2016 US Presidential Elections


Regular Member
Sep 2, 2014
Email is a trick the FBI used to use to create a case. Four years ago they forced the director of CIA to resign with that tactic. So this time they use same tactic to help their candidate Trump.

747. Petraeus case is an extortion (11/27/2012)

On Nov. 10, CIA Chief Petraeus resigned from his post because the FBI had found his affairs in Broadwell’s email. On Nov. 20, we have such a news:
Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrants

by Declan McCullagh
| November 20, 2012

A Senate proposal touted as protecting Americans' e-mail privacy has been quietly rewritten, giving government agencies more surveillance power than they possess under current law.

CNET has learned that Patrick Leahy, the influential Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, has dramatically reshaped his legislation in response to law enforcement concerns. A vote on his bill, which now authorizes warrantless access to Americans' e-mail, is scheduled for next week.


Obviously, the FBI activates its accessories in Senate to change the law to justify its action on the CIA Chief. The cause they applied on Petraeus case is weak, fragile and unreasonable.

In unusual CIA case, FBI detoured from usual path
By RICHARD LARDNER | Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The way the FBI responded to Jill Kelley's complaint about receiving harassing emails, which ultimately unraveled or scarred the careers of ex-CIA Director David Petraeus and Marine Gen. John Allen, is the exception, not the rule.

The FBI commonly declines to pursue cyberstalking cases without compelling evidence of serious or imminent harm to an individual, victims of online harassment, advocacy groups and computer crime experts told The Associated Press.

Instead, the FBI considered this from the earliest stages to be an exceptional case, and one so sensitive that FBI Director Robert Mueller and Attorney General Eric Holder were kept notified of its progress.

Civil liberties groups have criticized the FBI for pursuing the investigation of the emails to Kelley because there is no indication the messages contained any threatening language or classified information. The episode underscores the need to strengthen the legal protections for electronic communications, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.


What made the FBI crossing the path to create a scandal? There must be a reason. I think it was a potential extortion case. The FBI tried to blackmail CIA Chief Petraeus with the affair scandal but failed. Then we saw such a stage show.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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The FBI trying to blackmail the CIA? Wow dude! Give me some of your grass!


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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All of a sudden I miss the outrageous conspiracy theories being posted here. Anyway, the latest on the American election...

Poll: Clinton tightens grip on Pennsylvania base
Hillary Clinton holds an 8 percentage point lead over Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, according to the results of the latest Monmouth University poll of likely voters out Tuesday, which also shows Democratic Senate candidate Katie McGinty eking out a narrow advantage over Republican incumbent Pat Toomey.
Clinton’s level of support in the four-way matchup is roughly the same as the 9-point lead she had in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll conducted in early August. Overall, Clinton holds a 10-point advantage of 48.8 percent to 38.8 percent in the POLITICO Battleground States Polling Average of tracking polls in the field back to late July.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Hillary Clinton Is Doing Better In States With Highly Educated White Populations
The demographic is one Donald Trump can’t afford to lose.

Hillary Clinton is winning in states with a greater proportion of highly educated white voters, a demographic that her rival Donald Trump needs to win over in order to have a shot at the presidency.
These white, highly educated Americans, who have tended to lean Republican, could help to reshape the electoral map, keeping Clinton competitive in traditionally red states and contributing to her advantage in states like Colorado and Virginia, where races have often been closer.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

Published on Zero Hedge (http://www.zerohedge.com)

Home > "If This Does Not Disqualify Hillary For The Presidency, It's Hard To Know What Will"
"If This Does Not Disqualify Hillary For The Presidency, It's Hard To Know What Will"
By Tyler Durden
Created 08/28/2016 - 23:25
by Tyler Durden [1]
Aug 28, 2016 11:25 PM
[2] [3]
Even the traditionally 'establishment' Wall Street Journal [4] is waking up to the utter incredulity of an American media (and citizenry) which appears capable of cognitive dissonance on an epic scale when it comes to Hillary Clinton. As Kimberly Strassel explains [4]the latest emails show that State and the foundation were one seamless entity.


This is the week that the steady drip, drip, drip of details about Hillary Clinton [6]’s server turned into a waterfall. This is the week that we finally learned why Mrs. Clinton used a private communications setup, and what it hid. This is the week, in short, that we found out that the infamous server was designed to hide that Mrs. Clinton for three years served as the U.S. Secretary of the Clinton Foundation.

In March this column argued that while Mrs. Clinton’s mishandling of classified information was important, it missed the bigger point. The Democratic nominee obviously didn’t set up her server with the express purpose of exposing national secrets—that was incidental. She set up the server to keep secret the details of the Clintons’ private life—a life built around an elaborate and sweeping money-raising and self-promoting entity known as the Clinton Foundation.

Had Secretary Clinton kept the foundation at arm’s length while in office—as obvious ethical standards would have dictated—there would never have been any need for a private server, or even private email. The vast majority of her electronic communications would have related to her job at the State Department, with maybe that occasional yoga schedule. And those Freedom of Information Act officers would have had little difficulty—when later going through a state.gov email—screening out the clearly “personal” before making her records public. This is how it works for everybody else.

Mrs. Clinton’s problem—as we now know from this week’s release of emails from Huma Abedin’s private Clinton-server account—was that there was no divide between public and private. Mrs. Clinton’s State Department and her family foundation were one seamless entity—employing the same people, comparing schedules, mixing foundation donors with State supplicants. This is why she maintained a secret server, and why she deleted 15,000 emails that should have been turned over to the government.

Most of the focus on this week’s Abedin emails has centered on the disturbing examples of Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band negotiating State favors for foundation donors. But equally instructive in the 725 pages released by Judicial Watch is the frequency and banality of most of the email interaction. Mr. Band asks if Hillary’s doing this conference, or having that meeting, and when she’s going to Brazil. Ms. Abedin responds that she’s working on it, or will get this or that answer. These aren’t the emails of mere casual acquaintances; they don’t even bother with salutations or signoffs. These are the emails of two people engaged in the same purpose—serving the State-Clinton Foundation nexus.

The other undernoted but important revelation is that the media has been looking in the wrong place. The focus is on Mrs. Clinton’s missing emails, and no doubt those 15,000 FBI-recovered texts contain nuggets. Then again, Mrs. Clinton was a busy woman, and most of the details of her daily State/foundation life would have been handled by trusted aides. This is why they, too, had private email. Top marks to Judicial Watch for pursuing Ms. Abedin’s file from the start. A new urgency needs to go into seeing similar emails of former Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills.

Mostly, we learned this week that Mrs. Clinton’s foundation issue goes far beyond the “appearance” of a conflict of interest. This is straight-up pay to play. When Mr. Band sends an email demanding a Hillary meeting with the crown prince of Bahrain and notes that he’s a “good friend of ours,” what Mr. Band means is that the crown prince had contributed millions to a Clinton Global Initiative scholarship program, and therefore has bought face time. It doesn’t get more clear-cut, folks.

That’s highlighted by the Associated Press’s extraordinary finding this week that of the 154 outside people Mrs. Clinton met with in the first years of her tenure, more than half were Clinton Foundation donors. Clinton apologists, like Vox’s Matthew Yglesias, are claiming that statistic is overblown, because the 154 doesn’t include thousands of meetings held with foreign diplomats and U.S. officials.

Nice try. As the nation’s top diplomat, Mrs. Clinton was obliged to meet with diplomats and officials—not with others. Only a blessed few outsiders scored meetings with the harried secretary of state and, surprise, most of the blessed were Clinton Foundation donors.

Mrs. Clinton’s only whisper of grace is that it remains (as it always does in potential cases of corruption) hard to connect the dots. There are “quids” (foundation donations) and “quos” (Bahrain arms deals) all over the place, but no precise evidence of “pros.” Count on the Clinton menagerie to dwell in that sliver of a refuge.

But does it even matter? What we discovered this week is that one of the nation’s top officials created a private server that housed proof that she continued a secret, ongoing entwinement with her family foundation - despite ethics agreements - and that she destroyed public records. If that alone doesn’t disqualify her for the presidency, it’s hard to know what would.
Source: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-...fy-hillary-presidency-its-hard-know-what-will


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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The Era of 'The Bitch' Is Coming

Get ready for the era of The Bitch.

If Hillary Clinton wins the White House in November, it will be a historic moment, the smashing of the preeminent glass ceiling in American public life. A mere 240 years after this nation’s founding, a woman will occupy its top office. America’s daughters will at last have living, breathing, pantsuit-wearing proof that they too can grow up to be president.



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
‘Weiner’: Hillary Clinton Advisor Philippe Reines Is the Puppet Master in Explosive Documentary
The all-access documentary, screening at Sundance, chronicles Anthony Weiner’s disastrous 2013 campaign for mayor of New York—warts and all.

So, we have Billy slick Willy who had Hillary, and lots of Lewinskys.

Now, we have Hillary's au-pair, er, I mean aide-de-camp, Huma Abedin's soon-to-be-ex-husband Anthony Wiener (quite a pun) and the sexting scandal, and not the first.

Look like Wienerism runs deep in the Clinton hood, err, I mean cabalhood.

@Razor, your pearls of wisdom please? :D


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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And even the Adelsons are swallowing their pride to cross party lines against train wreck Trump....

Son of Republican mega-donor Adelson holds 'Vote for Hillary' sign in tweet

In a slightly ironic message uploaded to social media Sunday, the son of casino tycoon and Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson posted to Twitter a photo of himself holding a "Vote for Hillary Clinton" poster written in crude marker.

That's Hillarious! :pound:


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2009
by the way John Mcain won the GOP primary for the senate race again.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Several Hispanic Trump surrogates reconsider support after his hardline immigration speech

Several major Latino surrogates for Donald Trump are reconsidering their support for him following the Republican nominee’s hardline speech on immigration Wednesday night.

Jacob Monty, a member of Trump’s National Hispanic Advisory Council, has resigned, and Alfonso Aguilar, the president of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, said in an interview that he is “inclined” to pull his support.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/...ders-arizona-immigration-227615#ixzz4J34Pm780
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Oct 31, 2015

Sourav Kumar

Regular Member
Mar 13, 2016
The secret behind Hillary Clinton’s steely temperament


It seems Hillary Clinton has been training her mind for a long time to be the US president. She is deep into meditation.

This is a revelation to me. On one hand we hear that without Yama-Niyama etc, one cannot practise meditation. On the other hand Hillary Clinton is practising it! Anyway, I from my small perspective should not judge Hillary Clinton. Maybe she will become president.


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Apr 13, 2013
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5 Steps To Make U.S. Elections Less Hackable

As shadowy actors work to hack U.S. elections, a few simple steps could make electronic voting more secure, says one expert.

Voting machine vulnerabilities go well beyond what most voters know, warns Dan Zimmerman, a computer scientist who specializes in election information technology. There probably is not time to fix all of those vulnerabilities by November. But there are still things election officials could do to reduce the hack-ability of the U.S. presidential election. Here are his five steps for making the U.S. election less hackable.

1. More federal oversight (and not just on Election Day)

This week’s report sophisticated actors in Russia trying to penetrate voter databases sounded alarm bells about the U.S. election being hacked.:rofl::rofl:

Zimmerman, who works with Free & Fair, a company that provides election-related IT services, says that because most electronic voting machines are not connected to the internet, the threat of remote hacking from Russia is small. The machines are far from secure, however.

“I haven’t observed anything in particular that would make me think somebody is developing some new attack against these machines. Some of these machines were so terribly easy to attack in the first place, essentially, my concern is that some of these machines have been designed in way such that somebody with an eighth-grade level of knowledge of computer science and a little bit of time could hack them.

It’s an issue that’s been around for years, but lawmakers haven’t done much about it. Bottom line, there’s no federal standard for physical security around voting machines and that makes them very vulnerable. “They could be in a broom closet in a city clerk’s office. There is no federal level oversight other than there is something called the Election Assistance Commission, or EAC. The EAC was established in the early 2000s, basically as a response to the 2000 debacle, and has until recently effectively been a joke,” he says.

The first step could be more federal oversight of how voting machines are stored when not in use, complete with remote monitoring via cameras and other means.

2. Change laws to allow researchers to investigate voting machines

To protect against bugs or vulnerabilities researchers need to be able to investigate the machines for design flaws in code, but that means researchers poking around in code that is deemed proprietary under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Zimmerman calls the act “the blanket legislation that companies hide behind when they want to hide their source code.” Some recent exemptions exist for research into voting machines, but they are too recent and too few to have an impact in this election, says Zimmerman.

“Understandably academic and other interested parties are reluctant to do this sort of work in large numbers because of the threat of being sued into oblivion is pretty compelling,” he said.

3. Fix certification

The small handful of certification laboratories in the U.S. for electronic voting machines are not running serious cyber tests, says Zimmerman. “The level of testing that they do is not really sufficient to ensure that there aren’t any vulnerabilities in the voting machines. They will take a voting machine and they will test it to make sure that it counts votes correctly under their laboratory conditions. They will test it to make sure that it functions at different temperatures, that it can run for a certain amount of time on battery power, that the screen operates properly within certain tolerances.”

It’s not exactly Russia proofing.

4. Get a paper trail

If an electronic voting machine doesn’t print out a paper receipt then there’s just no way to be certain that the machine or the results have not been tampered with. Regardless, many states and jurisdictions, including certain parts swing states such as Pennsylvania and Florida don’t require voting machines to have a paper trail, according to data compiled by Verified Voter. Having a printed record allows for what Zimmerman calls a risk-limiting audit. After the votes are in, officials doing such an audit match a small random sample of printed receipts with what’s in the machines, since each ballot has a number.

“It’s been done Colorado, California, a couple of other places to very good effect. It’s quite an affordable thing to do for election officials,” says Zimmerman.

5. When all else fails send in a strike force

This year’s presidential election presents, if not a high likelihood of voter fraud and disenfranchisement, certainly a high chance of those allegations. In jurisdictions or polling places where vote tampering is suspected, Zimmerman recommends the rapid deployment of what he calls an Election Strike Force, a group of technical experts capable of solving problems and answering questions before the angry masses resort to chair throwing. “Think about the way that FEMA responds to natural disasters, only in this case it’s responding to electoral disasters. If there is a jurisdiction where something goes wrong with the machines, or where you have reason to believe that something is going wrong with the machines, there would be a team of cybersecurity experts,” he says.

Of course, before you can make electronic voting more secure, you first have to admit it’s less than secure right now. Not every state is excited to allow in the feds to help with electronic voting. As Nextgov reported recently, Georgia recently rejected an offer from the Department of Homeland Security to help secure the state’s voting machines.



Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Looks like Hillary is not doing well, Health wise.....

She is of same age of India, both born in 1947....


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
This interview was held on the deck of the USS Intrepid, a decommissioned Aircraft Carrier converted into a museum.

There was a toss. Donald Trump won the toss, and decided to go second. So, the first interview was that of Hillary Clinton. The second interview was that of Donald Trump. The moderator was Matt Lauer.

Hillary Clinton Participates In Commander-In-Chief Forum (Full) | NBC News

Donald Trump Participates in Commander-In-Chief Forum (Full) | NBC News


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Sep 5, 2016
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Anthony Weiner scandal: Huma Abedin splits from sexting husband

Image copyright Reuters
Hillary Clinton's personal aide, Huma Abedin, has announced she is separating from her husband, disgraced former politician Anthony Weiner.

Ms Abedin's announcement comes after a report emerged that he had allegedly exchanged sexual photos with a woman.

He appeared to have sent a photo of himself in his underpants with his toddler son nearby.

The former congressman resigned in 2011 after sending explicit photos to women by text message.

"After long and painful consideration and work on my marriage, I have made the decision to separate from my husband,"
Ms Abedin said in a statement.

"Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life. During this difficult time, I ask for respect for our privacy."

She is one of Mrs Clinton's most trusted advisers and Republican Donald Trump said the story demonstrated a lack of judgement on Mrs Clinton's part.

"I only worry for the country in that Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information."

Why did it take so long? That's what everybody wants to know. Abedin is now officially separated from her husband, ending (at least temporarily) a marriage that has been scrutinised in public for years.

She appeared in a fascinating documentary, Weiner, in which she stood near her husband with arms crossed, looking really angry, for much of the time.

After an earlier sexting scandal surrounding Weiner, she said that her work as an adviser to Hillary Clinton became a refuge. "My compass was my job," she told the New York Times.

Clinton is now in the final stretch of her campaign. Abedin will have to focus - and try not to think about her personal problems. That may be a relief.

Behind the scenes of a sexting scandal

The New York Post reported that Mr Weiner had sent sexual messages and half-dressed photos of himself to an unidentified woman in 2015.

One image appeared to show a child next to Mr Weiner, who was in his underpants.

Mr Weiner resigned from Congress in 2011 and publicly apologised after inadvertently posting an explicit image of himself to his Twitter account.

The former congressman then launched a bid for New York City mayor in 2013, but the campaign was ultimately derailed by another sex scandal.

At the time, Ms Abedin defended the decision to remain by her husband's side, saying it was "made for me, for our son, and for our family".

Weiner, a documentary released in May, followed the politician's failed mayoral bid and his strained marriage in the wake of revelations that he had again been exchanging messages with other women.


According to Hillary Clinton , Huma is her daughter ...................he he he .

MR. Weiner is perfect for Huma just like MR. Clinton was perfect for Hillary .


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
"I only worry for the country in that Hillary Clinton was careless and negligent in allowing Weiner to have such close proximity to highly classified information."
Donor wiry Hillary will keep all the classified info the Clinton Foundation Server so that any can hack it

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