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  1. Suryavanshi

    Oil, Political Islam and it's future.

    As you can see SA is fully aware that Oil wont be the king a few years from now and thus he is facilitating a transformation in the economy to tackle the impending issue. To move away from Oil SA has to go through some societial level change as well which will reflect on its Internal as well as...
  2. Suryavanshi

    Oil, Political Islam and it's future.

    The case of Saudi Arabia
  3. Suryavanshi

    Oil, Political Islam and it's future.

    As you can see oil is a finite resource and there is a limit as to how much longer it can be exploited. Researches have said that it is about 50 to 60 years till we run out of oil given the current rate of consumption but it could be faster if Demand were to increase in develping economies...
  4. Suryavanshi

    Oil, Political Islam and it's future.

    Oil plays a very significant part in Shaping political islam. We discuss that stuff here. @ezsasa will need yous inputs. The recent Hamas-Israel War convinced me to create this thread. This thread is public so we will try to keep the tone sensible and formal and I'll request other to do so.