Air Conditioners are Sexist!


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2015
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Being religious is a different matter and turning abusive and doling out unwanted and often stupid advice to all and sundry by claiming to be the perfect "follower" of religion is altogether another thing. It can be called the negative side of religion (much like jihad where the followers are ready to kill for religion. Religious obsession is as dangerous as any other obsession.. in addition this individual also displays signs of being a stalker.

No, what I mean is, even my grandmother is religious (and I'm sure yours is too). What we are seeing in this specimen is something much more than religiosity. He is psychotic and delusional, and definitely needs psychiatric treatment. It cannot be explained away by "religious obsession".


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Looks like you people are running out of things to discuss, so here you go.

Party girls and too much sex: Why some Indian men seek divorce

Is a woman partying really a form of abuse?

An 'excessive and insatiable appetite for sex' has also been cited as a cause for divorce

The man was 'anguished' by his wife's decision not to wear Indian traditional clothes to work

A man said pimples and boils on his wife's face prevented him from consummating their marriage during their honeymoon

A man divorced his wife for humiliating him by refusing to make tea for his friends


Nov 28, 2010
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I am beginning to feel strongly that marriage is overrated and maybe even a liability in the modern era. Surely we can come up with a better system that's fair to all and doesn't cause so much heartburn and angst?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I am beginning to feel strongly that marriage is overrated and maybe even a liability in the modern era. Surely we can come up with a better system that's fair to all and doesn't cause so much heartburn and angst?
Of course marriage is a liability. Many women these days want all the rights but will not take responsibility.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Here's why women feel cold in the office

From CNN-Money, not opinion piece; and they are calling it "research."

Some neat comments:


ATFoster18 hours ago

If you can't stand the lack of heat go back to the kitchen.

pcseller0011 day ago

I see several have said it already but i'm going to beat the horse a little.

Did any of these "researchers" take a look at how people dressed?

I worked for a co run by 'evil men' that forced us to wear "business dress". For men that was a suit and tie. For the poor women that were always cold...they came in wearing tissue paper thin blouses and wanted the heat and AC set to 75 or 77.

I don't see the 'evil boss men's' answer of "You would be warmer if you wore a suit, but I won't force you" as sexist. If anything the men were the ones getting the short end of the stick.


Lee Zellars2 days ago

Um, yeah, that and the lack of clothing... Men aren't exposing their shoulders, breasts, and legs in the office. Most still have to wear the same one outfit that every man wears in an office. OR it could be that...


KCPhil2 days ago

It's not just women. While I no longer have to "dress up" in the office, I still wear a long-sleeve shirt year-round - even when it's 95 outside. It's just too cold for me to wear a polo. If I were in a suit, it might be OK, but I'm not and neither are any of my peers. I do agree with the comment from the lady who noted that many women come in dressed for the day outdoors in flimsy little dresses and sandals. While I may appreciate the "show" (or not), it's not really appropriate for the office.

Evansville2 days ago

@tenman (tried posting this once, so if it's a duplicate, apologies!)

I agree with you 100%. I was always uncomfortable in the various offices I worked in, but lost the AC wars with the other women in the office (I'm a woman, btw). I even used the "you can put on a sweater; I can't undress" argument, and one coworker flat-out said, "I don't want to wear a sweater." At least she was honest! So I'd sit at my desk, feeling drowsy and slow, so that they could all walk around in capris and sandals.


sisko3 days ago

Feminists control the mainstream media. They will do ANYTHING say ANYTHING to protect women. Women need to quit the hypergamy which festers in the workplace. Wear warmer clothes. That's all there is to it.


Jeff Krogue4 days ago

Well this is stupid, women can wear warmer clothes. Guys can't go around the office in shorts, flip flops, and no shirt.


Chris Stu6 days ago

Ugh. We had shirtgate, an epidemic of manspreading in New York City, gamergate in which gamers are ostensibly a bunch of misogynists, and now this. All of these stories were reported in the mainstream media with a pro-woman gender bias, and they never even concerned the male perspective. This article is no different. Why don't we just turn up the heat and let the man in a suit roast already. Not once does this article consider the male perspective. We need honesty and integrity in journalism, and this article lacks that by reveling in identity politics and gender bias.

Sif Lab2 days ago

@chris Stu We should ask the Kardashians what they think. That's what's missing from this article. More garbage.


Lollypopp7 days ago

I'm female and I prefer a cold office. My work requires me to pay attention to details, and if it were too hot I'd fall asleep. We have mild winters here so you don't need a long wool coat. However my female boss, who grew up on the East Coast, will be bundled up in her long wool coat while indoors (!). I have another female co-worker who has a thick scarf wrapped around her neck almost all the time even though it's summer and the AC isn't quite working..


mari gilbert6 days ago

This story is so stupid. I have worked in an office for 30 years. I am retiring in a few months, and I have never been cold in my office. Who are these women who are cold all the time? Put on a sweater or eat a meal! You're probably too skinny or anemic. Ridiculous!


@Rashna, @rock127, @Mad Indian, @Rowdy, @jackprince, @Ancient Indian, @Bangalorean et al..



Senior Member
Mar 26, 2015
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Can you please ask this ROCK G to stop talking about me? He seems to be obsessed with my persona....
@Rowdy - what pics are u circulating? This @rock127 has made some serious allegation against u.


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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The feminists are trying to manipulate anything and everything, but they fail to see the consequences. Already the backlash has started, though in a very limited way. They don't have the support but in the elitist corridors as the most intelligent common people has grown wiser including a significant no. of women. If they keep raising such stupid moronic issues which put their intelligence in question, sooner or later they are going to be out of business.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
Here's why women feel cold in the office

From CNN-Money, not opinion piece; and they are calling it "research."

Some neat comments:


ATFoster18 hours ago

If you can't stand the lack of heat go back to the kitchen.

pcseller0011 day ago

I see several have said it already but i'm going to beat the horse a little.

Did any of these "researchers" take a look at how people dressed?

I worked for a co run by 'evil men' that forced us to wear "business dress". For men that was a suit and tie. For the poor women that were always cold...they came in wearing tissue paper thin blouses and wanted the heat and AC set to 75 or 77.

I don't see the 'evil boss men's' answer of "You would be warmer if you wore a suit, but I won't force you" as sexist. If anything the men were the ones getting the short end of the stick.


Lee Zellars2 days ago

Um, yeah, that and the lack of clothing... Men aren't exposing their shoulders, breasts, and legs in the office. Most still have to wear the same one outfit that every man wears in an office. OR it could be that...


KCPhil2 days ago

It's not just women. While I no longer have to "dress up" in the office, I still wear a long-sleeve shirt year-round - even when it's 95 outside. It's just too cold for me to wear a polo. If I were in a suit, it might be OK, but I'm not and neither are any of my peers. I do agree with the comment from the lady who noted that many women come in dressed for the day outdoors in flimsy little dresses and sandals. While I may appreciate the "show" (or not), it's not really appropriate for the office.

Evansville2 days ago

@tenman (tried posting this once, so if it's a duplicate, apologies!)

I agree with you 100%. I was always uncomfortable in the various offices I worked in, but lost the AC wars with the other women in the office (I'm a woman, btw). I even used the "you can put on a sweater; I can't undress" argument, and one coworker flat-out said, "I don't want to wear a sweater." At least she was honest! So I'd sit at my desk, feeling drowsy and slow, so that they could all walk around in capris and sandals.


sisko3 days ago

Feminists control the mainstream media. They will do ANYTHING say ANYTHING to protect women. Women need to quit the hypergamy which festers in the workplace. Wear warmer clothes. That's all there is to it.


Jeff Krogue4 days ago

Well this is stupid, women can wear warmer clothes. Guys can't go around the office in shorts, flip flops, and no shirt.


Chris Stu6 days ago

Ugh. We had shirtgate, an epidemic of manspreading in New York City, gamergate in which gamers are ostensibly a bunch of misogynists, and now this. All of these stories were reported in the mainstream media with a pro-woman gender bias, and they never even concerned the male perspective. This article is no different. Why don't we just turn up the heat and let the man in a suit roast already. Not once does this article consider the male perspective. We need honesty and integrity in journalism, and this article lacks that by reveling in identity politics and gender bias.

Sif Lab2 days ago

@chris Stu We should ask the Kardashians what they think. That's what's missing from this article. More garbage.


Lollypopp7 days ago

I'm female and I prefer a cold office. My work requires me to pay attention to details, and if it were too hot I'd fall asleep. We have mild winters here so you don't need a long wool coat. However my female boss, who grew up on the East Coast, will be bundled up in her long wool coat while indoors (!). I have another female co-worker who has a thick scarf wrapped around her neck almost all the time even though it's summer and the AC isn't quite working..


mari gilbert6 days ago

This story is so stupid. I have worked in an office for 30 years. I am retiring in a few months, and I have never been cold in my office. Who are these women who are cold all the time? Put on a sweater or eat a meal! You're probably too skinny or anemic. Ridiculous!


@Rashna, @rock127, @Mad Indian, @Rowdy, @jackprince, @Ancient Indian, @Bangalorean et al..
I suddenly had this revelation.

Air Conditioners are sexist. I found the reason.

You see we like fresh apples and fresh things. Here we means men.

Long time ago we discovered how to keep them fresh.

Then came this realization.

Why stop there? we can do same to our sex toys too.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I suddenly had this revelation.

Air Conditioners are sexist. I found the reason.

You see we like fresh apples and fresh things. Here we means men.

Long time ago we discovered how to keep them fresh.

Then came this realization.

Why stop there? we can do same to our sex toys too.
Errr, that is a low brow, but well, I do get the funny side to it as well.

I don't think I want to see women as sex toys. I appreciate feminine women, who are strong in their own ways.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
Errr, that is a low brow, but well, I do get the funny side to it as well.

I don't think I want to see women as sex toys. I appreciate feminine women, who are strong in their own ways.
Revelation means absolute truth.

That is what feminist think about our views.


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