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  1. Haldiram

    Feeding stray dogs

    Niggas on this thread be like... OMG! Puppers? maar do. Ya'll been paid by the Cat lobby?
  2. Haldiram

    Feeding stray dogs

    MRW after reading your comment :
  3. Haldiram

    Feeding stray dogs

    It's simple. Feed the pig to the Muslim and train the monkey to take care of the puppy.
  4. Haldiram

    Feeding stray dogs

    These are preventive vaccinations? or to be taken after bitten, like one takes a Tetanus shot?
  5. Haldiram

    Feeding stray dogs

    Do we still have incidence of rabies in India? I remember the "14-injections in the stomach" adverts that gormint ran 15 years ago. It used to be a real scare back then. I think they made a 1-injection version of that medicine later? Neither me nor my stray pups are vaccinated. My hands always...
  6. Haldiram

    Feeding stray dogs

    I always feed stray puppers. 1-2 of them become favorites so they linger around more frequently. There are always people like @Chatrapathi :D But I be like.. Excuse me touch muh pupper..