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  1. S

    Kaveri Engine

    I'm curious about the weight of the engine being a problem. Are we talking about the mass of moving components (eg anything that rotates) needing to be reduced?
  2. S

    Kaveri Engine

    I imagine that a usable Kaveri substitute for GE F404 is moving from the realms of a dream to an attainable reality. It would be good if it could start replacing F404 in Tejas Mk1A before production of the mooted 97 extra IAF frames were completed. With around 200 Tejas Mk1 and Mk1A in IAF...
  3. S

    Kaveri Engine

    IIRC both RR and SAFRAN were reported to want in the region of US$5 billion to develop a 110kN engine. My guess is that India would have got more for its money from RR - a more technically advanced engine and from a company probably more likely to share more of the new technology involved. One...
  4. S

    Kaveri Engine

    I thought India spent months talking to RR about co-development last year. I don't remember if India spent months talking to SAFRAN before that. Was India not due to announce the chosen partner a few weeks from now? Yes, seems sanctions on Russia and China are pulling the two countries closer...
  5. S

    Kaveri Engine

    The countries of Europe (governments and citizens) are outraged that Russia has attacked a country on the edge of Europe. Why? For no better reason than that the despot running Russia wishes to conquer a democratic Ukraine and to absorb the country into a tyrranical Russian empire. India made...
  6. S

    Kaveri Engine

    Sorry, my error. That is astonishly quick. Does that mean the Kaveri for the Ghatak is ready and can go into production or have the tests just demonstrated performance in the air meets targets?
  7. S

    Kaveri Engine

    This is a bit like me successfully turning up for an exam. I succeeded! Unfortunately when my paper was marked, I had failed the exam.
  8. S

    Kaveri Engine

    Written 2009... Kaveri Engine With the aid of all advanced tools, GTRE has successfully designed the Kaveri engine, Fig.26, and achieved the design goals. Conclusions The know-how acquired by GTRE over the last 25 years with tests and numerical modeling of the gas turbine components is...
  9. S

    Kaveri Engine

    Switched from IAF news and discussion... If developing an engine for AMCA is urgent, how much GTRE input can contribute is governed by a 2030 timeline for a certified engine, isn't it? It would not help if GTRE involvement delayed development due to inadequate GTRE knowhow. One thing is pretty...
  10. S

    Kaveri Engine

    Agreed, seriously underfunded from the word go. If your knowledge is too limited to work out what the problem is, why there is the problem and how to fix the problem, you are stuck, aren't you? A thousand design engineers scratching their heads will achieve no more than a hundred design...
  11. S

    Kaveri Engine

    I was making the point that the DRDO reported that tests on the Il-72 had been successful when the opposite was true. I think it was not long after Kaveri 'successfully passed a series of tests' on the Il-72 that Kaveri was abandoned as the intended engine for Tejas. In other words, the engine...
  12. S

    Kaveri Engine

    Right. Stick it on the Russian flying testbed after the Ghatak version. Or is that too likely to result in another embarrassing failure? I recall the reports from 10 years ago saying what a success the Kaveri tests were eg...
  13. S

    Kaveri Engine

    Has India given up on a version that could be used to replace Tejas F404's when the time came for a new engine?
  14. S

    Kaveri Engine

    IMO there is no prospect of anything other than a completely foreign engine (eg GE F414+) or an engine based on foreign knowhow (RR or SAFRAN) powering AMCA Mk2. Choosing GE will not enable India to develop its own fast jet engines. Choosing SAFRAN might. Choosing RR might. IMO India should...
  15. S

    Kaveri Engine

    RR and SAFRAN have apparently offered to develop a 110kN engine for ~US$6 billion. Indeed, you cannot seriously believe that - from a standing start - a viable fast jet engine can be created for a tiny fraction of that. On the other hand a small amount spent to create an engine that can be...
  16. S

    Kaveri Engine

    Correct, I was talking about a 110kN engine development partnership. As I said earlier, when RR went bust due to problems in developing the RB211 engine to be used in the Lockheed 1011 trijet airliner, the UK government rescue package awarded the UK government a 'golden share' in the new...
  17. S

    Kaveri Engine

    So why is GOI considering it? Perhaps to try to force the SAFRAN offer down in price or to secure more TOT/IPR from a deal?
  18. S

    Kaveri Engine

    Re: choosing between RR and SAFRAN, it's a bit like being between a French rock and an English hard place. The French rock is probably expensive, based on an existing engine and with less TOT. The English hard place is probably one giving more for the money, probably not based on an exisiting...
  19. S

    Kaveri Engine

    Would be great for many reasons but how many years to get to certification? US has taken a long time to make and test an adaptive engine and they started with a massive knowhow lead over India, Wouldn't it be better to develop a less ambitious engine (=lower risk + lower cost) for AMCA Mk2...
  20. S

    Kaveri Engine

    RR seem to be confident that they can address some big challenges (2,000C core temp + massive electrical power generation). Whether an ambitious new engine would ever end up in a Tempest fighter is contingent on money, I think. UK govt does not want to fund the project alone, so I guess that...