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  1. Kranthi

    INS Vikrant Aircraft Carrier (IAC)

    Why deploy a CBG in the first place and then defend it with all that it has got... Isn't that a bit awkward ? I do expect a better role from these fighters. And also we don't need the NLCA for defending the naval bases.. The LCA is just fine I guess. I think the navy does have plans to place...
  2. Kranthi

    INS Vikrant Aircraft Carrier (IAC)

    Guys how are 16 MRH sufficient for our fleet ? Seemingly all the sea kings are to be phased out. Then even if we consider front line warships, 3 for P15A, 4 for P15B, 3 for P17, 3 for Delhi class, 4 for P28 and 'atleast' 3 for each carrier. All these ships must have an ASW helo no matter what...
  3. Kranthi

    INS Vikrant Aircraft Carrier (IAC)

    I expected some news :|