet the range and ground/surface launch requirements for the Supersonic Sea Skimming Target program (SSST). The range of the MA-31 target in its FCT configuration is approximately 15 nm [nautical miles] at low altitude," states the 1995 review document.

According to the 1995 McDonnell Douglas review, one "extended range option" given to the Russian contractor Zvezda "adds an auxiliary fuel tank, a reduced drag nose cone, changes the fuel to JP-10 (which has a higher specific energy content than the Russian fuel), and modifies the ramjet nozzle. The extended range modification is intended to increase range to approximately 42 nm [nautical miles] at 10m [meter] altitude."

Another more crucial design improvement given to Russia involved "Ground Jettison Testing" done by the U.S. defense contractor against the Russian missile. According to a 1995 program review document, the Russian-built AKY-58M missile launcher for the Krypton was fatally flawed and could destroy the firing plane.

"In three emergency jettison tests, the lanyard stayed with the launch rail instead of with the target. In all cases the booster would have been armed, and ignition could have occurred for any of several reasons," stated the 1995 report.

"MDAC [McDonnell Douglas] has determined that use of a longer lanyard and slower separation velocity would allow proper operation of the emergency jettison sequence. The problem has been turned over to the Russians for resolution," states the 1995 review document.

Russia Sells Missiles to China

Despite the lucrative deal with Washington, Russia began to market the missile on the open market as soon as the U.S. engineers worked out all the bugs. In 1999, Russia negotiated a multibillion-dollar arms deal with China for the now operational and newly improved Krypton.

One such export deal supplied the Krypton missile as part of the Russian SU-30MK fighter jet sale to China. Both the SU-30MK N-001 and the J-10 Zhemchoung radars are designed to support the advanced Zvezda Kh-31 Krypton cruise missile supplied by Russia to the People's Liberation Army Air Force.

In fact, according to the new Russian weapons pact with Beijing, China will eventually manufacture and export the improved Krypton under license to the Middle East and Asia. Ironically, the Krypton would not have been available to China without the assistance of the Clinton administration and the U.S. tax dollars sent to Moscow.

Still, the Krypton was a failure inside America. It could not meet the specifications laid out by the Navy despite several attempts to revise them down.

In addition, the U.S. deal with Moscow fell through because the facts surrounding the Krypton deal became public. Another good reason to cancel was the excessive price of the Krypton – reportedly over $200,000 a copy.

New U.S. Missile

Four years later and 12 years after the new search began, the U.S. Navy finally got its missile. Orbital Sciences Corp. (OSC) was awarded a contract for development of the GQM-163A "Coyote" non-recoverable target vehicle.

The Coyote target missile design integrates a four-inlet solid-fuel ducted rocket ramjet propulsion system into a compact missile airframe 18 feet long and 14 inches in diameter. The Coyote is boosted to supersonic speed by using a decommissioned Navy MK 70 solid rocket motor for the first stage.

The highly maneuverable Coyote achieves cruise speeds of over twice the speed of sound. The range of the target vehicle system is approximately 50 nautical miles at altitudes of less than 20 feet above the sea surface.

On Aug. 27, 2004, Orbital Sciences announced that it carried out the second successful flight test of the Coyote GQM-163A Supersonic Sea-Skimming Target.

"We are very pleased with the results of the recent flight test of the Coyote target vehicle," said Mr. Keven Leith, vice president of Navy Programs for Orbital's Launch Systems Group. "By meeting all the objectives for the flight test, we believe we are well down the road toward moving the program from its developmental phase to providing the Navy with a robust operational anti-ship target system."

The Coyote has arrived just in time. The aging 1950s Vandal missiles are running out. Today, the few remaining Vandals act as high-speed targets to test and train U.S. Navy anti-missile warships.

The Vandal, designed during the era of the slide-rule, can still outpace even the best air defense systems. The Vandal set a blistering performance, exceeding 1,500 miles an hour at less than 9 feet above the surface.

Eight years of Clinton indecision left nothing to show – at least for the U.S. Navy. The millions sent to Moscow ended up developing yet another missile threat aimed at America. The Clinton legacy lives on in the Krypton missile pointed at U.S. forces."


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Dec 17, 2009
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asianobserve said:
Still, the Krypton was a failure inside America. It could not meet the specifications laid out by the Navy despite several attempts to revise them down.

In addition, the U.S. deal with Moscow fell through because the facts surrounding the Krypton deal became public. Another good reason to cancel was the excessive price of the Krypton – reportedly over $200,000 a copy.
Sounds about right...


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Dec 17, 2009
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French MoD and Sagem consider FELIN improvements

The French MoD and Sagem are already plotting improvements to the FELIN soldier modernisation programme just weeks after the return of the first unit to deploy to Afghanistan with the system.

Having deployed to the Kapisa-Surobi districts in Afghanistan in November with 1st Infantry Regiment, the FELIN systems have now been handed over to to the 16th Chasseurs who took over battlegroup duties in May.

A spokesperson for the MoD said: 'The loop is working and already allows us to collect lessons learned and to confirm the qualities of the system, especially in the fields of observation and fires.'

According to soldiers who used FELIN in theatre, favoured elements of the system include the osteophonic communications suite, allowing troops to communicate silently; the thermal imaging systems allowing soldiers to fight better at night and day, as well as the remote observation and sight devices.

One change which has already been implemented is the creation of a three-week FELIN instructors course to be undertaken by members of an allocated unit one year prior to receipt of the system. This will allow them to teach not only operation of the system but also marksmanship using the various sensors.

The total FELIN system comprises a protective vest, combat gear, day/night sights for individual and crew weapons, day/night vision and observation equipment, communications and information systems. But according to sources within the MoD, FELIN was a success but officials within Sagem have already designed a new battery pack to reduce size, weight and power issues.

Existing batteries provide a FELIN-equipped soldier with approximately 24 hours of power before he must change batteries. However, Sagem said its latest power pack will provide up to 72 hours service as well as reducing weight by some 30%. The hybrid battery comprises a fuel cell and li-ion battery as well as power management system.

The MoD spokesperson added: 'We have now to further meet the challenge and to improve the system in the long term, until we consider indispensable evolutions linked to Scorpion.'

To date, a total of seven regiments have been equipped with FELIN, leaving a further 21 regiments awaiting the upgrade.

Finally, Sagem was exhibiting an export variant of FELIN although a spokesman was unwilling to mention which countries it was being offered to. Previous reports have suggested that Russia was interested in acquiring the system.

An export version comprises a more modular design for 'centralised' information, data and energy and includes battery pack, heads-up display, computer and digital battle management system.

Eurosatory 2012: French MoD and Sagem consider FELIN improvements - News - Shephard


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Dec 17, 2009
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FELIN to get soldier biosensor demonstrator

Sagem (Safran group), the French armed forces biomedical research center (IRBA, Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées) and British company Hidalgo have submitted the winning proposal for the European Defense Agency's Biosensor Information Demonstrator program.

The demonstrator to be developed by the winning team will be used to validate the operational specifications for a planned system that will provide physiological monitoring of dismounted soldiers. It will be incorporated in the warfighter's C4I (command, control, communications, computers and intelligence) network, transmitting information on physiological condition in real time. Non-intrusive, it will integrate biomedical sensors (to track temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) and terminals to communicate with command units and the medical corps. Designed for long-term use in tactical environments, and very user-friendly, it will also be compatible with FELIN (1) type soldier modernization systems.

To carry out this latest contract, Sagem will capitalize on the expertise developed as prime contractor for the French army's FELIN program, in particular C4I aspects.

Hidalgo, a high-tech company, specialising in body-worn performance and health monitoring systems will bring to the table its expertise in real-time, ambulatory physiological monitoring sensors, software and data analysis. The project will also capitalize on the innovative technologies incorporated in its patented Equivital Life Monitor.

The researchers at IRBA, working in concert with Sagem's ergonomics teams, will call on their investigations of soldiers in combat situations, including the acquisition of physiological data, its fusion and analysis.

Among the many results expected of this program, it should help develop solutions that will improve infantry training. At the same time, it could also meet civilian needs, including civil security, and the monitoring of persons at risk and athletes.
A demonstrator will be delivered by the end of the summer of 2012, and production systems could be available in 2015.

1 – FELIN (Fantassin à Equipements et Liaisons Intégrés) is the integrated equipment suite developed and produced by Sagem as prime contractor for soldier modernization programs. The French army has ordered 22,500 to date, and it is now in service with seven regiments.

News article


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Dec 17, 2009
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Successful first firing of full Scalp Naval cruise missile

The Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) has successfully completed the first firing of a full Scalp Naval cruise missile on July 9. Representative of an implementation from a frigate, the launch of the missile, called MdCN in the Navy (for naval cruise missile) was conducted at the site of Biscarrosse, center DGA missile tests. The missile flew over the sea following a preset path simulating evolution over the earth, then returned to the coast to fall on his target, composed of collating containers. "All the objectives were met, including the validation of the terminal with autonomous guidance by infrared scene recognition, which ensures high accuracy of impact", says the DGA, which states that this was the third development of the missile firing. The Scalp just before impact on its target (©: DGA) The Scalp Naval - MdCN (©: MBDA) developed by MBDA from Scalp EG cruise missile, used by Rafale the Air Force and naval aviation, the "MdCN" from 2014 will equip the new multi-mission frigates (FREMM), which seeded the Aquitaine, will be delivered shortly by DCNS the Navy. Each will carry 16 cruise missiles stored in vertical launchers. MBDA is also developing a version launched from the submarine, which will equip the future SNA type Barracuda from 2017. "The MdCN is intended to strike targets in the depth of enemy territory. It is complementary to the Airborne Scalp cruise missile which it is derived. Embarked on warships positioned so prolonged standoff in international waters, ostensibly (frigates) or discretely (submarines), adapted to the MdCN missions destruction of infrastructure of high strategic value " says the DGA. Length 6.5 meters (with booster) and weighs 1.4 tonnes, including 500 kg warhead, can steal the Scalp Naval 800 km / h and reach a target located in land a thousand miles. Autonomous, the missile, which spreads its wings after launch, has an inertial. During the flight phase, it is realigned with an altimeter and a GPS positioning system allowing it to evolve at very low altitude. In the final phase, it uses an infrared seeker to recognize and destroy its target. Ideal for destroying strategic facilities, such as infrastructure command, this weapon is designed to penetrate hardened targets. It is, for the building which has a significant strike capability, and therefore a very interesting tool for political power. In total 200 were ordered Scalp Naval, 150 for the first 9 FREMM French, and 50 for 6 nuclear submarines of the type of attack Barracuda. "‹"‹

Mer et Marine : Premier tir complet réussi du missile de croisière Scalp Naval
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Dec 17, 2009
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Parade from the ground... vehicles show about 43:30



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Jun 14, 2012
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I liked the parade. Much nicer than Russia conducted in Moscow on May 9. So it is necessary, to display all characters of technique, that they went an endless stream not three pitiful machines in a column.

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