Civil war in Ukraine

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Jun 14, 2012
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You are fool. There is no need to destroy it.
It is required just ECM Ukrainian government and army centers and then Kaliber them :)
There are only about 50 key targets to destroy, then airborn troops will take the rest as f worm pussy :)
Therefore, the Russian army and the use of FAB and OFAB?
You are fool again. Russia don't need Donbass separately, it needs all the ukraine. But Donbass is like a big stone on Ukrainian (and US) leg, which doesn't allow them to jump on Krimea or Pridnestrovye and drawn Ukraine in the blood. Putin saves our lives from our regime suicidal moves that way. Even your invaluable and fucking futile life, @Akim.
Sooner or later Donbass understand that the war they brought Putin.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Therefore, the Russian army and the use of FAB and OFAB?
Different goals demand different methods...
In Syria VKS is needed to bomb terrorists. Especially bomb their liasion routes and depots to make USA swet giving them weapons. No grund operations required.
There are completely different tasks in Ukraine - siege and hold strategic points - airfields, seaports, military depots, command centers (if they will survive). But the most important are soviet IRBM (RSD-10 Pioneer) deployment and patrol locations in Western Ukraine. They are ideal for Iskander M and S-400 deployment to block NATO from any offensive action :)
In this case Russian Army will act as I've described earlier.


Jun 14, 2012
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Different goals demand different methods...
In Syria VKS is needed to bomb terrorists. Especially bomb their liasion routes and depots to make USA swet giving them weapons. No grund operations required.
There are completely different tasks in Ukraine - siege and hold strategic points - airfields, seaports, military depots, command centers (if they will survive). But the most important are soviet IRBM (RSD-10 Pioneer) deployment and patrol locations in Western Ukraine. They are ideal for Iskander M and S-400 deployment to block NATO from any offensive action :)
In this case Russian Army will act as I've described earlier.
FSA shows the results of Russian bombing in residential areas.
I am not interested to argue with you about the advantages of Russian aircraft.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
FSA shows the results of Russian bombing in residential areas.
Yeah, in year 2011 videos :)
I intended to believe my eyes seeng Russian strikes objective controlled videos that show no civillian object in sight. And the main part - THERE IS NO FSA - its training went a disastorous US fail, which is confirmed on Senate Breafing and is on video.


Jun 14, 2012
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Yeah, in year 2011 videos :)
I intended to believe my eyes seeng Russian strikes objective controlled videos that show no civillian object in sight. And the main part - THERE IS NO FSA - its training went a disastorous US fail, which is confirmed on Senate Breafing and is on video.
Watch the video with the translation.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
It is pretty funny how you pro Russia guys want everybody to join Russia and become Russia. One would think that sane person would want his/hers country to develop to a good standard of that chart Russia stands at 57th. Even Libya is better at 55th. LOL, be all you can: BE RUSSIAN.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
It is pretty funny how you pro Russia guys want everybody to join Russia and become Russia. One would think that sane person would want his/hers country to develop to a good standard of that chart Russia stands at 57th. Even Libya is better at 55th. LOL, be all you can: BE RUSSIAN.
We want just reunite the Soviet Union in its borders.
It's practical and guarantees not only eating good and cleaning clean, but progress and development, not fucking endless consumption.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
We want just reunite the Soviet Union in its borders.
It's practical and guarantees not only eating good and cleaning clean, but progress and development, not fucking endless consumption.
Wasn´t 70 years of Soviet Union enough to show that the system does not work? This is even more funnier, you really wanna new Soviet Union? Never underestimate the effect of Russian propaganda, you are a proof of that.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Wasn´t 70 years of Soviet Union enough to show that the system does not work? This is even more funnier, you really wanna new Soviet Union? Never underestimate the effect of Russian propaganda, you are a proof of that.
There is no right Soviet Union was built, especially when Khruschov has taken the power.
So, many people are willing to take all the best parts, throw all the worst and build the new SU, which will be a country of a future Soviet people has dreamed of.
Let live USSR 2.0 :)


Jun 14, 2012
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Why to watch video if I can watch its metadata and sound distribution diagram :)
Why would I try to argue with you? I care about your opinion. You want to believe in the power of the Russian Army - Believe it. However, you are living in Ukraine and is not going away. Why is that? Perhaps you were in Russia no one needs?
There is no right Soviet Union was built, especially when Khruschov has taken the power.
So, many people are willing to take all the best parts, throw all the worst and build the new SU, which will be a country of a future Soviet people has dreamed of.
Let live USSR 2.0 :)
You're naive or a zombie?


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
There is no right Soviet Union was built, especially when Khruschov has taken the power.
So, many people are willing to take all the best parts, throw all the worst and build the new SU, which will be a country of a future Soviet people has dreamed of.
Let live USSR 2.0 :)

This song is for you...Ukraina is freed from nazis. If you bring back Soviet Union, please bring back the days when Finnish tourists could live like a king in Leningrad with one pair of jeans and some stockings... taxi driver was happy if he got one package of chewing gum. Please... I AM A VOTER FOR SOVIET UNION. LONG LIVE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN OUR TWO COUNTRIES.



Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
@Akim, I can relocate in ANY office all over the world, but I don't want to leave my land, my home and the others for something else.
I'm not naive, all the sane western experts say that capitalism is cracking by strings and cannot feed itself.
So, there are two ways to change it:
1 - Western (US) post-modernic, satanic multi-tiered society where the few will be gods and masters (and save their consumption level) - 1-2%, 10% will be gods hands and the others will be slaes and animals. Just like Orwell has forseen. West believes that Human project is ended and it has filed. I don't like this scenario.
2 - Soviet Communistic, super-modernic way with computable planned economy, pursues not consumption, but harmonical scientific and spiritual human development and humanity advance. Communists don't believe in the History end by Fukuyama and Popper and want to go further to build a super-human. I like it a lot.

That's all.
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Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013

This song is for you...Ukraina is freed from nazis. If you bring back Soviet Union, please bring back the days when Finnish tourists could live like a king in Leningrad with one pair of jeans and some stockings... taxi driver was happy if he got one package of chewing gum. Please... I AM A VOTER FOR SOVIET UNION. LONG LIVE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN OUR TWO COUNTRIES.

My vote not for those late Gorbachov style USSR, but for Stalins one, but without excesses :)


Regular Member
Mar 15, 2011
There is no right Soviet Union was built, especially when Khruschov has taken the power.
So, many people are willing to take all the best parts, throw all the worst and build the new SU, which will be a country of a future Soviet people has dreamed of.
Let live USSR 2.0 :)
Blame Khrushchev... haven't heard that one before. What did he do wrong?

USSR was wrong right from when Lenin wrote "State and Revolution" based on his misreading of Engel's phrase "withering of the state"


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
@Akim, I can relocate in ANY office all over the world, but I don't want to leave my land, my home and the others for something else.
I'm not naive, all the sane western experts say that capitalism is cracking by strings and cannot feed itself.
So, there are two ways to change it:
1 - Western (US) post-modernic, satanic multi-tiered society where the few will be gods and masters (and save their consumption level) - 1-2%, 10% will be gods hands and the others will be slaes and animals. Just like Orwell has forseen. West believes that Human project is ended and it has filed. I don't like this scenario.
2 - Soviet Communistic, super-modernic way with computable planned economy, pursues not consumption, but harmonical scientific and spiritual human development and humanity advance. Communists don't believe in the History end by Fukuyama and Popper and want to go further to build a super-human. I like it a lot.

That's all.

Communism will fail again...people are animals, they are greedy. All communist systems have failed to provide but to the few. The system kills peoples natural instincts to have better life. Russia today is still prove of that, people lack initiative and always look for the government to do things for them.

Nordic style regulated welfare capitalism is the best model. High taxes and respect of law guarantee good life to all.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014

Finnish researcher: Russia ramping up its information war
Russia has intensified its ongoing information war against the West since the onset of the Ukraine crisis in 2014. Finnish author Saara Jantunen says the campaign cannot be reduced to a few crazies blowing off steam, because at its worst the goal is to encourage public mayhem via false information. She also claims people in Finland who call attention to the looming threat are being silenced.

Image: Matti Hämäläinen / Yle

Doctor of Military Science and infowar expert Saara Jantunen has released a new book in Finnish on the Russian misinformation campaign. Named ‘Infosota’, the book explores the ruthless front lines of the concentrated Russian infowar effort, including its troll houses – where hundreds of Russian bloggers are paid to flood forums and social networks at home and abroad with anti-western and pro-Kremlin comments.

For nearly a decade now, the Kremlin has been busily waging an information war mainly through its international broadcaster RT (formerly known as Russia Today). In 2015, Russia increased its spending on RT by more than 50 percent to over 260 million euros.

The other arm of the Kremlin's international media operation, the news agency Rossiya Segodnya (Russia Today), now also gets the equivalent of 78 million euros in state funding. These increases were needed to partially offset the recent slump in the rouble's value, but they also underline the increasing importance the Kremlin attaches to its international media operations.

Smear campaigns and defamation
Jantunen expects news of her book to make certain sections of the social media landscape catch fire.

As a researcher for Finland’s Defence Forces, she is already accustomed to Russian-backed trolling targeting her with defamation and belittling. This time around, however, she anticipates something beyond a mere Internet smear campaign: a mechanically orchestrated botnet attack.

“Every now and then I noticed that a troll harassing me would forward a nameless message,” says Jantunen.

Investigation showed that the same identical message was divided among hundreds of different user IDs. This botnet, short for robot network, consists of a number of Internet-connected computers communicating with other similar machines to complete repetitive tasks and objectives, often with a negative or malicious intent. When Jantunen examined her messages, the botnet trail eventually led to an online news service distributing false information.

Many journalists in Finland covering the information war have been subject to the same defamation. Pro-Kremlin camps have even registered complaints with the Finnish authorities for the media’s attempts to influence public opinion. The authors of two recent Yle stories on the subject of Russian troll houses have been accused online of grudge journalism and Russophobia, among other things.

Support in Finland
Jantunen’s book lays bare the argumentation errors and web of lies the information war relies on. She also specifies in detail the Finns and Donetsk People’s Republic supporters that aid and abet the Russian campaign in Finland.

The so-called ‘Donetsk Peoples’ Republic’ is a state without international recognition that has been declared independent by East-Ukrainian separatists. The Republic's representative body in Finland is led by controversial docent Johan Bäckman, who claims he has received a mandate to the position from the Republic’s highest council.

Jantunen isn’t the only researcher in Finland who is concerned about the growing influence of the Russia information war. Director of government communications and Finnish Safety Committee expert member Markku Mantila and University of Helsinki researcher Hanna Smith have both warned against the dangers of mixing lies and reality.

“I am deeply concerned about the levels of discussion in the Finnish political arena if people aren’t allowed to speak,” says Jantunen.

She says it is high time Finnish politicians put the country’s former presidents and Eastern neighbour appeasers Paasikivi and Kekkonen to rest.

“Nostalgia for the days of Finlandisation and the re-interpreted retro importance of the Paasikivi-Kekkonen policy line are just props that are used to avoid real decision-making and true intellectual independence.”




Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Communism will fail again...people are animals, they are greedy. All communist systems have failed to provide but to the few. The system kills peoples natural instincts to have better life. Russia today is still prove of that, people lack initiative and always look for the government to do things for them.

Nordic style regulated welfare capitalism is the best model. High taxes and respect of law guarantee good life to all.
Khruschovs consumption communism parody will fail for sure. But the real one is directly for the purpose of making a human human, and then superhuman, so it will blossom if we'll remember and avoid previous bugs :)

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Jun 14, 2012
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@Akim, I can relocate in ANY office all over the world, but I don't want to leave my land, my home and the others for something else.
I'm not naive, all the sane western experts say that capitalism is cracking by strings and cannot feed itself.
So, there are two ways to change it:
1 - Western (US) post-modernic, satanic multi-tiered society where the few will be gods and masters (and save their consumption level) - 1-2%, 10% will be gods hands and the others will be slaes and animals. Just like Orwell has forseen. West believes that Human project is ended and it has filed. I don't like this scenario.
2 - Soviet Communistic, super-modernic way with computable planned economy, pursues not consumption, but harmonical scientific and spiritual human development and humanity advance. Communists don't believe in the History end by Fukuyama and Popper and want to go further to build a super-human. I like it a lot.

That's all.
I remember when I was in a shop in Melitopol sold two loaves in one hand, in the Donetsk were queues for sugar and sweets. Bananas and dates we bought every six months or a year. It's me. My ex-wife tried them only 92nd in 13 years. Anas I've never seen, we ate only tangerines for New Year. For watermelons were huge queues. Liverwurst we fed their sheepdog, because a normal person could not eat the sausage. When in Rostov on the shelves, I saw only sea kale, when it was impossible to pass even empties. Of course, the Soviet Union had a lot of good, but I do not want him to return. Now in Kharkov you can at any metro station, buy a sausage, or Kulinichi. In the Soviet Union there was a continuous deficit.
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Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
I remember when I was in a shop in Melitopol sold two loaves in one hand, in the Donetsk were queues for sugar and sweets. Bananas and dates we bought every six months or a year. It's me. My ex-wife tried them only 92nd in 13 years. Anas I've never seen, we ate only tangerines for New Year. For watermelons were huge queues. Liverwurst we fed their sheepdog, because a normal person could not eat the sausage. When in Rostov on the shelves, I saw only sea kale, when it was impossible to pass even empties. Of course, the Soviet Union had a lot of good, but I do not want him to return. Now in Kharkov you can at any metro station, buy a sausage, or Kulinichi. In the Soviet Union there was a continuous deficit.
Human life is not for eating, slipping, fucking and drinking.
Human life is for progress and development.
True Communism (without artifical lack and theft) can provide necessary and high enough consumption level, but not a consumption swamp, where people become animals, but a consumption level enough to free humans from material hassle and direct them to progress, science, engineering, knowing the world and thyselves.
All the natural born (or became) consumers are animals without a future.
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