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  1. I

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    Stop playing the victim tune over and over. You Chinese over-sympathize on yourself aren't you ? You did the hard work, you grew, agreed. But don't carry that like an olympic baton and run around boasting of Chinese growth. What you have currently is being comfortably enjoyed by the West for...
  2. I

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    You are a child believing utter non-sense and bull shit ranted by Pakistani jokers. Even South Korea threatens USA like this. Does it make any sense ? Stop your BS. Pakistan is a panic ridden bitch which will rant and whine and chest thump whatever it has at its disposal. Mullahs think they are...
  3. I

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    Very clever. China used this abnormal situation to develop nuclear weapons for its own ambitions of becoming a power. Nothing wrong. India had threats similarly and we used that opportune moment to defend and project us. What is wrong in that? China can do it and India shouldn't? Sarcasm is...
  4. I

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    That is a ridiculous answer. China was not having a nuclear-strike inviting conflicts with either of them but we did with China. Since China was our enemy at that time we were forced to develop nuclear weapons to deter both China and Pakistan from attacking India as a team. Whereas Pakistan...
  5. I

    Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

    We turned nuclear keeping the Chinese in mind. Pakistan mullahs misunderstood that.