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  1. N

    Agni V Missile

    Isn't that my point? When facing Pak and China, India doesn't need a SLBM at all. When facing US or Western countries, sending a submarine 8000km away to launch is almost a missile impossible.
  2. N

    Agni V Missile

    Well, Russian and Chinese navy officers don't agree with you.
  3. N

    Agni V Missile

    Both don't require SLBM to deal with. Yes, only if you can travel through a 8000km journey during which you have no intelligence/logistic support and hunted by anti-submarine forces all the way.
  4. N

    Agni V Missile

    Currently, the K-4 is having 3500km range. Theoretically, you can send your submarine close to the any enemy's coast and launch from there. In reality, however, no one do that way because there is too much uncertainties. That means your submarine has to sail thousands km alone without any...
  5. N

    Agni V Missile

    I didn't deny the fact that all P5 except China were reducing the warheads (Chinese increase theirs because of US missile defense capability). I only point out the fact that they are not reducing their nuclear war capability. Instead, their capability is better than cold war era. But some...
  6. N

    Agni V Missile

    No, on the contrast, the West reduce the QUANTITY of arsenal, but the improvement of QUALITY bring the threat of nuclear weapon to a whole new level. For example, before 1980s, US need 3 warheads for every Soviet Silo, but since CEP was narrowed less than 100m, they only need 2. More...
  7. N

    Agni V Missile

    No, except US and Russia, other countries simply don’t have the necessary number target infrastructures. For nuclear deterrent strategy countries (China and India), their nuclear missiles only target soft targets – cities. They have one and one purpose only– killing humans (civilians) as much as...
  8. N

    Agni V Missile

    That is how I call a little one under 10 years old. The way you are talking just show that level of understanding and knowledge. Kid, missile is missile. In your country, ISRO doesn't manage the design and production of missiles, DRDO does. See, that is the difference between children and...
  9. N

    Agni V Missile

    Well, it is well known that every nuclear country won't be 100% honest with their capabilities or stock, so the number of their warhead on these public papers are the result of analysis based on public information by those who has specific nuclear knowledges and had been following the nuclear...
  10. N

    Agni V Missile

    Fantasy and Ignorant are DNA habit?
  11. N

    Agni V Missile

    Yes, I know. But that guy's information source was: INDIA MEDIA. I watched the original video, his original words were:" India government says it is 5000km, but there were some India media once claiming the actual range was 8000km. , it is possible that India government understated the range to...
  12. N

    Agni V Missile

    Nothing, there are still a long way to go for Indian nuclear force to make themselves strong enough on both quantity and quality. By the way, according to Mr Porky_Kicker, India nuclear force even worries their safety when patrolling within India territory. I don't like to see anyone die in a...
  13. N

    Agni V Missile

    Honey, DF-3A (5000km) entered the service in 1971. DF-4 (6000km) started the deployment in 1976. But why does Chinese need a 5000km missile for India? From the center of Yun Nan province, it is only 2445km to New Delhi, 2991km to Mumbai and 2551km to Chennai. If the missile launched from...
  14. N

    Agni V Missile

    That is BS. TEL couldn't be more expensive than the ballistic missile + warhead, on the other hand, will increase the survivability significantly. Another BS. Are you telling me that India couldn't even provide basic protection to her nuclear force? My 4 years daughter can come up with...
  15. N

    Agni V Missile

    Chinese had these capabilities to threat every India cities for over 40 years while India had zero retaliation capability during the most of times, did India ever watch out and take her troops out of any disputed area? If India was not scared to death, why do you think Chinese will blink?
  16. N

    Agni V Missile

    This kind of design is not suitable for 30-50 tons missies unless India wants to replace its missiles every few years. That won't be possible until K-5/S-5 entering service.
  17. N

    Agni V Missile

    Loves the tires, really cute. Why until today, DRDO still doesn't develop a decent TEL for Agni-5?
  18. N

    Agni V Missile

    Seriously, what are they snooping? Your warhead re-entry stage data which is quit critical for BMD system! Of course, they will come to watch wherever you test. But when your re-entry stage is in international ocea, their boat can watch it from a lot closer distance, certainly much more details.
  19. N

    Agni V Missile

    In order to carry out a full range test, you either have a land size as large as Russia, or a strong ocean control like US on east Pacific. Otherwise, everyone will closely watch your test and you just give away all your critical missile data to them.
  20. N

    Agni V Missile

    Well, Tibet is definitely in India's interest. India may not want to control norther side of Himalayas, but she absolutely doesn't want to see Chinese flag over there. As long as PLA being deployed in there, India will always stay in a strategic inferiority: New Dehi is only couple of hundreds...