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  1. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Seems like US is giving time to everyone to prepare for war... Russia has already sent some navy and Syrian also decentralized it's army.
  2. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Ok so Cold War starts again.
  3. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    No... US would use bow and arrows :dude:
  4. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Russia would be next??? LOL Do Russians think they are such a small country that anyone can attack them?
  5. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Israel calls up reservists as Syria attack looms JERUSALEM - Israel on Wednesday called up reserve soldiers with expertise in homeland defense while urging an increasingly nervous public to go about their daily lives amid threats of an attack from Middle East adversaries who vow to target...
  6. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Nuclear, Chemical, Biological, Conventional — Syria has a missile for that | National Post Syria has one of the largest missile arsenals in the Middle East. Its missile build-up began as a deterrent to its primary adversary, Israel. Unable to match Israel's conventional military capabilities...
  7. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    It's not just about Syria since whole of middle east is on a brink of a full fledged war.It's already in civil war. And the bigger danger if war spills out of the region. Next few days are going to be important.
  8. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    So what about Israel?? They can't be a mere spectator in this action since it's their ilaaka or area. :hmm:
  9. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Missile strikes on Syria 'in days': Britain and US to hit back after Assad's nerve gas massacre Britain and the US are set to launch missile strikes against the Syrian regime in retaliation for its barbaric chemical attack on civilians.David Cameron and Barack Obama discussed the plan in...
  10. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    They are indeed the thekedaar of "Islam" afterall they have the holiest of the sites.Their propagation of radical wahabi'sm is well known.They recognized the Taliban which only few countries did.
  11. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Syria is turned into a proxy of the interested parties(US/Israel,Russia,Iran etc etc) and sufferers are the common Syrian. 2 years and over 100,000 dead in this war. :dude:
  12. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Even bigger concern is that if the West intervenes to stop the war it can blow up in a even bigger war and engulf the whole region.
  13. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    93,000 is a BIG BIG number for a small country like Syria and it's a serious issue now.
  14. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Syria death toll at least 93,000, says UN
  15. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Israel could overcome advanced S-300 but... Israel could overcome advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles if they were deployed in Syria but any strikes on the system would be difficult and risk alienating its supplier, Russia. Israel has pledged to take preventive action, seeing a...
  16. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Guys some sites say its km range is 150 and some this some export version since its supposed to be 300range isnt it?
  17. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Divided. Korea War
  18. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Again a big proxy war awaiting if not resolved... like in 1950's in NK.
  19. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Britain: EU Ends Arms Embargo On Syrian Rebels Russia slams end of EU arms embargo, calls S-300s 'stabilizing factor' in Syria
  20. rock127

    The Syrian Crisis

    Syria fighting rages, more chemical attacks reported (Reuters) - Heavy fighting raged around the strategic Syrian border town of Qusair and the capital Damascus on Monday and further reports surfaced of chemical weapons attacks by President Bashar al-Assad's forces on rebel areas. The...