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  1. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    AIM-120 D has a range of 160 kms. So we say that its NEZ is around 45-50+ kms. 30 kms is not possible. AIM-120C5 I would estimate to have a NEZ of 25-30 kms as it has a range of 105-110kms. Coming to maximum range of any BVR missile than the maximum range of any BVR can be exploited fully only...
  2. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    No. The AMRAAM AIM-120C5 is said to have a Maximum range of 105-110 kms atleast and not 100 only and the NEZ of a missile like Mica is 30kms which is similar to the AIM-120C5/C7 etc so I would conclude by saying that AIM-120C5 has a maximum range of 105-110 and an NEZ of 30Kms.
  3. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    Their Objective was: To shoot down an Aircraft like a SU-30 MKI To bomb our Brigade headquarters and Military Installations Fly in our Airspace. What was the Outcome? Could not shoot down even one SU-30 MKI despite having numerical advantage and BVR Advantage. Lobbed AMRAAMs and all failed...
  4. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    That means that not all of their F-16s are BVR Capable and here are the Pakistanis Claiming that they have 250+ BVR Capable Aircrafts. Hence they are exposed!
  5. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    I am not sure about the Radar. I think so only PAF F-16 block 50/52 are the Ones which are BVR Capable. The remaining F-16s don't have Radar for BVR. I know right? This just proves how Unprofessional Pakistan Airforce is in BVR Tactics.
  6. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    No. SU-30 MKI had employed many tactics to evade the Barrage of AIM-120C5 fired by F-16s. Jamming was one of them and also another Factor was manouveres by the SU-30 MKI to dodge them.
  7. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    For your kind Those F-16s have AIM-1205C which has a range of 100+ kms which is truly BVR. Are you trying to say that isn't BVR? The fact is that it is BVR. I say this again Don't underestimate your enemy.
  8. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    Pakistan has only 2 Fighters which are BVR Capable and they are F-16 and JF 17. Pakistan has AIM-120C5 BVR to use from their F-16 and they have SD-10 BVR to be used From JF 17. So as of now ,we can safely Conclude no other Aircrafts in PAF inventory has BVR Except these 2 Aircrafts. But I have...
  9. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    Let's See. I will remember your post and see what the Future will hold. Yes you are correct that the R-37 is a dedicated AWACS Killer Missile but it can also be used against Fighters at close ranges if I am not wrong but yes you are right, it will be a strictly AWACs killer Missile. Well with...
  10. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

  11. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    In my opinion. 1)Astra Mk1 will be equal to and will rival AMRAAM AIM-1205C. 2)Astra Mk2 will be equal to AIM-120D 3)Astra Mk3 will Try and Rival meteor Air to Air missile.
  12. Super Flanker

    Astra BVRAAM

    R-37 will be deadly for AWACs type Aircrafts from Ranges like 250-300 kms.That's the Maximum range of the R-37 Missile I believe. It has the Maximum range of 250-300 kms for AWACS type slow Manouverable targets. For Fighter type ,Highly Manouverable Targets, I believe the Effective Range will be...